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<br /> S. F�ard ar Pr+opa�ty Iwu+ance. Borrower rh�ll keep tho impovemnnt�aow aulttin� or haraMr ae�x�d aq tir
<br /> Pr+apaty inwrod a��iiuc loa by firo, hanrdr incliWad withln tha term 'cxtendad cover+wgq' �qd any a�f�er hwrd+. lacludlas
<br /> floods or 0oodin��for which Lender roquira inwru�vo.71�ir Iruuranoo�11 be otwlntAfnad itl�the amoutNr�nd f°r th°Perind�
<br /> that I.eader roquir+a.The inwranoo carricr providin�the iruuranoe�lu�ll bo chMen by 8armwor wbJxt ta I.�nda's�pprovd
<br /> which slull not be urmeaionably withi�eld. If Barrower fdl�to m�inuln onvernge dascribed Mbuve. l.enda mey,�t LAader'R
<br /> u�don.o6uin ooverage to protact t�ender's d�hle in tho Property in acaord�two with ppr�gr�ph 7•
<br /> All inauru�oe policios and m�ewtl��twll bo acoeptoble to Lcnder uid sh�l) iqcluda p st�ed�rd mort�{e clue�e. L�ender
<br /> ehall have the r�ght to hold the policies nnd rcnowal�. If Lerida� requinx.Bc�rrower rh�ll�PmmptlY�ivo w L,ender dl reoeipti of
<br /> poid Premiums rnd rcnew�l naices.In tho ovent uf laus.BoROwe�slwll�i�e p�ompt nuifac►la Iha incurance cArriu ud Lender.
<br /> l,ender rn�y nuke proof of lor�if not mode promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unle�c Lender and Borrower otherwise agroe in writing, insuranoe pro.xeda sh�ll bo sppliad to testaration ar rop�ir of the
<br /> Pruperty duneged.if the rcstatstion or rep�ir is economicAlly fearibla uid Londar's sxurity�is�npt lessenod.If the rcator�ulon or
<br /> rep�ir ia not wonomicolly fensible or Lender's sxu�ity would be lessenad, tba insumnae pmc�oods Wwll bo opplied to Ihe wme
<br /> sewrod by thi4 Security Incttument, whethcr or not then due. wlth my oaoess pwid ta&ttrower. If Borrower�bandorw�he
<br /> - Propecty,or daes not answer within 30 dwys a nadx from I.endar thW the incuranoe catriar has offered to settle a elaim. then
<br /> Lender m�y wllxt the insurnnce proceals. Lender may uac the pr000edc to nepair o�,restone the Property or to p�y sua�e
<br /> secured by this Secudty Instrument,whether or not then due.Tt�a 30-dwy par�ad wlll b�gin.when the notice is given.
<br /> Unlas Lender and Borrower othorwise agr� in wridng.any applicatian of pmo0od6 ta princi�wl shhsdll iat extend or
<br /> "° postpone the due date of the monthly paymenta referrod to ln puagcrpht 1 and 2 0�change tha amount of the paymente. Ii
<br /> ,�...: �. undcr paragrnph 21 the Property is acquirod by l.ender.Bomawcr's right tp any inwranoe palfaias and proceeds rcsulting from
<br /> � n,�a, danwge to the Pmperty prior w the ocquisitian sh�ll pass to l.ettder ta�ha estant of tha sumt securod by Ihia Savrity I�uuroe�U
<br /> ';; '' #?•.�. ' immediately pdur to tha aoquicitian.
<br /> f� ��r:� 6. accupoacy,Prc�ervadoo�Malntenanae And Protection ot t6e Prop�s Rorrower's Lopn ApplicAl{on:l.eaceholde.
<br /> `�_.._., ,��^� � - Borrower shall occupy,estabflsh,und use tha Property as Bon�ower's prinoipul nssWence within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> ',4,;;;�;�,� ,��. ` ;' " thia Security Instrument and ehall continue to accupy the Propetty as Honawiot�'s principal residence for at least one year afler
<br /> .� ���•:f�,,,.. ��-•.�.
