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<br /> how��t�ad �x�s�ptioa +�ad any �urvivinq •pou��•� �arital or di�tsibutit�
<br /> �uar�. and all li�ctur��, i�prov�at�, �nd bnildiao�.
<br /> nll o! Lh� lor�goinq ��tiat�. Prop�rty and iAt�r��ti h�r�bp aonw�p�d to tb�
<br /> �aid srust�� i� h�r�iaalt�r aoii�ctiwly r�i�rr�d to a� th� •prop�rty".
<br /> !+O �lAVS u/D s0 IioLD e6� �am� unto th� •aid Tru�t��, hi� �uaa�s�or� aad
<br /> a��iqns, lor�v�r, SN TRtlBT BAtrsT�R and A�TA FOIisR O! BALa h�r�by �xpr���ly
<br /> graat�d uato th� �aid ssu�t��, hi� �uao���or• and a�sign� !or th� purpo�� o!
<br /> •�cwrinp:
<br /> �a) Tb� paym�nt oi Tru�tor�� iust ind�bt�dn��� to s�n�liciuio� ia th�
<br /> prinaipal �un o! zhniv� Thou�aad sour eunds�d and l�ilty Do7.las� (S1Z,�50.00�
<br /> for �aon�y borroa�d, with iat�r��t th�r�oa, all a� �vid�na�d by aad in �triot
<br /> • 5,:.�� aoaordaaa� Nith th� t�rm� o! that a�rtaio proei��ory not�, h�r�in�lC�r aall�d
<br /> ��,;,
<br /> _. . M���� tb� •NQt��� b�aring �v�n dat• hwr�Nitb aade p�yabi� to tho ard�r a!
<br /> '' '���~1 ',�-,'.;,' S�a�lici�ri�s, �x�out�d by Tsu�tor• and providing !or th� payaMAt ot •aid
<br /> �.;�; ����
<br /> '�* �%t-±•�;`+:�. ]U1d�bt�dn���, du� and pwyabl� ip lull oa �ov�mb�r 15, 1993, subj�at to
<br /> �� ..,,-
<br /> �i�� '�^: �., ' . �.;• �; acc�l�ration o! maturity on d�fault in th� psy�nt o! prinaipal, or iat�r��t or
<br /> y;: ��,�:+,�;,'�.�, in th� psrtoraaaa� o� aay aov�naat, aqrN111�At or varraaty aontaia�d ia tbi�
<br /> �. � ' pNd ot Trurt�
<br /> �"y:.•"':•'�:=t'�''���+,• .;
<br /> �. . �
<br /> ��,�..�;,..; .,. :� . ,:;� (b) Tb� psrtoraunc� ot �aah aqz��nt, cov�aanL and v�rranty o! Tru�tor�
<br /> h�r�ia aontaiasd or ��t lorth in the Not� or aap aqxe��ont or in�trwa�nt
<br /> "-'�°� �,:,.:�`" °'• ��acul�d by Tru�tor� in aona�otion �rith th� iad�bt�dn��� h�s�by ��atuc�di aad
<br /> t . :,,�:'.,+•, '.
<br /> _ (o) T6� paym�nt o! aay �nm or �um� ot maney wxth int�r��t ther�oo wbioh
<br /> ��', ; m��l ba hero�tt�r paid os advaRO�d under t1�e t�sm� oi tb� �u�d o! Truet.
<br /> '�` • �� AOA, TBSR6!'ORB� TO PROTaCT TN6 SECARI7Y Ol� TBIB DESD O! TRUBT� TrustoC•
<br /> �� • do for thoms�lvos and tor Truitor�• bair�, repros�ntativ��, vand���,
<br /> �� . succ�r�or• and au ign�, the owaer• of oaid Prvperty, h�r�by �xpr���ly
<br /> �' , cov�nanL, agre� and warr+�nt to and wiLh the Tru�t�o aad Beneiiciari�s, aad �'
<br /> � '� ; th�ir suaco��ors, vanda�� and aa�iqno:
<br /> , � :is:`:. '-:
<br /> �, .', �,�' � . ' dzxsTs That tho Trustora h�raby aovonant and aqr�o, to the •xtoat
<br /> � � ` �' • parmitt�d by law, a� followa: (a) to pay promptly when dua the principal and
<br /> 4: ' int�ra�t and other �ums o� monsy provided tor in the Note snd in thia Daed o!
<br /> �1,� � Tsust� (b) to promptly pay bafora dolinguoncy all taxo�, aaaQaamonto and
<br /> +' . � ';;���;. othez chargss impo�ed by laa upon the propsrty commenaing with the Trustor�• ,;
<br /> � ' � y•�•='` sharo of 1993 reai Q�tate taxao and ohall provide Banaticiarios with r�a�ipts '-�«
<br /> , .. ' prior to delinquoncy= (c) to k�op the abovQ-described Property and th� �`
<br /> " improvement9 tharaoa in good condition and repair and not to coaunit or ouffQr �
<br /> .;z.�.•;�•� waetQ thereof, and except as authorized in a�ny achedule annexed hQroto and � •,.
<br /> `" � �� forming a part hereof, neither to remove nar permit tho removal of any timber,
<br /> �:.� %;'
<br /> „ buildinga, oil, qaa, minerala, stone, rxk, clay, gravRl or top soil without C�
<br /> ^ tho prior writtan consont of eenaficiarioos (d) to maintain and deliv�r to
<br /> °'� Aeneticiaria• polioie• of ineurance aqainet euch hazards on the buildings and
<br /> kti� "��' ' improvomant now or hareatter locatod on or conatituting a part of tha proparty
<br /> �' � ao the Seneficiariaa •hall require, in auch companies and amounto and with
<br /> ��� ;
<br /> •�� �uch loaa paya�ble claueer not leae than the outatanding indebtedneee= that in
<br /> , t ,. .� ,
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