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<br /> � :�.:i,�'�. . • . .,�• ' i l91 To iadnuln �prwem�ea 1n�ood np�4�nd m�k�npain rsquind by tha Ca�anmeat;pp{rAtO tI1F QfO�My
<br /> ' • - - - � • in,�goael Rnd hwb�ndnunliki m�nnert camplr.rlth sucb fum eonreradoa pnctia��nd fium�nd hama mnnpement p4m
<br /> w '�� v the(iovemm�nt from time to tim�m� prncrlbei�nd not to ab�ndoa the properry.or cwb or permit��v�uca,ksnnin�or
<br /> r n
<br /> . +�"�'� �` �itllpdrmsnt of ebe Kcurity covered hae6y.or�wi�houc tho writt�n coa�ent oE eha Governmene.cut,eamuv�.at I�w an'
<br /> „yi: "�" �`�°'"`:lµ-.�"-• tLnb�r,gn�el.oil,�,cwT,or ather minewl�e:cept�u m�y b neceuary for ordin�ry dame�dc purpasa�,
<br /> ... .. .
<br /> �. (10) To camply aitl�all law�,ordimnce�,�od re�ul�tlon��ffectin�th�properry.
<br /> ;":,� , t�'�•'c,+• ' .,., (11) To pay or reimbune the Governmen�fin e:pentei n�ombly neca�ary or incidental to the proteetion of tha llea
<br />�,`•;: .. - ' � �� and pdo�cy lureof and to the enf,orcement of or the caapll�nee with tba provbian�ho�aof�nd of tbe aom�nd�ny wppla•
<br /> � i4 �; ' �: mentary��ament(whether baforo or after dofault). ineluding but not Wnimd to eo�p of evidenoe vf dele to�nd�une�of
<br /> .,.�.,•; : � ; ehe Proporty.eo�q of reeording ehis and oth�r in�aumena,aaorneys fea.wuaa fae�.eoun eouw sad espoabs of�dver-
<br /> '' tidn�„�elling and canveying the property.
<br /> �• �%;.
<br />�� � (12j Bxcept ss othe�e provided by ehe Fumen Home Admini�aadon roguI�dam,noith�r ehe p�aperty nor anq
<br /> . ;�'�'• ' pordon thoceof or intera�t tharain.�hdl be lea�ed,as�igned�wld,�nn�Emred�ar encumberod voluntarlly or other�vhe.without
<br /> - eha wriaen ca at.of tha Govc�nment. The Ciovernmont�h�ll h�ve tha solo ond e:eludvar1g�t�w mortg�gee herounder
<br /> ' • inaludlng but n�,t.�1, a �!i d{I��irra to�nt eonann,p�rtiai releuei, wbordin�dun:.�nd wtl�faaion,and no inwssd
<br /> ' � holder�h�U h�v��ny�,yl�its,�tiaqt��p�ereit in or to the lien or any benafltc hemof. , ,
<br /> � ,,..
<br /> ' � (13) At +il rapd'p�T�tfint� the Govstnment �nd Ito agents mpr Inapect thp p�opsrty ta asctrtoin what6or the eov ---
<br /> en�nt�and�greemtin��cdnt�lhe�herein orin any wpplementary ag►eement�re beinBpaEwrmed. •�� �;� ,�.
<br /> �;, • � (14) 11�e Governmeot may (a) adjuu the ioterest rata,payment,terms or balance duo on tho laao,(b)inc�ease the '
<br /> ,•,`.
<br /> � mortgage by an amount equal to defarrea interest on the ountanding pdncip�l bdsnce.(r.)e:tend or defer tl�o matudty of ' " - -
<br /> , • and renew ond reuhedule the paqmena on, the debt evidenced by tha nota or�y indobtcdness to che Gorernmenc sacura� �-
<br /> bq ddc lnarumant, (d) rela:e any party wha is liable under the nata or for ehQ debt from liabliiry to the Government. :S�
<br /> (u)rcle�se pordanc of the proper[y and subordinate ia lien,and((j waire any other of ia�ighn under th�in�trumeot.My � •
<br /> • wnd all�this can and will be done wlthout affectinp tho Ntn or tho pda►ity af thi:inurument o►Borrower's or any other ""'!,�`;.: +
<br /> •_ , . _ „ puty'a IiabUity tn tha Govemmont for poymcnt of the nate or dcbt acured by this imtrument unleu the Government say� �'�•�•�•�' �'
<br /> � othorwiie in wtidng. HQWHVER, any forbearance by the Governmrnt»whether onc�r or aften-in eserci:ing any right or
<br /> , • ; . •'' remedy unda�hic in�trument, or otherwi�o afforded 6y applltabk IAw.thall not be a waiver of or prcelude the exercisa of ,,�,��
<br /> , any such•dght,or mmedY• "''••�:�...
