i,•,, ,r�
<br /> .. /� .. . �
<br /> �.-i
<br /> ' �T��,►����: 183- io�2
<br /> Tn�Macu�new tl�tlh�docum�nt 1h�t Truaor 1.�Ooul to�x�ouN I��ONd a Trwtand n�1.nwrp�p��nd tlMt IIw powa
<br /> ol taM PmvkNd�qr In 1M D«d of Tn�t Pi'cvldM wb�l�Mlaaly dNNnnt ripha uid oblip�tlaee b Tru�tor Msn a nar�In tIM�wnt
<br /> M�d�ull o�bMaoh of obllaGon und�r th�OMd of Twq.Inoludlnp,bW nM Ilmit�d fo,th�I.�nd�r9►{pht b haw th�Pro�ty�old
<br /> by 1h�Tru�wifhout uqr I�IaW procNdlnp.Tiwto►rp��nb�nd w�►raMs fh�t thl��alcnowNdp�nMnt wp�x�auMd b�r
<br /> TruMor b�bnl�n�ouHon of t!N QMd d TruM. /�./�
<br /> I _�'�G" `
<br /> � ROGER LE�111tiD Truato►
<br /> .7�Li�� t � ��
<br /> V TIMS pHBD QR TRU8T.I�m�ds as of th� 1 day of s�� .1993 bp and�monp
<br /> , f.
<br /> � ths Truriar� � LOONARD AND JANELLL L�ONRRD ,
<br /> 'I + whow maWnp�ddr�ss Is 2r46 W N10R'1'H F'ROIPP ST� (1i11[�ID I3LAND� NE ��aio'Tru�to►,"whetMr on�a mprn).
<br /> d ss
<br /> . �
<br /> _ _,,:�!�±��'•„�'�'i the Trwsw. erV� aon�+a r��+Q .
<br /> �,�.:�'�"•' • " P O BOX 1507� GtiA@ID ISLIIDID� NE 68802
<br /> - .� x. -.. ': whufo m�Ninp�ddr�as i� (hereln"Truste�'7��nd
<br /> �� - FIYE 20It�1T3 H�l[�IIC
<br /> • ' ���ry, �
<br /> �. • •' P O BWC 1507, GRAND ISi,MID� NE 68802
<br /> .•,.�' '+°:
<br /> j' �'t. „ ,�. .'� , whow mAlllnp address b (hereM"I.enda'�.
<br /> ' ^-- ' •• '� � FOR VAl,UA.91E CONSIDERATION,Includinp Lender's extension of credit idendried he►eln to
<br /> ' ; � N�(3BR L�fX�IA[tD AND JANELLE LF)ONAttD �herein"8orrower",whether one o►more)and the truet hereln areated,
<br /> e;.
<br /> � . tha reoalpf of wAloh is hereby acknowledQed,T►ustor horeby Irrevocably�ranta,transiers, conveye and eafpns to Truetea,IN
<br /> TRUST,WRN PpWER OF SALE,for the benefit end securityo(Lender,under end aubJect to the�►mt end co�Midons hsrefn�itur�st
<br /> � farth,thp�1 p�oprty.dacrlib�d u tollowa
<br /> � LO'P �VJE3N:t'Y ZWiO (22) AND THE EASP HALF OF Lp� ZTn1EN7.'Y ONE (21). WFST HEIQ�T3
<br /> Topelhe�wMh all Ouildlnps, Improvementa,fixturea,streets,alleye, paesageways,easements,riphts,privilepes and appurte-
<br /> nanaaa lacated tAereon or in onywise perteininp thereto,and the renls,isaues and proilts,reveraions and remainda►�thereol,and
<br /> 1 euoh pereon�l�property that le atfeched to the improvements so as to constitute a fixture,Includlnp,but not lfmited to,heaNng and ,
<br /> co0ling equipmq�k end topelher with the homesteed or marNal intereats,if any,which Intereata are hereby released and waived;all
<br /> ` of wh�h,Inaludlnp nplecemmte and additlons Ihereto,is hereby declared to be a part of the real�tate waured by ths Ilen of thfs ,,,
<br /> � ,;I
<br /> Devd of Tniat 1nd NI of the lor�yoln�beinp refer�ed to herein as the"Property".
<br /> � ��,� Thip Deed qf Truel ehall recure(a)the payment o1 the principel eum and Inte►eat evidenced 6y a promlasory note w cradit
<br /> ��¢ }. �y.
<br /> apreement detad B�T�� i' 1993 ,havinp a meturiry date ot ��� l,�1996
<br /> !� � .:a
<br /> � qs�a.33
<br /> � : :i; In the o►ipinal p►Inolpal emount ot S ,end any and all modlllcaUons,extenalons and renewals �`�
<br /> �' thereof or theroto md any and ell future advances end readvances to Borrower{or any of them if more than o�e)hereunder `r
<br /> • � pureuent W onn o�more promisaory notes or credit agreements(hereln called"Note");(b)the peyment of other aums advanced by
<br /> � , lender tq prqtaot the security of the Note;(c)the performa�ce ot all covenents and agreements o}Trustor set forth hereln;and(d)�II � •
<br /> • pre�ent end 1Wure Indebtedneas and obllpations of Borrower(or any of them il more then one)to Lender whether dlrecR�ndirect, f'
<br /> '�r: ebtolute or contlr�pent aod whether arlelnp by note,�ueranty,overdreft or otherwiae.The Note,this Deed ot Trust end any and all ;
<br /> , � +� '' other doouontuthat tecure the Note or otherwise executed In connection therewith,Includinp without IimNaHon yueranteea,securiry
<br /> ;' �, apreemenW end elaipnmente of leaaea end rents,ehall be refened ro herel�as the"Loan Inetrumente". ���•'
<br /> . '�', Tn�etor co�wnents end aprees wlth Lender as followa:
<br /> � �,. ' � 1, pqmwnf ol InMW�dMSS.Alt indebtedneas secured hereby shall be pald when due.
