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<br /> �:�= tl»Propsrty t�w�or d�nwp�d,I.�nd�►�II fuiw Ih�optlon,In Ib��nd«Molu1�d1�a�Mion,b �
<br /> 5;:�� aiG1r d�duaUnp the►�hom all awb and�xpm�N Inoum�d by M In aqnn�atton wlth�uph P►ooNd�,upon�nY
<br /> i�:; INr�by and M su0h OrdK a�LM�d�r mnl d�fn11M�0r W 1lpply dl�Wh P►OCMdi��fMr WOh drduOMOn�,b M�fMbf�M01101MN
<br /> •a� , Properry upon woh candHlon�a L.�nd�►may dM�rmin�.My�ppllaatbn o1 P►QOMd�b InOWMdnN��hall nal�xNnd or pa�polN
<br /> ;��� � tAs d�w daM of�ny paym�nb undK th�Noa,or oun�ny dN�uM th�rwndK or hMwrW�►.nny un.�.d n,nd�.h�a a p.�e a
<br /> � ��:^ e. helorm�br L�IK.Upon!h�ocoumna�of an Ewnt of DN�ult h�nund�t.a II�ny�at Is hk�n a Iprl ptooMOtnp
<br /> ,: *r:a:'_'•t ,•
<br /> , commenced whloh m�qri�lly�IP�ab I.�nd�r's Inbntl In th�Prop�►iy,l.«�d�r may In Ib own dlsoMtloe,but without abllONbn b do
<br /> • �P'S�'��C��`,�,I' �p,and without notica W or demend upon Truetor artd wfthnut rele�ulnp Truttor Irom�ny obllp�darl,do�ny�M whloh Yh�la ha�
<br /> ,�!.�`�� ." 'tQfs�d but hil�to do�nd m�y alw do an ly �
<br /> ��•�R.•,;,,�,;���: y oth�r�at It dami n�anl�ry b prolwt tlN Nauri h�►eot.T�u�ta�II Imm�dI�IM�r
<br /> �1�'•'�i;`��;:•�' upon dsm�nd th�nfo►by Lsndsr,psy to Lend�r�II caa�nd sxpsnsa Inaumd and wm���psndodby 6�ndw�n aonn�oqon wIM�
<br /> ,•�?°�:�'�f��{�+�����•� the exsrclss by Lendsr o1 th�toropolnp rlphb,ropsth�►wlth intere�f th�rwn�t th�dN�ull��t�provld�d In Ih�Not�,whloh�hall b�
<br /> i�'�`�%`"` �E add�d to th� Ind�iw Maund h�nby. I.�n�r�h�ll not Inour�ny II�Wllly b�aru�ol'mylhlna It mll�do or omN b do
<br /> .� •�,�{M��,
<br /> ..: 't;�t,�;�f�!'f°o,•:� h�nund�►.
<br /> �•� '+;;';.rrY�°?�;`� 9. H�r��dou�M�MdM1.Truator�h�ll keep th�P�op�rty In oompll�na wlth�11�ppllaabt�I�w�,adlnMnoa�nd npul�lbn�
<br /> ' (,,A.�y
<br /> ��•�'�'��'����'��•� relatlnp ta indu�M�l hypl�n�or snvironm�nW p►ot�cdon(ooll�otiwly reterr�d to h�nln��"Envlronm�nal L�Nr�'�,Tiwta�hall
<br /> ,,`'�-�:f���;?:�!,�t?;, kecc�p the Property ir�s f�om�II�ub�ance�de�m�d to be huudous or toxla undK�ny Envlronm�nbl law�(aolt�aHv��y��d b
<br /> � _t...�;��..�, P
<br /> r herein ea"Hazerdou�M�hrl�le'q.Tru�tor h�r�by wprr�nts�nd r�pn�ena to L�nda that th�n�n no Hw►dau�M�i�IN�on a
<br /> ��:�. >t
<br /> . t��{;�� , under ths Property.Tru�tor Mroby epress to Ind�mnly�nd hold h�rmleu l.endsr,Its dincton,ofNaM,Nnployss��nd�pNtb,�nd
<br /> ,.�,�;.,�.� ony�uccessora to lenda►'s IntereeR nom and�p�imt�ny and�II alakn�,d�mapa�Iwws�nd Ilablllda aritl�p In conn�atlon wffh
<br /> �•� • � ^;t�'�•'°1��>• Ihe preience, uee,dbposal or t►ampon of any Hmrdou�Mtlerlalt on,unMr,faim or�bout 1h�Property.TH8 FORE401NQ
<br /> - • '� ��< ,r�,;;';:i�:;.;
<br /> �. _. .:' ,i?�•,���r,:,: 10. As�l�naant d R�b.Truswr hereby ewlpn�to l.�ndsr the rente,laun�nd prollb of M�P�opsrty;provld�d th�t Trwtor
<br /> ;}t?r�:�. ahall,undl the oaounence o1�n Event of Oefault hereunder,h�ve ths rlpht ta coll�ot and r�U�in�uch anb.luue��nd p►ont���tt�y
