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<br /> 17.TMnda'ot tMe Propa'ty a'�B�cl�l Irta�la Bon+uwer.lf WI or u� prt of the f'rope�ty or any I�e►est in it
<br /> tM
<br /> i�wid or t�nafemed(or if a bencQcid interat in Borrowcr ia�uld ur t�fcrrod�.� nowet iR not n�wtural pe�san)witlaut
<br /> I.¢nder'� pdur w�itten canceat, l.ender may. nt fts�tion, roquirc immocNwe pwyment in i1�ll of all Bums socurod by �hi•
<br /> Sacu�ity Inurumcnt.Hawevc�.�h�s optiun ciu�ll not bo exerci�ed by L�ender iP exerci�e i�pmhibitad by fadenl law u of tbe�We
<br /> of�hig Socu�ity lnwn�man.
<br /> If L.eoder exemf�Ihia opti�n.Lcnder�II Rive Borrower noti��c af anYlanrtion.Tho iatfco riwll provide w pedad oi nat
<br /> less ttw� 30 dayr from the dAte thc�wtioc i�delivcrod a nu�iled wfthln which 9orrower muxt pay �II wmx �oeural by Ihis
<br /> Secu�ity Ina�rumcnt.if Bormwcr PAild to pry lhcsc 6wn9 prlor to the expirntlon nf Ihir perf�xl,l.ender m�y invukc�ny remedics
<br /> permltted by this Socurit�y�Inatrumcnt witMwi li�rther notice or demonJ an Bnmawer.
<br /> ,.��. IS. Bortnwer's Wght to RdwWe. If Borrowcr m�t� certain �vnditiona, &►rmwer R1wll Iwve iho �ight to havo
<br /> enforcement oi thia Secu�iry i�lrumem Ji++�r�ntinucd �t any tirsk Nriur tu thc e:�rlicr of: (a)S dnys lor such other pc�knd as
<br /> applicablc law moy spocify fur reinstatrrt�ent) bcPorc sale oF�hc Propeny pun+uam to ony pawe� af salo conteinoci in �his
<br /> Secu��y Inslniment;or(b)cntry of A judgmcnl enfi�ning thix 5ecurity Instrument. 7'ha,e conditions ure Ihwt Bornnwer: (o)prys
<br /> I.ender all sums which then would be due under Ihia Security In9uument and the Note os if nc►nvvelamtion hud occurrod:lb)
<br /> ' curcs any default of uny ather rnvenantx ur ugroements; (c)pay��II eapenses incurred in enforcing this Securily Inzlroment.
<br /> including. but not limited ta, rcaconable auarnc�s' fees;and(d)lakes such action as Lendcr rtwy neasonwbly reyuiro tn eswre
<br /> *� ~, � that the lien of this Security Instn�ment. Lender s rightx in the Property ard Borrower'a obligation to puy th�rums socurad by
<br /> '•t�� ;a,�- ti�ia Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon relnrtatement by �C3orrawer, this 5ecurity I�strument and the
<br /> abligutions socured hercby shall remnin fully effective a�if no accele►�tion lud occurrod. However.this nQht to rcinstxto slwll
<br /> � "':X�:y�'��.:� notupply in the case af ucceleration under parrgraph 17.
<br /> "'�*'-��' 19. Sale oi Note; Chw�e ot Loan Servicer. Tf�e Note or a pnrti�l imcrest in the Note Itogethcr with tMF Security
<br /> .�x• •�''r ,` • •`'�'• Insln�menq muy be sold one or more times withaut priur mtice ta Borrower. A swle muy result in a rhnnge in tha entity Iknown
<br /> • " � {�'t:: ::� .'. , . :�._, as the'I.oAn Servicer"1 that callects monthlY puYmenls�luv�ender the Note iuid Ihis Securfty Instrument. There also may be atre
<br />:' � �T��� � or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelutod toa sule of the Note.If�here is a chunge�f the Luw�Servicer, Borrower will be
<br /> }:�:. ._ given wrilten notice of the change in ucconiunce wi[h paragnph 14 ubove and appl icable IAw.The natiue wlll slul@ the�and
<br /> �: �. • �� address of the new Loan Servicer and the addr�ess to which payments should be nwde. The notiae will u1M��timtuin+any other
<br /> ; : inforn�ation required by applicable law.
<br /> �,:, : � 20. Haz�idous Sub�. B�rrawcr sball not cause ar permit the presence. use. dispasal, sloroge. o� nalcase of any
<br /> ' •,i.::•�' ' . Hazardous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borroµer shall nnt do, nor allow anyone else tu do, �nything affe�King the
<br /> • Prope�ty that is i� violation of nny Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shull not epply tu the presenoe. use,or
<br /> .,, ;r� • storage on the Propeny of small quan[ities of Huzardcws Substanc��s�hAt are genernlly ntirogni�i to be appropr�atc to nom�al
<br /> �idential uses and to maintenance of the Propeny.
