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<br /> , iWUCi�C�V!1I'�Calr"N•ti:�'n%UI��1R�D;�'EQ[I�!511C 0��14'�P��'aII�(Qf1WOP O�5�C CQOI�IQEQ I[R 1G1�
<br /> Se�rity lnsavmca�.act�t2,e�.^,�,uf;�j�d mfarcin8 tUis S�u►tY�asuiu�m� Tbose coaditims ane tbaaBam�wer: (al.
<br /> : �ys i.ender atl sams.wbiuh;�,��umtl�d+,e under tl�is Securtcy i�r.snv�ent and�the Note as i�no�ccetemtiaa had
<br /> a,swied:tb)c�uies An7�Qafnui�:.p��t�sttt��r caveaaats a ag�eanen�s',t�)Pa►Ys aIl expcc�sss inc�uitd'w.eafb�ing�s��Y
<br /> tnsQOmen�inet�diag..buis�pt:;�it�iti��.�sonabYa attoroeys'fees�aad(dy takes s�Ch acriun as l�cnder ma�►,r�easooabiy .
<br /> ti+cqufire to suum th�t.tfiQ litta,tt�;ttli�'Securtry in�dmaunt,l-cn3er�rigius tf�the Ptupe�ty and Borcvwor�obiigadua ta�ay� �.
<br /> sums secured;6� tHir�.S.�^QUti��:;�tts�tu�eeni sd3l1 caatin�e ut�har►Sed UPoc►retnstattement by Scsrrowts tdis SecuritY
<br /> �nes�t and�tha ul�ligapaits�s4cuc�d t�eceby sball ra��'W!y e6ective as i8 c�o acceleratian iwd occ�area Howsver.ttis
<br /> rigdt to�iq�tAto s'�ap:a��tt,sytllTls.•in the case of aca.�ransaa und�er parag�aph I�atetest ini the Note twgether with dus Securi�Y
<br /> 1!1 3�af titKa:�ANp�e af�+c�Sd'�i¢!!'-� 'tbt�rtate�oc.e.paut'sal'
<br /> - LtsmmnntD,ala�+�:t�said;oae or�e i€anes wnieoue pcior notic�to Barrawer. A sale ruay resuit in a shange in the eraicy
<br /> u (kaawu.s�QfR"LR�tn;Sesv.ices"j:t6at ooltects amnthlY VaY�ae�dut under 1he Nate artd this Securiry In.stNmea� There atso
<br /> �c:be ana ar mac��iaages.of d�e Loao Sen+ieec nnrelusd m a sa(e of the Dtate..If there is a chaage of die Laart Secviceti
<br /> $o�mwiar.•wilt;ba g�Yen wtitten notice of the c6ange ist accordance witii paragraptt t4 abnm shoatd�6atmade�'It[e aotice w�i
<br /> _ w►�l sprta tba nWme and address of the aew Loan Suv��cer aad tite a�ddress to which PaY!�
<br /> — _— _ _ alsocontaiqa4lgothe�e�t�OrmationteqairodbYaPFlicablelaw. ',
<br /> �:_, ZOs..S�u'dna�.�6st�eccs Bormwer ahall not cause a[permit th�piesmve.ose.�t'isposaE.sto�ge.ot tcac�af any �-- - - _
<br /> - H�aa�:Substat�es oa or in d�e Yrope�tY• Bo�rawer shall aa do.aar allow anyaiQ eise m do.,anytking affecting th�
<br /> Ftr�Ci!S�tat is ia violation oE any Envimnmental Law. The praxding twu sentences st�lt aot�p�lX�tQ dic�r�n�•nortnal
<br /> -' stA�ge�the Fiv�erty of smatt quar�tities af Hazardous Substatx,es that aze generally tecu8niz aPP P� �
<br /> t�id�aiial uses attd W maintedance of the Ptoperty. , —.
<br />_-•= : g����P�Y 8ive Lender wriuen notice of any iavestigation,,claim.demaiid,lawsuit or other acro:r�by any _, �
<br /> --i=; gb�r�ma�neutal•dqt tegulatorY 88�Y�Prn�P�Y invotvmg the Ptope[ty and airy Ha7atdtius Sesti.s�ace oa�'+'i.,'°��.�"�. � ,�. --
<br /> ... a �:
<br /> _ •`Lsw of wticb;Barmwec has actual icaawledge. If Bormwer leatns.or is notified by at��ge-r.:�t�l�:�a�o.�t`; `.�- �--
<br />" = aiif}sarity.thlit attS►nmoval or ot8er n�tnediation of any Hatardous Subs�aace affecting ttie Ptqpe�.g�;�:�;�aec,; :--.;:�:::;, .,�--
<br /> ' � - siwll prom(ItIY t�lce all t�cessaty�emedial actions in acrntdattce weth Faivironmetuaf Iaw. :. , - ..�r- �.. ;�;..: .�'.:;•:.`
<br /> • As a9ed in tl�is paragrapf�Z0," a� ••t..��4 Substances"a:e those substances deFiaecfi 3s wxic or hazarduus r��bY. ;':;�, ;:�'��',_--__..
