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� .~•� "`�Af � !l`'' , ,9' �. <br /> '.r.. <br /> - 93- Q��� <br /> 17.Tranrter ot the Prvperty M s BeneAcld Interc�t In Borrower.If all or wny p�n of the Pmp�y o�any�n8tercst in it <br /> ix s+►Id or transfcrr�xll��jf'n txneficiwl intcrowt in Bortuwcr ir s�►Id ur trunnferrcd und&�rrawer is not a natural pereun)wflhout <br /> L,ender'x p�fnr wril�en consent, Lcnder may. pt its�ptton, r uiro immodiate payment in full af wll cums �ccurod by 1hi� <br /> Security Inrt�ument.Hawever.�hlc�►ptian chall not be exeroi��y t.etrier if exerci�e ir pruhibi�ad by faderrl I�w ws af the cliue <br /> af�his Saurily In►irumcn�. <br /> if L.encier exerci+�thi�optian,l.ender Khull givo Bormwor ncKice of ucceler�liun. The nc►tice xhull pravide o perfod of not <br /> Iesg �han 30 duy.r frnm tht dwe �he n��ti�r iN dclivered��r muilod wilhin which &►rr�wer muh� pay all xumx socurai by Ihiw <br /> ���• Securlty In�trument.,lf&irn►wer fuil�U�pay thesc sums prior t��the expirntic�n of this periid, Lender muy invuke any remodios <br /> permilted by this Seeurity Instn�ment wUhau!furthcr nc�tire or drmunJ�n&►rrower. <br /> ' � 18. DurroK�sr's ltt�ht to Rcinstatc. If BUrrawer mccts crrlain rnnditi�►n�, Rnrn►wer shull havr the right to havc <br /> enfbrcement af'thic Securfly Instn�ment discontinued ul uny lime prior lo the earlfer of: 1a) S duya I�r such ather periud su <br /> upplicahle law may specify fnr reinctatementl hefi►re nulc of �he Prapeny pucsuunt to any pawer of Rule conwined in this <br /> Security Instrument;or 1 b)cntry uf u judgment cnfi�rcing thix Sccurlty Imtrument.Thosc conditinnx are that Borrower:(a)pays <br /> � � Lender all sums which th�n wnuld be duo unJer thi�Secu�ity Ina�rumen�und ihe Note as if na acceleratian hud occurred: (b1 <br /> �"'`� � cures any defuult of any a�har covenants nr ugreements; (c)puye all expensca incurred in enforcing thix Security In�trument. <br /> `�"'`"�''` including, but nat limited io, rea.rnna6le uuorne�ti' foes; and(d)tukes such uction as l.ender mny reasonably requi�1a assure <br /> `���'�""� T that the lien of this Se�urily In�t�ument, l.�nder s rlghte in�he Proprrty and Aorrower's obligutinn�o pay the sum�secured by <br /> �'� this Security Inctrument shall rontinue unchanged. Upon rcinstatem�nt by Harrower. Ihia Security InstNment and the <br /> ��_�:s.�:,:�:: . <br /> obligations se�ured hereby�hall remain fully effective as if no accelerntion had occurred. However, this right to reinstate ahall <br /> °�§ �.::' •. . • .., ' nat npply in Ihe case of uccelemtian under purngraph 17. <br /> �Lts.o���.�.�...._.••,.