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<br /> TOOCs7'HFR WCfH�II the improvamaate nnw on c�r�Rer erocted an ihe piapeny.wnd all ewem�mlr,appurunu�ccw,
<br /> uid flatura now or hareAfter o piut of�he pt+o�prty. All aplucemenl�and wdditlons ehsll nlro be covorcd by Wir Security
<br /> Instnunent. All of the fongoing ie notcrted to in.lhie Securl�y lnxwnknl�x Ihe"Pn►perty.'
<br /> BOliROWER COVENANTS thut Bortowor ia lnwfully aeixed af�he er�ate hemby canveyeJ und hua the dehl to pr�n�
<br /> md convey the Pro�Ry and�hnt�ha Propetty ix unanaumit�ned,except for encumhr�ncQS of reci►rd. Borrnwer wamtu�and
<br /> wil!defend penernl y the t1Ue w the Proparly againet all clnimw and demandR,�ubject�o uny encumhranceK of record.
<br /> ,, THIS Sf?CURITY 1NSTRUMENT comAlnas uniFvrm covenanls far natianal use und oon-unifi�rm covenante wilh
<br /> �- limited variationr by jurisdiction ta ce►nRti�ute a unifor+n yauuriiy in�teument cuvcrin�re�l pruperly.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Botrower pnd l.enrlar rnvonpnl and agree ac fnllawa:
<br /> 1. P�qmeat ot Prindpd nnrl lotcreat=Prcp�yatant pad Lpte CFwrgea. Bormwcr shall promp�lY paY when due thc
<br /> pdncipaI of end interest on the debt evldenced by ttia No1a ond any prepaymenl smd lute chargea due under the Nate.
<br /> Z. Flu�da[oe 7luces And InsurAnce. SubJact to applicnble law ar to a written wuiver by l.ender.Burrower shul!p�y �o
<br /> Lender on 1he day monthly paymonts Ane dus undar tita(Yota, until the Note is paid in full, a sum("Funds")for. (a) yeurly
<br /> wxes end assessmenls w61ch may ettpin pri�rity ov6r thle Sccurlty Instrument as u lien on thc Pmpeny;(b)ycurly lecisehc�ld
<br /> payments or ground renta on tha Ptvperty, if any� (c) yoazly hnzord or property in�umnce premium.v; IdJ yeprly flo�od
<br /> - insur�nce pmmiums, if any; (e) yearly moRgage inFUt�nae pt+smiums, if Any; und (n �ny sums payoble by Bormwer tn
<br /> _ Lender,in accord,�nce with�he provisions of paragraph.8. in�liau of tha pa;rmem of mnngage insurunce premiumc. These
<br /> � items arc culled"Esemw Itsma." Ixodar mu�,�1 any tiats.collqct end hnld Funds in an nmount nat to exceeci Ihe moximum
<br /> emaunt a lender for a fedar.�lly �+elutad mqtt�agQ luan mAy require for Bortawers e.ecraw uccount under the federal Reul
<br /> .. •�r � Estate Settlement Procedures Act oE 1974 av umendad from�ime to lime,12 U.S.C.$2601 et seq.("RFSPA").unless u�ather
<br /> . �4y ��:�, ,s:. luw that applies to tha FlindA sctx a IBSrxr amoun� lf so,Lender may,At any lime,colloct and hold Flmds in an nmcwnt not to
<br /> .- " ` ��^'+S" " cxcccd che lesiscr umount L.cndar moy eatirtwte thc amaunt of P�nds due on the b�.gis of cument duta and �ea�anahle
<br /> � �i�tt•.:,,.
<br /> �����?`"'s�A+ �pT�z�of expenditurea af futurc Escrow I�smsor othervvise in occordance wi�h npplicnble law. ,,,.,
<br /> �7'-= �•�. ��`t•,' 7'tie Flmdx sh�ll bo held in an inEtitueoa whosc deposits ere insumd by a federal ugency, inswmentaiity,or entity
<br /> a �� ; :ti;:��� ,..
<br /> p i,•. (i�cfuding Lxndcr,if Lendar is suah an inFtiwtion?or in uny Federnl Home Loan Bunk. Lender shnll npply the Fundc to pay
<br /> ��..., ., .,,�';�:~:.. J. the �.�-ro�w]tems. Lender may not charge Buirower for holding and applying the Funds. unnu�lly analyzing�he escraw
<br /> f • :,,:ti..�, � acca+mt, ar ver3fying tbe Esrnvw ItumF, unless L.ender pays Borrawer interest on Ihe Funds and applicable law permjts
<br /> • . •;,;•r,;,�. � Len.ier to muke such a char�c. Huwevcr,Leader may requine Borrower to pay a one-timc chnrge for an independetx reu!
