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<br /> � � ' I��RECQRUE��M�Wf F�111DLR '�a��10�4�
<br /> TH16 Ad81QNM8NT OR R�N1'$RIDER I�mtd��nd�x�aut�d tht��5��day of.�1dNE ,to_Q3._._,�nd b
<br /> � Inaorpor�t�d lntoand��II Mdam�d to�nNnd�nd suppl�mmt th�Morlpaa or M�d ol Trwt,h�rNmftn r�bmd to�s th�
<br /> °�Uflty�110�f4R1�11�"� ol th�+�m�dats piv�n by th�und�rdpn�d, h�nln�lt�r q}�fl� 10 t�1�N "BOffOW�f"��O ��01lt�
<br /> � 8orrow�r's Ind�bt�dn�s�,hanln�nv r�i�►nd to�s tla"Not�",to HOME FEDERA�SAVINaB ANO LOAN ASSOCIATtON OF
<br /> QRAND 18LAND,h�pin�ltar ntnrnd to�s tM"t.�nd�r",of th�sam�d�t��nd aovulnp tM prop�Ay d�arlb�d In th��ourlty
<br /> Instrunwnt�nd locat�d �ts�
<br /> (Proprny Addra�)
<br /> WHEREAB, Bor►ow��md Lander hare apr�ed that �ny ��nts�nd proflle attribuhbl�to th�property should aonstltut�
<br /> �dditlon�l8�ourlty to the L�nder for tM payment of th�Nof�;
<br /> NOW,THEREFOflB,i1 Ia ap�ed that th�S�curity Instrwnent eMll be amond�d hereby end doem�d to Inalud�tM tollowlnp
<br /> provldons:
<br /> 1, aselenment ot Rentg ancl Lander Rantel Colleatlon Riahte.BaROwer hereby absolutely and unaonditlonolly aesipm all
<br /> nnts� Iseune and profite of tNa property to Beneficlary. Lendee ahall have the rlpht, power and authority durinp tha
<br /> continu�nas ot th�Seowlt�r Inairument to collect the rents,lesuee and profits of the properly and oi any pereonal prope►ty
<br /> � loc�t�d thgrwn wNh o�wlthaut t�klnq poeeeasion of the praperly affeated hereby. Lender, however, hereby coneants to
<br /> � ���„^ Bo►row�r's anil�ct(on�nd�etenlion of suah rents,lesues and prof�te as they acc►ue and become p�yable,a�lonp ee 8orrower
<br /> ' ����•;•T; I�not,at BucT�itt+lte,In defaulh with reapeot to payment of any indebtednees seaured hereby,or fn the pe►form�nae of any
<br /> :'`'�"`'
<br /> ._` , ,�., �;. �.:�•,�;.. �prNm�nx h��aund�r.
<br /> '� 2. An�olntment ol iiaceh�ar If any event ot detault tn respeat to the 8eau�ity Instrument ehall have occurred and be
<br /> conNnulnQ,lsnds�,�e a mnttar of ripht and without notice to 8orrower or anyone alalminp under 6onower,and wlthout
<br /> `�N.a,. � t ot tha tniet estete or the Interest of the Borrower thereln,ehall have the riqht to apply ta any court havin�
<br /> j, ,�. f.,,,.4 n0.ro to he v�lue
<br /> y'��'��� Jurl�dlotl4n to appolnt a reaelw�r of the p�opeMy.
<br /> . .'�!;•:t�....,,.. !
<br /> r . 3. Rlahf to Poeaaealon.In aaee of detault In the ppyment of the sald p�incipal Note or inte�ost.or any part thereof,as It
<br /> ';..�i`'::,'.`. � �hall matur�,or In the oaae of fallure to keep or pe►fo�m any of the covenants o�agreements coMalned In lhe 8ecurlty I�st►u• µ
<br /> � msnt tlan the Lander. its auaaeseora o�assipns, shall be end la hereby authorized and empowered to teke Immsdlate "
<br /> ` :•�:.�;,• . - ,
<br /> ,r..-... �'�;:.
<br /> r- � poseeeelon of the aald pramleae thsrein deao►I Wd and to colleot the rents theref►om,and to apply the proceeds thereof to tM
<br /> paym�n!o!the Note.
<br /> � . �. Ao�llcatlon of Rc�nla.Ineuea and Proflts.All renta colleoted by lender or the recelver ahall be epplled flrst to payment
<br /> � . of 1hs ooets of manppemant of the p►operty and collectlon of rents,includf�p,but not Ilmited to,recelver's feea,premlums on
<br /> �°,
<br /> � %; �i . recslver's bond�and reaeonable attornay's fees,and then to the sums aecwed by tha Seourity Inst►ument.Lender and ths
<br /> '•'��� ncalvor shnll bo IIaWH to account only for those rents actually recelved.
<br /> 5, �,qnetruatlo�ol ProviAln�s.Each of the provlsfona contafned In thla Assignment of Rents Rider and the 3ecurlty Instru•
<br /> ' ment shall,untees otherwlse specifioally requlred. be construed in accordence wlth Nebraska law,and In the event any
<br /> � provlslon h�rofn or thereln aontalned shall be determined by a cou►t ot competent Jurisdlction to be unenlorceable,the eome
<br /> ��` � � �hall bo comtrued oe thou�h.t�uoh unenforceable p�ovielo�were not e part hereof or thereof.
<br /> .�;� � , � _ 8. Effeot of Rlde►.Exaept as epeclllcally madlfied by or inconslsteM with thls Asalgnment of Rents Rider or by any other
<br /> � � a pppltuubte rider,ali of the terme and provlsions contained in the Security Instrument shall continue In full force and eHect. ti
<br /> • y
<br /> J .,
<br /> IN WITNES3 WHEREOF, Borrower has executed thls Asalqnme ents Ride n t date ifrst noted ebove. ��
<br /> -r- ,;,:,1.. ,
<br /> ��� yc
<br /> •:�.. , ;.•,
<br /> ' LL G. MAS�Qrrower
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<br /> . eor o er �'"
<br /> '' DEBRA J. MASON ; :;
<br /> STATE OF N@BRASKA) �`�'•�
<br /> �. ., �as:
<br /> i -,- ' COUN?Y OF HALL ) �
<br /> ;
<br /> "� On thia_1$—_dey ot •�E , 19_9�_,before me,the underaigned,a Notary Publfc duly commiesloned and ;��• ,
<br /> `, ,�,�.�:ri quaUflad for sald county,personally ceme o"�"'"'� r MAS(1N AND �$,jjA J �$(W p; .
<br /> �E �,
<br /> � ��•�}�'' (HUSBAND AND WIFE�
<br /> (�: , ,to be the Identical person(s)whose neme(s)Islere subsCribed .'•�
<br /> 1.�-. `'�• � to the faepoin�Instrument,and helshelthey acknowledpe the execution thereof to be h�slherlthelr voluntary act and deed. .
<br /> ?�V ��;,:;`�;},; Wltnees my hand and Nnter�ei Seal at GRANp ISLAND,_NEB�SKA __ �
<br /> ,,�;, ;.,..:..r.
<br /> '•;,r" ` i�i�r;;,� In Id county,�d te f res d. ��
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<br /> '� otary PubliC
<br /> �` �✓ My Commlasion expire� e����
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