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,�.r� . <br /> .. �� i <br /> , -�, ��j �r - ,��;:..ty . <br /> ! ' �.�'�7+ ' ' / .�:�'v <br /> i. _.. .... ... ,._ _,..a <br /> I �~ ��� <br /> applicable I�w m�y specify fa relnstuement)beforo ule of the P�opeRy purau+uu to my powa oP w�la oonWnod in.thi� <br /> � 3ecurity Inatnunaut or(b)entry ot'a jud�n t entarcinQ�his 3ecurlty Inswmenl. 7hote conditio�u am tFw BorrPwen (�) <br /> � � P�y�L.a�der dl wms which tt�en wa�ld be due �u�der lhis Securtty InsWrr�ent and the Note ae if no �oc�elasdoa h�d <br /> ' axun+od;(b)curca my defwlt ot�ny ather covaunt�ar�greanen4:(c)p�ys dl expea�es inc�rod in a�forcin�tLls Saquity <br /> I . Instrumau, itrcluding.but not Iimiled�con�bk�ttamoyi'foec:and(d)Wces ruch�fon u Lender m�y re�aubly <br /> roquine w ps�we t1u�t the lien of thts Security Insuuma�t.l.enderia dghta!n the PropeAy�nd Bomnwerl�obli�tion to p�y tlw <br /> � �unu :ocu�md by this Security Insavmra�t �II condnue wich�nged. Upon reins�tanent by Bamwer. thf� Secu�ity <br /> Instrument and the obtigations aecwed ixreby siudl nm�in fully effective u if no acaleauioe h�d occwred. Howeva,thi� <br /> d�ht to ait�t�te slWl�ot�ply in the cace of aoalaiuion under ppragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of Note=Clw�e oi I.aa 3awlar. The Note or a pahid Luaeat in tho Nate lw8qher wlth thia Securlty <br /> lnstrwtKnt)nuy be wld oae or more dmes widiout priar notice to Bmrower. A s�k m�y rault in a change in the entlty <br /> (irnown�s the"Lo�n Sen�lar")ttwt collecu moahl9 PaY�►u due under the Nota and this 3aurity Instrurt�ent. Thre also <br /> � m�y be one ar mao chmges of the Lo�n Servker�mrelatod to a sde oi tha Note. [f tF�ere is�change of the[.oan Serviar, <br /> � Barrowu will be given writun nodce of the chaagc in accorda�ce with paragraph 14+�bova and appllcabk Iaw. 77ie notice <br /> will state the nur�e ud address of the new l.aan Servicer�nd Ihe address to which psymenu chould be m�de. Tho notioe will <br /> If alw oont�in any ather infornwtian roquired by applicable I�w. <br /> 2Q Hwrda�s Substanas. Bartower slull not cause or pe�mit the pmsenoe.use.dlsPosal.atcxago,or rclase of any <br /> Har,rdous Substances on or in the Property. Bortower shall rtd do.nor albw iunyono elso to do, �nything affecdng ihe <br /> prc�perty thal i:in viol�tlaa of any Environmental Law. 7tie p�oeeding two sentences sl�ll nd apply to the presenee,use.or <br /> Pr pe <br /> ::,,. staroge on the Pcopercy of small quantides of Haz��otis Substanves that aro generally r�ecognizat to be appropiate to namd <br /> .�,.:k. �. � i raideatW tues and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> ..;:xA.'� Hamnwer sh�ll promptly give Lender written notice of any inveuigation,claim.dem�nd,lawsuit or ott�er nctbn by any <br /> '�;;�' '� govemmemal or regul�tory agency or private puty involving the Ptoperty and any Haz�rdous Substance or Bnvironmenwl <br /> .;;.`��'.�`', l,aw of which Bomower has actuel knowledge. If Bamuwer leams, or ls notifitd by any govemmenwl or r�eguluory <br /> ;�;.:.�. , <br /> ti�•c�:; ' .. , ry. Y Y � P�Y s�ry'.Bonower <br /> ,',��,, ... W� authori that w� removal or other remecliatjon of an Hazardous Substanoe affectin the Pro is neces <br /> ,�;,�•� ,�r: �.. °'��.;:;..-:,.: + <br /> , .. .N..',:,a�'".._� sh�U promptly take all necessary remedlel actiatis in accorclance wi�h Environmental Law. <br /> ��;�i �'.�+r,�''�',' As used in this paragraph 20."Hazardous Subs�nces"are those substences det'med es toaic or hazardous substanoes by <br /> '� � � Bnvironmental Law and the following substanc�es: gasoUne,kerosenc,ather tlammable or toxic petroleum products.toaic <br /> r�s .c;�r�'i��sk.a. <br /> f �' `''"' pesticides and hcrbicides.volatile solvants,meterials containing asbastos or formaldehyde. and radioactive materi�ls. As <br /> . '`��ir.