<br /> : �!:•'t�•!"'.: : :r�`� eatata tc+x neportin@ service used by l.ender in connectian with this loan,unloss upplicuble law provides otherwice, Unless an
<br /> ���,.' •• ugreamant is madc ur applicable law requirtts intcres�to be paid.Lcadcr shall not bc requirtd to pay Borrowcr any finemst or
<br /> �' enminga on.lhe Flmdss. Borrowcr nnd L.endar may agree in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on Uie FLnds. l.endcr
<br /> . "���;;�.��'�;:::F" ' ' ' shaq giv$�a Burrower,without chargo,an annual accounting of�he Fundx.showing c�ditr;And debits to the Fund�rand the
<br /> .�� �;"•?� , pu�pc�cs for wbich euch dnbit to the Funds wus made. The Plrnds are pledged as addi�ionul security for all sums secured by
<br /> f: .1. :..;�':. � �hiR Sacutity Instrumept.
<br /> — _ . i I��lta Funfi� held by Lender exceed tbe amoun4s permitted to iae heid by applicubie luw, Lender shaii account [o
<br /> � � , Bumowe�for d�e excess Funds in uccordunce with ihe requirements of applicuble law. li the sunount of the Funds held by
<br /> � Leader at�any time is not sufficient to pay�he E.scrow Items when due,Lender mny so notify Borrower in writing,and, in
<br /> � ° . ' suafi�cose Bo�rower shull pay to l.ender the Amount necessnty to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall mr�lce up the
<br /> dafiaiancy in no more thon twelve monthly paymcnts,nt l.ender s sole discn:tion.
<br /> �i' � .•� `� :�'`� .: i Upon paymcnt in full of all sums secured by �his Security In�trument,Lendcr sh�ll pn�mptly rcfund to Borrower any "'
<br /> ��J`�.+';j:i:^�•f;�'' Funds hcld by I..ender. If,under paragruph 21,Lendcr shall ucquire or sell lhe Prop�:ny,Lendcr,prior to thc ucquiution or
<br /> . ;i.•�;:�'r;%tl.�;;„ : ,`:•;� ' sale af the Property,shall upply any Funds held by Lendcr nt �he time af ucquiwition or bale aw n credit agsuns[ ihc surnc
<br /> � ` '•:,�.�'"%'" secured by this Security lnstrument. '
<br /> �'T,:'..-;i�:.,,:;:.,�x, ..
<br /> ���. �y, ;,,;•;.,,;::�;..,. 3. Application of Paymenfs. Unlesx applicublc luw provides othcrwise, ull puyments m.�:eived by Lenckr under ;s:,�.
<br /> �� ��� �-•:.�•�, � paragraphs I nnd 2 shull bc applied: �rst,to any prepoyment charges duc undcr thc Note;second,to amounts p�yable under
<br /> �ti;;•;•�� F ���,'•�,�;,�;''.' ' parngmph 2;third,to intem�t due:foutih,to principul due;unJ lus�,tn uny lute churges due under the Notc.
<br /> ,,.,.: � ' I 4. Cdnrges; Llens. Borrower shall puy ull laxcs, usscssmentx, chargrs, fines And fmpositions attributlble �o thc
<br /> •�' '� Property which may AttAin priority ovcr thi+5ecurity In,�rument,und Ieu.ehold paymenls nr gn�uixl rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> �i � � „ shall pay Ihecc obligotions in the manner provided in puragraph 2,or if not paid in thut munncr.Borrc�wer shull pay�hem cm
<br /> . time directly to�he person owed payment. Bono�vcr�hull promptly furni.h to Lrnder all notices of umount��o be paid undcr . ,
<br /> . Ihi� parasraph. If Borrower mukec these puymentK directly.Borrower shull promp�ly furnish to lxnder recciptx evidencit�g .
<br /> - • the payments.
<br /> Borrower shull prompUy dischs►rge uny lien which hu�prioriiy uvrr this Security Intitrument unless B��rrower. lul�grres
<br /> ,,�� ' in writing to the payment of the ohlign�ion secured by the licn in u munner acceptuMe to Lendcr;(h)conte+ts in good fai�h the
<br /> • licn by,or dofends againvt enforcemem af�he licn in.Ic@ul pnx�ccJings which in ihc Lrndcr'�opinion operatc�o prcvent the
<br /> ' •'� , eafcrcement of�he lien;or fc)secure+from the holder of the lien an ugmement sulisfactory tu l.rnder xut�ordinuting the lien
<br /> ' ta this Security Inswmcnt. If Lender determincs thut uny pan of the Pro�:ny i.,uhjcct ta a licn which may uttuin priority
<br /> I over this Securiry Inswment,Lender muy give Borrower A notice idenlifyrog the Ikn. Borrower sholl sntisfy tbo lien or tul:e
<br /> � �� • �. � I one or mare of the actions set fonh ubovc within lU duys of�he giving ot notice. �
<br /> :y i. ,� � S. H�rd or Property Insurance. Born>wcr shull kecp thc improvemcnts now existing nr hereafter en:cted un the �
<br /> �� �� , Propeny insured uguinst loss by fire,hurard�includrd wi�hin�hr tcrm"rxtrndrd ruvcragc"a�xl any other huzanis,including i
<br /> r' � � floods or tlaoding, (or which Lender rcquire4 inr.urance. This insurunce shull I+c mainlained in thr umuunts und tor�he �
<br /> .� : ` � � � f' I
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