, ». F�t :r
<br /> , ,�.�,
<br /> � . • � . � k :.r^��+Y' ..P�'Y t'1�9• •µ5 ,.
<br /> .� '.��
<br /> .• � �{�•�VHRYW V�w ��s 93` 1
<br /> ~�`�N"�.`` 17. Tnunhr of th�Propr�ty a • Q�n�fiold Inbn�t In Borrow�r. H�II ar �ny pnlo��a
<br /> -�: ..�,..,..,� � � • .
<br /> '�'��, .7• , ' • ' �ny ht�t In R M sald a fmd�rnd (a H�MnMoW btr�st h 8arowN Is�oW a tnnd�rnd�nd Bortaww ft nat��w►p�nl
<br /> PNton)wUhout Und�►�pdor w�ilhn eon��nt, Undr nMy,d N�option,aquY�hrn�N�te p�ym�t In tu1 d M wn�aeund ly
<br /> this 8�arfty In�tnMrwd. Flowrv�r� t1As aptbn shal not b�auoN�d by LmdM N�onaab�b prohlblNd bY hd�r�1 Uw�d tiN
<br /> a.i.a�na e.ow�y�nan,m.M.
<br /> . ?r�y�r:y,y H Und�►�outohN ihb optlon�L�ndK thaN piv�8�ow�r noUc�01 �oaNntkm. Th�notk�sh�A provkM�pwbd of not
<br /> � s', �r:,,:,:; Ms�thm 30 d+�ys Irom ih� dat� th� notic�la d�liver�d a miW�d wUhfn whkh Bartowo must p�y�M wms s�ar+d by tt�b
<br /> v,-<.��` g�y Mshumwi� H Baroww fafN to p�y thn�sum� pdo►to ths�xphibn of�thb p�bd� l�nd�►may Invok�N►y r�n�
<br /> y�, y -
<br /> •�;;.,: . � pwnYlt�d py Ws S�anky In�fiwnrM witAout turlhw eotle�a dMrwnd on 8onowa.
<br /> ,;�.� 18. Borrowar's Rl�ht to Rdnsbt�. p ea►ow.r m.�s cwt�ln aoncNUon�. 8orrow.r shY h�w �he i{qM w hm�
<br /> -•'` "� ' �nlaanMnt of thb S�arrit�+ N�in�m�nt dsaontinwd d �ny tin�prbr to lh� wrNlr of: (q 5 d�ys (a wch W1�a pwbd m
<br /> r +
<br /> _ ��;�.�:�.`�.,:,_.�..rt:.a¢� Mw ta n�nsptw�w�t)bMon saM of th� ta
<br /> �PWa� �Y�P�dN R^oP�Y P�� �Y Powa of s�M oonWn�d in Ws 8�aa1y
<br /> , :. � ;; . �� InsWm�nt; a(b��nby oi�Judpmrd �nlordnp tha 8�ourqy Inswmen� Those amdNiana�ns th�t Bortow�r: (+)P�y�+Lend�r u
<br /> ��.•"'`.•...�. .,'"..+�' wna whbh th�n woutd b�du�undK tNs 8�audly Inttrum�nt�nd ih�Not�a if.no aoo�iwtqlon h�d ocaun�d� (b)axes AnY
<br />� , �.:a«:' j;�,._; . d�twlt ot�ny othK covw�nt a�pnumnts� (o)MY��M �xpentea Inoumd In�s�iprdnp lhb S�ourity InsGunwnt hdudiny, tWt
<br /> � „�;.,_ not MnU�d to,n�son�altam�ya'issr,and(�t�kes wah �cdon ps Lander ms�y ra�son�bly nquin to assw�tMt the Ibn of
<br /> � x ,�;� : � th6a Securtly Inatrument, Lender's rlyhb In ths Propaty and 8arower's obA�lkm ta pay ths sums s�eur�d by thls 8eotuMy
<br /> F��' , lnakum�nt ah�p continw undwnq�d. Upon rt�inat�iemaH by Bortower. this 8aaarity Inatrument �nd th� oblp�tions seouced
<br /> heaby�h�1 r�n�M fuBy slfeclN�as H no acai�ndon had oaart�d. Howeva,lhb+dpM ta raN�et�te�hr�not apply in the o�
<br /> ; ', of �cceNratlan unde►prr�graph 17.
