,�4-„�`. .. �.7,�_ . . �-Y _ '_'Y•_- . . .:�. _:' . ..' -_ __—
<br /> 'c � . :�r ,- _�_-_
<br /> �,.�: �, . . � �
<br /> _ - �c �.� . . ' _...��..�.-_..-_��.._..w..:.-._ 3��.•_ ..y. . �•� __
<br /> —•`c .-a..i'-'�.a�8a� . ` . . ` . . � - � :A� ,` � ` �
<br /> . ' . _t • � � � ��A� [
<br /> _- .. , ., � , 91 � ` -
<br /> — _ � ��i.�aK�. 'r��x���s a��.sn�ui�d�nyy$«����:�.taaa� ; .
<br /> . �pp�wd wh�ch shali nnl be nne�somb�Y witld�elc{. ff Barru�cer fa�ls t�t;mAafta�in coveragt dascn'b�d at1p�.�i�an�Y.� , ,
<br /> : i.eader�s option.obf�in awer�to p�o�ect L�eader S rigtus in tbe P[o�pert�t in pccadanoe�ith p�r7�'. : ,
<br /> , Al1 jnwrae�e polic.ies aoB renewils stiali be acceptabte[o Lecider�ad st�4t ir�cludt a stutd�d�mast�a�� �
<br /> s1W1!6sve tAe�i�t to hold the policies and cenea�als. If L,eeder teqait�a�:-�wer shaU pmmpclY.Bi.va tq.lreA�cc�it�eceipts ,
<br /> a{p�id pRem�um�aad Eeaewal naices. In tbe eveoi of tass.Bamwet�afitti!give p[ompt naioe w tbe ins�llce c�riier and .
<br /> i.mdrr. L.ender may make pcoof of loss if�t made promP�tY bY Bo�c�iter. : °
<br /> ` 11lfIC5S'�.CSdCt zOd��i�wis�aLtEC 111 WTl�i�tg,lAS1ti�Df�Y F[O C G�.4 S I 1�1!b C 1�1 1 1 b 4 I t 0 TCS(piidfMi QI'[C Q�1 t Of
<br /> •the proputy damag,ed.�if tl�e aesto�aaon or�tpaiT is economicalty C�asibte aad Lcndtr's securit�,is.aus��'ss�ette4.sh�11 6e
<br /> �Qr��s t�ot�econotntir�lty fqsibk ar Lendetc sec�uit��woutd 6e tasentd.�he inurr�+o.�occREls
<br /> � tipptied ca the sumv se,cured by this SavritY L�s�ument.wtxth�r oi`:not�due,with�y,eaoes�pa�d��a Bonawer. if .
<br /> ' �Ba�pwer a6�tdans the PropertY•or daes aot attsvver within 30 du�[;�natice fmm Le��der thai tbe+ra�nca.c�rier has
<br /> oifaed to setde a cliun.t6eu lxndet m�y collect th�insur,mce pmoe�eds. Lsnder may nse the provo�ds t�t�:�ir ar�stote
<br /> �be pto�erty ar to piy sums secuiod by this Secuery Tnsu�unent.whdh�r w twt tlttn dut.'ttie 3Q-dpy�.�i��w�i�� '
<br /> . tbenouceSsgiveQ- ' . -.
<br /> —--- =-- � � [fnksa
<br /> l.�nckr and Barower athemise agree in writin&_anyr,;aPPiicau`on oS pi0000cis ui pri�ig�t,s�iaH nat exteod a
<br /> - postpone tiu.dt�e date of the ma�dd9 PaYments teterted to�n p��tapits i���or�iramga�`tz�n�-�u-t�o�;ih�i�sycst�s�.. (f -- - -
<br /> �undcr�nragr�pb 21 the Ptaperty is acquiRd by i.enda 8ortower�reght ta any iasursu�polia�and�procee�s resulti�8 -
<br /> -- f m m d u�g e w t h e p t o p e r t y p n o r t a the a c quisiuon shall p a s s tn��tnder w the eatent of the sams se�ul�d b�this 5erarit�► .
