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+;• .� r'. .';_;,y <br /> � ' � 2..1 <br /> ' X�.n .rn. 't%� <br /> I.f .:.,�� ►. � Z.L��C{° <br /> ...� � . - - .-_ <br /> _ .{�;�� <br /> . i <br /> � <br /> 93- �loaoi8 <br /> Y�wtia�!o L�M�s�Mall 1�*!�bl lis�t alu��al1 te Lwi�s�� Nlc����tatw Mr�iw�s�oWs riesr� <br /> .� l�Ne M�ipatw by Mt�w t.�Mrsw�s�. aq�Ntw psaldM!�t l�tLS�Mwliit�irtst�st M�11 M M�� <br /> ..' to Mw�M�a�iw�t��osra�s�os Lad�o Mw�1w�Y Pse+Jd�d!a tYi�NsqraoY. <br /> . 1�. OowsllLtN Lw� Nws�blllq. Tql�Meositr IwtevMOt �kall b��oMt11tl bl !�1 llw u/tM <br /> lsv e! tM etat�o!Mb�ss�b. �A L!M�st thaL u�psOV!/iq10�c Olaw�ot!6!�Naaslt�In�tsa�wt os!!r fOt� <br /> aonsuou vses.pplla.el.1w, .noa ooalliot .A�11 .oe �tt.os ote.s pro.l.ta�. os ent.�.00sscy:wtawt os <br /> t6� b!��hlo� wu M qlws �![�at vithoat tlw oa�litatiaq P=o�i�ioo. ib tYi� �ad tW psa►t�iaY e! tYi� <br /> Noeesey sw 11ee. �r.a.olas.4 so b.s...rabl.. <br /> �. 1�. �ors�aNS�• coPY. bssaws� �h�il 0� qtv�n o�M ooelo�d oopr oi Lla Ilot� sed o!tIW Maur�t� <br /> 4Y"`�y ` ta�tsro�t. <br /> �'�.Yi: <br /> �µ.,_,.:�. <br /> +�v'';:�"'� 15. Trs�ui�s o!RM Ysap�ctr or a Nu�liolal Iatu��t in lorsanr�. I!a31 or�n�yast o!Lh�Yrop�st7 <br /> i,nsy ..o�_C,.•r..:r u <br /> +7'.� os�ny 1nt�rwt Sn it i��old es trawl�ss�d l�it a b�n�!loial Sat�n�L !o bszowr� i��ald as ttaosl�sr�d <br /> .�•'•' '�„�„;`�:,"A- sod bsrowr t� uot a aainr�l p�r�a►) MlthaoL 1�nd�s�� pzlos Mritt�A aoa��nt� T�ad�r a�y� �L it�• opClm, <br /> • ""'"'�1 ''•��'�,��� SMdiat� C ta lnll ot all�� ��ous�d br tt+i�Naurity In�tsmwnt. tww�rr tAi� apt�a�1w11 <br /> a.i���� ,V:�'+Nt�H:.����.� � a�p <br /> �: ,_, .. , pet M q�sot��d py�r t!wrol��S�psobfbit�d br ld�nl lar��o!tM d�t�e! t6l�MaaYiq 1a�tsv�pC. <br /> II�. };;;�,., . : ' ', ., .4'.. ,. . �..,, , `�c�l <br /> .r.?r��,;.,;� .�'�r ,k,r;o.�,;rp,„ '.. Z! iwsdu �sai�N t6is aption, I�nd�s�4a11 qtw lorsawr� aotlo�o!aao�l�tioa. iq�aotia��D�11 ,, <br /> kb.r?� <br /> .. , },.;•.:`;3i'y't,��.., .. pcovld�a p�zSod o!aoC l�n!6w 30 d�y�lsa�th�d�t�Lb� notic�1�d�liwr�d or aal1W�rib6ln Mhle�/orsaMC� .:i <br /> , �':..,;;. �rut pap all �tu� ��ous�d by Ehl� iwusity Ia�isurat. It lorrans� !dl to yay tlt��� �vM prlor to !M <br /> u� <br /> ,� .