<br /> � � 19. SUI� of Not�; Chanp� of Loae S�nrta�r. Ths Note a �� pwnW Intere�t In ths Nou (top�lhe�vritd� thb
<br /> + �' ;' Securily Msitummt) may b�sold ona or mon times wqhoul prbr noUcs to 8mrowa,A aala nwy rowR in a clwg�h the aitlly
<br /> • • (known u ih�'Lou�Swvtar')th�t col�da monihlY P�Y�ts dw undK ihs No1a�nd ihis 8eoudty In�dumenl Thae a9�o mey
<br /> b�on� a mon cFunyn of the lo�n Servleer unrel�ted to a a�le oi �e Nota. q there is • ch�np� 01 tM L,air� Sqvicer,
<br /> � • 8ortowa wip b�pk�n written noUa of lhs ch�nq�in�ccorcMnce wUh pw�Ph 14�6ove�nd appYabl�law. The noiloe wW
<br /> � '. state th�n�me and�ddress af ths nsw Lwn Saivlca�nd th��ddresa to whbh p�ymmle nhould b�mad�. Th�no`c�v�6 abo
<br /> � aonqfn�ny other Inform�Uon roquirod by�ppYcabb kw.
<br /> • 20. Hts�fdOY� SOb�t�11CY�.Bortower shal not cause or permit the presenoe, uso, dispo�al, atoraQe,a rele�m ol
<br /> ; �ny HazaMuus 3ubatances an w In the Property. 8orrower ehaA not do, nor tlbw uryone else ta do, �nylhing deatira iM
<br /> Propary th�t is In vIol�Hon o1 wry Env4onmental Law. The precedinp two senlenoes ah�ll not �pply to the presa�oe, ut�+, ar
<br /> stonps on tM Properly oi sm�p qu�ntides ot Huudous Subatanaes ih�t qre qene�aYy reoopnized to b��pptoptiaM to ntKmd
<br /> . reaWa�tld uaes and to rn�intan�nce of the PropeAy.
<br /> . Borrowar shaW pramptly qhn LendK wiitten notke ot any InvasUpotbn, daim, demand, lawsufl or other ec4ia�n by �ny
<br /> � yov�nmenW or rapulatory�pency a pMate p�rty IrnoNiny the Prapwty and�q H�udaue 3ubst�ncs or Environ+i[�ia1 l,ew o1
<br /> whkh 8onower has �ctual Imowledge. If Bor►ower k�ms. ar is notiAed by �ny yavemment�l or repu{�tay author�r, tlui!amr
<br /> - _ -- rMnov�l or othar ram�dl�Uon of any Haardoua 3ubshnee attedh9 �P�!'Ix oeo�swy. 8artoww sIW P�'o��► i4ice d
<br /> , n�aswy ransdiW�ctlona In accordance wNh EnvkonmenUl Law.
<br /> Aa uaed in thfs puayroph 20,'Hanrdaus 3ubstances' �re those substances deflned�a toxio w hazudast s�asqama by
<br /> ,� EnvMonmenUl I.�w �nd ihe foAowing subatanc�es: paaoline, kerosene, other Aommable or to�la peb'oleum prai�ots. toxic
<br /> peaticides �nd herbfddes,vo4We aolveMa, materids canlaining anbestoa or lamuldehyde,and radbpctMe materials. As wed in
<br /> � , pangraph 20, 'Environmental Law"mems fade►al;awa and laws of tha Jurisdkl6nn whare ihe Roperty Is loated thaf rd�e to
<br /> he�th,eafety or arvtronmentel protectlon.
