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<br /> Y , 93-io'�s3o
<br /> ' THIS ASSIONMLNT OF RENT8 RIDER I�mcA�and�x�aui�d thl� 2N0 d�y of 3EPTE(�'IBER ��� 93 ,����
<br /> Inaorporat�d Into and aMll bi1 dMm�d to ane�nd and�uppt�rtNnt th�Mortp�p�a O�ed of Tru�t,h�nindt�r nhrr�to as tlt�
<br /> ��8�aurlty In�trum�nl�', of Ih�am�Ad�plwn by tM und�nlpMd, MrNnaft�r nhn�d to a�th�"9orrow�r", to ssoun
<br /> 8onowe'�In�Nbt�dt�s�,Mr�In�R�r r�hn�d lo M�th�"Not�",to MOMH FEDER1IL SAVINGS AND l.OAN A8St3CIATION OF
<br /> iDRAN018LAN0,h�nlndt�r nhrnd to at th�"Lqnd�r",of tIM�am�d�to and oav�rinp th�prop�Ry d�earib�d In 1M S�autlty
<br /> '.; IMifY111Mt illd IOWI�d N:
<br /> `�. .,�_ (Wop�rly.AddroN) —
<br /> ::�,
<br /> WITNE89ETN:
<br /> WHEREA8,Borrow�r�nd Lend�r havs apr�ed th�t any rents and•p/p������«putabl� to th�propehy ahould constltut�
<br /> "�"'` �ddltlon�l paurity to ih�L�nd�r for ths payment of ths NoU;
<br /> � �S.���{.
<br /> "' ..a«ut+-.-
<br /> ��^��•`°•�w�� NOW,THERERORE.it I�apraed th�t tlw Seaurlty Inetrum�n!shall�be pmanqed harqby��nd de�med to Includ�ths followinp
<br /> ::�e.,>,.::,..
<br /> provl�lom:
<br /> "'".R��
<br /> ]� '�'• .� ' � � � 1. Aee�ppment ot�9nts and Lendar Rantal Coltectlon Rlphts.Bqr�Ower,h�rqby�bsolutqly and unconditlonally assipns all
<br /> R � �� ` ' . rents, Issuei and proflts of ths prop�rty to Bensficlary. Lendar ahall:have tha rigpt, power and authorlty durinp the
<br /> '` � � � continuancs of ths Seeurity Instrumqnt to collect the r9nis,.lnsuae and proflts o f tha prope�ty and ot any pe�sonal propeAy
<br /> " • � '4 � , looatqd thereon wlth or wlthout takin� posaeeaion of thq pf4peny effeatad harebK. Lender, however,hereby conaents to
<br />� , .� ,� Bonow�r's collection and retantlort of auch rente,iasuea and profltp ae tbay acaru�ond beaome payable,eo lonp ea Bor�ovrer
<br />' `��� � � Is not,at euah time,I�dNault wlth rospeot tq payment of anyIqdUb�9dnese aeeured her�by,or In the performancs of�ny
<br /> .;, � apraoment hereunder.
<br /> � r:•�- . 2. Aonolntment pf Necelver. If any evont of default in respeat t4 tha Seaurlly Inntrument ehall heve ocau��ed and be
<br /> ��" � , - continulnp, I.ender,os a matter ot ripht and without notlae to Bonower or arry.ona alaiminp under Borrower,and wlthout
<br /> • � • rapard to the value ot the trust estate or the intereet of the Borrower thar9ln,ahall�haMe the riqht to epply to any cou�t havinp
<br /> � jurlsdictlon to appolnt a receiver ot tAe property.
<br /> - • , 3. �,tto Posseselon.In case of defau It in the paymant of the eeld prinalpel Notn or interest,or any part thereof,as It
<br /> shell mptun,or In the oase of faiiure to keep or pe►lorm.any of the covenanta oragrqemante contatned In the 8ecurity Instru-
<br /> m�nt, then the Lender, Its successors or asaipns, ehallibe and is hereby aulhrxixed and empowered to take immedlate
<br /> , , poeaeselon of the seld premisas q9�erein described and ta cutlnot.tha tentN therefnvm,.and to apply the proaseds the►eoi to the
<br /> �' payment of the Note.
<br /> � 4. ADDIICptlon of Renta.Issues and Profits.Au rente collected b�Lender or Iha recelver ahell be applied first to payment
<br /> _ � of the coats of management of the prope►ty and collectlon of rente,inaluding,but,nof Iimited to,receiver's feea,premiuma on
<br /> T � . . , recelver's bonda and reasonable attoroey's fees,and then to the sume seaumd bN the 6eeurity Inslrument.Lender and the
<br /> • � ':•.�'`.. recefve�shall be Ilable to account only tor those rents aatuelty reaelved.
<br /> � • 5. Conatructlon of Provlaions,Each of Ihe prpvlsfons contelned in�thla Aeaign rnent of Aents Rlder and the Securiiy Instru-
<br /> • , `' ment shall, unless othenulae specitically required,be conatrued in e000rdence with Nebraska law, and In the event any •`�
<br /> ' provlsion herein or thareln contalned ahall be determined by a court of•cornpetent�urisdiction to be unenforceable,ihe same
<br /> � shall be construed es thouph auch unenforceeble provlaion were not a part hereof o►thereof.
<br /> � 8. E tect of Rider.Except as specifically modified by or inconsfstent with thls Asslgnment of Rents Rider or by any other
<br /> oppllcahle rider,ell of the terms and provisians contained in the Securlty Inatrurnent ehall continue in full force and effeat. � ,
<br /> ��{� ,
<br /> �` IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower hes exocuted thls Aasl nment of Rents Rlder on the date fi rst noted above. p
<br /> \ � •Qa��2 ' ' ��
<br /> �.' DA EL J PEl'ER �ower
<br /> �i:. . ' --�r�''?►�- �-u��''-Y-- r-
<br /> BONNIE R PTERSEM���We� �
<br /> � '�- �
<br /> , , .. �ss: r.
<br /> ' COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> ! , � . On thls ZN day of SEPTEI�BER ,�9 93 ,before me,the undersl ned a Nota Public duly commissloned and �
<br /> ' . •:r�:;�� quallfled for sald coumy,personatly came DANIEL 7 PETERSEN AND B�NNfE R PEryTERSEN
<br /> _.—. __—_—__ ___,to be the Identical personls)whose name(s)18/are subscrfbati
<br /> , � to the forepoinq instrument,and helahelthey acknowledge the execution thereof to be hlslherlthefr voluntary ect end deed.
<br /> ' � Wltness my hand and Notarlal Seal et _ __ GRAND I SLAND� N RSKA _ _ __ __
<br /> �F ; , 3t��f wM�lu _ In said co ,t daM afor aid.
<br /> ' . K1RiG dd��7 �
<br /> ' _ - . . Ml Oomm.Efi0.OeL 16,199 --—•�� -- r�j � . -
<br /> � . Notary Pub��c
<br /> ,
<br /> . , � My Commisslon expires: --. -- -- -- - - - -.... _
<br /> ,
<br /> HF q�0 pl/21
<br /> . -- '�— --- -
<br /> . ,� 1
<br /> ' ,� �
<br /> � �
<br /> 4 .�.I / I
<br /> • . �
<br /> � �i �
<br />