��f��Nti'..f.i��`fY <br /> .. ;. , , , used in this paragraph 20."EnvironmeMal Law"means federal laws and IAws of the jurisdiction where tha Property is locatod <br /> r�•• that rclate to heallh,saFery or environmental protection. <br /> � NQN•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortuwer and l.ender further covenant and agree a�follows: <br /> • ' � � � � • - 21. AccelernUoa; Remedks. Lcader slwll qive aMi�e to Borrower prior to acoeleration tdlowiag Horrower's <br /> w <br /> "�' " " �� ' � breACh of any rnvenaat or Agreement in Ihis Security laslrument(but not p�ior to aecekration under para�aph 17 <br /> h,f. ,, . „.�.. <br /> : �y � uoless applicable law prnvides otherwise►. The notice shall specity: (A)the defaulh Ib)tae action reqatred to cure the <br /> -- .. det�uiip(ej a d�i�,�soi kss ihaa 3!!dayx tsuas�tlse d.str!!se s�l3ct!s givtn!o Sorrs��rer, by srlslch!!�dtfaadt mus!bt <br /> cured;And(d)tlwt fdlure to cure the deiault o0 or betore the date specitied in the notice may result in�ccelention of <br /> • " ' " Ihe su�secured by�this Security Inslrument and sak oi the Properly. The noticc shall further inform Borrower ot <br /> �.�'� � , " the rigYl to reinsfate aiter accele�ation and the right to briag a couH acNon to sassert the oon•existence of a default or <br /> . a a y d h e r d c t e n s e d B o r r o w e�t o a c c e l e r a li o n a�d sak. If fhe de�ault ts not cured on or before Ihe date s p e ciiied In <br /> • the ndke,I.ender a!ils option may require immedlate paymeat in iuli of all sums secureA by this Security Insl�ument <br /> „ o without fnrWer demand and mpy invoke Ihe power oP sale ond any olher remedies permitted by applicable law <br /> . � I.ender slwU be entilkd to collect all expences incurrctil in pursuing Ihe remedies provided in lhis pxragraph 21, <br /> �� iacludiog bnt not limited lo.reasonable atlorneS•s'fces and cosls of Nlie evidence. <br /> ��. , • • IP ihe power oP sak is im�oked,7lruslee shall rerord a notiee of defAUlt in each county in wbkh any part of the • , <br /> ` � PropeNy is located and shall mail copks af such notice in t6e manner preccribed by applkable law to 8orrower and to <br /> , «. � , • <br /> � 1 , • ' the other persoes prescribed by appticable law Aiter Ihe time required by applicable law.'Rrustee shall give public <br /> notice oi sale to the perEOns and in the m�nner prescribed by rpplicable law. 'I�uslee.�vithout dems�nd on Borrower. <br /> , ( ` � ahall sell the ProptHy at public auction to the hi�hest bidder al the time pnd place ond under the terms designated in <br /> � � the nMice oi sale in one or more parcels vnd in any ord��'�•����«��P�mto..� ��.�aw rnoy poslpone snle of aH or any <br /> I •' . . : � �� parcel of the PropeHy by public Annuuncemem at the time and place oP uny prevluualy�chednled sale. I.ende�or its z,.. <br /> � de�i�aee may purchase the Prapert��al am•saM. <br /> ' �I� ��pipt ot pnymenl nf t6e price 1►id. 'frutilee shall deli�•e�to the purchaser 'll�ustee's deed com•eying the <br /> Properly. The recitals in the Truslee�deed shall be prima facfe e�•idence of the trulh oilhe slatemenl.�made Iherein. <br /> ,�, 71�ustee shAll apply ibr pruceeds of Ihe wle ln Ihe fi�llu�ti•ing arder: la I lo all cusls s�nd expenses oi exercisin�the power <br /> t . , . � <br /> ',`, �. <br /> 1 ��• M��nM3(M'..l'i 19i n�_r:�.,•np,�t.••• <br /> j � : <br /> . . � � <br /> . ' 1 ° " <br /> . M <br /> . * • I <br /> '� i � <br /> !�I .���:�.a.T—�-.._._ .. . . ,.. .. . <br /> w� '�_ <br /> --�— ` ,-T-----�- - - - .. . <br /> � . <br /> 1 � ' , <br /> J,� ,, . <br /> ; � J� ., <br /> ; <br /> ., <br />