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.. , � • =� <br /> . ., <br /> ' „ � .�,yt;r`. <br /> . , , ,. :. <br /> ,, <br /> � .,K�.�....r.. -- <br /> 93� �o�� <br /> carfenw�attan a other ulcin j of�ny pyt of the PropeAY.or for conveyuKx in Ibu of�la�,an hereby�u�i�ned snd <br /> sl�ll 60 p�fd to Letder. <br /> In tho event ot n total lakln� oi Iha PrAporty.tha sh�lh;be applied to ihe �uma wscvrcd by thie Socurity <br /> lnun+mcn�,w4ethor ur na then due. with any excexs p�i to Bart�w,er. !n,the avent aP w putid tqkin�ot�he Property in <br /> whkh the f�ir mnrlcat vsJue of�t�e Property immadifltely bFfom Ulp tuilin�Is equal to or areeter than the atnount of the suma <br /> secured by thi�Security Inxuument immediutely befq�a tha tak[nB,unlasx B�►rmwer wnd Ler�er dhorwi�e��nx in writin�� <br /> the sumA �ecured by this Security Inarumonl shwll bo tlta�nnunt of the proceeds muleiplied by the fallowfn� <br /> fnction: (a)tho totol amount of tho sum�Reeu�d imm�dipt�ly�betum Ihfl.tAki�B�divided by(b)Ihe fair madcot vnlue uf Ub <br /> Propedy immedi4tely boforc the wking� My balanoe shall ba puid ru�inrrower. In the event of a partial tdcfn�of the <br /> Property in which the fdr muket vulua of tha Proporty immRdiqlal}r 6afqro tho takiog ie leas Ihar►the runw�nt of the suma <br /> secured tmmedlately beforo tha t�icing, unlnss Bqrrowor e�d L.endar otharwiee ngrce in w�iting or uniaes applicrblo I�w <br /> othorwiFC provides.�he proceadK chal6ba Wpplisd tn thR suma coou��thia 3eeurity Inswment whetkr or not the xums iu�e <br /> then due. <br /> If the Proppcty ls abuncMned by Bc►m�wor.or if,afiar natiae by I.endar to Borrower lhnt the condemnor offers to maka <br /> an award or senl�p cl�im for damugas,&►rrowcr fuil�to nespi►nd ta Landa�wi�hin 30 days aFter�he due thc nottce is given. <br /> Lender iR euthm'ized to collcet ond Appty the•Ite optian„aithpr tq rcstaratian ar repeir of the Praperty or w the <br /> sum�:secured by thisSecuritylnstrument,whatharannat.than,dua. <br /> Unless Lender ond Borrower atharwic,e agrea in,.writing,any,qppliaation of proceeds to pdncipal shull not extend or <br /> paatpone�he dua date of tha marnhly poym�nts r+ePemed tq in.pats�gmph�1 and 2 or change the amount oF such pAyment�. <br /> ll. Borrower Not Rekased; Farb�an►nse Ba L�der Nqt,o Woiver. Extension of�he timc for payment or <br /> �y�r�t:� �:��� modificv[ion of amortizudan of�he sumr� chis Securitv Inwtument granted by Lender to any successor in Intenst <br /> .r,�"- -� ••,- af Borrower ahalt not operate to releasa tha Ifabflity�orFginal•Bo�rower or Borrower!