<br /> Bormwe�shall promptiy give Lender written notice of uny invesligation,claim, demand, I�wsuit vr other uction by any
<br /> � ;%�'{; �• governmental or regulatary agency ur privu�e pahy involving the Propeny and any Hawrdous Substann:or En��ironmeat�l Law
<br /> , • of which Borrower hac actuul knowledge. If Harrower learn.c,or is nndfiad by a�y governmentul or+t�ulatory uuthority,that
<br /> •'", �} any remov�l o�other remadintion af any Ha�nrd�ws Subs�ance�ffecting the Propeny n necessury.Horrow�er shall promptly tuke
<br /> . all necessary remedial actions in accardonce with Emironmental Law.
<br /> '�.:c.;.; As used in this patagruph 20, "Hwnrdous Substances" ure those subswnces defined uti tozic or haz�dcws substum�es by
<br /> .,I'�� . . Environmentul Law and the fnllawing sub�lance�:: gusohne, keroaene, other iiamrtwbie o� ioxic pMn�ieum Pnxiucia, iuxic
<br /> -,':..,;�,, •• pesticides and hcrbicides,vola�ile solvenls, muterialsrnmaining usbesms or fornialdehyde,and radioac�i�•e materinls.As us+ed in
<br /> :�_ ', - this pamgrnph 20, "Envimnmuntul l.aw" menns federal laws And luws of the jurisdiction where the Pmperty is lacated that
<br /> • . relate ta health,safety or envimnmcntul protection.
<br /> .' NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. &�rrowrr and Lendcr further covenunt und agrce as follow•�:
<br /> :?;�;�, 21. Acrcleratton;Remedies. l.eader�hutl Rive notice to Barrower prior to acceleration Pollowln�Bon�o«�er's breach
<br /> L of any covenAnt or a�nrmcnt in this �ecuritS In�trument (bui not prior to �cccleration under parogroph l7 unless
<br /> applieable law provldes otherwise).The notice shull rpecify: 1a11he dePaull; Ib)the action required to cure the defoult:
<br /> �; (c)A date,nnt less thon 30 duyr�f'rom�he date the notice iz Ri��en tu Borrneer,by w•hich the default must be cured;ynd ".
<br /> ��r. . (d) that failure to cure the dePuult on ur befiire thc date xpeciiicd in the notice may nsult in accelernlion oi the sums
<br /> �� secured by this Srcurity Inctrument aod ecale ol' the Property. The notice tihull further in6urm BorroKrr of the ri{�ht to
<br /> (r. � reinstate aUer accelerution and the rlght tn Iwina a c�wr1 vcli�m to asseM the non-exi�trmr of u default or any other ..�_�
<br /> defense of Bom►Wer to acceleration and sule. IP Ihe deiuult is not cured an or befnre the date�pecified in the notice.
<br /> i� � I.ender. al Its optlon, mA�• repuirc immediate parment in full of all +um��ecured b�• this Security lnstrument without
<br /> ' turther demand and�na� invakc thc p�w�er oP u�lc aad un�� othcr rcmedi�w permitled by applicnl►le IuN. Ixnder shall be
<br /> � entilled to collect all cxpen.u�incurred in pursuing the rcmedi�w pro�•ided in Ihis paragraph 2t.includinR.but aot limilyd
<br /> � � '' to,reysonabte Attarney.'fca�and rntiis of tiUe c�•ldence.
<br /> . � � � ' li the po�ver uP sale i+ inw�ked, Trutitec�hall nrord a n�tire oi default in r�ch�v�unl�• in a�hich any p�rt ni'the
<br /> � ' � Propert�• ic I�►cated und rhull meil copi�w oP.uch noticc in thr n�s�nner pn�scribed M appli�able I�a•tu Borroerr and to
<br /> "�'` the uther r�nti resrribed b�•u licablc lu��.Aitcr thc timc r� uiraKl b�•u NraMc laa.Tru.rt�Y�h�ll i�•c ublM nntice
<br /> pc •' p pp '�l pP R P ;
<br /> • • of.r•ale to the perums and in Ihe munner pr��+crit►ed b��upplicablc lu��.7'rust�v, a•ithout demand on&�rrnNer, tihall tiell .
<br /> � thc PropeN�• At puMic aurtion to thc hlRhcst biddcr at thc timc und plucc und undcr the tcrm+de,ianeted in thc natice oi '
<br /> sak in une or mom pu�relti and in aay nrdrr Trustec dctcrmin�w. Trust�ti muy� pnvtponc sule of ull or am• pareel of the
<br /> ,. Property by pubUc announcement at thc limr and place��i'um pm��i�wsl� ticheduled sulr. l.endrr or itti devi�a�r may
<br /> �, purchase the Property at ony ssde.
<br /> r `:.
<br /> .
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