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<br /> �
<br /> • L.i*i .. . ,
<br /> � � ..._ . ��y� ��'.• '
<br /> +. f '6"7q��,.
<br /> ..a�a.c '+ .::i�iw r
<br /> ' . . 93- io�4
<br /> � eoROw.► m.r ow.woh■ a�w� .ne n�wr, u v�� „ w�w� ��,by awlnp IM�ol{oe a prooMdYq fo b�
<br /> ' a,m�..d wtn•tiw�n�u.h�.�a.r.000a�n wNn+�r�a�,a�•owda ion.�w•a a�.�oROw.r•r+w..�h a�.�op.m«
<br /> I . an«�+�.rmwn a cn.w�onMw by u�M e.ow�r w+.wnrm a�a�r. .�r � rarow.r.nw.Mo a ti
<br /> `i� dlhuM M/OrtOwM.durinY tIN lo�n�pploltlon ProoMb��M N4�ot M�oOwaM IntDrR�llOn or�IInrN�to L�ndM(Or
<br /> W�d ro P���w�dn wNh�nr n�MAal blonn�tbn) b aaw+�ollon w1h tn� 1om �eio�d b1►th� NoM, InolbYq� bul nol
<br /> ' :w�y.�;.„.". ,^ N�nIMd b� �ib�� oonolMnMtp BaROwws ooaup�noy M IM Proprfl u • 0�� ���• N U1M MOwMy
<br /> . wawn�+e M on a IMNho�a, soirow.i MN oonp�r w+a� .II uu pr�ovwwns of eh�ww. n ea.ow.r�oo+w�IM aa�a a»
<br /> •, .,.�,:•;,;,.
<br /> .,.. �y��n.M.�+ae.�d a�.a.�r.na��o►mwo•w+w.unwr.on.�a a,.��w�rrp.
<br /> :° �..^�..�_-- �..-'`' r. Probotlon of 1.�nd�r'� Rbht� In t!N PropKty.n earow�r �w. ro a�«�+�•oow�w�a.na�n�
<br /> oontalrNd In thh S�curry Iminin+�nf. a th�ra w� Ipd prooMdYq th�t m�y slpnllom�N �M�al L�nd�s dpha N ffN PropMtf
<br /> (woA u�P�^0 b b�nkruplo�r.Prob�M,la Cond«m�tfon a IorN4K�a to mtoro� M�w�a opuYtbns�,Mrn L�ndw nny
<br /> �' �. ° do�nd Pq lor wh�MMM k tNON�W lo proMO!Ih�valw W ih�PnlpMtf and tand��dphb M tM ProOMh. l.�nd���otion�
<br /> � - � Il�y NOlud� W1��y Wm� s�0uhd bY � MM1 whlCh h� prbrM�r o+r�r thw 8rourMp IMbunNn6 WPwinO „ Qourb P�IMq
<br /> ��::• ' nl�sombN utamM��1��nd�trMp an th�PropNtY W nMk�nWh.ARhouOb I.�nd�► may t��olbn undw thN P�O�
<br /> � �' 7�L�nd�t doM not hav�to d0 so.
<br /> II �'�::..,� ' Mr �mounb dMbuis�d py Lmd�r undr fw�p�Ph 7 ilu�N b�com�additioml d�bt o1 8onowlr�ecut�d by thM 8�au�1
<br /> ` ., In�trumm4 Unl�s Borrow�r �nd I.�der�pn� to othn t�nns of p�ym�nt, th�s��maMb sh�1 b�Inl�nst kan dN d�d� of
<br /> :, �_�.. . .
<br /> .r •.:, - . v.» ditbun�t�t tho NoM r�b�nd�h11N b�P�YabM.wkh hHrat�upon notie�Arom l.�ndlr t0 8ortow�r nqiMatNp P�Y�G
<br /> a. �Aort�pe Inwr�ncl. If I.mdK nquY�d nwitp�p� In�unna u a tondlbn ol m�kip tM ban trowrd by thN
<br /> � � �� S�CUrKy Inspumint�BomowK ftu�N pay th�pnmlums AWir�d to m�MNN th�moRpq�InwrMwy b MNot.N�for�nr�uon�tM
<br /> , mprtp�p�Inwnnc�covM�O���by LM�dM I�p�.a a a.�.s ro a ti ��BOnlwwr a1M1 pay tM P�� ���
<br /> om�h oo+�apa wb�cuuyN wuk�rn�ro uN nartpp�inwn�nw Prwta+sb„ MNet,ae � co:t wbsandW �quN�Mit to tlN
<br /> ro•
<br /> cosc a BoROw�r W tM narlp�p� lnwnnc� Pnvia+�q In MMct� kom an �M ma� inwnr�PProwd bp l,��dw. H
<br /> not�wil�b 8ortow�r
<br /> sh�N to LM�Moh nwoM�wm p1Ml Ro
<br /> YIWr�11C� R 1� N. P�y
<br /> tUb�UI1�M M�UIY�IIII�IIIOA�Q� aOVM�
<br /> anttw�Nth of tM yMrqr mortp�p�hwr�Pnmium b�inp PW by Boaoww wMn ltN Hw��co�ww�kP�d a aatad Eo
<br /> , 6� N MMot. Undu w(A�ee�Pt. ua and nt�in th�Wym�nta�s a loss n��in Yw of ma�0�N�xarw�. lots r�w
<br /> PQmMnts nny no laipa tre nqui�d��t th�opt►on at�.�ndw.If nwep�p�tnwr�na eo�ap�(b tt��nwum�nd ta th�p�tod
<br /> that Und�r�qulra)Pro�br�n Inwr� aPProv�d by Lend�r�pain b�COm�s avafl�bb and R obqlYNd. Bortow�r sh�1 P�y
<br /> th� pnmiums nquhd to mainab matp�p�bsunnp in oMact. or ro prwMk a bss ns�.uM�th�nquk�nNnt 1a maq�q
<br /> Inturu�c�mdt In�ccorduic�wtlh�ny wrMtan aprwma�t b�twwn Bortowar�nd Unda a�PP�+bM yw.
