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<br /> TRIJtTOR RBI1D THIS 9EFOR�SION RE RECORDE 3� �'�� '�1 1!�� ���4
<br /> Trutla und��fnnd�tl�tlMdooum�nt 1Mt Trwtot I��w.,�.oua i•a o..a aT�,.�.�a�a�h�.o..na�n.�u�.poww
<br /> oi MM provldb iw in Ih�O��e!ol Tru�t P►ovid�s wbWndally dNNnnt►Iphb�nd obllpatlon�b Trustor thm�morfp�p�M th��wnt
<br /> ot�d�hult ar b►NOh of obllpatlon und�r th�Ds�d of Tru�R�naludlnp,but not Ilmlbd W,tM L�ndN's riphtto Mw th�PropWt�r�oW
<br /> ,�
<br /> �pN� wouqo i d q�O�i�d 'of f w1.T�r npra�nb�nd w�rnnb th�t MI�saknow t wy�x�out�d b�r
<br /> AliNpLpuWE+NN Trustar
<br /> /'x � /��� �
<br /> FiE�1 Trwfor
<br /> THIB DEED OF TRUS�,�fa maAe a�of tha 22 dny o1 �'Y ,1�9� by And amonp
<br /> � th�7ru•tor. ARN�LD WRi�1:MID L�.W�T i Huaband and Wifa
<br /> �
<br /> wl�ow nu�llirp addrns i�.�4�4. ��� ��" ��'E. (ZiADID I3I.MID L�rein"Trusta;'wh��r orn or mon).
<br /> r " •>�.
<br /> � �
<br /> � '�,y.G`.:,�: '��:. �IN TfUtfM. �'_� 8Q1�� �t •
<br /> ,'•�'�_'�.��" F Q H0�}L 1bU7 i,C�iAND ISGA[�IDr NE 68802-1507
<br /> �.�,�..'�:s:''"''; who�mNllnp addre�s IA lhsnln"Trwtes'7�and
<br /> :-<..:r ' FIVE BOAJ�'S ��11�K
<br /> . :' • � '�' " 1M B�mNciuY. �
<br /> ":�•.�':.� �_•; F� � F O NOX 150T Gti1NID I3LADID N� 68802-1507
<br /> . �}� ' (her�in"I.e�der'7.
<br /> ��;++��;�,�w,.,,a,•.-�:.i�� who�m�ilinp�ddress ia
<br /> '�:'..A r+I ... • ' . /'NYR/1�V A{'iLR�
<br /> . � FOR VALUABLE CONSIiDHR/1T40N,includinp Lender'�extansion of aredit Identllied harein to
<br /> `�"� � �� � � �� AND LINDA W�1 , Huaband and Wi f qherefn"eorrower",whether ona or mo�e)and the trust hereln creatad,
<br /> �.,/` .. ;
<br /> � the�ecNpt of which Id hereby acknowled�ed. Truator hereby Irrevocabty�rants,transfers,conveys and aeaipne to Trustee,IN
<br /> . � TRUST.WITH POWER OF SALE,fa the benelit end security of Lender,u�der and eub�ect to the terme and conditione herelnefter aet
<br /> - (�,Gw r�at prop�rsy+,dqacrJbcd as tallorsx
<br /> �s.
<br /> '� ��� LOr1' E�ORTY-3IX (�46), IN BELMONr 11DDITION TO THE CITY OF QinND I3LAND�
<br /> ��.�.�. � .�::,t,;;;� HA[.600[rTl'Y. NEBRASRA• NOTE: This Deed of Truat ia being refiled to
<br /> �f-.' � • � ' ��:���"t` �' indicate marital atatus o£ Truetors.
<br /> i..,:;�,•.r�;,,;:.;_P,,;tii.
<br /> •.'-:..:�f�.�,�r�ntu,,,�.,
<br /> ,�;,<:'�_;�,�,:�•>,,�;,,;���c:.; Topether with ell bwldinpe,fmprovemente,fixlures,sireets,aUeys.paeseyeways,easemants,riphts,privilegea and appurte-
<br /> �:���.';� • '.,;.;`,:,,, .. nences located there0n or fn enywlse pertainfng thereto,end the rents,fssues and prolits,reversiona and remaindera thereol,and
<br /> �� ,,.;�.' such peraonel property that�n elteched to the�mprovements ao as to const�tute a tixlure,including,but not Ilmfted to,heaHng and
<br /> ' coollnp�qulpment;end topether with the homeetead or marital mtereats.d any,which intereata are hereby released and wafved;ell "
<br /> �., of which,inoludfnp replacements and additiona thereto,fs hereby declared to be a pert of the real e�l�te secured by the Ilen oi thls
<br /> .J!. , • • �• Deed of T�uat ond�II of the lorepolnp beln9 relerred to herem as the"Properry".
<br /> i
<br /> f� , �� Thfa DYad ot Tru�t shall secure(a)�he peyment of the principel sum end fnteresf evidenced by a promissory nole or cradlt
<br /> _ • . a reement dered �Y 22, 1993 ,hevmg a maturity date of J�Y 20� 1994 ,
<br /> „ . , ,; o
<br /> � ;�� ��,;��.:,,. ,. . ;.�.;�'::,�
<br /> � • • '� In the orlpinal prfncipal amount ot S 35'�'� ,and eny and all modillcetlona,extenslona and renewala
<br /> '� ��� thareaf or thereto and any and all lulure advancea and readvences to Borrower(or any of them It more Ihan one)hereunder
<br /> ,, u;.,�•.�. s..