<br /> ��; 2. Tillp. Trustor is the owner of the Properfy,has the ripht and authority to convey the Property,end werrents that the Ilen , .
<br /> ,�. ,, craeted hereby Is e tiret e�d prior Ifen on the Propery, except for Ilens end encumbrencea eet lorth by Trustor in wriNnq and
<br /> �,� . delivered Ia Lend er be(ore execution of thls Deed ol Trust,end the executlon and delivery ol this Deed of Truet does not vloltte any
<br /> ' ; controot or other abllgetion to wMch Truator Is aubJecf. •'
<br /> �`.' : � , , . ' 3. YYx�i,Assnsm�nb.To pey before dellnquency all taxea,speciel asseasments end all other cherpes ayainat lhe Property ��
<br /> now or herQaller levled. �� ;�r.`
<br /> �,�e . 4. I�aurAno�.To keep the Property Insured agalnst damege by 1lre,hazards ineluded withln the term"extended coverape",end
<br /> �� �� such�other hqtprde es Lender may requlre,fn amounts and with companies ecceptable to Lender,naminy Lender as an addltional
<br /> �•� ' � �� ,' . nern�d tnourod,wilh loas peyeble to ihe Lender.In case of bss under such pollcies.the Lender is authorized b adJust,collect and
<br /> � ' + ' compramise,eH claims thereunder an8 ahell heve the optloo 01 applying ell or part of the insurance prp�eeds(f)to any Indebtedness
<br /> ;� . , eeoureG Aeraby and in�uch order as Lender may determine,(il)to the Trustor to be used for the repair or restoretfon ot the Property
<br /> � . �� 1 . ; or 111q fpr anr�therpurpoee ar obJect satiatactory to Lender wlthout aHectfnp the 8en o1 this Oeed of Trust tor the lull amount aecured
<br /> '� herab�r beforo�uch payme�l ever took place.Any applicatbn of proceeda to Indetrtednesa shall not extend or postpons the due
<br /> ' {�`�''"'�� dale ot enY ppyments under the Note,or cure aay default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> ,, ,,....,,.
<br /> ` ``''" '" S. E�cmw.Upon wrltten demAnd Dy Lender,Trustor ahall pay lo Lender,in such manner aa lender may desl�nate,suffitknt
<br /> 0
<br /> w�ns to�ruble Lander w navss thsv become due one or more of the lollowlno:lq all isxes.assessments end other cher�es apalnst
<br /> -- . the PropeAy+.(N)the premlumt on the property Inaurance requfred hereunder,and(III)the premlums on any mortpaye Insurance
<br /> � . requlred by Lender.
<br /> 8. M�Intrn�no�, R�In and Compllane�wHh L�w�,Truator shaN keep the Prope�ty In good condfUon end repalr, eha11
<br /> :4 �, prompty repok, ar replace any Improvement whlch may be dameped or deatroyed:ahall not commlt or pe►mit any waste or
<br /> •- :{ deferloratbn ol the Propert�,thall not remove.demollsh or aubstantlelly elter eny of the Improvemenb on the Prop�rly:shall not
<br /> `r ' commH,aufldr or permNany�Ct to be done In or upon the PropeAy in vlolaUOn ol any lew,ordinance,or repulatwn:end ahall pay pnq
<br /> promptly dl�oh�rye at Trustar's co�t and�xpema all Ilena,encumbrences end charyea lened,impo�ed or a�ad�painst Me
<br /> � ,� • Properqr or eny p�rt Merool.
<br /> 7. Bmin�nf Danatn.Lende�b hereby aealyned all compenaatlon,awarda,damapes and olhar paymenb o�rellN(hereinafter
<br /> "Pmosed�')in connocUOn wlth condsmn�Uon or other takirp of tAe Property or parl thereof,or fa convayanc�In Ilw ot condemna•
<br /> tion.L�ndor�h�11 b�endded�t Its opUon to commenee,appear in and prosecuta in its own name any actlon or procsedlnps,and
<br /> ` �hall alta bo�ndtl�d to m�k�any compromise or eettlement in connection with such tekinp or dam�pe.In fh�w�nt�ny pohion of
<br /> ; : •
<br /> ,, � w�c a�sy i►�r��.+owe.�,�a�M .
<br /> 0 1fM MMnti11Mi d Cw�wwe�T�W rw twany�Ar�ert�l+roeMa M�ra4 �
<br /> (
<br /> � ; - � --- -- -�-. . �
<br />