<br /> !. In�pectbn. �.nar a M�.0«K may mdc•hason.na«,atas ua�and Insprcctons o1 th.PropNty. I.�nd.r�na�pM
<br /> BorrowM nottaa at th�W�r of or pdor to�n fnsp�ctfon sp�cfylnp rNSOn�bN caua fa th�Msp�otion.
<br /> 10. Condemnation.rn.�oa�ds or any .waro or o�M ror d.m.o�s.dlrrct or con�tyl, b conn�otion wRh�nJr
<br /> CondMnn�tbn or othK WcInO of�ny Pul of th�Propwty.a fw Conwyana In Yw of condmnatton��n fwrby asslpn�0 Mid
<br /> , th�M b�p�W to LMId�.
<br /> I M th� �nt of a total Wkinp of th� PropKty, tha proca�ds sh�ll b� �ppNad to th� wms a�cund by thN S�aN�
<br /> _ ; Inatnmwnf,whNh�or not Men dw.wM1i �ny ac�ss pdd lo Bortow�. In th��nt ot�partW qkinp of th�Prop�Ay M which
<br /> � th� hir rtwk�t valw nf tM�Property Ynn�dW�lY bofon tha taklnp I� �qwl lo or pMk�► 1Mm tM�moum of th�wme s�ou�d
<br /> � by thi� S�cu�ity Infbummt immedMt�ty before Ihe uklnp, unkas Bortow�r�nd Lwidor oltwwiw apr� fn wrMYq, tM wrtn
<br /> sYCUnd by thia S�curily InsUument sh�A bA�duced by the amount of tho procpds muhtpYed by th�foUowhp haotion: (�)ths
<br /> tot�l�mount of tM�fumt aecurod knmedWtey belore the takinp,dlvidad by (b) th�hY maik�t v�lu�ot tFw Property Ynrn�di�tay
<br /> b�Mn th�f�khp. My Wlanca oMA a paid to Borrowor. In the avent ol�putYl qikh0 01 tM Propsrty in whleh the latr m�rk�t
<br /> � vNu�of th� PropeAy Mnmedialey b�Mre the takinp b Ioss than the�mount o} fh�aums secupd Imm�diU�h� belo►a the t�khp,
<br /> � unNas Borroww �nd Under olhe�wiae aprae in wrkinp w unleas appucabl� law olhawise provida�, th� p►acMds sh�1 b�
<br /> � �ppWd to the sum�s�ew�d by this Seeuriqr InaWm�nt whethar or not th�sums�re tMn duo.
<br /> II Ih�PropKty Is abtndoned by Bortower, a H,�kK notico by Landar to Barowar tAOt tha eondortmor ofNrs to m�k��n «r
<br /> �ward or sNtle� clakn la d�mpss. 8onow�►hib to napond to Laidar wkhh 30 d�ys dar Ih� data th� notia k pMin,
<br /> .+,; I.w�dor 1�authori�d to colleCt 11nd �ppy the proce�da,�t Ns opifon,NIMr to rptorHbn w rpdr of th� P�operty or M!M
<br /> � � wms qour�d by thN 3�curNy Inetiumint, whatMr or not then due. ,�
<br /> '� �. , . Unlaa I.�ndar and Bortower otheiwfsa aqrea h wrNinp, any oppRC�tMx� of proceeds to O�a�l sheN not extend a �
<br /> � postpon�the du�d�to of the monthly p�ymenta rolerrad to In parapraphs / and 2 or chanye th��mount of auoh paymente. �j ..'
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Rete�sed; Forbe�rance By Lende► Not a Waiver.exronswn o>>ne t�tor p.rnbnc a �-
<br /> ` .� '' � � modWc�tbn of�mOAiulbn ol the cums secured by this Sacurky Instrumont yrantW by Land�r b �ny succ�ssor in Intsrpt of w.