<br /> ,..,�... .�„�,x -:•.. . . the dwte of occupancy.unloss I.endar otherwise agroos in wriling, which�oonsvnt shafl not be unrea.gonably withheld.or unless
<br /> ' '��-�i<;,;� ;�'r''��;�,, extenuating circumstenoes exist whlah are beyond Botmwcr's cantrvL Borrower shall not destroy. damege or impair tt�c
<br /> ..- '.�i'�.��'� �4��..�!,
<br /> `;, ,�. ,�, Pmperty,allow the PropeKy to datoriomte, or commit wasta on tha Propercy. Borrower sh�ll be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> ' ;r'�� ����!��,';���` ;''��"'` action or rocadin .whether civibor criminal, is begun that in l�ender's gaod faith jud$ment cauld resuit in fodeiture of�he
<br /> '�.,t.. `�� •:-. -,.•c� r,r:..,;� P �
<br /> :o';�' '�+9�>' .:�:i''^r,'.�;,j•'.';:'s , Property or otherwise materially impair the lien craatad by thia 3ocu�ity instrument ar l.ender's security interest.Horrower may
<br /> •-,,,�:�
<br /> ��:9;.'�•:`,:��.,,�,.:(;��n�r cure such o default end r+einstate.as provided in•pamgmph,i8; by causing the action or proceeding to bc dismissed with a ruling
<br /> °�'' ' ` ''��'" that, in Lender's good-faith detemiination, precludos forfeilura of the Borrower's interest in Ihe Property or ather material
<br /> �' �.��•;�:�•�°. .. ��� + impairment of the lien created by this Security lnstrument or, I.endcr's secunry interest. bonower shaii aiso ba in defauil ii
<br /> '���'� • '''�� Borrower,during the loan application process,guve materially false or inaccurate infortnution or statements ta Lender(or failed
<br /> �..:•. .._. . . . •r:;.�.;:,,.
<br /> '�� . to provide Lender with any material information) in connecticm with the loan evidenced by�he Nate,including,but no[limited
<br /> ��"�''' to,representations concerning Borrower's accupancy af the Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrumen�is on a
<br /> � � , leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property. the
<br /> � ; leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless L.ender Agrees to the mergcr in w�ting.
<br /> '�`�:, ' - 7.Protection ot Lender's Wghte in the Property.lf EoROwer fails to perform the covenunta and agreements contained in
<br /> � F � • � , this Security Instrumcnt,or therc is a legal pr�xeeding thut muy significantly affect L.endcr's rights in�he Propeny (such as a
<br /> y , � . ' prooeeding in bankruptcy,probate, f�r condemnution or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender muy do and
<br /> `�; pay for whatever is necessary t�protea the valuc nf thc Pn>peny und I.eoder's rights in the Property. l.ender's actions mey •
<br /> , , „ include paying uny sums secured by u lien which hu� priority over �his Security Inntrument, appearing in court, paying .�;,:
<br /> • � reasonable ottorncys'Pees and enterin�on the Pnnpeny to make repairs. AI[hough Lender may tuke actiun under�his paragraph
<br /> + • ,, 7.L,ender does nat have to do so.
<br /> �...
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by l.ei�er wuier thi�, pam�traph 7 �hull bec�� udditionul debt of Borrower r,ecu�ed by this
<br /> • r � , Security Instrument. Unless Burmwer nixf Lender ugree to othcr�crniti of payment,the.u:amounts shnll bear interest irom thc
<br /> , �.'.��� date of disbursement at the Note rute and xhall bc puyahlc, with inierest, upon nntice trom Lender to Borrower requasting
<br /> �::'. • , . payment.
<br /> <<•::> � 8.Marlgage Insuraner.lf l.ender reyuir��l mnngagc in�urancr u�a conJi�i�m of muking the loun�ecurcKl by thi�Security �a
<br /> �''"' ' ' Instrument, Borrower shall pny the premiumx rcquircd to muintuin �hc mungage imurunre in effert. If, for nny reau►n, the
<br /> � ' � •�� �
<br /> x mongage insuronce coveroge reyuired hy I..ender lupacti or cea�c�a►lx in eff���. &�rruwcr xhull puy tlx premiums rcyuinKl to
<br /> �•� - �,,,�, � obtain croveregc substuntiolly eyuivulent a��he mimguge inwrance previoutily in rffirt,at a cost�uh.rwntially eyuivulent to the
<br /> �},, cost�a &►rrower of the m�irtguge insurunrc previausly in cffi:ct, from un uUcmute mon�tuge insurcr appro��ed hy l.endcr. If
<br /> substantiolly equivulem nx�hgugc in.uranc�cuvcruge i.not a��ailuNlc.Borrowcr.hall p•ry tu Lender carh nxinth u tium equal to
<br /> one-twelflh af the yearly nxxtguge in�urance premium heing paid by &�rrnwer a�hen thr imuranrr coveragr lupaed or ceA�ed to
<br /> ' ' . � be in effect. Lender will urcepi. utir+�nJ n:win thcu pvymriu.u� u 1��+.� re,�r�•e in licu of mung•rge inwrance. Lo�� reserve ':
<br /> ! �.
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