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<br /> TDdETHBR W[TH dl lha improvementc naw or he�+aaftl���d an Itw ProPerty.md dl ea�anaM+.�pu�erunc«.w�d
<br /> fixture� now or hero�fler a pert of thc propeny. All ntplqpCmcros and wWitianr Klwll dro be oovcrod by tbi� S�curiry
<br /> Imtrumenl.All of the fongoing is aPerrod to in thic Socurity 1il�trumcnt w�thc"PropehY•"
<br /> BORROWEIR COVENANT3 tlwt&►mawer ia l�wfully sCi�od of Ihp c�k Ixrd+y canvdyed�rrl hw the rl�iu to�not and
<br /> canvey the Property encl Ilwt the PropeAy ia unencumberod.�ox�Ypt fi��oncumbrAnces of rocard. Burrowe�w�muiu and will
<br /> defend genernlly the tide ta the Property aga�nst all claims w�d dtrm�ncic.su�Jnct to�ny en��umbr�i�ces of rocord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY 1NSTRUM6NT combines unifornt covonpnte for natiunul usc�ixt r�m•uniForm cavanNnls whh Nmital
<br /> v�latinns by ju�isdiction to coastitutc a uniform securiry instn�mtmt.rnvaring rc,�l property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr suul[.a:nder cavc�t ut�d agree as fallows:
<br /> 1. P�ymeat o�Princip►I and Interestt Preppym�nt And�U1le Chprga. Barmwer shall promplly pay when duo tha
<br /> pdncipal af und intercst on the debt evldenced by tF�e Nata and any prepayment and lutc charge�due under�hr Note.
<br /> 2. Flund�for T�es ond 1�urAUre. Subjoct t�applicabla Iuw o�tc►u w�itten waiver by I.ender. Bonower Khell pay to
<br /> I.ender on thc dey monlhly payments are due under the N�to,until,the Nota iY paid in full.a sum 1"Funda'1 for: lal ye�ly teae�
<br /> anci assessmenta which muy atwfn priority over this Securit�lnstmn�nt ns A lien an ttte Propeny;(b1 yearly leatiehold payment�
<br /> � ' or gr�wnd renta on the PropeRy,if any;(c)yearly huzartl ar pn►perty inwmnce premlums:(d)yearly flond in�urunce premiuma.
<br /> if any;(e)yearly mongage ir►�urance premiums. if any: and 1�uny sumc payuble by Bonawer to Lender, in accordance with
<br /> � ,,� , the provisions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mc�ng�n inFUrance premiums.These item.r•ure��ellod"E.urow Items.'
<br /> � Ltnder may, at any time,collect aod hold Funds in an nnx�um nat to axreed the maximum umount a lender for u federally
<br /> "'-.: '° '+ �a�''�;. rclated martgage loan may require�far Borrowcr's escmw�uaccnmt under the fedeml Real Estala Se111ement Procedures Act af
<br /> � 1974 as amended from time to lime. 12 U.S.C. Section 26Q1 rt seq. ("RESPA").unless tuwthcr law that upplies to the Funds
<br /> � }..:.;,�:.,-;. sets a lesscr emount. If ao. l.ender may. s+t any time,collacl and hnld Funds in an wnaunl nat to exceed Ihe lecser amouM.
<br /> �"�?•��:���'"::•�� � ' I.ender may estimute�he amount of Funds due a�the basic uf currenl duta and �easonablo estimatex uf expen�lilures of fuwre
<br /> S--' �'�7•�.� j�sY�l��:t•,' I Escrow ItBms orotherwise in acmrdance wilh applicable laa•.
<br /> �� � ° �'� � � The Funds shall be held in nn ingtitutian whosc dep�►si�F nre insured by a fedcral ugency, instrumentnlity, or entlry
<br /> ;'� :��',�' • �• • ,. (including l.ender.if I.ender is such an institulinnl or in any Federul H�►ma Loan B�nk.lxnJer tihall apply the Funds to pay�he
<br /> . . •• �
<br /> '. Eurow Items. L.ender may not charge&inowe+r far holcling and upplying Uie Funds, annuully unalyxing the escrow account,or
<br /> ' verifying the Escrow Uems,unless[.ender pays BaR�w�r interest on tha Funds and applicuble luw permit�L.ender to msike such
<br /> • ��"'��"'`'•' � ' . i a churge. However,Lender mAy require Borrower to pny u on�•tima churge for un independent real extate tux reporting service
<br /> •;.. used by Lender in connection with this loan, unl�r•s applicable luw provides atherwise. Unlens an ugreement i� made or
<br /> ='�' � '' � applicable luw rcquires interest�o be paid, Lender nhall n�t he►equimd t�►p:►y Borcower uny iniereyl or ea�rnings on the Funds.
<br /> �...:
<br /> • � ' - Barrower and l.ender may agree in writing, hc�wever,thut intcrest xhall t►e p:►id on thc Funds. Lender xhall give to Bnrrower,
<br /> • �' !' -, � �`' withaut charge, an annual accounting of th:Funals, showing credilh und debit� to the Fundti unJ the purpc�tic for which each
<br /> . • debit�o the Hunds waa mude. ihe Funcis are piaci�;al as udditionui�c.wuriiy fi�r aii,wii.,�ure.1 by ibic�curity instrumeat.