•r:� 19. Snle oP Nutet Change oP I.uan Servicer. Th�: Notc ur a paniul interest in the Nate Uogether wi�h this Security <br /> ' .; ,�, Instrumcnq may be suld onc or morc times withnut prior noticc to Borcower. A wle may rewlt in u change in the emity(knawn <br /> - • t • ;�� ac the"Loan Servioei')that cull��cts monthiy payments due under the Nate and ihis Security Insirument.There also may be one <br /> s f�'� '� �.:�'%�' or more changes of Iho l.oan Scrvlcer unrclA�cd to u xale of the Nnte. If there is a chunge of thc Loan Scrvicer, Borrower will be <br />-x. , .y .. '���:;. <br /> ' • �,:�'. ' °�`-� given writt�n nuli��e uf the chdnbe in accordance with paragraph 14 Ahove and applicable I�w.The natice will state the nume and <br /> ;:���,;,';�. ':� '-:'��;''��• uddress of the new Lc�an Servicer und the uddress to whirh paymem�should be made. The notice will also cuntuin any other t, <br /> `•� '"'F`.a.�;. . . '�;:,.,.�" informutiun requfred by applirable luw. <br /> •. �s., ,�, „ .,.�... ,.�•., <br /> �•,`i.;: . � r.,�..�•-�L`�.�,'.:- .` ��. <br /> �,,�,.;�1': ` ' 20. Hazardous Substancev. Born�wer shull n�H causc or permit the presence, uxe, disp�nal, +torage, or relcase of any <br /> '�'��� ��'��'`'"'��''' '"'��" Hazurdaus Substances on or in the Property. Burrower xhall nat da nor nll��w anyone else ta do, un thing affecting thc <br /> •....:.+•:;��:'_;�':..',:;`;.':r',:;.; <br /> ,;,.,.. • )•.�,��;,;.'•';�,�.:;•,: Prupeny tha� is in violatKm oiany Environmcntal l.uw, Thc prercding twa sentences shAll not apply to t c presence, usc, ��r <br /> '��s;•• . • •,:•,,� storage on the Pm�rty of srnull quamities uf Hainrdcws Sub.r•�nnres�hat are gcnernlly recognixed to be Appropriate to nonnal <br /> , �"�'�'; regidential useti Aixt ti►muintenance of Ihc Properly. <br /> , • �?�;: Bnrrawer shAll prompUy give[.ender wriuen nntice i�f uny invesiigutic�n,claim, demand, lawtiuit or other adion by any <br /> . govcrnmentul i>r regulatory Ugcncy ur privntc pany involvin�tha Propcny und uny Huzurdous Sub.r•tuncc or F.nvir�►nmcntal Lua� <br /> . of wblch Bi�rroa•cr ha�c uctuul knowlcdge. If Rarr�iwcr Icurns, ar iti �x►titicJ by uny g�wcrnmenlul or rcgulatory uuthority, thu� <br /> any removal or other ramc+�liution of uny Ha�ardou+Sub+tuirce al'fccting the P��i�xny i�nrceswry,&+rrower,hnll prnmpUy tuke <br /> All necexsury remaliul uctNmy in uccordunce with Gnvironmental I.uw. <br /> - — --- A, uM�J in iliir puia�r���h 30. "iia�.�rd�iu.;uhstaa�e�" iii�tti.��� iuh,ian:��detined ati t+iair or harardcsu.r ruh�ta�c�hy <br /> F.nvirnnmcntul Lua and �hr li�ll��a•in�s �ub�tunre.: �:a���linc. kcro,enc. �nh�r IlummuM� or �uxic �xtrulcum �n�luctr. �oxir <br /> pc+ticiJc+and herhiridr..auluiilc.nlvcnt+�. nwlrritd,r�mwinin�rtilx.�r,ur IittmuWchydr.anJ r�Ji�►��clivc nwtrnul�.Ati uti�Kl in '�,� <br /> thiti purugruph 20, "fim�ir��nnx�nlul t.uw" mr:ui+ Icdcrul laws unJ IuN•, of �Ix,juri.Jir�i��n wlwr� Ihc Prapeny i. Hxutal thul <br /> i-clutc lu hcalth,r�fcly��r cn��inmmcnlul protrrtiun. <br /> , NON-UNIFnRM C'f)VI:NANTS, Harruw•cr unJ LcnJcr furlhrr ruvcnunl�ind u�;rcr u�ti►Iluws: <br /> 21. Accclerudnnt Remidi�K. L��nder xhull�i�r n�Nicc lo H��rro���cr prior to accclerAlion Po11nNInR R�►rrower'v bmach <br /> a uf any covent�nt or oqrecment In thir ti��curlt� In�lrument Ihut n��t prinr to ucceleratinn under parn�mph 17 unles!