�.,,,:',y!`� ': ''f �spirntim of tAi�prioa,L�Od�t Yf 10YOR�Mly i�W�N�OLEt�d by CII��O�OIfi�Lr INLlIO�AL VLlAOYC=YLLO�i <br /> - 11p��0� OC d�A1�OII WIlOM�l�• <br /> i�'1;}1 <br /> . :.�•'�:�,,;,•',�:�� lf. bssa�ws�• itiyht to �lo�tat�. I! �orswn� wE o�rtata oondiiiaw� Wrrawr� �h�ll Aa�n th� <br /> , 't?c%.d;: <br /> :�.:,�' . s1qAE W hav��atosawnt o! tA1� Y�auriEy IwLSiwat dt�aoniinu�d at any tia� prior io tW �arli�s ot• (�1 s . <br /> . , . � dsy�(er�nop otlMS p�riad u applio�bl�lav�y�p�oily for �tmsatWat) b�tor��al�e!Lh�izap�rt!pas�wat '•.;� <br /> • ' , � Yo anp pows o! �sl�aoaWn�d in�hl� Mavsitr Ia�tnu�ntl or (b) �atry oi� ind�aL�alorol�W lhi�Nwrit� <br /> i ' Iastsos�at. Thos�ooadiLios� �r�that�osrows�� (+1 WY rwnd�s all suM rpioh th�e rould b�du�nnd�r t6i� <br /> t . � . �.ouritp ia.tso..nt aad cM roe• had ao aaa�l�wtiou oeaurr�d/ Ib) wr�anr d�twlt o! arh oth�s aonn�nt�or <br /> . " • ., ' +4�p�i (a) D�7 all�wn loonrrW in�aforelaq tAi� i�ausiq IaslsaMnt� SaoluOinq�bat aot Lfaitd to� <br /> � � rYWt�bl� iCLO�Y�� !N/� alll� (d) L�� �YOh\OCiq1 t�f�tld�t Y] lN�W�Lr l�QLL�IY t0 Y/Y!�t�L b�N�C <br /> ;:�. ' os r�...�sc�:p.e�..os, Lad�r�• sipbt� sp ca.��.��r�.=.� a��eo o.�ea. .n.. ..��a <br /> _���,,. � bp eht. �.ousse� :n.ero�.nt, .hall 000esnu. unobaaq.a. npoo ep lorzawr., shs. s.00rtsy <br /> — �. .T�''��'°::-.. .•. Ia�li�at aad Llr abliqallons��ousb IurWy�I�al.i n�ain folly�ff�oti��u i£ w aau.litatt.�a Aad xcnrsed. <br /> � :•,,:...��, ��' `';; �ow��s, thi� rtqht to nlnat�t� �hall not apply ia tM a�a�o! �ee�l�satloa oM�r parayr�yL� 15 os 37. <br /> . Y.� . „..!�,.�r�� , . <br /> � . :,:�1�,,�',,���. ' 17. Aoo�lmtioai 1t�dl��. t�ud�s �b�ll aiw aotLo�to dorrawr� prior to �ao�l�satlaa lollowiay <br /> •� �' . �ostaNn� bnaoh o!�ny oowaaat ot�qr�w�nt Sa thi� s�eurLey ia�ts�wne lbnt not pzior to aoa�l�r�tioo uod�r <br /> ' I;;,�� ' pas�qrwpp Ss ual���applia�bl�lp prarld��oth�r�. Th�not�o� �Asll�y�oity� (a)tM d�lanlLi (bl ��� <br /> � �� rputr�d to aur�t6�d�lault� (o) a dat�, not l�u thu� 70 d�y� fra�tp�d�t�th� aotiw i�qi�u to lorrawr�� 'i.