�succeti�nrs in intercst.Lender <br /> '"�''�� shall not be rcyuired to commence pioceedingF oga�nN rany successor in interest or reWac to ea�end time fur payment or <br /> '�`�"`" ', otharwir,e modify wiwrtfu►tiao�attha sumK secured by thia Security Inslniment by reuson of any demand made by the original <br /> ,:...,, �u�`:+, <br /> � � ���'�4� 'a Bortc�wer ar Borrower's succe�.sons in interest. An9�forbeamnFa by Lender in exereising any right or�emedy shall nw be a <br /> "` "¢1��t'�° waiverof or precluda the excrcis;c of uny right or remedy. <br /> , 1�•.;,`4• "� 12. Successo�s wnd Assigns Bound:Joint and l5everal Lfubilityt Co-signere. 71ie coven�►ts md agrecmenta of this <br /> .:• � � '''' Security lnst�vmern shull bind and benefit,thu succea�ar�and ussigna of l.ender und Barrawer,subject to the provisiona of <br /> . ,�,,F���1• � �•� poragrnph 17.Bortowers covenunls and agriaemenis shplb be jafM und tievernl. Any Borrower who co-signg this Securfty <br /> ;...,,.;,r•,+a_.��. :. In�Irument but does not executo ihe Note: 1a)ix co-signing thlA Securlty InRtrument only to monguge,grant nnd convey that <br /> r����.f�.,} _•i e <br /> •�i;.1,�,, ��, Borrower5�intercxt in the F'�openy undar the torma of thf�:Seoudty Instrumam: (b)is nat personnlly obligated to pay the sums <br /> `'�; ��� seou�,ed by this Secu�ity Ins�rument:and(rl agrees�hut I.ender und any othar Borcower rnay agree to eatend,modify,forbeur <br /> ;z_ �•w':*';'r:�'�':` : or muke any eccommadutions with rcgurd ta �hB terms af Ihis 5ecuri�y Instrument or the Nae without that Borrower's <br /> ' " �?'i' ' wnscnt. <br /> •:�, ;c �' 13. Loan ChaeQex. If the loan secured by thia Security innaumem is,ubjcY:i tu d iaw wh+ch r,cis max'smum lo�s <br /> A �''* ��3� , '°` `���` chargec,nnd that law is finully interpreted�n thn�the imeres�o�other loun churges callected or to be rnllected in connection <br /> ,.,; :,a:;..: <br /> � . ;•;,,�,�;,.:�:�;;;�.;: ' with the loan ezceed the pemiitted limits,then: (al uny xuch loan charge shall be reduced by Ihe umount necessary to reduce <br /> ;.,';;••,;����.:';: ;•, the charge to�he permiued limjt nnd Ib)uny sumx ulready callected from Borrower which exceeded permiued limit�will be <br /> s� •'"`"�''!��°••''�� refunded to Borrower. Lender muy choose to muke thix refund hy reducing ihc principul owed under the Nate or by muking u <br /> . .� °�-�<<,;. ' :��: <br /> �''����'•�1��;;�';.� . direc�puyment to Aorrower. If u rrt'und reduces principul,the reduction will be�re+��ed ux u purtinl prepuyment without any <br /> ��•: • � ,-•:-i. ": prepayment charge undcr the Note. <br /> ��.�:"�•• �, 14. NotkeK. Any notirc w BaROwer prrnideJ for in thi.Security Inswment tihull t� given by dclivering it or by <br /> ��`�;`.•���.,.,,.� muil ing it by fint clus�muil unlesz opplicublc luw require+uxe c�i'imather method.The naticc�hull be directed to the Property <br /> " Addreti� cx uny uthcr udJrc�� Borrowcr dcrignu�cx by nodre to Lcnder. Any notice to Lcrxlcr shull bc given by first cluss <br /> •� �� mail to Lenderk t�ddre,x sw�ed hrrcin ar uny athcr udJrc�.LenJer de�ignatrx hy notKC to Burruwcr. Any nutice provided for <br /> � '- in thix Securiry Insirument shnll in deemed to huve Necn given �o Bortower or Lendcr when given us pmvided in thirc <br /> �'�',,•", �'. ,."