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. LEGAL DESCRIPTION-ALDA ROAD (PT. SE1/4-SECTION 7-T11N-R10W) �� 1 �% y 1 ? 1 <br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4 ) of Section Seven <br /> (7 ), T�wnship Eleven ( 11 ) North. Range Ten ( 10) West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County. <br /> Nebrasko� and more particularly described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4 ); thence <br /> running westerly, along and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter <br /> (SE1/4 ), a distance of Five Hundred Forty Two and Eighty Eight Hundredths <br /> ( 542.88 ) feet: thence deflecting right 89°53` 10" and running northerly. a <br /> distance Fifty Five and Twenty Six Hundredths t55.26) feet: thence deflecting <br /> right 90°37'45" and running eosterly, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty Four <br /> and Sixty One Hundredths (364.61 ) feet; thence running northeasterly, along and <br /> upon the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is 718.94 feet. a distance of <br /> Four Hundred Forty Four and Fifty Eight Hundredths (444.58 ) feet ( long chord <br /> =437.53' - long chord deflecting left 73°01 '09" from the previously described <br /> course) to a point which is Forty Five (45.0) feet west of (measured perpendicular <br /> to> the east line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4 ): thence deflecting right <br /> 17°43' 11 " and running northerly. parallel with and Forty Five (45.01 feet west <br /> of (measured perpendicular to) the east line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4 ). <br /> a distonce of Two Thousand One Hundred Ninety and Thirty Nine Hundredths <br /> (2,190.39) feet to a point on the north line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4): <br /> thence running easterly. along and upon the north line of said Soutneast Guarter <br /> (SE1/4 ). a distance of Forty Five (45.0) feet to the northeast corner of said <br /> Southeast Quarter (SE1/4 ): thence running southerly. along and upon the east <br /> line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4). a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred <br /> Fifty Nine and Eighty Four Hundredths (2.659.84 ) feet to the point of beginning <br /> and containing 3.764 acres. more or less. <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION-ALDA ROAD (PT. SW1/4-SEGTION 17-T11N-R10W) <br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4 ) of Section <br /> Seventeen ( 17 ), Township Eleven ( 11 ) North, Range Ten ( 10> West of the 6th P.M. , <br /> Hali County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br /> Beginning at a point on the west line of said Southwest Duarter (SW1/4 ). said <br /> point being Sixty (60.0) feet north of the southwest corner of said Southwest <br /> Quarter (SW1/4 ): thence running northerly, along and upon the west line of <br /> said Southwest Quarter (SW1/4 ). a distance of One Thousand Five Hundred <br /> Fifteen and Thirty Five Hundredths ( 1 .515.35 ) feet: thence running southeasterly. <br /> along and upon the arc of a curve to the right whose radius is 771 .44 feet. <br /> a distance of Two Hundred Fifty and Ninety Three Hundredths (250.93 ) feet <br /> ( long chord distance=249.83' - long chord deflecting right 170°46' 30" from <br /> the previously described course) to a point of tangencys thence deflecting right <br /> 09°19'05" and running southerly, said course coinciding with the final tangent <br /> of the previousiy described curve. a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred <br /> Sixty Eight and Eighty One Hundredths (1 .268.81 ) feet to a point which is Sixty <br /> (60.0) feet north of (measured perpendicular to) the south line of said Southwest <br /> Quarter (SW1/4 ); thence running westerly, parallel with and Sixty (60.0) feet <br /> north of (rr�asured perpendicular to) the south line of said Southwest Quarter <br /> (SW1/4 ), a distance of Thirty Seven and Ninety Nine Hundredths (37.99 ) feet <br /> to the point of beginning and containing 1 .289 acres. more or less. <br /> EXHIBIT "A" to DACA45-2-99-6157 <br /> Page 3 <br /> , <br />