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<br /> :X.. �1�;�`�: s, ,,; .
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<br /> ,� .. 1 `.'`,:b-"';�",' 1�" ""'< „ '
<br /> ; ,
<br /> �� Deed of Trusr
<br /> �� � to�:�s
<br /> :� �� —
<br /> . _ ,
<br /> r
<br /> 1H/3 DEED OF TRUST/a maal�fh/s_15tIL_d�y ol gap t�ar 1�.33,by and belween MirbaQ.L_,T Diolao and .
<br /> a. , ne.._..,� E Nolan Hus6And g.+d Lti.�e, whethe�ona amas,(here/naftercalled ths"7�uttor").
<br /> '�` whot�m�Ulnp�ddnas!a �
<br /> � = OAWEST BANK (herelnalter called fhe"Tiustee"),whose mdllnq addroaa!a
<br /> ' '�.,H�.i•��;^�: �Q 80,�( 1768. G_I- �1R N�2 ,and NORWEST BANK. NEBRASKA. NATioxr►i.,�gS.pCIgTiQ�t_,(herolnalar
<br /> ° "'=''s'��'e' Q�J�/�A"�N/Ip(�/y,•),Wh081 lll�l�lfla addff�t!s PO Box 1768� Grand t w 7 and NI: 6RA0 — .
<br /> .:� �1a�
<br /> . x, .'�:"- ' .' WJTNESSETH:
<br /> •�1'+1Y�•.t.. � ,
<br /> <y'",.�,}^;,.� �
<br /> � ��+ yf , OESCRIBEOHEREINBELOW. -
<br /> ,r:_ .- • �- .� . J�# .
<br /> WH�REA�S�T �tpr 1��ndebfed to BeneBclary!n the princlpal sum ol THTR'r`' nNx THAIiSAN71 A No�100----------------- `."�'�°P.�:�.
<br /> ��� ���..,..�,_ .,;, �� pnJ�eus(�___��0�•p0 1,whlch lndebtedneas!s evldenced by Tiustar's prcmissory note datedS .J.S, 19 93._.(hsrelnaller
<br />- //.�. � � oal/ec1 fhe"Note"),peyablo to 1he ader o/BeneBalwy and hav/np a matunty of March 15 , 94 ,
<br /> .,s.;. � .
<br /> • ' NOW, THEREFORE,/o►the purpo�se ol securfng: •
<br /> �:;. ,; . .. ,.,,� :<:,."�.
<br /> r.,, , _ (a) payment o/the Nota,togefher wUh interest thereon,lete cheryes,prepaymant penaldes,any fufu►e advancea,end aU exlenalona, ;.��
<br /> ,� . , :•i _. „ .i modlRoaBons,aubaUtudon�andrenewalsfhereol, �.:
<br /> : , •�,' • � (b) payment of ell other sums.leea a charges,tagether wlth lnterest thereon,edvanced to prot�cf Ihe securiry o�fhis Deed ol Tir�at and - . -;q�-
<br /> :�.�,.�':; •• ° � the perlo►mance M the covenants end agreemenfs o!Tivatoi,whefher or not set bRh heretn. ;�`;:�
<br /> ���•�"'•"�'.,� (o) per/onnance,dlacherge o/and aompllanae wlih every term,covenant,obllgatlon end egreement o!T►ustar contalned hereln or .. •
<br /> ��''���� � Incorpaated by reference a any other securirylnahumenf at anydme glven to secure the Noie,and �
<br /> �. .�:._ �. ,
<br /> � ' ' (d) the repeyment o/aU other sums or luture advancea,with Inta►est fhereon,whlch mey hereto%re have 6een or hereahe�be advanced �� ;'_+� '
<br /> �• , " ' • by BeneNclary b Tiustor o►Tiustar's succeasa Jn lnte►est or tlde, ���
<br /> ��.r ' a!I ol whlch is herelna�fer cdlectively called tha"Indebtedness",Tiustor Inevxably granfa and trenslers to Tiustee,!n bust WITH POWER ���,`.y��;-
<br /> OF SALE,the following descrlbed property: ?'"'"•'""
<br /> � r
<br /> Lot Four (4) in Kirkpatrick Subdivision in the City of Grand Isiand� Hall Caunty, Nebraska. f'��•;*;••
<br /> � . ��ii�r,
<br /> �.,'.?.
