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<br /> '•�,� � w�� 1 "•� :a,
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<br /> ' ' 93- so'�ti
<br /> �har� o! 1993 r�al ��tat� tsx�� �ad •ball provid� 8�n�liai�ry vith r�a�ipt�
<br /> priAr �o d�liaqu�noy� (u) to k��p eb� abov�-d��orib�d prop�rty st�d �b•
<br /> t• ' +- i�prov��nt� t1�r�oQ in qood oondition and r�pair and not to co�nnit or �ufi�r
<br /> . ,,.��
<br /> • !�� va�t� t6�r�ot, and �sa�pt �� authoris�d in any �ch�dul� ana�x�d b�s�to and
<br /> los�iag a part h�r�ol, A�ith�s to r�aov� aor p�rait th� r�mov�l o! aAy ti.rb�r,
<br /> buildiag�, oil, ga�, �pin�r�l�, •ton�, roak, alay, grav�l os top �oil wiehout
<br /> th� prior arittira coa��at oi B�a�fici�ryi (d� to maintain aad d�liv�r to
<br /> ������ �n�lioi�ry poliaio� o! insazaac� aqain�t �uch hazards on tb� bvildinq� �nd
<br /> '�'`"'�k iapzov�nt aaw or h�r�aft�r locat�d cn or oon�titutinq a part of Lh� prop�rty
<br /> '�.:,�,�
<br /> ..,,,,...„ ,....> a� th� H�n�ticiary �b�il r�qnir�, ia �uch aompaei�� and aa�ount* aad with �uch
<br /> ��Y.�,*�.'•:•; .y los• payablo alau��s not 1��• thaa th� out�tandinq indobtodnos�j that ia th�
<br /> '"Y �wat of lo��, th� proc�sd� thesaof �hail b� psid to tb� H�n�iiofary pho �aay
<br /> �"�'• �� apply th� san� or any part th�raot oa th• ind�bt�dn��• ��cur�d h�r�by or
<br /> ,�,� �4� } ,. � toaard ch� r�coa�truotion os r�pair o! �aid building• wnd ia�prov�a��nt• or
<br /> W '��',�,.�.. -�.�ri>,;�, r�l�a�� �am� to th� Trustos�= (e) to pay aap li�n, alaia� or chug� ag�imt th�
<br /> ~ � � � �� r�_.;�f4` proporty whicb miqt�t tAka procad�nao ovor tih� lian horooi j (!) to pay an
<br /> ��' � �� , d�mand all titl� ��arah�• aad appr�isal i��• r�a�onably inourr�d or paid by
<br /> . � ' . s�n�liciary to colieat the Not� or for�alo�ur� or protoct tho li�a oi thi�
<br /> , . •: ,.;i Do�d ot Tru�t; (q) that in the ovoat Tru�tor� �hall fail to co�pply with th�
<br /> , . provi�toa� o! (�) throuqh �!) abov�, th� B�rHliai�ry aisy ��nd �nch iund� and
<br /> •� tak� �nch �ot3oa a� io a�c�s�ary to r�m�dy •uch tailur� and all owao paid by
<br /> ' '' tb� evn�ticiary pur�a�nt h�r�to with int�r��t at th� rat� hes�inaftoz provid�d ;;.
<br /> ; shall aoa�titut� a li�n upoa ths Propsrty, •hall bo s�aur�d by thi• De�d oi
<br /> '� Tru�t, and �hall ba i�adiatoly dua and ropayabl� to th� Sanafioiasy: (h) that
<br /> " ' i! th� Prop�rty or aay put or para�l tb�z�of shsll b� tak�a or damaqsd und�r
<br /> ' . '� ", tha pow�r oi oninant domsia, th� award !or any Prop�rty �o Lak�n or dam+�g�d
<br /> - --- ----.�—_ -.- �lnc�u@ing eeverance damngee t� the re�eie{ng gremfree} ehall be gaid ta the
<br /> �� ' S�a�ficiary and appli�d in full or in part at the optioa of the esa�fiaiary
<br /> � , •. .��;, in r�duction of tha indQbtodneas horoby oQaurodl (i) that tha Baneficiary
<br /> ". �hall hav� thw riqht to in�poct tho Proporty at �uah rea�oA�ble timpa a� th�
<br /> •� • S�n�ticiasy may dssire to d�termin� Trustort� compliance with tha covanant• '`�'� �•
<br /> ��"�'����•` conCairtod in this D�od oi Trustf (j) that the Bonaficiary ynay releas� ir.om th� :�'�'xrt
<br /> � � li�n h�reof any part or parcel oi the Prop�rty without requiring any , '�
<br /> � ` ' . con�idoration thorofore, and (k) that Truators aro lawfully saizad o� aaid ! -��'�•��
<br /> � ' prami�a• and Proparty ia faQ �imple, that tho oamo are free and will r�main !
<br /> �' ' :.',�., , ir�• lrom all li�ae and eacumbrance� oxcept ar may other�riee be opacitiaally j
<br /> .��. notod horain or waivad in writinq by the Sonotiaiary= that Tru�tora will l
<br /> � .s .. ex�cut� or proour� any furthor nece�sary as�urance� of title and do�s h�reby ,
<br /> . warrant qenaral:y the titla to said PropQrty and will forever defend the aame -
<br /> ' again�t the claime and domands of all persons whom�oever, and that Tru�tors� `
<br /> � s�parate eata�te, whether vested, contingent or in expectancy, ie hereby
<br /> ' . convayad and Tru�tora do hereby expra4�ly waivQ, roloas� dll rights and •
<br /> � :. b�n�fito of any hom��tsad, dover, curta�y, appraia�tn�nt, axamptioa and •tay
<br /> . law� o! thia atate. It is ayrood that the intarQat pzovided for in •nbsection , �
<br /> ' (g) abovo •hall bo at the aamo rate a� specifiad in tha Note aecurod horoby on ,��
<br /> ., ' �.` , th� prinaipel thQZC►of aftor dofault and n►aturity.
<br /> � SSCOND: In tha Qvont Truetore, with�ut Lha prior written consent of
<br /> � �� soneficiary, ohall aell, transfer or convey or contract to aell, tranafor or
<br /> � , � � , convoy the 8roparty, or any part theroof or any intere�t therein, the entire
<br /> ' balanae of the indebtednesa hereby secured ehall become and be ima►ediately due
<br /> ! : �•����;� �, , � and payablQ at thQ option of BonQficiary; providQd, howQVOr, SQnQiiciary may
<br /> i • ��;• .
<br /> ,:. ;..
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