<br /> r � +"`:?�!`� bfficome dus and payabla.Upon the occunence ot en Evsnt of Detault,Lend�►may,Nther In p�non or by�pmt,with ar without
<br /> � �,,r•�:w
<br /> ' �°�� � � brin In en p 0 y � p y
<br /> ,., .,,: 9 p y acdon or rocaedln ,or b a receiver appolnted by�court and wilhout r �rd to the�d wa o waur ,�n r
<br /> •f:-�:��� upon and take pasaese�on of the Property,or any pe�t thereof,In Ite own name o►In ths n�m�of ihs T►wb�,and do eny aab whbh It
<br /> `''�'���� deema necessa or desireble to reeerva the value,mailcetablllty or rentabllly ol ths Prop�ryr,or any paA thsr�ol or inb►Mt th�rNn,
<br /> � ;'�.�•1-:�; �Y P
<br /> 's;;�;;
<br /> Increaae the Income therelrom or protect the securiry horeof end,wlth or without ukinp poss�uion ot Ih�Props►iy,w�ior or
<br /> 5�` othaMrite collect the rents,isauee and pro0ta thereof,includlnp tho�e put dus�nd unpald,and�ppiy lh�s�ms,lus co�b Rnd
<br /> �� axpemes ot operatlon and collecilon Inaludlnp eltorneya'Ne�,upon my Indebtedneu seoursd hKaby,�II In�uoh otdsr��L�nd�r
<br /> � ;�ir•, may determine.The enta�inp upon and takinp posseafon ot 1he PropsAy,the colleadon ol�uch rsnq,luuei end profib and flw
<br /> ; ,,.<•; appliCadon thereoi aa aforeaald,ehall not cure or walve a�y delault or nodcs ol de1�uN hsreundsr or fnv�IldeN any�et don�In
<br /> � '�; reapanee io euch default o�purouant to such�odcs of del�ult and,netwithsfandinp th�condnuance In poaeplon oi fh�PropNly a
<br /> r�%t•� the collection,recelpt and appllcaUon oi renb,l�suas or proflb,end Tru�e and Lender�h�ll bs enqaed to exerclts w�ry�pht
<br /> � , provlded 1or in any ol the Loan Instruments or by law upon acourrence of any Event of Ds1�u1R inaludlnp wllhout IImlyNon tM ripht
<br /> -- - •- -- �o exerciae ihe power of saie.Furihar,Lendar's riphiY end ieiil6dibfi und8r tltiG�7rii�r�pti Ctlali bC CutnUll2t���`n sftt!!ti tiC�tIIyt II
<br /> '• � Ilmitatlon an,Lender's righta and remedles under any asslpnment olleaaes md renb roeordsd ayNnst th�Vrop�vty.l�nd�►,TrwtM
<br /> • and the receiver ahall be flable to eccount only for those renta actually recelved.
<br /> „ 11. Ewrtb o1(�ult.The followlnp shall conndtute ao Event ol Defauit under thl�Desd ol Tru9t
<br /> (a) Fallura to pey any Instellment of principal or Intereet of any olher eum eecured hereby wMn due:
<br /> (b)A breach ol or defeult under any provfelon contained in the Not�,thl�Owd of Tru�t,�ny ot th�4wn OnstrumeM�,w�ny
<br /> • oMer Ilen or encumbrance upon fhe Property;
<br /> ; (c)A writ o1 executlon o�ettachment or eny eimller p►ocess�hell M enteed�peln�t Tru�lor whkh shaH b�seome a Ilen on
<br /> the Property or any pordon thereof or Intereat thereln;
<br /> �' (d)There ahall be flled by or ageinst Truator or Borrower an acllon under eny preaent or luture feder�l,etete o►other
<br /> atatute,law or regulation releting to benkruptcy,Insolvency or other rellef lor debtors;or there shall W a�pointed any tru�tes.