<br /> -= Instmment i�nrnedin�elY lxior to the acquisition. ': :' ,
<br /> -=- — f� p�vpro�y, ereservatioa, Maisttoaaoe and ProteNian,ot tbe Prope3t9% Homncer's..�aaa AppKratioa;
<br /> -- — Lase6oids. Borrower shall occapy.est�btisfi.and ase the Properi�r�&►rcawerTS princi�ttl residencse wi(f�iusixry days aRer
<br /> _- — the execution of ti�is Secruity Instnmient and shall continne to ae�apy the Ptap�rty s�BamKer*a pririaijial,residence for at
<br /> -= least one year afta the date of accvpancy. �micss Lender ctiherwise agcees in wtitiag. wfiicb,can_5en► shall'not be .
<br />--_ unt�onahty�withheid.of unless e�ctenuating cin�umst�es eaise;wuhich ate beyorsd Bortowes's oantsol{;'Bamower si�ll not
<br /> _"_ destmy�damage or tmpair the PtapeRy.altow the Fropeny to detariarsUe.or commit waste on tha Pm�tcy Honower sl�a(1
<br /> -_'- be in defauIt if any forFe�t�ue actiaa�or praceeding.whelher civilipr crimiaat.is 6egun t3tat in l:e.�dt�'s:gaad Caith judgment
<br /> �u
<br /> . coWd result in fodei[urz of the Propeny or otherwise materiaH�r impaic ctYe lien cmated b��.this�Sdeurrty (nstrumem or
<br />- � Lenders security interest 8omnwer m�y cwe such a default andl+einstate,as provided in paragruAh,1�3;,nY causinS the action
<br /> - or proceeding to be dismis.sed with a ruling that.io Lender�s guoit faith dete�mination.Qrectud�f�fciryme of tfse Bacmw�'s
<br /> � ;.� interest in the Ptoperty or other material impairment of the li�t►•c[eateA by this Secunty Insttumeniior Lender's secacity�
<br />� ' inceiest. Botrower shalt also be ia default if Borrawer.dutitlg the taan apptieation,proc+ass, gt1�5�msmerial�Y false or
<br /> inaccurate�infarmarion or statements to Lender(or failed to pro�?iete Lender with aay material infa�mdtidnT.m riismection with
<br /> � the loan evidenced by the Note. including. but nat limited tu. �epresentatian� canoemia� Bamnvi,c"s:�pancy of the
<br /> ="�' � � Propectg�s a principal residence. [f triis Security Instrument I9 an A leasehatd,Be►m�ser sh2p caitipiy;��lirksi the provisions
<br />:;,�.<<� . of tt�e F�. If Bortower acquires fee title to the Prope�ty.ehe{dasefwld and the fee title sft�]1 rr�at.snnas�q unless Lender agcees
<br /> to the mEr�et in wridng.
<br /> ' 7. Protection d I.ender� Rights in the Propesty.�•.Ifi Borrower fa7s tu perfoitn thp crn•naants and agreements
<br /> ` contained in this Security instmment.or ther� is a 1ega1 p�accedittg thut isEa}• signlficantly:aff�t�•� `• 's rigltts in the
<br /> , •, � prope�ty(such as aproceed'mg+n bankruptry.prabate.for condemnutian or farfeimre cn ta enforoa i7�vs ar•c�ularions).then ��
<br /> '" l.ender may do and pay far whatever is necestiary to protectahe++uluc of the Property and�Lende.T ti rights in the Property.
