r �q.
<br /> ,`.�-��� �, � _ , . .
<br /> IQA�, 10'y9A'�
<br /> Th11 Aui�nm�nr,mads thl� lSth dey of s�vtamb�r __, �9..�by snd
<br /> ���� Miche�Ql J. Nolan and B�verly•E. Nolan
<br /> ("Acripnar"/,and NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA,NATlQl+lAL ASSOCIAT/ON("Arslyns�e"1.
<br /> W/TN�SSFTH:
<br /> /r it ayr�aed as follows:
<br /> 1, paflnit/ons. Ar uaed Jn rh/s Agreement;
<br /> A. "Mongape"sha/l me�en thet certsln Deed af Tius�in the pr/nclpal sam
<br /> of$ 31,000.00 dated, September 15 � ��93 ,
<br /> •� executed by Michasl J. Nolan and Beverly E. Nolan ,as Tiurtor, fo NORWEST BANK
<br /> �• i;`�•,,�� ,' _ .;,;, NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOC/ATION,as BenelJclaiy,upon the rea/estate end lmprovrmenta
<br /> . .t;:,����s:•'..,; ..� : _ .. ..
<br /> .. a¢�Md:p,s+.�,.j.� dercrlbed Jn ExillMlt �I , which i nd by thls reference incorporated herein.
<br /> ,� �"'`^Y,.•::'.:: °�� pzovlded below
<br /> .�-;.a,..:.�. ..-*_ ., .. 31.000.00
<br /> •� :, �#;,•:' B. Note shall mean thac certa/n nv�e secured by the�
<br /> *`� � � �'`'�"' Deed of Tiutr,Bxecuted contemporanQOUa/y therew/th by Mic ae . o an an
<br /> ,...:.��:.
<br /> ;::;�:�;<�;.>;. Bsveriv E. Nolan as makar,and NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA,
<br /> ' �'' :,4�.;>�if,.�...,� �
<br /> NATIONAL ASSOC/AT/ON,as payee,and recured by the Deed Af Trust.
<br /> `' ��, '° -,� C. "Loan"as hereinafteruaed,shal/mesn the loan in the emount o/ �31.000.00
<br /> �° ��-� ��� _as evidenced by the not�and secured by the Deed o/Tiusr,as w+e//as any other
<br /> } . �N secuiine inatruments.
<br /> ---- '° �`"' � NaiAl,THFREFORE,1or en�en sans«+er$tion ot thP rrr�kingend/unding o/sald Loen,and for
<br /> �_ . � � other goad and valuab/e consideration,the receipt whereof Is hereby acknow/edged,Assiqnor,lor itseN,
<br /> � " ita successors,personal representarives,heirs and assigns,has bargained,so/d,transferred,asaigned, �:�
<br /> � conveyed,ser over and delivered,and by these presents does hereby baigain,sell,[ransfer,asaign,and
<br /> � • , can�neyas secuifty for the repayment of thQabove described indeb�edness and the payment and per•
<br /> ° � ' /on»anc�e of aJl of the terrns and conditions oi the Note and Morrgage evidencing rhe same,and any
<br /> �� ; and al/amendments,extensions and renewa/s thereof,a/I/eases now or hereafrer exccuted af/ecting
<br /> the Mortgaqed Premises,and a/l rents, issues,pro/its and income and sums of money whlch may now
<br /> i or hereafter be or become due end ow;ng under and by virtue of said/eases,lt being the intention '
<br /> �•�> heieby to esrab/ish a comp/ete transler and asslgnment of the leases hereby assigned and a//rhe avai/t ':;"•.4
<br /> � " ' ihereunderunto the Assignee, its succeasorsend assigru, together wrth the riqht,but without fhe �'��'
<br /> I��J • ' „
<br /> , obligation,to collect al/of the said�ents,issues,profits and income arising or accruing,or which may
<br /> 'r! become due ai an y[ime during the lif�ol this Assignment. Assignor iunher agrees,upon demand ;.;�,,
<br /> �� , � " rhereol,to de!lver to and depos+t said/eases with Assignes. ������•
<br /> r,,��
<br /> �`'�• � �� " Assignor hereby designatea,constitutes and appvinls Assignee,i[s successors and assigns, with •;,.
<br /> :?'. � �"�'t�"''� , full power o/substitutron,its true end lewful attomey with pow+er 1or r[and in its name,plece end �.%
<br /> . :>,_%,
<br /> �.. � stead,�or in che name of Auignee, to ssk, demand,co!lect,receive,receipt and give full and com• .•,��
<br /> . � plete acqui[tances Ior any and al/renrs,issues,pro/its and income hereBy auigned which may become
<br /> , due and peyable by leasees or oGher occupents of the Mortqaged Premises;and at its discretion to file .
<br /> . s • . : any claim or take an y other actran or proceeding fo make any sett/emen�olany c/aim,ei[her in its .
<br /> #, r -� 5 .. .' , . � own name or in the name of A�signor,or otherwise, which the Assignee,or sny successor may deem
<br /> ;+,�.• ;;;•. ` "' , desirable in order to col/ecrand enforce the payment of an y and al/rents,issues,profits and income �
<br /> herein essrgned. The lesseea snd occupants o/the Mortgeged Premises, or any part hereof,are hereby �
<br /> ��� " expressly auchorized and d!►+�cted fo pay a/I renrs and sums herern assigned which would be payable k
<br /> � ' � � • � to Assignor,excep[for this Assignmen[,to the Assignee,and to transrnit and deliver such payment
<br /> �•`� ' to ihe Assipnee or such non►inee as it may desigr►ate in writing, delivered to and received by such
<br /> '��,�:: � leuee or occupan[,who is expressly relieved of any and all duty,liabiliry or obliqation ro [he
<br /> " '�' ` '.• Assignor in reapect of a!I peyments so made. '
<br /> , , �
<br /> ; Assignee shall be,and hereby is, vested wrth 1u!l power�o use al/such measures,legal and
<br /> � equitnble,as in its discretion may be deemed necessary or proper to en�orce rhis Agreement and
<br /> � .� • to col%t the rents,issues,prolits and rncome asslgned hereunder,inc/uding the right to enter upon
<br /> . , the piemises and�o take passession thereo%and Assrgnor hereby gran ts full power and authority
<br /> to the Asslgnee to exercise a//rights,privi/eges and powers herein granted at any and a//times here• i
<br /> - �— aRer, without no�ice to Assignor,with/uI/povyer to use and appl y a/I ot tne renrs,issues,proiics and •
<br /> �� ' income herein assigned to the pa ymen ts of an y indebtedness o�liabifr t y o!the Assignor ro the
<br /> .y •, . Auignee,in such order as Assignee may determine.
<br /> 1,,.�.. r�� ' ... � �
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