<br /> �r' • recelver or Ilquldator o1 Trustor or Borrower or of all or eny pert oi the Property,or the rents,Isaua a profiq thereol,or Tru�tor -r
<br /> or Borrower eh�ll make any general essiynment lor the benelit of creditoro;
<br /> (e)The sele,tranaler,lease,assiynment conveyance or fuAher encumbrance of all or any Wre o9 or eny Intenn In the �
<br /> '" Property, elther voluntarlly or Involuntarily, wlthout the exprese writlen consent ol Lender;prov�tled thet Trustor�hall be
<br /> • permitted to execute a lease of the PropeAy that does not contain en optbn to pwchese end the larm of whlch does not exceBd �
<br /> one year;
<br /> (Q Abandonment ot the Property;or
<br /> (g) It Truator la not an Indivfdual,the fsauance.sele,transfer,eaalpnment,conveyenca or e�cumbrance ot more than a lotel �
<br /> ,
<br /> ot percent ol(i1 a corporatlon)Its Issued and outatand�ng stock or(fl a pannershlp)e totel 01 percant of
<br /> partnerahip Intereats durinp the pariod this Deed of Trust remalna e Ilen on the PropeAy. i
<br /> 12. �Rsmsdle�;Acceler�tion Upon DMaull.In the event of any Event ol0etault Lender may,withoul notfce except ea requfred by �
<br /> law,tleclare all indebtednees eecured hereby to be due and payable and the aame shell thereupon beeome due end payebl�
<br /> i wiUwul any preaentment, damand,protest or notice o1 any kind.Thereafter Lender mey:
<br /> (a) Demand that Truatee exerclse the POVNER OF SALE yranted herein,end Trustee ahall thereaker cauee Truttor's I
<br /> inter�sl in the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,ell in ihe manner provided�n the Nebreska Tru�t DNds
<br /> AC�
<br /> � (b} Exerciae any end all rights provfded for in any o�1he Loan Inatruments or by law upon occurrence ot eny Evant o}
<br /> i ONau�t and
<br /> (c)Commence an action ta loreclose th�s Oeed of Trust as a mortgaye,appolnt a recewer,or�peallically enfwce any ol the ;
<br /> �� Covenanb nerFiol.
<br /> No romedy he�e��Conferred upon or raserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to be excluslvo ol any other remedy hereln,fn the '
<br /> Loen tnatrumenls o►by law p�ovided or permitted.but eath s!�a�'be cumuletive,shall ba In addltlon to every other remedy qlven �
<br /> hereunder,i�e!he Loan Inslrumenls or now or here8f18r Bx�sling a!�aw or In equlry or by statute,and may be exercfsed concurrently,
<br /> Independentty or gucceaslvely.
<br /> , , 13. Tnn4se.The Truslee may res�g^8L 0^y 4irne wl�hout Wa.�,end Lender may at any ume and w�thout cauee appolnl e
<br /> �uccesaor or aubstltute Truatee.Truatee aha'1 not be lia�7�e to eny parry,Includ�ng without Ilmltation lender,Burrower,T�uslor or eny
<br /> � purChaear ot the P�o�erty,lor any loas or damagS unlass due lo�eckless or willful mfaconduct,and shell not be requlred to takeony
<br /> aatlon In conneCtlon wlth the antorcement of th+9 Deed of Trust unless indemnifled. 1n writlnp,for all costa,compenwtlon or
<br /> baxpenses whlch may be aeeoCiated lherewNh.ln addd�on,Trus�m�y become e purchaeer at eny eale Of the Property(JudlClel or
<br /> _ . , ...,�.�ti�., ,.�se�e..eMml►.nrdn\•nnelnnnn Y/w oal��d aIl nr onv nnr�lnn nl lha Prnnarlv aa nrnvWM hv larr nr ull fh�
<br /> - -. .vp.'�.'.°..�..'... ..«..y�«...�............�.r..�y._.._ '_._'_.' _ _ �_"" . _.. _ . .'�' _••__� ' '_' _• _ • ' _'
<br /> ' �^ � Property ea a whole,or In 6eparate parcels or lots at Trustee's d�scretlon.
<br /> 14. RNS�nd ExpMtef.In the event Trustee aells the Properry by exercise ot power ol eale,Truslea ehall be entnled to apply
<br /> �ny qle proceeds tirat to peyment ot aU costs and expensea o1 exerclslnp power of eale,Includlnp all Tru�tee'�lee�,and Lender's
<br /> Y t �nd Tru�tee'o eltorney's teea,ectually Incurred to extent permltted by appllceble law.In the event Borrower or Truftor exerNses eny
<br /> �• rlpht provldad by law to cure an Event o1 Detault,Lender ahall be entltled to recover Irom Trustor all cost��nd expanse�actually
<br /> � Incurred��a rewlt of Tr�stor's defauN,Including wlthout Ilmltatlon ell Truetee's and attorney's t�e�,to the e�lent permltt�d by
<br /> � � � �ppllo�01�law.
<br /> 16. Futur�AdrancM.Upon requeat ot 8orrower, Lender may,at Ite optlon. meke add�tlonal�nd 1ulure adr�nce�snd re-
<br /> � �dvanC��to 8orrower.3uch advancea and readvancea,wlth Interest thereon,shell be�ecured by thfs Daed ot Tru�t.A1 no Iims�h�ll
<br /> � Ih�princlpd emount ot lhe indebtedness secured by thle Deed ol Truet,not Includinq aums advanced to protsp�Uw Ncurly ol lh��
<br /> OMd ol Tru�t,txcsed the orlglnal princlpal amount atated hereln,a S wh�chever is prealer
<br /> .
<br /> 1 '
<br />