� <br /> � ' Ap�1IICAIIIN ION�providc,�othcn�ix). Thc noticc�hull vpccli��: IA)Ihe dePuull; (b) the urtion required to cure tho defuulh. <br /> ��. (c)a datQ� m�t 14�vs thun i0 duyti from N�c dutc thc nnticc h uiti ru lo Ilnrro��• �ti•hlch thc defeult munl be cured;and '�.;, <br /> �'j' (d) thut Paflure to wrcr the d�fuult on or bePore thc datc specifi��d in the nnticc muy result in acccleratiun of the sums _'� <br /> i� secured by this ti�ruritv Intitrument und tiule of'the I'ropert�. Thc n�Nice�hull f���lher inform Borrower uP the rfp�ht to <br /> � , refnrtale ai'ter acceleratton and tho riuht to brinu u courl uction to usseM the non-existenee of u defuult or uny other <br /> dePense oP Barrmrer ta ncceleruNon and sale. IP the dePauH�is nut cured un or hefi�re the date xpixiticd in the notice. • <br /> :.,� I.cndcr. ut Its optiun, ma�• reyuirc immediutc pa�rnent in fu11 of u0 sum,.�wured Bv this Securltv Instrument withoul <br /> , i'urthrr demand und muy iin•ok�the pmccr oP�ulc and um othcr remcdic.{xrmitted�by appliraWe law. Lender chall be <br /> � � enNtled to rnllect ull expen�aw incurred in pur�uinu thc nmedii�+provided In thir�puruuraph 21.includinR.but nnt Ilmited �. <br /> � �� tu.reusonuMc au��roc�s'i'crx und c��xts oP tiNc c��itkncc. <br /> ' �'' If'thepn�rer of sak is im•uk�d, '1'rust�Y�hull r�rord a notice oP defuult in cuch rount� in ���hlch am� part oi thc <br /> ,�� � Properly I�located und sl�ull muil rnpi�h of+uch�iotice in the mauner pr��crihed b�• upplicable lu�� to Borro���cr and to <br /> Ihe othcr perxon�prcxrrihiKll►y vppllrvblc laa. Afler the tUur requircd I» upplicaF►Ic law.Trust�r shall Ri��e pubNc nodcc <br /> , of salc lo!he per.ions and in Ihe munncr pr��urihcd b} upplirublc la��.Trutitec,a•Ithout demand nn Borroa•er, xhall ull , <br /> the Property nl public uuction 1��the hiuh�ht bidder ut ihe t+mc und pluce und under the terms d�wi�nutcd in thc nMice oP <br /> sale in one ur morc purcclti und io unv order 7'ru.t�r determinc�.7'ru�t��a mu� �i+lpm�c.ule of s�ll ar am• parcel of thc ' <br /> Property by public enn�mncemcn� ut U�e timc und plure�►1'am prc�iou�l� �nc�duled wlc. Lendcr or itti d�wiRn��mu� <br /> pw+chasc the ArupeRy a�unv yulc. <br /> � � Form 3028 9190 <br /> � ��,��„��..�„ <br /> ., , <br /> �.� �'� � ., . . <br /> r <br /> .i. �._� <br /> ' _.._"'— . . <br /> — .{_....... ..'—' ' ' <br /> . ' t � . <br /> .� � <br /> . �, <br /> � � � ' . � <br /> � <br /> i ,_)� .r�..c�1�.�� , . i •. , � , . . � , <br /> ' I f r�' � rr r �.1' • <br /> ,.� � <br /> , � . � <br /> 1 ` <br />