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<br /> - ILY RIDER �3� 1080,3� -
<br /> _ 1-4 FAM
<br /> A�ameqt ot Rent� 002002ddT4
<br /> � THIS 1-4 FAMlLY R1DEIt ia mude thls �3TH d�y o�' $EPT ►� Ep 3
<br /> utd ir inoorpot�ted into uid�hal)bo dxmal to wnend ud supplement tha Mon�aQe,�of Truu or Secun�y
<br /> pad (the '•Secud�y Imtrument"1 of tha wne date �iven by the unde�i�nod (tho "Burruwar") w �ea�ro
<br /> Borrowet's Notc to
<br /> Th• Equltabl• 8uildin� s�d Loan As�oaiation of G�and Island.
<br /> N�braska, A F�d��al Savinps Bank ��ho••l,rnder")
<br /> of tho sa�rw datc and cavedng U�e Property describod in the Security Inr�trumcat aad loatal at:
<br /> I����*1
<br /> ^;•� 1-�{FAMII.Y COVENANTS.in addition to thc cuverwnt�wnd agreements madc In the Seruriry Instn�ment.
<br /> „.l Borrowu and Lendcr furlhercovenarri and agree a4 foliows:
<br /> "'�•��`� Property described in ttic Security Ins�niment.the fbllowing items aze addod to the Prnperty description,and shall
<br /> �';;'
<br /> ,,.4.. �Iso con�titute 1he PropeRy rnvered by the Security Instrument:building matc�ials.appliwioes and goods of cvery
<br /> • ,,� natune whatsaever now or hereafter located in. an. ar used, or intended to be used in connection with the
<br /> Property. including. but not lirnited to. thase for the purposes af supplying or dislributing hexting. conling,
<br /> �i• .�, elecMcity. ges. water. air and light. fire prevention and extinguishing apparatus. securiiy an�i access vontrol
<br /> }�� apparatus, plumbing, balh tubs. waten c�aters. water closcts, sinks, ranges. stoves. refrigerators.dishwashers,
<br /> disposals, washers. dryers. awningq. storm windows. storm doorr, screens. blinds. shades. curtains and curlein
<br /> rods.attached mirrors.cabinels. panelling and anached flaar rnverings now or hereafter anached to the Property,
<br /> ,�;,;,�; �!! af uhids. includls�g sepleceme[!t5 and �lditirnta thPret�, xhall he deemed �o be and remain o part af the
<br /> ;� Property covered by[he Security Instrument. All of' the foregoing tugether with the Property de�cribed in the
<br /> �; � � Security Inscrument (or the Icasehald estAte if the Security Instrument is on a leasehnld) are referred to in this 1-4
<br /> r , ,.'' Fnmily Rider and�he Security Instrument us the"Property..•
<br /> � '� � � B. (1SE OF PROPERTY;COMPI.IANC� WITH LAW. Borrower sNnll na scek. agree to or make a
<br /> •_.�•s,�.,�..�;,�;c':.•.
<br /> `e�. �,;,,;j:...,;.'� change in the ure of the Praperty ar i�s zoning classiticution,unless l.ender ha+Agrced in wri�ing to the change.
<br /> � ;:,�: ='`,Z: Borrower shall comply wilh all laws, ordinunces, regulutinn� und requiremerns of any governmental bcidy
<br /> w.�.•r:�._':,�:.:,�R.
<br /> ' •�';^:^:.;. .,��;�'::;. applicable to the Property.
<br /> Y^�•:;�;: r� •:�•�, C.SUBORDINATE UENS. Excrpt a�F►ermiu��l by federal Inw. Borrower shall ndullow nny lien inferior
<br /> '' S'���%�r'•':%`+"��`��<<r{� to the Security tnstrumen�io be perPecteJ uguin�t the Prupeny without Lr.ndcr's prlor wriuen pem�ission.
<br /> �'��}���4�rt.
<br /> '� � ;'� 1 D.RENT I.OSS INSURANCE.Bnrrower shall muintuin insuruncc ugainsl rent loss in addition to Ihe other
<br /> ,,�„�.;�,! �� .: ,�.��t.
<br /> , ��,•; ,'r�r,�;�,�,�r,��",•�jct,.,�.{t,�,l
<br /> hara�ds for whlch insurance is reyuired by Uniform Covenant 5.
<br /> '�::;�'�:i,'.��''��'�'�'�;: E.•`BORROVYER'S RIGHT TO RF.INSTATN"DEI.F.TED.Uniform Ci�vensmt 18 is deleted.
<br /> � �`��',; "� F. BORROWER'S OCCUPANCl'. Unle.r•ti L.cndcr and &irrower othcrwitie•rgree in writin�, the fir�t
<br /> ''��1 '�,'.' ' sentence in Uniforrn Covenant 6 ronceming Honower'.�xcupanry ��f the Property is deleted. AU �emaining �.,.
<br /> �r�.I-:...N..r �
<br /> �,'�:��' �''�C_{.i:. .. f:.1.1
<br /> rnvenentc and agreements set fi�nh in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remuin in efF��t. ,
<br /> �, ,..•? , ��x
<br /> �. i!�;,'��.�-^ � ����`�' MULTI&TATE 7•4 fAMIIY RIDER -F�n�MwlFnddt�M�a Uelfwm Msm�m�nt Form 3170 3/93
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