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<br /> M.� � �y�
<br /> . �" ry 1 ��".[I ' - ;;��Y �
<br /> � �� �f
<br /> 1 *• � .t1'
<br /> J
<br /> payment�.which aro rePerred ta in PuA 2.or chrnge the amount of xuch psyment�. Any ex� r�A�er iu►
<br /> urwuntroq uirod to p�y�II outrtandiop in�adne��under the Nate wnd thir 9ecurity Irutrument�hall be paid w tla entity
<br /> b�lly entilled Ihenw.
<br /> & Fea. Lender m�y collect fee4 and chuQe.�authoriud by�he Seo�uuy.
<br /> �� 9. firouadi tar Aceekratba ot Deb�
<br /> ' (o)Ilet�ul� l.endcr may�oxcept os 8mited by rcgulstione iscued by the Secrctary in�he cose of payment defwiu,
<br /> ,�. �qulre immediote peyment io full of all sums cecu�ed by this Security Insuument if:
<br /> '. (i)Borrowcr dcfaults by failing to pay in full any monthly paymcnt nequircd by thEa Sxudty Inp�umcnt prior
<br /> to or on the due date of thc naxt monthly payment,nr
<br /> (iil8ortowar deCaulta by feilin�.for a pedod of thirty dsys,to perform ony other obli�ationa contafned in Ihip
<br /> Security Insuument.
<br /> (b)StNe W(Ihout Credit Approval. Lender shnll,if permitted by appiicable law and with�he prior approval of the
<br /> � ��. �� Secrctary.rcquiro immediete payment in full of all the aums secund by this Secu�ity Instrument if:
<br /> :',,. . �'��� � , (i)All or part of the Property,or e bencflcial incereat in a wst owning all ar part af�he Property.is sold or
<br /> �" '�•_°;���.�-•.:�-<+d otherwise tr�nsfemed(othcr than by devise or desc�ent)by the Borrower,and
<br /> �,•.��•,...
<br /> fj••f : 1�� (ii)The Property is not accupied by the purchuscr or gau+tee as his or her principel residance.or the purchaser
<br /> �%�j{,,�`�'., or grenteo does so occupy the Ptoperty but his o� her credit has not becn approved in accordonce
<br /> ���" wi�h the requiremen�s of the Secretary.
<br /> %.s
<br /> . :�:,,�,;r�.�. .
<br /> "�' .,,j•h,;..,•x:� . (e)No W�aiver. If ci�cumstances occur that would permit I.ender to mquire immediate payment in full,but[.ender
<br /> '�- 1?"'���' does na rcquire suchpayments,4ender does not waive its rights with respect ta subsequent eventx.
<br /> "'' .. *``'� ° (d)R e�a l a H o n s o!H U D S e c re t�u y. l n m a n y c i r c u m s�a n c e s r e g u l A t i a n s i s s u e d b y t he Secre t a ry will Bmit Lender'a
<br /> u � ` ' 't•". rights, i�t the case of pnyment defaults,to re�uire immediate paymem in full and foreclose if not paid. This
<br /> � � �-> � � Seturity Inatrument daes not autharize acceleratian ar forcclosure 1f not pe�mitted by reguletions of the Secretury.
<br /> ��•. ��;.: ::,�-.;�:,
<br /> •�. � • • (e)Mortg�e Not Insured. eorrower agreea Ihut should�his Security instrumem unJ�he note secured thereby not
<br /> �• � t' ;;. ,^ be aligible for insuronce under ihe National Housing Act within 8 �ppnth� from the
<br /> ��' ' � datc hercof,L.ender muy,at its option and notwithsts�nding anything in Parngraph 9,rcquire immediate payment in
<br /> � „ " � full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. A written statement of any author�zed agent of the Sec:etary
<br /> . dated subsequent to $ �poAth9 from the date hereof,declining ta insure ihis Secvdty
<br /> Instrument and the note secured thereby,shall be deemed conolusive prn�f oP such ineligibility. Notwiths�anding
<br /> . • the furegoing. this aption may not be exerciscd hy Lender when the unnvailability of i�surance is xolely due to
<br /> ` l.enderk failure lo remit a mong�ge insumnce premium to the Secretary.
<br /> .. ' 10. ReinstatemeM. Borrower hus a right to be rainsu►ted if Lender has required immediate payment in full because
<br /> ' . of Botrower's fuilure to puy an amawit due under the�Note or this Security Instrument. This nght applies even after �
<br /> . foreclosure praceedings ure mstituted. To reinstate the Securiry Inxtrument, 8arrawer shall tender in a lump sum all �.