<br /> Envimnt�iiental Law and the foUowing substanees: gasotine,fcerosene.other flammatrte or toxie pemoleum Qtod�cts,toxic ,';.�. .: � =--
<br /> pesticidtls art�l�ricides.volatile sotvents.materials containing asbestos or fomialdehyde.atld�d'soaeuve materials. As �-
<br /> -_ � used i4:this p�h 20."Envimsanmtal[,aw"means federal lawsand laws of tLe surisdiction�i�e thc PtopertY is tocated , .
<br /> ' f{.. that telate to 1�alt�.safety orenvironmentai Qtotection. •��` "
<br /> i1TON-tJN�'ORM COVF1�tANTS. Bormwer and Lender further covenant and agtee as follnws: ,;��=:"1�;
<br /> •2 l. A c c e k r a t i o n;R�. l.e a d e r s h n D g i ve not�ae to Bo�rowu prior to acceler�tion foituwtng Bacw�er'se :��
<br /> , Err.�eb of ae�cuv�ant or agseement in this Secarity Im�axat(but not Frior to acceler�atbn ande�parpSraPb 17 •�r.4.;-
<br /> � prt�s appiicable Isw provides dlierwkN. The notke sha{i spectty: (a)the defanlh,lb)tda Aetfion required to cure Ihe -:�••'•sr.:; ,.�
<br /> - dFf�lt;(c)a datG aM tes9 than 30 daJs tram t6e date the aotice�given to Borrower,by,whicd Me defaatt mast 6e �1��'"��
<br /> ` t�ied;and(d)that faiture to care t6e defauN on or be[ore the date specified in tbe aotice max resuit in Accefersitjon ot
<br /> _ ff�a�ms secnred 67 tl�is Se�q�rit9 Iastrumeat and sa[eof tde Property. The nMfce shall�ti�rlber inform B�rarower oi �x_
<br /> �P�,:-
<br /> � - tflr�rig6 t t o r e i n s t a t e a t t��e c e k r a t i o n a n d t b e c i S h t�6rin g a coart Action to�eort the�aaa�esLsteoce of a defsealt or ��"--_._- --
<br /> " � qag ot6er dKense ot Borrower to accettrallon�ad sak. It t6e defaWt is nM cnred on a�;beforc tbe date fied in �`��l�
<br /> � .. _ ��'1,��
<br /> ` � :`. IFte eotice,Lendee at its option maq sequire immediate payment in ttdil of aU snms secnred bg thia Secudty Instrument �:;__°-__:-_
<br /> ,�.' —
<br /> �fhout fuetder demand and u�y invotce the powe�of sate and u►y otber remedies permitted by appliatble taw '`F :°� "' ����
<br /> t,�nder shall 6e entitled to coUect all expenses incurred ia panving the cemedics pt`ov1ded in thia paragrapb E1+ . _��
<br /> . �� � itldud'mg,bnt not iimited to.reason�bte attorneys'[as and costs at tilte evtdenc� � . � • —
<br /> ?' "� It d�e power ot s�le is invoked,7lrustee shaU recovd a aoNce of detanit tn eacb conntg in whk6 ony parl of the .���<'�
<br /> �'�. �eoperty is Iocated and shail mail copies atsuch noNce in the manner prescri6ed by�pplicable law to Bon�awer and to �� _��
<br /> �'�- tha otl�er persons prescrt6ed by apptkabte law Atter the time required by applicable faw,Tirpstee shAA give pubiic ': �;�._
<br /> nntice o�sale ta the persoag�ed In the m�aaer prescn`bed by appiiq6le law 7Yustee,withuat alemand on Borrower, : '•�
<br /> - -��" s�inll sell the Property at public auction to the bi bidder at Ihe time and pta.ce and under 9fiae tera�s dcsignated jn - • _
<br /> �`• ' ``' ib�natke of sale in one or morc parceis and in any�ardc�s 7Yustce determiae� '�''�e may pasipone s�le of a0 or any ';s,.!�?�.:,' ,:"'=:,��.,,
<br /> r'���f:�` : �t v Q l o t t l t e P r o p e r t y b y p a 6 l i c a n n o u n c etnent at ttee,�ie and /ace of an ��Iy schedaled sale, i.ende�or its •�r ?":.�, _ --
<br /> •.},. '. desigaee may purchase the Property al any sale. p Y� ��?: �
<br /> `•;;.: ���!� ' 7�ostce shaq dd.i�,q.-to t he purc 6aser T r u s t e�'s d e e d c o n v e y i n s t h e �:�
<br /> • -.�•_. . Upon receipt at payment ot the price 6i0, '
<br />� ,�:��•:� , -
<br /> :,F�;�� ` •� Property. Tde cecitals in the Trustee's deed shali De prim�facie rcG'v�ence of the truth ot the statsments made therein. �:
<br /> ' {:, .
<br /> ,. 'i�rustee shaii apply the psaceeds otthe sate fn the foltowi�g order. (a)to atl ros�q and expenses otexercking the power °'`�; �_
<br /> ' �•1 . ;�l�•�. ` z
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