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<br /> tp��++o��.N...+.�xandan a th.am.lor aynMnc a modrllaaon a�rtw+tluaon a ar.wm..�aw.a b�r a�ls
<br /> Dwl al Trwt�nNd bU L�b m!►suoo�aw In IM�rNt of Borrowa�II nat op�n b rMM»,In u►y nwnnK.ttM 11�M�Ih►
<br /> aa�.«bina earow«.na eo�ow.r•.uac..sonin im.n.�.i..nd.►.h:u no�a�.puin.dro comn�«�aoo..auw*q�Ma
<br /> woh woo�oror n1uNb�xt�ndtlm�ia P�Y�to►otherw�wmadly�moibz�uonoHh�w�m Mcuradt�l►tld�DMdolTnnt
<br /> oy n..on a.m d«nand.maa.q►m.o�ain.i eorrow.r.�a eor►ow.r•waa..on in�nM►..+.
<br /> m�n�bNo�n�d,�nd witf�OW aM�otl+np t�INn o har ol thu�ft�d d T N upon tnyb�poNon of q�P�not tMn a�tl�tMobra
<br /> r.ia...a a...owny�a an wn.rno�n�ot.�i un�a o�+iaaon.�LMd�►m�Y�homtlm�b�Irt►�and wNboutnotla�(4�M��Y
<br /> pKwn�o Il�bt�,lil)�xt�nd�mawdty a.fl�r�ny o1 th.torm.o1.ny wan oblialHHon��pll)pr.nt oth�Indutp�naN�(hr)nNa�Ni
<br /> a ncoaw�r,a o�u»�b�nlNad or nconv�y�d�t�ny Nm�at L�r'�optlon�ny p�rcN�P�on a ul ot tl�ProMAy�
<br /> (h hk�o►n1��N�ny otlNr or �dditlo��l wourity fw��y oWlp�Non h�nin mmNon�d,or(vl)mak�compodrons a othK
<br /> �nanp�m�nb wlth d�bton In nt�tbn tl�etu.
<br /> .. (Q�fqp�sne�bY L�N�Nol�1MNwr.Arnr fo�ranc�by L�nder In�x�rcidnq�ny rlpht or renwdy hKAUnd�r,or.
<br /> . othKwip�Mord�d by�ppllo�W�Nw.shall not M� wNv�r of ar prroludq the sxKCls�of�ny weh�ht or�Mmdy.Ths
<br /> proaunm�nt of Inwnna�or tl1�paymsnt of Wce�or other Ilens a ch�rQas by L�ndarihall oot b��walw►of L�idn'�rtphttp•
<br /> aaa�isra�s 1M nuiturUy oi!hs Md�htednas�sauad by lhle Deed ot T�uat
<br /> (��o�on�nd��n�Opynd=,lalnt�nd Nwnl Wbipl�i Gqtlons.The covonanb and aprMnnnq h�r�ln ccM�
<br /> h�n�d�hal�b�nd,�nd th�rlpMs h�rwnd�r ahall inure to.ths rppscd���uaa�eeon and�ssipns of l.�nWr�nd T�u�tor.All
<br /> cownants and�prMrn�nb of Tiruao►ihNl b�Jolnt�nd Nv�ral.TM oaptlom and h�edlop�of ths puaqnph�of thl�DMd o1
<br /> � T�wt u�ior conwnlNto�only snd�ro not to be uted b Intsrprot or dKim tMe pnovleiau hsreof.
<br /> :?�••.: (e)�pu�Mto�NeNo�s,TIN p�►dss h�eby�equeat th�t a aoPY o1 any notic�of dalpult herounde�nd�copy ot amr noNas
<br /> .�� of�al�hsrwnder b�m�llsd to e�ch paAy to thi�Deed o1 T�utl at the addnse�et lath abovo In the m�nmr prssaribed by
<br /> � �pplloabl�I�w,Excpt tor any oth�r notice►eyulr�d under sppllosble law to bo plwn in anothar mann�r.�ny notice provldecl
<br /> , ,ti�. �,e�, ,.;:.:f:fl„ for In this Da�d of Trun�hdl bs plvan by melllnp auch notice by certlfled mell nddressad to the othsr paAles,at th��ddrslN�et
<br /> �aih abqv�.My nodoa provid�l tor M this Deed ot Trust thell be eftecNve upon melling In the manner desipndrd h�reln,lt
<br /> Tnuta Is moro th�n one pa�n.eotice�ent to the addra�s eet(orth�bove shall be noUce to�II such perwns.
<br /> � , ,a�. 1. �q NMp�albn.Lends►msy n�ak�or cau�e to be made reesonabte ent�iee upon and ImpscNom oi dw PropaAy,qrovkled
<br /> , � , Ihat Lend�r rhaH pivs'husWr ooaos prlor to any�uah IotpecHon�peaifyinp nasomWo cauw tl�erefw rel�t�d to L�nd�'a
<br /> ' a MN��!In UI�PropeAy..
<br /> • ..':��� , (�)R�wyanc�.Upon p�yment of ell auma secured by this Oeed of Truat,Lender ahall requsst Truetee to�econvey the
<br /> "����•����k.. ' p�op�rty�nd sh�ll wnendsr thh De�d of Trun and aq aotes evidenclnp Irtdebtednese�ecured by this Ueed o1 Tru�t to Tni�a.