<br /> . (1S) IC nt sny dme it�haU appcar ta eho Governmrnt thAt borrower may be able to obtain a losn from�production � .-F�'.�;''3�i��
<br /> ` _—�_- -. �e�llt a!eacistloe,e P{�dtrel l�nd bank,4r nttie��esrnn�fhle caopaadve ar privste credit souree,at reasonable rate�and terms _ "`'�''�
<br /> ' fnr larn:for�imUu purpo�es and pe�iode of dme,Borrower will,upon the GovernmenPs requeit,apply for and aeupt wch � �
<br /> ' . Itl�n in tufficient�mount to pay the note and any indebtadne�s ucurcd hereby and to pay for any itoek ncceuary to be ,�y� +
<br /> purchased in a eaoperative lending agency in connection with euch loan. :3�'��, r",
<br /> � , (l6) Aefault hareundc� �hall eonrtitute default under any other rcal estate,or under any personal property or other, :;���, �"
<br /> � security instrument held o�insured by the Govcrnmcnt and exccuted or aa�umed by Borrower,and deFault under any:ueh • . ,• s
<br /> other ucudty inswment sholl conatitute dcfault ha�eundcr. ` ";,
<br /> . (17) Borrower further ag�ees that the loan(a)accured by thia instrument wlll 6e in default�hould any loan proceeds { ' •
<br /> be uaed for a purpose that will contribute to exceuive erosion of highly erodible land or to the convmion of wetlonds to � -��
<br /> � . produce an agricultur�l commodity,as furthc�ezplained in 7 CFR Part I940.Subpart G,Exhibit M. �
<br /> ,�;.' •i� (18} SHQULD DEFAULT oecur in the performance or dicchar�e of any obligation in this inatrument or seeurcd by �
<br /> �i, thi�in�trument,or�hould the parties named a�Barcower die w be declared an incompetent,or thould any one of the parties �
<br /> , named os Borrower be diaeharged in bankruptcy or declared an insolvent or make an a��ignment for the benefit of creditori,
<br /> tha Governmant,at its optiun, with or without noticc,may:(a)deelue thc entire amount unpaid undcr the note and ony �
<br /> • indebtedness to the Covernment hereby secured immed4+tely due and puyablc,(b)for the account of Bonower incur and pav '
<br /> � . rea�onable expenus for repair or maintenancc of and take posscssion of,operatc or rent thc property,(e)upon appUtation
<br /> ' by it and production of thi� Instrument,without other evidence and without notice of hearing of eaid application,have a •
<br /> receiver appointed for the property, with the usual powen of receivera in like cases, (d)foreclose this inatrument as provided ,
<br /> ho►e1n o� by law,�nd(c)enforce�uy�i�d�II ull�cr rigl�ts und remedies provided herein or by present or future law. ,
<br /> 1 (19} Tfie proeeed:of foreclosure sale shall be applied in the following urder to the payn►ent of:(aj eo9ts and expenu�
<br /> ineident to enforcing or complying with the provisions hereof,(b)any prior liens required by law or a competen�cour[to be � , 5'•
<br /> +� so paid, (c) the debt evidenced by the notr and all Indebtedness to the Covernment secured hereby,(d) inferior liens of .
<br /> • record required by law or a competent court to be so paid. (c) at thc Govrrnment's uption,any other indebtedness of Bor- • • �'
<br /> rower owing to or ineured by thc Covernment,and(f) nny balance to Borrowcr. A� foreclosure or othcr �ale of all or any
<br /> part of the property. the rovernment and its optints may bid�nd purchasc as o strangcr and may pay thc Govrrnmcnt's sharc ,
<br /> � of thc purchasc price by crediting such amount on rny debti of Borrower owiug��� or in:ured by the Government,in the
<br /> order pre:cribed abave. .
<br /> (20) li�ttowcr ugtee� that the Governmcut will not bc bound hy any prescnt w f'uture Stue law,(a) providing for
<br /> valuation, appraisal, home�eead or rxemPtion ot the property, (b) prnhibitin� mainnnance of an �ctlon for�deficiency
<br /> y judgment or limiting the amount thereof or the ti�ne within which such action must be brought,(c) Prescribing ony other
<br /> i , f stotute of limit�tlons,�d)allowing an}•right of rcdcmpti�n or possession fullowing any forcclosure sale, or (e)limiting thc
<br /> eonditioni which the overnment may by regt►lation impose, including the interesr rate it may chatge, as a condition of
<br /> � app�oving a trantfer of the property to a new Bor►ower. Borrower expcessly w.�ivee the benrfit of any such State lavin.
<br /> � . x� •�� �� 'f'
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