<br /> . Lenders actions may include paying any sums.ecured hy a tii�n which has priority over this 5e:uritj�lnstrument,appearing ��
<br /> �.___
<br /> _. in court.paying reaconable uuameys'fees and enteriag an thb Praperty to make repair�.AUhou�it�iiender may take acuon �,,.�
<br /> ,;%� , under this paragraph 7.Lender daes noi have to do so. '
<br /> Any amounu disbursed by Lender under this parn�raph:7 s1m�!becomc addirianal deb�of Hdimwer secured by this �-
<br /> ra
<br /> • � Securi ty Insuument. Unle�s Barrower and l.ender:�gree to athCr tertns of paymene.these amnunt:.sH�itl hear interest from the �_---:�
<br />. � l' date of disbursement at the Note rase and shall he payable.�vith.intec�e+�upon notice ftDm��ead�.mtn Barrower requesting �C;^-�--
<br />-- payment. . ��,,
<br /> S. Mortgage Irlsurance. if Lertder required man�ag�insur�nce as a condition of m�1an�tho faan secured by thic _
<br /> Security Instrumenb Borrower shal(pay the pre�nium.re�qin�i.'m maintain the mc�rigag9 in�um»ne in eff?ct. If.for ar�y '' �-�=
<br /> . A."�1��
<br /> - � ' reason. the mortga�e insurance cover,�e requiYed hy l.c,�cicc Cap�es.or'r.easa+ta be in effexh�.t3om��icr yha11 PaY the �_ ,��:�
<br /> �... -;�.,.
<br /> ,�� � premiums required r��:r,[7tain coverage�ubstantiully equivaT�nt.r.a sho rr:cai��+�insurano3 prtiwiausly in.4�c�at a cost •�,�:��..
<br /> • ' ", substantially equivate�s�o the ca�;iu.,�orrower of ihe mort�use:.r.tiurancr��:�:"rausly in eff��.fmm an altemate mortgage ,� �;
<br /> ��'
<br />: +.� � '_' insurcr appraved by Lc��er.� bf�u.bv;�s.�tialty equivalent mart�pge insuranc�w��ezage i�nrn•av�.ils�b�n.BOJiOWC.•SItAII�3}10 ' ��t�';_�•°'
<br /> � ' • Lender each month�.�u?:equa�;ccr�ae-t�velfth at'the yearty��rtangagc in�ur.��x�remium being p�id by Borrower whec�t�e �-���•-
<br /> '� inserance coverage E:�.�:5 qr cea.�ed to be in cffect. t.ender wiN ucccpt.utic ari{•r.�uin theso pa,)=men�as a loss reserve in lieu �,
<br /> I�'`�: �",.
<br /> of mortgage insuranc�. i-oss resesve payments may na tongcr ix�rcyuired.aE i'h°nptinn.of�L'entlur, if mortgage insurancc ;.f:_ ..y' ':
<br /> . � ' covemge(in the am�unt and for t��:penad that l.endet reyyin:s►pmvided by zn insunr�pprn+•�;I�by Lender:�ga�n becomes . �_�
<br /> ' �vailable and is obtained.Bntra�v.r L�all pay the prcmiuma rayuirc:d tn maintaim m�rtgag�insuuina�i�effec1,or to provide a
<br /> • loss reserve,until the requimmcr.:far mortgage inwr.�nce end�:in accordance with any a�itten agraement betweea Borrawrr .°i:t'�
<br /> .1;•
<br /> ' - ' and Lender or applicable law. •
<br />,• • ,� 9. Inspectiaa:- �nder or its ugem may makc rcasanubl�entries u�n and inrpectians niatto Property. l.cnder shal!
<br /> ' give$orrower nutip.0 ac t�:e time of ar prinr ta:u�in�pecHun,rpecifyin�reasonabl�cae��c fur�ha iaspectian. .
<br /> • �'- 10. Condemrtati�n. 'i'he prateed�of s�ny a�vard ur etiiint Wr damagc�,dirert oo cnnsu�qt�eniiul,in cannection with any ,,__��'
<br /> � �-..
<br /> ,y. : , Singic FTM�I; -�Fannk�lacrFreddk�Mc lTIF1�R:1f 1`�'ifiUlfE!l"f..Uai(:rn�C�r�s�int. 9l90 I/w�r+��h(k7QPU •'"i'.'•.
<br /> � .•. .i�.�.�:
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