<br /> '� " If�he Fundti held by Ixnder exceed th�e amawnts permitted to t►e held by applicuble luw, l.encler tihall uccuunt to BoROwer
<br /> for the eacess Fundx in acconiancr wi�h th�rcquircment�of applicabla luw. If ihe umounl of�he Funds held by LerKlcr at any
<br /> � ., time is nM sufficient to pay the E�rrow lteni�W�hrn due. Lender muy ui nntify&irrower in writing,and.in such cuye&�rniwer
<br /> shuU puy t�►l.ender the amount necexwry tu muk:up Ihe detirfency. &►rwwer shall muke up the Jeficiency in no more than
<br /> . " twelve monthly puyments,ut I.ender'+so1,disrreti�m. L"s
<br /> ` �. �� Upon payment in full of al1 sum. xcrurucl h�� Ihi. Scrurily Inrlrument. I.cnJer ,hull pr��mptly rcfun�l tu&�nnwer any
<br /> � .�� '• Funds held by I..enJcr.lf,under purugruph 21. I.r�xtcr yhull urquir��►r+cll the Pro�Ay, l.cndcr,prior to thc uryui.i�inn��r wle
<br /> �;: of the Pn�perty,shull apply uny Funds held bj• L.c�xlrr ut the timc ul'ucyuisition i�r wle u�u cr��lit uguinu the tiums ticcured by
<br /> �.�.:
<br /> ' } thix Security Instrument.
<br /> ��' 3.Application oi Paymeats.Unlcs�upplir.�blt IaN• prm�iJc,iithcrwise,ull paymcntti recciv�til hy l.endcr unJrr par:�graphs
<br /> ,�'�� � '' I a�x12 ghall t+c upplicd: first,Io uny prep��•nx:�it rharE��Juc undcr Ihc Notc: ,rrimJ,t�i um��unt�puyublc unJcr paru�!ruph 2;
<br /> •�. • , thircl,to intcrcst duc:founh,to priixip•rl duc:u�x1 lu�t.U�uny latc rhurgc+Jur unJcr thc Nulc.
<br /> 4. Clu�rRcs: Liens.&rrr��wcr+h,�ll pa��ull tuxr,.•r.tic��oicntti.rhw'ge.. tinr,anJ im�x�.ition.uurihutublr to�hc PruFxny
<br /> `,,," � which may atwin priarity uvcr thi.Suurity 1i��trum�nt. und Icakhnld pa�mrntti nr �!r�wnJ tnnl�. il'any. &irrow�r�hull pay
<br /> '' thcsc abligations in the rnannrr pro�•ideJ in ps•ogriiph?. �,r it'nnt raid in�hm m:mnrr. F3�►r�ti,w•cr�hull p•ry them im tinx dircrlly �
<br /> .,_ r' .. to tix perxon oweJ puy�iknt. B��rrawcr�I�all pr„mpUy 1'urni,h tu LrnJ�r aU mairr.„t'amuunt,�o lk paiJ undcr thi+para�raph.
<br /> " . . � '�:. . If&�m�wrr mokcti thc.�puymcnh dircr�l�•. Burru«rr.h.dl pr�,mptly furni�h a►Lcndrr recript.r�iJcnrinF thc pa�•ment,. �
<br /> � '���• B�irrower shidl pn�mptl�•dischar�!c any licn a•hirh ha.priuriry u�•cr thi,ticruril� In.lrumcnl unlc+ti Burrow•cr: lal agr�c.in �;
<br /> r��• „ - ` �� � writing G�thc payment af tlic ubligati�m�ecurcd hy Ihc licn in u mannrr arrcptablc N� l.cnJer. �h1 runtr��.r in E�xxl fuith 1he lirn
<br /> ` by, nr defeixl� •rguin.t cnt��rremeni ��f tlic lica� in. Irgul pr�xcrdinE. ��•hirh in thr LrnJer'. npiniun u�ratr to pre�•cnt the �•
<br /> .���...�, I ; enfimemem af the licn: ur Ic 1 hrrurc,from Ilie h��ldrr c�(thr lien w�uprrcmem ,a�i�l:�rtan n�Lendrr whorJinaling thc lien tu �
<br /> .�'�� ' thi� Security In+lrument. If Lendcer drtcrmirn:.tha� an�• �an of thr Pruprrt�• i�.uhjrrt lu:1 Ill'll\\IUl'Il 10:1)" :Illuin rri��rit�� u�•cr
<br /> .
<br /> � : � , � thi+ Serurity Imlrument. Lend�r mu� Fi�•c Run•m�cr:i nutice idrntil�in� thc licn. Fi��rr�����r.hall .a�i�t'�•thr licn ur takc unr ur
<br /> '; i . more of the acti��n��el ti�nh ui��ve within 11)da�,ul'thr��ving��I'naiir�� '
<br /> 4 %; i .
<br /> • Fo�m 3028 8/80
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