�.:�,',� purngmph. <br /> �'� ;�,:,,, '�::..�; !� Y <br /> , ,:�., , ,; 15. (ioveroing L�w; tievcrability. Thi� Scruritp M.rtrumcnt shull Ix �uvcnx�!b i'cdcral luw and the law of the <br /> ,� ' - � j(+..;: . juritidic�ion in which the I'roperly iz Iuru�rJ. In�he evrnt Ih:u any pruvisian ur cluuse of ihis Securiry Instrumem or Ihe Nute <br /> - C • conllicts with upplicuble luw.�uch cunllict+hull n�n ut'fec�oth�r provi+imm�f�his Securily Inxtrument ur the Nate which cun <br /> - - be given effec�without the contlicting pruvi+n�n. Ti� Ihi,enJ dk pmvision.of Ihis Security In+trument und Ihe Nute ure <br /> � F .. _ � decl�rcJtolx.evrrunle. <br /> • � 16. Borrower'x Copv. B�xruwcr�h�dl Ix�ivro unr cunfurnird copy ol'thc Nctc i►nd of�hix Security Inr�rumenl. <br /> . 17. 71�u�fer oP the Propertv ur a BeneticiallntereN In BurroN�cr. If uU ur any pan oi'thc Prnpeny or uny imcre��in <br /> ,�,�; ' it i� sold ur �r�uisfcrrrJ lor if i+Ixnetirial intcrc�t in Burruwcr i+.oW or trun�ferrcd und Borruwer iti nrn a nulurul person) <br /> . • " withuut l.encicr's priur wriuen can�ent.Lrndcr miry,a�i�.�i�iun.reyufre immeJiair puymem in full oi'ull sums secured by <br /> Ihir Securiry Inrqvmc�u. Howevcr,�his uption r.hull nul tx rxrrci,cd hy Lendcr it'cxcrcixr i.prc�iibited hy lederul law uti uf <br /> .•• a thc�iute of�his 3rcurity In,lrumcnt. <br /> r- � �;�''..;•.,. If LcnJcrrxcreiscti this�i�i�m,Lrndcr.hull gi�•r Burcuwrr nutirc ot'acrcicrati��n. Thc nntirc xhull providr u peri�xl of „ <br /> �i �' , r • ., ; , nm le.�thon 111 duy,f'mm the da�c thr nuticr is iklivered or mailrJ within��hirh Romnver inu.t puy all�um.accured by this ; <br /> • Securily In�trumcm. li'Borrowcr t:�ils tu puy �hr,e .um, priur lo Ilx expiratiun ��f this �rioJ. Lcndrr may invoke uny ' <br /> ;',�,� ��•r;'' remcdic.perniiU�J by Ihi,Srcuri�y In+n•umrnt�vi�h��u�funlxr nutirr ur drmunJ on Horrnwrr. <br /> � �y �, � 18. Dnrrowcr's Ri�ht to Reinstate. 11' Ni�rruwrr mcrt, rrn:�in c�xiditiun,. Ri�rro��rr �hall Iwvr thc right lo huve <br /> � <br /> �;. eni'urcement uF thi.Security In.trumcnt di�cominurd al any limc prior t��Ihe carlicr��t�: 1+�1 S dny+ l�x.uch oiher�xriai u. <br /> � :, �• <br /> �,r tim�le I'amih••Yrnnk\1re�Fn�ddlr\fuc l\IFON\I I�S'IRl'�1F.\7'•-lhulunu t'u�cnum. 4/90 qwg��d njA�iXev , <br /> �iYi <br /> o.{ <br /> i�.. <br /> f � ' ��� <br /> � �. +�{. <br /> ��.. <br /> ' � i . s^:;r---�i,—�_ __.'_ . .'. � . � .�jY �'t i ����f��Ff�Hi����+�N'V�11Y'.r�s�a.:�`ai�i:Vn1;�.�,�Y ... r <br /> . . , . •i� 1 ��Y;S.`�� � �-�:�..OL4+,l.c�r�...;� <br /> ��. <br /> �', <br /> "' . 1 , ' . �. ' . <br /> .1�' � . . • .. <br /> f� . ` , i <br /> }\r.ry � ' � '• . . <br /> s <br /> �L . ' .. . " <br /> � !•. ' <br /> ff � ' '- ' - . � .. <br /> 1 ; ' . . � �� .. ..4• .• " . <br /> � � <br /> . , � <br /> . { <br /> . � . <br />