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<br /> Toc)87'HEit wrt�tt d�the improvemena now or he�e�ttar cmcted an Ihe proQatr..na�I�auemeeu.�ppurtmw�ca.
<br /> ud flaw�a aow a he►aRet�p�rt of�he propeKy. All mpl�ccmenu and�ddl�la���hall alw bo cover�d by thi�Seciuity
<br /> lmtrumen� All of tho fae�oin�i�roferrod w in 1hi�Security Instrument aa tbe"Propeny."
<br /> BORROWER COVENAN7'3 th�t Bunower 1�I�wfully�eiwd of the est�te hercby conveyed w�d hao 1he dQht ta�rant
<br /> and convey thepr�ty and that Iho Pnuperty ie unencumberod,oacept for encumbrance9 oP rocurd. Bormwer w�rr�utU and
<br /> will dda�d Renenliy�he dtb to the Property a�drut�II cl�inu snd dem�li.wbJxt to�ny encumbruicex of rocord.
<br /> TH13 SECURITY INSTRI�+lEW7'combinca uniform covenwnte for natianal asc and nnn•unifomi cova�nu wilh
<br /> limfted variWona by jurisdictlon w con:llwto o uMfam oecudty in:tmment covering rcal pmpeAy.
<br /> UNIFORM COVPNAM'3. Bortowor And l.onder cavenant and ag�ee as follows:
<br /> 1. Paywent ot Prindp�l�od lakrati�P�Y�at apd[.�te Ch�r�es. Borrower shall promPUY P�Y when due the
<br /> piinclp�1 of aad i�tercst on the de6t evidenced by tho Note and any prcpoyment and Ipto chargen due under 1he Note.
<br /> Z. Flu�d�for'l�ues�ad iawranee. SubJxt to applicAble IAw or to a writtcn w�iver by Lender.Borrowu ahall pay to
<br /> Le�ter on the day momhly payments aro due under the Note,undl�he Note is paid in full,�sum("Punda")for.(a)yeuly
<br /> uues and+�ssessmenta which may auain priority over t�is Security Instniment as a lien on tha Piroperty;(b)yearly leasehold
<br /> payments or ground ren[s on the Property. if any; (c) yeady hazend or propeny inswance premlums; (d) yearly flaad
<br /> insurance premiums. if any; (e) Yearly mongage inawance premiums. if any: wid(� any sums payablo by Bomower to
<br /> I L.ender,in acootdance with the provisiana of paragraph 8.in lieu of thep�yment of mortgage insurance p�emiums. 71�ese
<br /> items aro called"F.scrow ltems." Lcmder may.at any time.collect and hold Funds in an anwunt nat ta exceed the maximum
<br /> ' •F arnount a lender for a federally related mortgege losin may requirc for Borrower's esemw account under the federai[teal
<br /> on
<br /> ' •.�� Estate Settloment Procedurea Act of 1974 as umended from dme to tlme. 12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA").unkss anothet
<br /> =' �'^ " law thet applias to�he Rmdr sets�a lesser amount If so,Lender may.at any Ume,colixt end hold Fw►ds in an amouat�ot w
<br /> . �' �•.,��.�.. exceed�he Iesser amount. Lender rtwy esiimate Ih�amount of Funds duo on the basis of nurent da�a and reason�ble
<br /> ' esdmates of eapenditures of futurc Escrow Items or otherwise ln accordance with epplicable law.
<br /> ,• ,• . `•:;:�r'.�� � The Funds shall be held in an insUtution whose deposits ane insured by a federel agency.insdumentaUty. or entity
<br /> : � ���,��,;�: ;,.'�, i (including L,ender,if Lender is such un inst�wUon)or in any Federal Home Laan Bank. I.ender shnll apply the Funds to pay
<br /> r��- - � L�p�{.',����y��•,';� ,yi� the Escrow It�ms. l.ender may not charge Bomower for holding and epplying the Funds, a�mually analyzing the escrow
<br /> �" ' account,or verifying the �.cerow Itema, unless l.ender puys Bomawer intares�on the Funds and applieable law pertnits
<br /> ...Y��w.-. - .
<br /> �a�,,,��MbM �� " Lcnder to make such a charge. However,l.ender may require Born►wer to pay a one-time charge for an independe�t r�eal
<br /> `��`��•' � �� `. � ' estate tax reporting service used by L.ender in connection with this loan,unless applicable Inw provides othenvise. Unlesa en
<br /> ' :�".t" ' •..��' agreement is mudo or upplicable law requires intcrest to be paid,l,ender shall not be required to pay Bomnwer nny intercst or
<br /> , � � � � eacniogs on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,however.lhat interest shull be pa�d on the Funds. Lender
<br /> =,'' �:-
<br /> • • shoJl give to Burrower,withaut charge,un annuat nccounting of the Funds.showing credi�4 and debits to the FUnds and the
<br /> '�� ;_i``•. ' pwpose for wbich euch dabit to�he FLndR was made. The Funds are pledged as eddldonal securiry for all sums securod by
<br /> �'� ' �t�� thic Security Instrument.