<br /> ' "' � Bortow�r�h�ll not oponls to role�se th� Ilebllity of the oripiml Bortower or Bortower's aueeesioro In Intersst. Lender shaN nof ;
<br /> •� bs roquYld to Comme�ee p►oceedinps a9ahst eny sueCessor h interesf or relusa to exland tMna la payment o► othe�wiq �
<br /> modiy�mortWNon of Ihe sums svaured by thls Security Instiumant by roason ot ony dern�nd mada by tha oripin�l BorrowM a �
<br /> ' � Bortowart successors In Interest• My forboaranca by Londw in ax�cbinp any ripht or renbdy ahs11 not be � waMr of or �
<br /> praolude the w�rc�se ot ony rqht or remedy. ;
<br /> � 12. Succes�ora and Assi�ns Bound; Joint and Several Llability; Co-siqnera me co�nanre and
<br /> �pr�Yrrpnb of this SacurUy Inehumant ahall bind�nd banefit the succesaors�nd�sslyns ol Lander�nd Borcovwr,wbJ�Ct to the
<br /> � provi�lons of p�npnph 17. Bortower's cownanta and aqreemaits shall ba bint tnd severo�. My 9oROww who casiane thls
<br /> t � $�curMy InehumM�t but doos not aecut�the Nob: (e)iL Casipnhp this SaCUrity Instrurtwnt only to mortpope,pnnt�nd Camwy
<br /> . � . � ,, th�t Borrowart htaaat h tha PropeAy under the terms ol thls Sacurity Inshument; (b) Is not porsonauy oblipated to pay the
<br /> ' � � sums s�curad by this SecurNy Inahument; and (c) ayroes thot Lendor �nd any otMr Bortowar may aproe to extend,modiy,
<br /> � , , . • torbwr a mak� any accommodatlona wNh ropard to tMe tarms ol thls Sacur►tyy �nshumw+t a tho Note wkhout thpt 8orrow�'s
<br /> � aonant.
<br /> � � � 13. LWQ CII���S. If the ban secured by thls Secunty Inphurtwnt b sub�ect to � I�w which s�ts maxlmum loan
<br /> ' charyes.�nd that �w ia 1'inalty Interpretad so th�t the Interest or other loan Charp�s Colk+Cted or to qe colpCted in conrteCtion
<br /> wkh Ihe loan�aoaead t�a permitted UmMS, thon: (a)any such loan charya aha11 bo reduced by tha�mount neeeswy to rvduae
<br /> . � Ihe charpa to Ihe pamltted wnlr, and (b)�ny sums akeady colpcted from Borrower which oxceedad pwmitted IYnils will bo
<br /> � rafundod to Bortowir. Lander rtury chooso to rtrka thls rotund by reducin0 the princpal owod under the Nota a by maki�p�
<br /> dir�Ct payrtient to Borrowar. If � rolund raduas princlpal, tha roduclbn will bo tnalod as � putyl PropayrtMnl without any
<br /> � prop�ym�rlt ChY►pe undYr the Note.
<br /> 14. N011Cl�.My notke ta Bortower provlded for in thls Sacurity Instrument shaA b�qtwn by doti�inp it or by mailnp n
<br /> � by Nr�t C�is maN unM4��ppliaabw 4w�qulns uso of�nother mathod. The notice ahaA be diroeted to tha Property Addr�s
<br /> a rnv other addnss Borrow�r dasiDnatas by notica t0 Landa. My nptkw to Landor shaM bo phipi by hst Cafs m�il to
<br /> . � I.�ndws �ddrKS tubd hanh or any oth�r oddr�ss Landor Wsipnatas by notico to Bortowor. My notico provtded for fn thls
<br /> S�duUy MatrumM�t�IuM ba dY�rMd to havY bMn pNan to BorrowM or Londor wlqn yA�w�as prOVidad h thls pa�proph•
<br /> � t 18. Governln� l.�w; SlVMlMblllly. ?hh Sacur�ty InstrumYnt shlA W povemW by lederd 4w �nd iho rw ol the
<br /> � wNsdiCtlon tn whiCA tM Prop�rty It lout�d. U fh�ewnt thd �n� prOVkion or Cruse ol this SoCUrily InBtrum�nt or fha NOte
<br /> ` ! ''� conNCls wMh �pplirabq�w,wch confYCt shaN not�M�ct otlwr provislons of Mb Soeurity Insbumanf or tha Nob wA�h cui be
<br /> .� pA�n�M�ct wthout M+a eonfuctYq provfs�on.To thls�nd tlw provisbns ot this S�.vniy MitrurtNnt�nd tha Noto�n dochrod to
<br /> • bo tevM�bM.
<br /> � � ' ; � 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower slull be pNen one conlonned Cop�ot the Note�nd of this SeCUtily Instrunbnt.
<br /> ' � � L
<br /> ,. . � �
<br /> � y' � Ft7t�.lMO p/b) Pao�a ol s
<br /> � i ��
<br /> �
<br /> � �700 W �
<br />