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<br /> Fam PmHA 417-]N$ 93• ��6
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<br /> Yi'l181►/ORTtiAaBis��dt�ndtnpndiRtll,by� ('nrr4na /k�eda�, A,��le Pwrenn
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<br /> . �' 1 . . � sj..;:., � � nnidins in . Hn 7 t Couaq►.Nabruka,wbae pou oE�ice�ddcta b
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<br /> �,'i�,:':'`�:.'` '; ''�, ��. .' �7�f11..����Wa lV�¢t f'wciar Strp,@t�,�p,ajTf'�.r�n ,Nebtuka ���—..
<br /> ,;,;,';c ',:.�__tti.�..• barain,Gailad"aorrowar."snd che Unicad State�of,Amarica,�cNa�duou�b cUr Farman Home Adruiaiiaation�Urttted Sutsi
<br /> ,�e��:.,,...�s:.•_,::�s::. . �FF#r�mpnt,of Agrieultuca.herein caUed the"Cov�anmont"�
<br /> ;�;�'�:�:. ..,� � ' W�IBR,�AS Basrower�indebttd co tha Covernment,as evldenud by one ar maa proralaocy noN(�)oe awmptiou
<br /> 4 ..
<br /> , i'' � �� ,� , s�eement(�)or,Rnp shored apprceiatbn a retapture a�racmcnt,ber�in called"note,"which hu been executed br eo�rowet.
<br /> ���s-� �';-- ��A'%4°' . � ' is p�y�ble w tha ctrlar of th�Govmnmen�,�uthodze�acceleration of the cnt4+t indebteduea �t tha opdoa of the(ionn-
<br /> " ! � - meat upoe,��dafiiulo by BoROwor,and'u de�ibed u follmn:
<br />+ .� � , � � � � ,
<br /> �.. . A wwd Rate Dwt laatt o`FfiW
<br /> i.', . . � - � � . . : �.�; pgM.Pf�n� t�t PrincJp�alAmar_t o Intaest Int�al6rtent
<br /> ;, •;, ,
<br /> `' : ��, :
<br /> i��
<br /> � ;, � , ,:;r,!:,,:�: 9/16/�3 $62,000.00 7. 25� 9/15/Z031 j.
<br /> ;;�.; , ,� ,�� _ , , . .
<br /> � , ('i'he iotercst rate for limited resource fum ownenhip or limited re�ource operating Iwn(�)ucured by thb imm�me�t
<br /> � may be inaeased w provided ia the Farmen Home Adminituation reguladon�and the aote.)
<br /> - � �'---" . - Md t�e nate avfdences a loan to Sotrowa,and t6c Govcrnment.at anr ti+nn,rit,ty�1gn thc natc aad inasra t�e Qsy- . -
<br /> • ment thereaf pursu�at to the Conwiidated Pum and Rurd Development Aet,or Title V uf the Houdeg Act of 1949«wy ��
<br /> i utl�nr�tacuto adminiatered by the Fumert Home Administradon. 1
<br /> } • ' Md it b tha purpose and intant of thit instrument that,among other thing�,at all times when the note i�held by the ���'`'
<br /> '� , Government.or In the event the Government thould aaign this imtrument without in:wance of the note, thia inaaument �"
<br /> ��, • shaU wcure payment of thc notc;buc when the nota is held 6y an inwred ho{der,this instrume t shall not cecure paymeat
<br /> •<. of the note or attuh to the debt evidenced thereby.but as to the note and auch debt shall const�d��/��ity mortgage �
<br /> ' i to secure the Government against lo:s unde�its insutance contract by reason of any default by Borcowec; ;
<br /> ', � And this io:uument also secure: the recapture of any interest credit or subsldy which may be granted tn the Borrower �
<br /> �,a. • by thc Covernment punuant to 42 U.S.C. §1a90a, ar any amounts duc under any 5hared Apprecintion Agreement/Recap• �
<br /> '� tura A�cemcnc ente�ed into purauant to 7 U.S.C. 2001.
<br /> j. ;f NUW, THEREFORE,in conaideratiun of thc lo�_a;ti)�nd (�) at all rinres when thc note ie held by the Government,or �
<br /> in the event eho Government should a�sign this inurument without incur�nce of ehe payment of the note,to cecure prompt ,
<br /> f paymenr of the noee and any renewal:and extensions thereof nnd any ygeements contained rherein,including any provi�ion ;
<br /> for the payment of s�n insuronce or other charge, (b)at all times when the noce i�hcld by�n insured holder,to secure per-
<br /> , � formance of Bo�rower's agrcemcnt hercin to indemni�y and savc harmlcss thc Government against los�under ita inauranee
<br /> � eontract by rcason nf any dcfault by Borrowrr, and(c) in rny cvcnt and at�II timcs ra secu�c thc prompt paymcnt of all
<br /> � ydvances.ud expcndiwrec ntade by the Go��ernment,with ittcere+�,as hereina�trr�i�•�crih�d, and the performanee of every
<br /> : • � covenant and a�oement uf liutrower cont.�ined herein ur in any suppl.mentary agrcemcnt, Borrower does hereby grant,
<br /> bargin, scll, com•ay�nd assign,with gcneral warr�nty,untn thc Covcrnmcnt thc following property situoted in the State of f
<br /> � Nebra�ka,County(iQa)of Ha 1 •
<br /> , •, Lot ?iitle (9) , j n *:�.�on ' ,��1C;.1•. Itc��ii.1:tr;: tr t},� `,i 1 1'�..�• n^ 1��n3.nh�.n,
<br /> i � .
<br /> �.. � I?�11 Cotu:t,,, P?ebr�.s::�.. .
<br /> '
<br /> � �
<br /> ' F„�HA 427-1 NB (Rev.7•89) ' •
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