<br /> ' PlON-UNIFORM COVENANT3.BoROwer md lendar turlher covenant and oyree as fotlows:
<br /> � 21. Accoloratton; Romadb�. Landor shall �ive notice to 9orrowor prlor to aoaolon�ifon
<br /> �. foNowin� Borrower's broach of any covenaM or agroement in thie Seaurity Inahuma�t (buf nd
<br /> ', prbr to accoloration under puayraph 17 unlass applicable lew provfdes otharwis�). 7fw naaca
<br /> shdl spocify: (a) tho dofault: (b) the action raqui�ad to cun the default; (c) � dato. nd leas th�n
<br /> 30 days nom tho data tho ootico ts yivon to Bwrower� by which the dnfault mus! be oured; and
<br /> (d) th�t hilur� to cura tha dofault on or boforo the date �peoiNed in tha ootic� may �esult lo
<br /> accoloration of tiw �ums socurad by thia Socu�ity Instrumeni��nd �ale of the Propatty. 7fw notic�
<br /> • atull furthor info►m Ba�owa�of the right to roinatete aiter aaoeleratfon and tho riqht to brinp •
<br /> court action to assert tha nonwxistanca of a defauh or any other d�n�e of Borrower to
<br /> acceler�tion and salo. If the defiult is not curad on or beforo the dato spocified in the notl��.
<br /> Londer at its optton may �aquire immediate payment in full of all sume securad by this Seaurit�t
<br /> Inatrumont without furthor demand and may invoke tha power of sale a�d any olFwr romodiK �"
<br /> pormittod by applicabla law. Landa� shall be ontttled to colleat all oxpenses incurred tn pu�euln�
<br /> � , , t�w ramedte� providod In this para�raph 21. {naluding� but�nat Umitad to. raa�onable aNarnoye'
<br /> feas and coets of title evidonca.
<br /> . If tho powar of sato fa invokad. Trustee shall record a notfae of detault in eaoh oounty In .
<br /> which any part of the Properly is Iocatod and shall moil coqies of such notioa in ihe mpnn�r �
<br /> , , presc�fbod by epplicablQ law to Borrower and to the other persone preacribed by appNoab7o I�w.
<br /> � After tho Nme required by appticable law, Trustee shall g(ve public notlee of salo to the paraons ,
<br /> . and in tho ma�ne� p�eacribed by appNcable law. Trustee. w�hout dema�ed on Borrower, sf�all sall
<br /> ' , � tho P�oporry at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and placs and un��� tho tarms • .
<br /> � ;� . . d�ignatad in tha notice of sale in one or moro parcols and in any ordor Tn�stee dotermino�.
<br /> Trustae may postpono salo ot all or any parcel of the Property by pubiic announcement at tha
<br /> ; _�.` ' , . t�me and placo of any praviously schoduled sale. I.ander or Rs doslgneo may puroha�e tiw
<br /> Propa►ty at any sale.
<br /> tl° Upon rece�pt of paymant of the price bid, Trusteo shall deliver to the purchaser 7ruatto's
<br /> � daad conveying tho Proparty.Tho recitala in tho Tru�tee's deed shall be prima tacio evidonco ot
<br /> tiw Nuth of the statomorN� mado thoroin. Tru�tee shall appty the procaods of the ca4o In tha
<br /> � foHowing ordor: (a) to pll cost: and azponaos of exorcising the powor of sal�. and tfw sal�.
<br /> , � � includin�th� paym�nt of tho T►ustoo's feas actwlly incunod� �ot to vxceod thrao
<br /> ` �� ; '�o of the principal am�ouM of tiw
<br /> , � nota at tho timo of tha doclaration of dofault, and roas4nablu attorney's faos as pormittod by law;
<br /> • (b) to all sums sacurad by this Sacurity Instrumeet; and (c�ony oxcess to tho porson ov poraons
<br /> �, ' lopally entitled to it.
<br /> � ,! , ,
<br /> P.�C�•d r�5 17 /f ` °..�
<br /> i, i Fllt6 LM6(7/9l1 '
<br /> �
<br /> � 91t�71M '
<br /> ! I
<br />