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<br /> TO(3ETHBR WITH�II thc fmpmvement�now or herwfler crocted on the propeny,u�d dl easementa.appunen�rwd�►.+�nd
<br /> fixtutr� nnw or hercafter a put of the Property. All replacxmencs ped siidditions shall �I�o be coverod by thl� �eourlty
<br /> lmtrument.Ail of tho fore�oin�is refened w in thlo Savr�ty lnshument ar the 'Property."
<br /> BOitROW�R COVENANTS th�t Borrower ia l�wfully scised of the eatatc hercby rnnveyod and has thc dght to gnu►t and
<br /> oonvey tho Pn�perty and ti�at the Property is uncnc�mberod, esapt Fot encumbrxnces of rccord. Borrower wa�tantc nnd:wlll
<br /> defend generally the title w the Propeny agalnst a!1 claims and den�anda,subject ta cmy encumbrqnces oP record.
<br /> THIS SECIIRITY INSTRUMBNT combinea unlform covenants for national•usa and nan-uniform rnve�wnta wflh Ilmitad
<br /> vuiatia�by Jurladiclion to canstitute a uniform socurity instrument cavering real prup�rty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Hormwer and L.endcr cavenant and pgrceus follawa:
<br /> t. P�ymeat ot Priaclpd and InteKStt Prelpym�nt And Lwte Cba�ga+. Barmwor nhnll pn�mp�ly pay when dua Ihe
<br /> principal of and interc.st nn�ho del+t cvidenced by Ihc Nate and uny prcpaymenl And latc rhurgex duc undcr�hc Ncite.
<br /> 2. �undr far Toxa�and Irowance. Subjcct t��oppHcAblc luw or ta a wdlten wuivcr My l.cndcr, &►rn�wcr shull�y la
<br /> l.c�xlcr nn the dwy manlhly puymcmx prc duc un�lcr lhc N�uc,unlfl Il�e Natu ir�puld in full,a r+um 1`�undx")fi�r:lol yearly taKas
<br /> wxi acsc►�amentx which muy u��pin p�lo�i�y ovcr�hiw 5ccu�ily ins��ument p�u IIQn on Ilw Pnp�ny;tNl ycurly Ic�cl�►Id paymsntw
<br /> ur�nwnd rema nn Ihc F'r+�perly,it'pny;Ir1 ycnrly ha��ni nr pn�pcny inxuruncc pnemiumh;(d)ycarly Il�wxl inwrW�xe pnemiumi,
<br /> iP Any; Icl ycArly nM�ngugr in�urunrc prcmium�, if uoy;unJ Ifl uny num�puyuAlu hy li�+rmwcr u�l.cnd�:r, in uccordW�co wllh
<br /> �he pn►vihionr nf purugruph S, in licu nf�hc puynxm ��f nH��guge in�umn�r promlumti. Thor�ilem.r un�rulk�!"�Krow Nems.'
<br /> l.cndcr moy, a� uny tink, ruI1�Y1 �nJ hoW Nwxl�in un unK�um nol tn exccal tlio muximum um�►unt u lendcr fi►r o fedorwlly
<br /> rrlatal mnrlgoge I�wn muy requiro ti�r&irruwer'�eMrnw a�rount�undor Iha fi.�lunrl Rcul Estulc �:�Ucnxnt Pnxalunes Act af
<br /> �..L. 1974 ws wmcnded 1'mm timc to time. 12 U.9.C. Sectiun 2b01 rr srr�. 1"R�SPA"1, unle�ti unwhc�luw thut upplie�ta Ihe Fund�
<br /> �_•` :. set�a lescer amiwnt. If M►, l.eixler muy,at any time, collact und hold �und� in un um�wm nw a►ex��eed Ihe lescer amnunt.
<br /> `�,��'�'�'3`�S L.endar muy csUmate the amnum oP Fund�;dua on Ihu husiK of cumant dulu and�nuM►nuhl�s estimute�;nf expendilures of Ibture
<br /> �''!`'F'L'`�'.=''"' Escrow pems or otherwisc in uccor+dunce wi�h a licablu luw.
<br /> •°,.;::�-.i. .�;�...�� Pp
<br /> Thc Funds shull be he1J in un inntitulion who.rc depnsils ure inhured My u f��l4ral ugency, instrumcntalily, �r entity ,,�,
<br /> ���•� �.• • (including I.ender, if l.ender i,buch un intititulion)ar in any Fedoml Hnm�La�n&mk. Lender shull apply the Funds ta pay Ihe
<br /> k c�.�.,�.•at.w..� Itr ..,
<br /> . Bscrow Items. Lender may not charge Borcower for halding nnd npplying tha Fumiti,annually nnulyr.ing�he escrc►w uccount,or
<br /> j;f . :.,G,.5 •�.:. .s� .; verifying the Escrow I�ems,unler�s Lender payc&xrowe�M�erast on tho Fuixl.r•und uppifcuble luw permits l.ender to make such
<br /> , _:, a churge. However, I.ender may require&irn►wer tii p•ry u onc-tima churga fnr an ind�pendem reul exlute�az repariins service
<br /> ° � � used by Lender in connection with this loun, unless upplieublo luw providos othorwise. Unle,.r• un agreenxnt is made or ;� .
<br /> i`�� ' • a licable law wres interest to be pid, Lender�lic�ll not be re uimcl tci tt &irrnwer on inlerest or earnin �on the Fu�ds.