<br /> ,��
<br /> -_ ., , - — _-,_,=�,: . �
<br /> ,;,.;; ' topethe�wlth(1)a!I buUdingB,structurea,addldons,enlargementa,modlNcaBons,repelra,replacemen►s,and/mp�ovements now or herealter �r,�.,,.•�
<br /> lxated Ihe�eon,(11)all equlpmant,machlnery and/lxtures(lncluding,wlthouf!lmltadon,alI llghf(ng, headng,venNlatlng,cooNng,alr � i
<br /> �4�''�. � • . . conditlan�ng,sp►!nklfig erid plum6ing Ilxtuies, wate r a n d po w e r sy s t e m s,e ng l n e s,b oll ers,i anges,ovens,dlshwashers,minors and mantels, ��'��^. �r'�
<br /> ��;� ��••. , carpetlng,/umeces,oil bume�s,elevators and mofors,reldgeiatlon p/ants or unlls,communlcadon systems,dynsmos,hanslormers,elecMca! • •
<br /> equlpment,srorm and scraen wlndowa,doas,awning9 and shades)now or he►eaBer affached to, o�bultt in,any bulld/np or improvement '��•'����� �
<br /> now or hereaRer located thereon,p!!)all easemants and righls of way appurtenant Ihereto,(!v),al/leasehald estate,rlght,tltle end lnterest of � � �
<br /> .,b .. Tiustor!n and to all leasas,whether now or herealtei exlsHng or entered lnro(lncluding,wlthout Ilmifadon,all cesh and securlry deposits,
<br /> edvenoe rentals and deposlts or payments of e slmllar nature),per►alning therew, (v)all ients,�ssues,prollts and lncome the►eliom(subject � „,;�•
<br /> ,. ,, to the�lghf o(Tiustor to collect and apply such rents,lssues,proNts and lncome as they become due and payable so long es no event o/ � '
<br /> de/aulf exlsts he�eunder), (vIJ ell royalUes,mineral,oll and ges rlghts and prollts,water,water dghts,and water stxk,(vN)all tenements, r �
<br /> � heredltements,priv/feyes and appuKenances be/onging,used or enJoyed!n connecBon therewith. and(vlll)all proceeds ol converaion, k "
<br /> '� volunt or Involunfa ol an o!fhe lore o!n lnto casb or Iiquldeted clalms lncludln wlthout flmlfaHon, roceeda o/lnsurence and �
<br /> r' a�Y ry� Y 8 9 ! 9� p
<br /> � , Condemnedon awards),a/I ol whkh!s horelnalfer colleclively caUed the"Tiust Properry". �
<br /> 1. Tlfle.Tivaror covenants,wanents and agrees wlth 6eneHclary,its successo�a and asslgns, that Tiustor owns the Tiust Propertylree � � . •
<br /> ' • /rom eny pdor Ilen o�encumbrance,fhat thls Oeed of Tiust is and wlll remain e valld and en/aceable flrst lien on the Tiusf Property, ' .,
<br /> � that Tiustor,af Ns axpense,will preserve such�INe and wl11 malntain fhls Deed ol Tiust as a Jirst and paramount Ilen upon the Trust .
<br /> f�roperty and wlll lorever wanant and delend the validlty end pnorlry o/!he llen hereo/against Ihe claims ol a!1 parsons er�d paAles } , .
<br /> whomsoever. Tivafor,at ifs expense,wil/cause thls Deed o/Tiust,end each amendment o�supplement hereM,to be Nled and �.,,
<br /> recorded as a mortgage o�the Tiust Property!n such manner and!n such place and w111 take such actlon es In fhe opinion o/Trustee � " ;y;� �
<br /> may be requlred by any present or lufure fawln order to pe�fect,malnteln and protect the Non oI this Deed of Tiust,as the same may P .. • �� ?� •�
<br /> . be amended or supplemented Irom time to Nme. Trustor wfll make such lu►iher assurance or essurances to per/ect!ts tlUe to the Tiust � . '��' �
<br /> �� , Property as may be requned by 8eneliciary.Tiustor hereby rellnquishes all dght ol dowe�and homestead!n and to the Tiust Properry.