<br /> � � amaunts requi�ed to�bring Barrawert acrounl current including,tn the extent they nre obligutionx nf Borrower under thls
<br /> - ' �- Security Instrument,forecla�ure costs nnd nasonable and customary uuomeys'fc�.und cxpcnwc+pw��iy asra;iated wfth „
<br /> ' •. the fareclosure proceeding. Upon reinwtatement hy BoROwer,this Security Inatrument and the obligations that it secures :���
<br /> � , shall remnin in effect as if Lender had nat rec�uired immediute paymcnt in full. However.Lender is not required to petmit �
<br /> •,� reinsta�ement iF. (i) Lender has accepted remstotement ufter the commencement of foreclosure proceedings withm two
<br /> . yeu� immedis�tely preceding the commencement of n current farecloxure proce�ding, (ii) reinstutement will preclude
<br /> '. foreclosure on different grounds in the fu�ure,or(iii)reinstatement will udvenely aPfect the priority of the lien created by
<br /> +� • � this Securi�y In�trument. �
<br /> F', 11. Borrower Not Released: Farbearance b� Ixnder Not a Welver. Extension af the time of pnymcnt or
<br /> � modification of ornoni�ation of the sums,ecured by this Security Imtrument grunted by Lender to nny successor in intercst �
<br /> ;��,, of Borrower zhall not ope.rnle to rcicutie�he liubility of thr nriEmul Borrnwer iir Bonower's xuccescor in interetit. Lender
<br /> - � shnll not be reyuired to cc�mmenre procecdings ugmn+t uny xuccrs,or in interext or refuxe to e�etend time for payment or
<br /> �'3 otherwi.r•e moddy amonir.ation uf the tium. �crured hy thi, Sccurity Intitrumen� by reuxon of;►ny demand made by the �'-•
<br /> original Borrower c,�Barcowcr's xurceti,cxx in interc�t. Any forbcur,�nrc by Lender in exercixinR uny right or remedy�hall
<br /> � ••: not t►e a wuiverof or prcclude thc cxrrcise uf uny right or remeJy •..
<br /> <•�. � 12. Succescurs and �ssi�ns Bouod;,loint and Several Llebility;Co•Siqners. Thc covenums und agreemerns of � .•.
<br /> . ,`'��'t�, ',`.'•�,:��: thls Security ln�trumcni.hall hinJ unJ tknetit thc.ucres.on anJ u.siEn+of l.endcr ond Borrnwer,,ubject to�he provisians
<br /> .. "�,:� '.•. of PurAgrnph 9.b. Bortowcr'+ covenunls and agreemem. xhaU bc joint und ticverul. Any Borrower wha ca-si�ns this
<br /> • ,�=. , ' `'�' `'� Security Instrument hut dixs nat exrcute thr Nutr. 4»1 i+ru-.i�ning thi.Securi�y In�trumrm only Ia mortgAgr,grant and
<br /> ' , .{l' �,' convcy thot Born�wcr's intcrc�i in ihc I�ru�x:ny undcr�hc tcrm.uf ihiti Sccuriry In.uumcnt:(bl i,nui prr�unully obliFatcd�o
<br /> '.t•. , . �, pay�he wms .erunJ 6p thi.,Srcuri�y In,irumrnC:mJ Ir 1 ugrec�th.0 LrnJcr anJ any other Borrcn+•cr maJ•ugrce to extend,
<br /> • ^� r modify, forlxur or make c+ny urcomm�xlu�i�m.wiih reg:�rd In Ihc temi.of�hi,Serurity Intitrumrm or�he Note wiihow that
<br /> • Barrowrr ti mn.cnt.
<br /> �' •'' 13. Notices. Any n�Nicr io 13arc�iwcr provided t�i�r in thi�Securily 1n�trumcnt�hall Ix given My deliverinK it nr by
<br /> • mailing it by fir,t clu.+mail unlc.� applicahle law reyuirr+ utir i�l':in�ther mclh�kt. 1'hc nolicr sh;ill t+e directed tu the
<br /> � . Prnpcny Addrcx� or uny cilhcr adJre�+ Rurcuwrr Jc.ignatc�hy n��tirr u�l.endcr. r1m•n��iicr to l.cnder+hall tx given by �;;
<br /> , frs� clasa nia+l tc� LrnJcr:aJdrc.. +lalyd hrrrin or an}•adJrc,. Lrnd�r d�.ign:ur.b�• nuiicc tn Horrowcr. Any noiire ,1. •
<br /> � providcd iur in Ihiti Sccurity In.trumenl,hall Ix drenmd���ha��c Ixrn gi��cn to linrru�ecr rn•Lendrr when givcn us pmvided I';
<br /> in�hix paragr:�ph.