� <br /> t " '� �''4� <br /> � , b�rhiaA tlu d�laul!w�i b� aue�d� �nd (d� t6at l�tlur� to wr�!M d�t�nit on or btoss tlw dat��p�o!li�d <br /> � io th� notia� �y r�su1C Ln aoa�l�ration o! tlu �uu ��wnd br tAi� ��auriCy Iatcv�rat sad �al� oi th� 4 <br /> }},, :i Yrqrety. Th�notla��lull lurCh�r lntoss sosrowr�o! th� sLqht to r�ia���S�alE�e �oo�l�ratlaa wad th�riqht <br /> ' �; :,;,,:.. �� to briay a oourt aotioa ta u��rt tA� aoa-�:l�t�ea� o! � d�fault or any otp�s d�lau� o! �ortowr� t,o <br /> �!i ,1i.!;:�: aoa�l�r�tion and �al�. I! tM d�lwlt i� uot eur�d oa or b�tor�tb�dat� �p�oili�d!a tM notia�� L�r �t <br /> !luir optioa�y spuir� laMdi�t� piyMO! LA lull o! �11 �uM �waus�d by �hi���ouriC7 Ia�LruMat vithant <br /> ��� - . lwctl�s dWa!�ad�ay iavok�tlw powr o!��1�aod�ny ot6�r r�dl��p�1siit�d by appliaabl�lar. �waQ�s�h�ll <br /> ; p ° <br /> ;j,:•�• . . , . b��otiLld to ooll�ot �11�up�n���laaurr�d !n pur�uinq eb�cwdi��pcw�d�d in tAi�parayeaph laoludiaq� but <br /> , , ' ,, . aot ltatt�d to� r�uonabl��ttorwy�• !N� aaa ao�L� o!titl� rrld�aa�. <br /> r , . ;• . <br /> �� ,_ rl: � .: I! tA�por�r o! �al� !� lavok�d, Tru�t�� �liall c�aotd t IIOYSO� O��I�ZaY1L 111�iQA COIIOt� �A YL�OA �IIr <br /> ;�i,t._ ,. .;,,,, part o!Llw Drop�rty i• laoat�d�ad�hall�ail aopl��o!meA notie� in th�wnn�r pr��orib�d by�ppllo�bl�L�r : <br /> ..'`�i:',':�;'. � !u lorrawr��nd to Lh�otMr p�r�ow pr��oribd by�pplieabl� lar. Att�r th�tia�s'�Wird by �pDlla�bl�lav, -:5� <br /> Tcu�tN �Aall qiv� publia aotio� o! ��1� to stw p�r�on� wd ia th� �n��s pn�crib�d bq appllo+bl� laM. <br /> Tsu�lN� withwt dWnd oe Borsowr�� �h�ll ��11 tA� Prop�rty at publio �uaCioa to Lh� bipM�t bidd�s �t tlw !•�� <br /> � tiw��ad plae� ud und�r tA� t�su d��tgmt�d ln th� aotia�oi �rl� ia on� or �oc�para�l� aad in any ord�s <br /> , T��t��d�t�s�in��. Tru�t���ay po�lpon� �al� ot �11 or aay p�rael oi tA�Prop�rty by publta �nnauao�at �t "�� <br /> tb�Ll�w aad plaa� o! �ny prwiou�ly �op�dul�d ��1�. I�ad�e or Iwad�z�� d��SqaMS �y pusalw� !6� P�rtr <br /> �t w� ��1�. r:;.; <br /> � , Opop s�a�ipt o! payMnt ot tA� pria� bid, Tiu�tN �hall d�liv�r to th� puro4a��r =nutN�• QMd <br /> oom�yiaq tM Yrop�rty. Th� r�eital� in th�Tru�tN•�d��d�b�ll W prir� laei�wid�aa�o!tA� lsutA oL th� <br /> �t�t�nt� Md� tb�r�ln. Tru�tw �hall �pply th� proa»d� oi th� ��1� in !h� lollowing osd�r� (�) to all <br /> �sp�na�� of th� ��1�, Saoludinq� but not 1l�it�d [o, Tru�t���• l��� a� y�ralet�d by �pplia�bl� l�r aad <br /> � r�uoq�bl� �Ctornyr�• f���l (b) to �11 �up ��our�d by thi� D�ousity Ia�truuntt ud (o) �nr �se��� to !1►� �,•• � <br /> � ; ; �3YOA OC j'MT�Op/ lpally �atitl�d to it. �-• <br /> I . � f�� ''. <br /> 3Y. Iwnd�r Ln oo�����ton. tlpon aca�l�sation uad�r parageaph 17 or�bu�dnaunt o!td�Vrop�rty, t�ed�r �'.'; <br /> ► (in p�t�Onr bY �9�ot or by �udiei�llr �ppo�nt�d rae�tv�e� �h�ll b� �ntitl�d to �nt�r upan, tak�pw����lon oi � <br /> �. . wd rauug� th�Psop�rty�nd ta co11wE th�r�nt�o!tA�Psoputy iaaludinq tLa�� p��t du�. 11ny nnts aoll�et�d • <br /> . � ' •. by T�r�s oz tM Hniv�r •Iull b� �ppll�d fir�t to payo�nt ot tM co�t� o! aaoag�aat o[ th� Prap�rtr aod : <br /> ' aoll�ertion o!r�nt�,inaludinq� but not ltait�d to, s�e�iv�r��ta��, pr�aiu��an r�e�iv�r��boad�u�d e�a�aaabl� . <br /> , �ttorn�y�� lN�, and th�n to th� �uu ��aur�d by thi� qauelty In�tsu�un�. <br /> , i � • <br /> '. ! 19. Meoav�raae�. Ypon payMnt ot all�uw s�aur�d br cAf.���aurity=n�tnwnt, L�nd�r�h�li rpn��t i <br /> ' . Ttu�l�� eo nconwr th� Psop�rty �ad �tull �urnnd�r ehi� Naurity ia�trur�nt �ad �31 notu �vid�qciaq d�ht • <br /> ��autrd by t4L� a�auritr InKiur�nt to Tru�t��. Tru�t�� �h�ll r�aorrv�y th� Drop�rty �ithout varrant� aad �}, . <br /> ��_ v1.tAout ob�rq� to th� p�r�oo or p�now l�q�llr �niili�d Lo !t. Yueh p�r�m or p�r�au �b�ll p�y any . <br /> j� .�..,�..�w.��.....�,,.�._ <br /> f q <br /> — -.---- —- - ----------- ----- � <br /> • ' �} � 70. �ub�titut�Tru�tN. t.�od�r, at !t� option, �y lra� tia� Lo tia� s�ror� Tsu�t��and�ppolat • , <br /> E �uoa��wr tsu�tM Lo �nr Tsu�tN �ppolal�d Mr�und�r by aa Sn�trus�nt r�oord�d la LS� aounty in rhies t6i� <br /> p: Ncaritr In�truMnt i� r�cord�d. Mithwt eonv�raea� o!tM Prop�rtr, !h� �uawuos Lru�tN �lull �ueo»d !o <br /> t;, ' all tM tltl�• pw�r wnd dutt�� aonl�rsrd upou Tru�l��E�r�in aed by applioabl�l�v. <br /> ' � <br /> f' <br /> k 21. Rpu��t !or Motia��. �orcw�r� rpu��! td�t copi��o! th�notiw� o[ d�i�ult and�al�b� ��nt to <br /> I i �oso�Nt�' �ddsw��I►i0A !� CM Ysap�rtr�lddir��. <br /> � .� • <br /> � , ' 3 <br /> � <br /> � ; , . <br /> �: <br /> : 1 . I <br /> . . <br />