<br /> ! 2. Payment of Indebtedness.Trustor shefl punctually pay fho princlpal ol and/nterest on the Indebtedness secured hereby. � '
<br /> �, t� � 3. Conshuctlon ol Improvaments.Trusto►shal!complete!n good and worhmanl►ke menner any bei'tldings,Improvements a iepalrs reladng � •
<br /> fhereto whfch may be begun on the Tiust Pioperty or contempleted by the loan evidenced by the Note secu►ed hereby,to pay when
<br /> due all cosfs and liabllltles lncuned therefae,and not to permlt any consbuction lien agalnst such Tiust Property.In the event
<br /> � , constn�ctlon of bul/dings,lmprovements or repalrs are contemplafed,Tius[o►also ag�ees,enything!n thls Deed ol Tiust to the conNary
<br /> � . nofwlthstanding;(a)M promptly commence any such work and to complete the p►oposed imp�ovements promptly,(b)to complete fhe ,
<br /> i , � ' same!n acCOrdance with the plans and spec(I1callons as approved by 8enelic/ary,(c)to comply with all the terms o/a bullding losn
<br /> � � �;,r agreement,f/any, befween Trustor and Benellciary,the terms ol which are incorporated herein by rele►ence and made a paR hereof,
<br /> �' ; ,;,�: '�, (d)to allow Beneflc(ary ro inspect the Tiust Property at all hmes du►!ng consnucUon,and(e)ro replace any work or meteNals
<br /> ' ,. ;: unsaUs�acMry to Beneliciary wllbin Nlteen(15)days alter wdtten nof�ce Jrom Beneliciary ol such lact ,
<br /> � � �� � �'• 4. Funds for Payment ol Charges.Subject fo applicable law or to a written waiver by 8eneliciary, Trustor ahall pay to Bene/i%!ary on the
<br /> � ; ! � /Jrst d8y o!each month,or such other dete each month as may be specilied by Beneliclary,unffl the Indebtedness is pald In Iull,a sum
<br /> ' " �'�! (he►elnalter called the"Funds")equal to 1�12th of the yearly fexes anB assessmenfs whlch may attarn priarity ovei fhls Deed ol Trusf
<br /> ' ` end g►ound ients on the Trust Properry,i!any,plus i�12tii of the yearly premlum/nstal/ments for hezard lnsurance,plus 1�121h o!lhe •
<br /> + yeeNy premlum instal/menls Ior mortgege Jnsurance,If any,ell as reasonably estlmated Initialty and Irom lime to fime by Benellclary on .
<br /> the basls of assessments and bllls and reasonable estimates the►eof.The Funds shell be held in an instituUon,the deposlts or
<br /> �_.__.____ arivuiMC nf wAlrh,,,n�nc�nan n.m�aranrpad hv a fedaral nr state aaancv includlna Benelicisrv. Beneficiaiv shall ennN the Funds to
<br /> � pay sald taxes,assessments.lnsurence premiums and ground rents.Bene/iCiary shal/not be iequlred to pey Trustoi eny lnterest or
<br /> eam(ngs on the Funds.Benellciery shall g�ve to Trusfor,without charge,an annual accounNng of the Funds showing credifs and
<br /> •� deblts fo the Funds and the pwpose for which each debit to the Funds was medo.The Funds are pledged as addiNonal secur(ry lor
<br /> t dte Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust.1!fhe amnunt of fhe Funds held by Benefic(ary,togethe►with the lufure monthly
<br /> : � ,i,; lnstallmenfs ol Funds payabfo pda to the due dafes o/texes,essessments,(nsurance prem(ums and ground►ents,shall exceed the �
<br /> �� � amount requlred b pay sald taxes,assessments,insurance premiums and ground rents as they lall due,such excess shall be,et
<br /> 7 Tiustor's opdon,efther promptty repaid to Trusta or credifed to Tiusro►agalnst luture monfhty installmenfs o/Funds.11 the amount of
<br /> ; r Me Funds held by Benelic►ary shell not De suNicient to pay texes,assessments,insurance premiums and ground rents as they lall due. ,
<br /> i . Trusta shalf pay fo Beneficlary eny amount necessary tn make up the deticlency wlthin thirty days lrom the date notice is malled by
<br /> ' � � BeneNcisry to Tiustor requesting Fayment thereoL Upon peymen�ln fu/I ol all Indebtedness,Benelfciary shall promptly relund ro �
<br /> � � Tiustor any Funds held by BeneNclary. ll the Tiust Prope►fy!s sold under the power o►sa►e or the Trust Property!s otherwise acqulred
<br /> l � " by Be►wHclery,Benelfcfary shal!appty,lmmedlately prla to►he sale o1 the Trust Prope►ry vr its acqulsltlon by Bene%clary,eny Funds
<br /> ' �• ' hefd by Bene�clary et fhe dme o/appl(caGion as a credit agalnst the Indebtedness.11 Beneficiary executes a written walver ol Trusror's
<br /> ' ; ' obllgallons under thls paregraph 4, Trustor covenanfs and egrees fo pay,before the same become delinquent,all taxes,assessmenfs.
<br /> Nt��re�wra�ss�iwe.�u�OrW� Y
<br /> t
<br /> i
<br />