<br /> ,' . , , 14. (i���trnin� I.aN�:tie�erabililv. 1'hi.tircurity In.uumcnt .hall tx gu�crned hy FeJrral laa�and thc law ul'Ihe ,.
<br /> t . � uritidiction in which thc Pro�xny i�I�xa�rd. M�hr evrnl tha� :m�• proci.iun ur rlau,r ut'�hi� S�curit� Instrument or thc ,
<br /> • �ote contlkts with uppli:ahle la��•. wch ranllir� �hall nui atl.ri„�her pruvi,i�m. of thi. Serurity lnxtrumrm nr thr N��tr
<br /> which can Ix Nivcn cff'rr7 u iihom thr cuntlir�ink pru�i,iun. Tu�hi.rnJ th�pr�►�•i.ion.at'thi+Serurity]n�trumeni and�hc
<br /> ' `� Nae are derlared t�►lx tir��raMr. .
<br /> • IS. Borrower's Cupv. BuRa�vcr,hall Ix�Ei�rn une runli�rnud cap�u(�hi.Srrurity In.trumcnt.
<br /> ' 16. A�.s9�nment��'Rent�. N��R�►wrr uncondi�ioo�ll} •r..iLn.:m�t�ran.lcr,lo LenJrr aU�he mnt+and revenue�of tln
<br /> Propen}. borrowcr uuUx�riir.Lcndcr ur LenJrr:as:rnl��u r��ll.�:t rh:rcnt.and rr�•rnuc�anJ hrreb��dinrt,each tcn:mt ui
<br /> � the Ropeny to pay�he rrnh w l.enJer or Lrnder:aZ�cm.. H����c�rr.priur lo Lrnder:noticr �ii Borcuwrr of Bani�wer: ,
<br /> • � bteach uf;my covcnam ur agr�wment in thr tiecurit� I+�•uumcni.H��rro��rr+hall r��lleci anJ nceivr ull rcnl.and re�tnu����f
<br /> ' the Properly as Iru��ec(or thr txnclit ut'Lrndrr anJ N,�rn,�c� Th�,a„ignmen�of rent.r�m.�itmr,un ah+olute u.si�!nmcnt
<br /> .� . and�xN�n1,�ignment for:klJiti��n•rl+u�unry�mly.
<br /> �___ _ If Lend�rgive+n�Nicc ol brearh lo Hurcuwrr. �r�all rrni�rr�e�.ed hy Ii��aower�hall hr tklJ bv Horroxer us tru�tec
<br /> -� — �� � � fex benetit ot i.enaer oniy to 11C U(1(IIICU It1 IIIC tium+�ecurea i.J me iccurny in+�rum�ni. i�� �cucirr�naii nr rniiiicu i�.
<br /> , �� �� • � collect und receive a![e�f�he rcnt.uf�hr{'nqxny:�crd��►euch trnam�,f the!'e��:ny .hall pay all rent.dw:an�!unpaid�u
<br /> Lender or LenJcr+u�en��n LenJ�r+written Jemand r��thc trnant.
<br /> Botrower hu�ncit cxccutrd uny pnur ati.i mmrm af Ihr rcnl. a��d hu.n�x anJ will not �xNi►rm any xt thul would
<br /> ' i t pnvent Lendcr from racrri+ing it�rightz mxler��i�1'ur.��ruph I6.
<br /> , , � Lrnder ,hull not he rcymrcJ to emrr u�xm,t�r runtn�l��f ar muintuin�he F'ru�xrly Ixfi�n or ullcr�:iving noticc ut
<br /> � breach tu Burn►wer. H��wevrr.Len�kr ur u juJ�riully up�x►inlcJ rcrrivcr may du ,o:u anv ume then i. a hnuch. An�
<br /> ; upPliculion uf ren1��hull not rure ar Nuivc;:��y�kt'ault ur im•ulidatr un�•o�hrr ri�;h�„r nmrJ�•ul'Lrndcr. 1'hi�a..iEnmrn�
<br /> • of rentx of the Prc�perty+h�ll trrtnmutr when ihr Jeht�ccunxl hy thr ti�curily In�trumrm i.paiJ in lull.
<br /> �
<br /> , , .,
<br /> � . - �/dr¢r!�/��war��
<br /> ' ;i•
<br /> �
<br />