<br /> .'�'':. c:' Truttss shsll��conv�y th�Propsrty wHhout warranty e�d wlthout cher{�e b tlw penon a Pe►rons Ipslly erHitlsd th�rMo.
<br /> •'�:' ��`•�i
<br /> ° •�;..,..'%z�. w �a Troaor�II p�y all ooib ol ncoN��tlon,If any.
<br /> ' `.:� " - (p�P�nonM pepp�tlY;S�ewiqr Agn�nNn�Aa addillonat security far the peyment of tbe Note,Truslor hereby�tants
<br /> .yy•,:� ;
<br /> 'r'•-.�; � • �^� • R� Lender under ihe N�b�p ske Uniform Commercial Code a securiry Mter4et in WI tlKturee,eqwpment,and oth�r psnonai ihi,pwiY .
<br /> � . ��i r:�� ��.';:...;,, � _, ured le conpeaUon wlth ths reslp�tate or imp►ovemente Ixeted thereon,and not otherwies dsclared w desmsd W be a pAA o1
<br /> , �,; ��;. - ' ths re�l eN�Ro�eau�sd 1»reby.Thls instrument�hell be const►ued as e Securiry 1lproement under eaid Code,and the Lender
<br /> '.�..; �'��.! • • ohall have all the►i�hte and remedles of a secured party under eafd Code in adNtloe to the riphte end remedles created under
<br /> ' �• f � � and accorded the L�ndar punueM W thi�Deed of Trusk P�ov�ded thet Lender's rlphts ond remediee under thie parapraph ehall
<br /> '.�.�''s�f°�'.. •"fi°� be cumulative wlth,and In no wsiy a Ilmifadon on,lender's Nghb and rwnedles under any other eocurity apreNnsnt�ipned by
<br /> • ,`�-� . Bo►►owsr or Trustor.
<br /> �'"�; .... ..,;�, (q LNns and EnaumbanaN.Trustor hereby warranta aod repreeente lhat the►e la no delault under the provl�ions of eny
<br /> �.�'' mort�epe,deed of bud,leaae or purchaee contrect deaerlbinp all or any pert o1 the Property,or other contract,In�trumant or
<br /> ° �� apreemenf aonedtutinp a Iien o�enaumbrance apalnst ali or eny pert of the PropeAy(collecdvsty,"Uena"),sxi�dnp u ot t11e
<br /> ��.•�,,.:•:a�,.,,:�..,..
<br /> "�'fis� date o�thla Deed of Truet,end that any and all exietinp Llene remein unmodifled except as dlrctossd to Lender in Truetor's
<br /> ,•,�• ',t.;.�,,}••�. . wrltten dlsolosure of Ifene end encumbrances provided to�hereln.Trustw shall tlmety pertorm ell of Truetor's oblipellons,
<br /> ��;.r� ' " • ���s..;:v?• covenenb,►epreaentaUons and warrendes under any end all exlefNnp and tulure Llena,shall prompUy forward to Lender coplea
<br /> '•� ` .,, , •• pf�11 nodoes of delault sent In conneotion with any and all exlsting or future Uene, and shall not wifhout Lander's prior wrlBen
<br /> '�•-• `� • � consent in any menner modNy Me provleione ot or allow any luture edvanaea under eny sxfedn�a luture Llem.
<br /> (,-, ,•ai,e..r� ;,Y .
<br /> �„� ���., Q)Appbatlon M Paym�nb.Unleas othervvfae requked by law,eume pald to Le�der hereunder.Ineludinp whhout IlmiteUon
<br /> ,A ;,,�„�f �-� payments of princlpal and lelereat,Insurance proceeds,condemnatlon proceeda end ranta and proflb,shall be applled by
<br /> ..;�,� ,r,,;5s ..:;;;;.,;,!,,s�.,� Leeder to ths amounb due and owUp trom Trustor and Borcower in auah order ae I.ende�in its sole discreUon deem4 deafreble.
<br /> — ��"r�� � (k)S�w n 1�I Q�r.R a n y provrelon of this need ot Truat contlicce with epplH:et�te lew or Is declnred Invalid or othenvlee
<br /> .„ � .,,;,,,
<br /> ' uneMorceable,euch contliot or invelldily ahall not eNect the other provlsare of thle Deed of Truat or the Note which can be
<br /> '�: '�� �;;,,.. ,. pivsn eHeat wNhout the coniUctl np provi�lon,end to this end the provfefons ol thls D eed of Trust end the Note are doclared to be
<br /> . •:,': ,' soverable.
<br /> ��''••'��� ,�,�= ,- •• � (I)T�.The term� Trustar"end"Borrower"BhaU include both Wngula�and plural,end when the Tru�to��nd 8orrower
<br /> �.� :-. „
<br /> rjfi:�� are the�ame poreon(s),those terma es used In thls Deed ot Trust sheA be interchanpeabte.
<br /> �;�,�„__ �,+ _ (m) Gov�I.�w.Thla Deed o1 Truet shall be yoverned by thu I�wa of Ihe Stete of Nebreske.
<br /> y �� Tru�tor h�s exeouted thl�Deod ol Tn�t aa ol the dale writte�above. / 1
<br /> �; ' �rs-r-.�F� G L���J��L ,.
<br /> ` . AFi[�1�� Nll'�1 Trustor .�'��
<br /> � .. �� ;''f
<br /> _' "• c.�I A WEMJ�
<br /> `` ��,;•,; �(,�:.
<br /> � . � �.
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