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� ...;,�, � -�..";� <br /> ,,� �r•:� ' , <br /> �+a. <br /> "'.�, <br /> • • <br /> i93- 1�1 <br /> �ra�m� �� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 'T�': 17li UNDiRiIn,NlD� NILLIAM D. PAVL$aiil and ��lv� M. ��V+LJ3lN� 8q/b�pA �Ad <br /> "3 Nil�, b�r�bp a�rtity and ackaonl�dq� that, b�los� •lgniag aad �x�auLipq tb� <br /> b�loM D��d o! Tru�L, th�y did r�ad and sign t�i� it�itt�a �cicnovl�dqa�Ati �ad, <br /> bp virtu� h�r�ol, th� nnd�s�iga�d und�r�tand aad und�r�tood b�tor� •igni�ag <br /> �aid Dtid o! Tru�t, that �aid ONd o! Trust is a Tru�t Ds�c! in� aoL a awrtq�g� <br /> �nd that th� Pow�r oi sal� provid�d ia �aid D��d a# Tru�t provid�• <br /> " �nb�taatiallp di!l�r�at riqht• aad obligstion� to th� und�r�ign�d thaa w <br /> swrtgag� 1A tb� �vent oi a d�tault or bx��ch a! obliga�tion and�r the ��id <br /> �`?�". Tru�t DNd, iaaluding, but not linit�d ta, th� �n�ticiary�� riqhL to hav� tho <br /> r�al prop�rtiy •old bp th• Tru�t�• vithout any jt�dtoial proe��diag or <br /> for�clo�ur�. Th� uad�rsign�d r�pr���nLr aad asrraats thae this Mrittwn <br /> `° ' ' �. � �1�ckaa►l�dq��nt Mras �x�aut�d by hia b�fos� th� �xecutiaa o! th� Tsu�t De�d. <br /> `�"� shi• Nritt�n 7UOknowl�dq��a�nt i■ app�nd�d a� a p�et�c� ta �ad a�ad� s patt o! <br /> �u�^ h <br /> ;•�;.�::..0 <br /> ' �,,r � .:.. th� b�lav O��d oi Tru�t. <br /> •,,��,�c�S';�� �.a'. <br /> . _ .. , '� , ', <br /> ;��• <br /> �:. � .:��^►� �'�cJ_.:.,�.4,�-����,_ ��.nc�, n`� . <br /> � • . " �.,.• �•.. Nillf� D. Daul��n Tia� M. paul��a <br /> ;i: . . r, � <br /> .;, � <br /> :�: .. <br /> . ,. , � nsien o� �a+r <br /> ' sers �aao oE TRVST� mada chis ��ay ai ����, i993, by <br /> -'- ,, wnd b�tM��a NILLSA/Y D. PAVZS�'N end Tslv� N. �Ilv-^� L��N�, Hasband and Fiife, <br /> ' • herain�ltQr callad "TRCrSTORS" aad RONALD 8. DsPVS, oi gall County, Hobxaok�, <br /> ; , ' hor�inaftor aallad "TRDSTSS"� and MARIOH 1y. 1r,QYBR, 4057 West Capital, Grand <br /> � Z�laad, 68@03, h�reinett�r call�d �eaA1�31�ZC�J1Rx"= <br /> �, � . Wr�Hassass� TAst tho Tru�tor�, for good and valuable conaidaration, <br /> � • iacluding th� dabt and truot hereinafter mentioned and ereatad, doQ• by tt�pee , <br /> �'. .. � ' pr���nts, irravoaably grant, bargain and aoll, conv�y, a��ign and aonfirm uato <br /> th� •aid Tru�te�� IN TRUST WITfI POWdR O1� SAL6� for th� bsnsfit and �eaarity of <br /> r�.; Bonotiaiary, under and �ubjoct to tho term� and conditfon of this Dead of <br /> i,r ;� Truot, th• following d�ocrib�d s�al psopmrty oitutted in Hall County, � <br /> ,' Nebra�ka, to-wits <br /> � , �` <br /> • � . i► tract of land de�cribed a� lollowas Comonencinq at the southeast <br /> , corn�r o! n tract coaunonly known as "RUSton�s Reaerve" and more <br /> particularly desesibed in da�d rQCOrdQd in 800k 86, PagQ 237, of ( <br /> �`�'� the otficial deed recorde oi Hall county, NObraoka, the samQ being � <br /> '��{�• ,. ''�� a art of thQ Southea�t <br /> p Quartez of the Southaaat Quarter (SE 1/4 sE <br /> � 1/4) of 8oction Bight �B►, Township Eleven (11) North, Ranqe Nine <br /> �9�, wost of the 6th P.M., in eall County, Nabraska= and running <br /> � th�nco wa�t on the south line of said •HUSton•a RQSerne" tract a <br /> ���' '� di�tanca ot 138 1/2 leeti runninq thence north at right anglao and <br /> .k� parallal to thQ Eest sid� of eaid "Hu�ton�a Reserve^ tract a <br /> �t� diatanc• of 4� feet= zunnfn thance East and srallal with the <br /> ,. 4 P <br /> + .r � � south �ids of •Huatoa•o Rsaerve� tr�ct a dietaace ot 138 1/2 teet • <br /> ; - ;'�;. . <br /> ,.r. ,r <br /> ;�; ' � . <br /> ivr:° ' <br /> .,, • t • . . <br /> ,� ' � � . _. .. <br /> , �------ . . <br /> i <br /> ' r <br /> , �• . <br /> f. <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> } r <br /> r ] <br /> (� . � , <br /> ; ' , <br />