<br /> .,,:., . PP �9 � P N � P Y Y 6
<br /> '���'' � . ' Bomawer und I.cnder muy ogrce in writing, howe��er, thut inlareh�shull bc puid�m tha Funcls. I.endcr xhall give�o R�rmwer,
<br /> y��,� ; . •
<br /> ';� �' - ' without charge, an annual nccnuntiog of the Fundti, shmv)ng creditx arxl Juhi�s to d�a Funds and �hc purpase fi�r which csach
<br /> ---" � • �� deWt to the Funds wuc m3�ide.The Fand,r•nre pledged us uddilinnul security fnr nll sums securcd by this Securi�y Insin�menl.
<br /> �' ° If the Funds held by Lender exceed�he amiiumn pertnilted to he hald hy upplicable luw, l,ender�hall Arcount�o Borm�ver
<br /> '�'``� for the excess Funds in accordunce wi�h�he reyuiremems af applicubie lua�. If tho unNwnt of thc Fundx held by Lender ai any
<br /> i�'� � time is nat sufPMient to u the�xcrow Itoms when Jue.Lendur mn �n no�if &inower in writin
<br /> nc;. ,, P Y y •' y g,and,in�uch cASe BaRmvcr
<br /> `'`-� shall pay to I.ender the amount necessary to muke up tho duticioncy. &�rn��ver�ludl mukc up the deficiency in no mom than
<br /> ; � � • twelve monthly payments,ut LendPr'�solo dii,cretinn,
<br /> Upon puyment in fuU i�f ull sum�:+�cumd by thl�S�tiuri�y In,trwn��u. I.�ixlur shull prnmpUy rcfunJ tn &�n�i�vcr any '
<br /> �''" Funds held b Lender. II', under ara ra h 21,L.enJer shall uc uire a�+ell ihu Pm c,rt IA�der, ruir G�the uc uisitinn or xalc
<br /> : +.;; . Y P" R P 4 P' Y� P � 9
<br /> ,�� � of the Prapeny,shull upply uny Futxis hcld by Lcnder at•tUu�ime of ucquinition or tiale us u cntlit n�uimt the xums secured by
<br /> I�+' . . ...
<br /> this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> tt ' • 3. AppNcatlon of Puyment�. Unles�uppliruMe luw pmvidc�athcnvi�,c, all puymenis rccri�•cd hy I.rnder under paraFr,�phti
<br /> • 1 and 2 shAll tm opplicd: first, �o uny prepayment churgcti duc uixlcr thc No1c: ,cc�►nJ, a►amuunt.payublc uixlc�pura�raph 2;
<br /> � third.to interc.r•1 duc:tiiunh,to principul duu:and lutit,���uny lutc churgc.duu undcr thc N��tr.
<br /> '��`�� � 4. Cha �.w; I.iens. &►rcowcr xhall u ull luxc�, ux.r�timrms. chor•c�, linc�and im ►�ihnn�uurihutuhlc to�hc Pra en
<br /> i.'r'. ' which may at oin prioriry nvcr thi. Sccurity Inti�rumcn�, und Ic��,ch�ild pc�ytncnty ur�Sruw�l rrntti. if um•. Borrowcr tihull pay
<br /> 'r� ,. ,
<br /> � ;.�'y. ' �he.se obligu�lons in the munner pr�►vidal in puru�ruph 2.nr il'no�puid in thut munner. Fi��rr��N•rr tihall pa�•thrm on�imc dlrertly (;
<br /> s; '` �o thc person nwcd puymcn�. Burc„wcr shull pnm�p�ly I'uitii�h ta Lendcr all naiicc�uf amounl.la hc paiJ undcr thi�par.igr.iph.
<br /> �*,. ' . '''�� If&►rrowcr ntahc,thr.c paymrm,din�cUy. Burrowcr�hull pmmplly furnitih tu l.endrr rrrrip���vidcncin�:thr pa��ment�,
<br /> ' Bonrnver shull pmmptly disrhurZtr sm�� lien ti�hirh hu�pri��rily uvcr�lii�Scrurit�•In�lrumrm wil���Borru�+er: hil u�rcc�in
<br /> � . .., wriling to Ihc puymcnt of thr ohli�u�inn.�tiund h���hr licn fn ii mmmcr cir�cpluhlc I��Lrndcr: �hl runtr+l.in��wKl tiii�h thc licn
<br /> , hy. or defenJs ugain,t enti►rcemem �►1' the licn in, Ic�ul pr„recdin�:� �+�hich in the Lrnder'. upini�+n „peratr tu prevco� Nm
<br /> !�: '� � . ` enf�ircement of tlk lirn:�►r Irl tirrure+1'rom thc h��lder of Ihc Ifen an u�!rcrm�nt .aii�.l:�rinn ��► Lcuder.uix�rJinating the Ifen tu �
<br /> ��� thix Serurily hislrununt. II'Lrndcr dc�crminc.�hm an�� pan ��f�hc Pr�ipert} i�.uhjrri t��a licn w hirh m:i� au.iin priuril�•��ver .
<br /> �'� .. , ., this Sccurity In.lrunknt. l.rixlrr ntay�ivr Runr���•.r:� nuiic��idrnlifyin�tlir li��n. linn�r�err.hall .aii.l� thr lirn�ir lukc�mr or '
<br /> " � � more uf the ucti�ms set limh alx�ve wi�hin 10 Juy.uf�hc Eiving ol nolirr. �
<br /> i �
<br /> �r" � � Form 3028 8/80 ;
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