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<br /> � NON-UN[FORM,C0I�BNANTS. Bartower and Lender turther covenant and agr�er followe:
<br /> �� 17. Piorecltt�uro Procldw'e. if Lendern�quira immediwte p+i�+mcnt In full underp�graph 9.Lcnder moy invoke tho
<br /> ;i power ot�a�►d�any ulher Maxdicsp�rndped by�ppIfcoble Irw. Lender shall be entiQed w colicet all Wspenacs incumed
<br /> in put�uing tho romodia�provided in t�is pu�ranph 17,includin�.but not limited to.re�wblo Attomcys'Pas�nd cals ot
<br /> Utk oviden�o.
<br /> ����o�,u�s�le 1�bYai�ed�'t�r�pee�6aq�ecord a nMke ot defauit In each county in whkh�ny p�rt ot tbe
<br /> p�rt,b foratal��nd shell mail caple�ot wch ndke In tbe m�noer prescribed by App Iicable Irw to Borrower�nd
<br /> to tlio o1Mer portaw pna�x�tt by ap�61e law. Aher Ihe time required by oppllcAbk Iww.7Yvstee�hWl Qtve
<br /> pab1k poNoe of��r+�le to tha penoas�n le the maaner pra�cribed by Apptic�ble law 'I�ustee,without demaaa oW
<br /> Bon�ower.alull�sefl the Prnp�erl �t publk ouction 1�the higheat bid�er at t6x ttme and place and under the lernw
<br /> dni�atal id the natice oPeale�oae or morep��and M any order'lirustee determinea 7lruetee mpy po� elpone
<br /> aik ot�Fl or�ay�t+eel oP tde Property by publk aaaounament at the Hme�nd pl�ce at�ny previau�ly scbedul�d
<br /> �rle. L.endee or it�designeo�Y purch�se the Property at any�iver to the
<br /> Upon rooeiqt�otp�y ment o�t6e prlce bid,7Fustee ahoU purchpser 7lrustee's�dced conveying the
<br /> Property. 7'be�edt�fs fn Ilie 7lrustee a deed shs�N be prim��ACk evidena ot truth ot the slatemeeta mnde t6ereia.
<br /> 71rw�tee rhall�pply tne proceeds o� lhe�wle la the�ollowing order: (a) to all casts and expenses ot ezercisin� the
<br /> power of a�le���d the sale,indudiag the payment of the 7lrnstee's tees actuAlly incurred,not to exceed tiij �D
<br /> o/the priaciq�I�AmauM oP the note �t the time ot the declarAtion ot detault,and reasonable attorneys gees as
<br /> �rmttted by I��wi(b)to ail wab secured by Ihi�Sccurity Inslrumeat;wad lc)pny esces�to Ihe peraon or perroas
<br /> ally!nlilled�tull�
<br /> !8. Rernn��ay+�nca Uqon payment of ull sums secured by this Security Instrumem,Lende�shall request'Iirustec to
<br /> reconvey the Prapony and shaU surrender thfs Sec��r�ty Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> Inspvment to lfustoe. 'IFusloe shall recomey�he Properiy without wammty and withaut charge to the person or persons
<br /> le�atly entitled ta it. Such person or persans shall pay eny recordution costs.
<br /> 19. Substitute'i�ustan. L.ender,at lts option,may from time to time remove 7tustee and appaint u successor wstee
<br /> to any 7Yustoo stppointed heneunder by un inslrument recorded in the county in which this Securiry Instrument is recorded.
<br /> Without convoya�nce of Itie Property,the successar trustee shail sucti�ec�l w all Ihe title.power and dutics coniemed upon
<br /> 7ivstee herein eu�d by app�licable law.
<br /> 20. ReqNtat foc NaHc�s. Burrower requests that copies of 1he motices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's
<br /> address which is the Properiy Addre.KS.
<br /> I �
<br /> I Riders tp Ihls Secerily Dastrumen� li one or more riders are executed by Bortower und recorded tagether with this
<br /> Hr� Secu�ty Insuumont, the covenants of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the
<br /> •f covenants and agrtloments oi Ihis Security]n�trument as if 1he riderls)were in a part oi Ihis Security Instrument.
<br /> ��+` (Check applicat+le box(es)J. �
<br /> ;,�
<br /> �Condaminium Ridcr �Gradunted Payment Rider �Growing Equity Rider
<br /> .. �Plautnod Unil l�vetopment Rider �Oihar�Specify� S"
<br /> �
<br /> BY S1GNING BBLOW, Borrower pccepts und ugrees to the terms contuined in pages 1 through 4 of this Securiry _ •
<br /> � '���� � Instrument ani in any dderlF)executed by Barrower and recorded wi�h it.
<br /> ,�� y�'
<br /> r.i� i esses:
<br /> :,._, .
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<br /> ' � DOO�G11 �LORGM eormwer
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<br /> �:�c....`?;� Cnunly tix:
<br /> , STATE OF WEBItA5KA, 81W6
<br /> ' .,. �;��.,:. . �
<br /> "; ... ' l... du of .b�:fon me.�he undcrsigned,a Notary
<br /> !,�' On this 1$th y Se�t�mbec, 1993
<br /> �'` ' ' � Public du{y ccanmissioncd und yuulifKd fur xaid county,peno ul y ramc
<br /> : ,�- �.,.: : -._ DOUOWS J BLORQII 1� 8IN�iLB pBR80I1 ��..
<br /> � , to mc known to be the
<br /> '„�',�'M..t.,;. .._. . i identical personir)whase nnmel+)ure tiubscrihed to the forcgoing in�trument and ucknowledged lh¢execution thereut ro be
<br /> • � bie ti•oluntary act und dccd. ��
<br /> ����''�' Wilnes�m hand nnd nrnarial scal ui in wid counry. �hc '
<br /> "�: :. ' S QEi11ND ISLIIIiD .�
<br /> �rf�:��a:,:� ;� �:�
<br /> .,�� .��-'�'�`�_ date Afa�said. ��
<br /> . • �' �',,,
<br /> ��:', t. ,r::���F;•� lC�ta K- � OC.�
<br /> n ^•is
<br /> ,;,�,, • My Comm ' - Notary Public
<br /> a GEaEPAI w�)�utr•St�te'v�.K���t�
<br /> � ,, RO i3i„7i.:.
<br /> ,1��.+�� �1.h R1yU:ms� F,�, 1!� iU 1991
<br /> '•� ��"`�=�".��'�•� . . �„�,;,,..,�.-� REQUESTFORItECONVEYANCE
<br /> ': :, ' �';.'':'" TRUS'I'gg: � ,
<br /> �•�'�;:";••.'`�=
<br /> •..,�y,h The wKla�rtiigned is thc Iwldcr of tlx note or notes securcd by this Dced ot 7�us�. 5aid notc or notes.togethcr with ull �
<br /> "'`�`�' other iiulebttdness sc�ureJ by Ihi+ De�rd of'Itust,hnve bren puid in full. You are hereby directed to canccl wid notc ar '
<br /> :�Jd•,,� �'
<br /> ' "'��'•�' • � notes and this D�d of'IPu.r•t,wbirh ore delivcred hereby,und lo reconvey,without warrunty,ull�hc e,tvt�now hcld by you
<br /> '�ic'i""� '
<br /> y,�.., ,: ., under this D�trd oi'Itust to 1he penson or persons IcgAlly entiUed�hereto. _
<br /> i•;•.; ;;:
<br /> � , ., , Date: "
<br /> ; � �
<br /> � '�` . . i�x��,qop,.ers�
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