<br /> ' 2 �� �' punuent to one or more promissory notes or credlt agreements(hera�n called"Note"►,(b)the peyment of other eums advenced by
<br /> f• lender to proteCt the seourlly of the Note;(c)the pe�tormance of all covenants and agreements of Truetor set lonh herein;and(d)all
<br /> ;?� present end luture Indebtedness and obligations ol Borrower(or any of them fl more than one)to Lender whether dlrect,indirecR
<br /> �:1 •�. ' absoluto or Contlnqent end whether erfsing by nole,guaranty,overdraft or otherwlse.The Note,thfs Deed of Truat and any and all
<br /> �-��.,��• �� � other docuenfe that aecure the Note ar olherwlse executed in connecllon therew�th,includmp wfthout limftetfon�uerantees,securty
<br /> � ���� ,� ppreements and esalgnments of leasea end rents,6hall be referred to hereln es the"Loan Instruments". '
<br /> ' �r� T►ualor covenante and agrees wfth Lender as follows: "-�
<br /> '� �' ' �,t�-•. ' 1. PaYmMt o1lnd�bNdn�u.All indebtedness aecured hereby shall be pa�d when due. '�
<br /> ����� 2. THI�.Truetor Ia the owner ot the Prope has the rf ht and authori to conve the Pro e
<br /> �y, g ty y p ry,and werrants thet the Ilen
<br /> `''��; • • created hereby Is a tlrat and prlor Ilen on the Property,except for liens and e�cumbrances set forth by Truator in writing and
<br /> ;!�i� ��• detivered to Lender before executlon o1 this Deed of Trust end the executfon and tlelroery ol th�s Deed of Trust doea not vlolate any �,
<br /> �I � contract or olher obllpaticn to whlch Trustor Is sub�ect. '
<br /> � ;� ` �• 3. TaKU,Ass�monq.To pay before dellnquency all taxes,apecial esaessments and au other c�argea ayainat the Prope�ty �"
<br /> ' now w hereaRer levied. G�
<br /> � '' � 4. IMw�nc�.To keep the Property Insured epainat damage by 1ue,hazards included w�lhln 1he term"extended coverage",end i•
<br /> � y � �i` suah other hezards as Lender mey requke.ln emouMa end with companies accepteble to Lender,naming Lender aa an additfonal ;
<br /> �.� � � � nemed Ineured,with loas peyable to the lender.In ceee ot loss under such poliaes.the Lender is authorized to ad�ust,eoltect and
<br /> �^ : t • • compromise,all cleime thereunder and ahell have the opUOn ol epplying ail or part of the Ineurance prxeeds(i)to eny fndebtedness ?
<br /> � � , sscured hereby and In such order as Lender may determine,(il)lo the Trustor to be used for the repalr or reslorallon of the Properly
<br /> or(111)for any other pu�poae or object satlafactory to Lender wlthout attecung the lien ol thls Deed of Trust for the fult amount secured ,
<br /> ? hereby befare such payment ever look plece.Any applicatlon of proceeds to Indebtedneas ahell no1 extend or poatpone the due
<br /> � � date of any peymonta under fhe Note,or cure eny delault thereunder or hereunder. �
<br /> a �.e�er�_unnn wrinon demand bv Lender.Trustor ehell pey to Lender,fn such menner ae l.ender may desipnate,auHiclent
<br /> tum�to�nable Lender to pey ae they become due one or more of the lollowing:(f)all taxes,asaeesments and other charyes ayalnst
<br /> �� ! . '•� tl�Property,(li)the promfums on tho property lnaurance requlred hereunder,end pll)the premiumo on any mortyape�nsurence
<br /> •. � ►pulr�d by Lender.
<br /> ����; � 8. M�MUn�np,Rtp�lrs and Compllanc�wI1M law�. Trustor shall keep!he Property in�oad conditfon and repalr;ahall ,
<br /> u prompdy rop�i�,or replece�ny Improvement which mey bo dameyed or doatroyed;ahel' not cammft or permlt any waste or
<br /> , w � � dMMforatlon of the Property;shell nvt remove,demol�eh or eubstentlelly alter eny of the Improvements on the Property:shall nol
<br /> � commli,�uBer or permft�ny�ct to bs done fn or upon the PropeAy in vlolatfon ol any law,ordlnance,a repulaUOn;and ehell pay and
<br /> ! . .. promptly dltchar�s at Tru�tor's co�t and�xpente all Ilono,uncumbrances and charyea Ievfed,Imposed or as�e�ted apain�t tho
<br /> Propsrty or any psN thereol.
<br /> • 7. En�M�nt Donwln.Lend�r I�hereby a���ned all compensatlon,awarda,dama�es and other paymenb or rellsf(hereineker
<br /> ,• "proce�ds")In con��adon wllh eondemn�tlon or other taklnp of the Propeny or paA thereol,or for convaqance fn lieu of condemna-
<br /> " ?� , dpn.Lender�hall bs enUtlsd N Its optlon to commenae,appear In end proeecute In us own name any aaypn aproCNdlnpa,end
<br /> � � • , ' �h�ll�I�o be sntlq�d to mak��ny compromlto or widement In cqnnecllon wlth ouch takfnp or damope.Inih��wnt any pordon ol
<br /> a
<br /> MC i�7(NarrctihwM O�MI�w 10�N �
<br /> 0/�M NM�snM�M d Camm�.w T�rd Hwey�Iuaeu�an lineWn.N�bW
<br /> 1• -- - -- - - - .
<br />