<br /> �� If the Funds hetd by l.ender eaceed the amoun�.s permitted to be held by a p p iicable law, Lender shaii accuunt iv
<br /> � BoROwer for the excess Funds in accordunce with the reqmrement�of applicubk law. If the umount of the Funds held by
<br /> ' � �, � Lendar at eny time is n�t sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may�o natify Burrower in writing,and,in
<br /> � `�s.��,'•�, . ; such cuse Bomower shull pay to I.ender the �mount necessury to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up ihe
<br /> daficiency in no more than twelve monthly paymenlx,a�L.ender's solc diuretion.
<br /> ' , � Upon payment in full of all sums sccured by this Security lnstrument.Lender shs�ll promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> Funds held by l.cnder. If,undcr purngra�h 21.Lender nhall acquirc or scll �he Propeny,Lender,prior to�he acquisition or
<br /> �� • • • sale of�he Praperty, shnll appty nny Funds held by l.ender at the iime of acquixition or sale as u crcdit ugainst the sums
<br /> � ! serur@d by this Securily Inslrument.
<br /> � 3. Applicatlon of' Payments. Unlona applicabM luw pruvide+ othervvisc, all paymems received by Lender under
<br /> ,�.�., ', paragraphs 1 und 2 shull be upplied:�r��,to uny prcpayment churges duc under the Note:second,to tunounts payable under
<br /> t ry paru8raph 2;third,to interest due;fcwnh,to principal due;und lust,to uny lutc charges due under the Nate.
<br /> i 4. Chwrges; Llens. Borrower shull puy nll t;uce�, �.�ae.smenlx, churges, fines and imposit�ons auribuwble to the �
<br /> Ptoperty which moy uttain priority uver�his Securily Imtrument,and Ieu�chold paynxnts or ground rcn1�,if uny. Borrower
<br /> : ' shall pay these obligations in the munncr provided in parugraph 2,or il'not p•rid in that manner,Borruwcr�hull pay them on
<br /> � "' • time directly ro the perwn owed paymcnt, Bormwer shull pmmptly furnish to l.endcr all noticc.of umoums to hc ps�id under '
<br /> � , this parugruph. If Burrower muketi�hcae paymemc dircctly,Bormwer�hall prompdy I'urnish to Lender rcceipts evidencing 4
<br /> the paymems.
<br /> !' . i Burrower sholl pn►mptly diMhurge uny lien which hu�priurity�►vrr thi,Securiry Inawment unlcss Bormwce la)agrees
<br /> in writing to thc paymcnt of thc ohligation n��urcJ by Ihc lirn in u munner arrertuMe���Lendcr;(b1 rontc�ts in gocxf fuith the =.�
<br /> � lien by,or defe�xls again�t enforcement of thc licn in,Icgnl prcxc�Jinti.which in�hc Lendcr:apinion oper,�tc to pnevent thc
<br /> - � '• enforcement of the lien:or Icl securcs fn�m the hulJer uf the lien an ugrecment�uli�fuctory to Lendcr wtwrdinatin�the lien
<br /> � ;� . ,�, � to this 5ecurity Inswment, If Lender dr�emiines thut uny pan of the Propcny is+ubjert to u lien which may uttain priority
<br /> ' � over thic Security Inswment,L�nder muy�ive Bom�wrr�n�nice idcmit'ying thc lirn. Bixruwer�hs�ll sntixfy the lien or take
<br /> !. :�• �
<br /> ,�� � o�or morc of the actionx set forth aM�vc within IQ duy.ot'ihe giving ot'nutice.
<br /> .. • 5. H�rd or Property Insurence. Bormw•cr shull keep the improvemems now exiwing or hereafter erccted an the
<br /> �•. Propeny insurcd ugainst locti by tir�,haxunl�inrluded a•ithin the tcmi"cxtrndrJ co.•rrage"anJ uny olher hsuAnl,,includin� ' '.�;,
<br /> � : ,�., ; ,:��,�.�•;;.,; tloods or fla�ding, for which Lcndcr rcyuircs imunmce. Thiz insurnncc .twll t� muinloined in thc�mount� and for thc � •''
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