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<br /> 17.Tan�der ot the PrnpeKy or�Ba�eflCl�l Intera�t ip Borrower.iP WI or�y'art of thB Pn�peKy or ony intercu in it
<br /> is�ald or tranderrod(or if a beneiicial intercu fn Borrowe�ir ncrlJ or trYnsfeRed and Bcirrower is t�ut a naturtr)perqon)withaut
<br /> l.etider'� prlor wdtten con�etq, [.ender iruy. at itu opqan, �equirc immodiwto payment in full of�11 wma �ocured by thi9
<br /> Securiry Initrument.Nawever.this c�ption�lull not bo e�nrcfrod by Lenkr if axercico ir prohibiuxl by fadcrr! Irw ar of�he diue
<br /> of thix Socurity In�ctrument.
<br /> If Lender euercices this option. I.endcr shall Qive Bomowcr noticc of uccelerati�n.Thc noticc shull providc n perlad of ncN
<br /> lesa thun 30 duyr from Ihe date �hc naticc Ir dclivcnxl or mailal within which Bnrmwcr must puy all wms iocurod by Ihia
<br /> Securlty Inatrument. If Bocmwer fails ta pay thasc sums priur t�thc cKpiralian ut'thi�perlad, l.enJer may im a�ko uny«mediea
<br /> perminod by�hie Secudty Instrument without fuAher nntico ar d�m�nJ�m Bonower.
<br /> 18. Bort+nwef'e Rlght to Reinctate. If Borrawcr nx�ets cerluin conditionR, Born�wcr nhall huvc the riyht to havc
<br /> enfarcement of'this Sccu�ity Instrur�nt d.iccoruinued a1 any timc p�i��r tn thc carlier uf: la) � duya (or such ather periad as
<br /> ,� applieable law may apecify far reinstat�qnent) before sele ai thc Property pursuan� to Any pc�wer af sule contAinad in thia
<br /> Security Ins�rument:or(b)etitry pf R judgment onfor+cing Ihi�Sccurfly Insln�ment.Thase canditions uc lhat Bom�wcr:(a)pays
<br /> Lender all sums which�hen w�li�be due under this Socu�lty Ins�n�ms�u and the Note as if no uccelerutiun had occurrcd:(b)
<br /> cures any dafault of uny otFier covcnants or ugracmcntq;(c)puyr ull cxpenscs incurra) in enforcing this Secu�ity factn�ment.
<br /> including. but not limited to,rcarnnablo attame�s' fees;and(d1 take�such aetion as l.ender muy ren.ccmubly require to ac.cure
<br /> that the lien of this Securiry Instrument, I.ender s tlghta in the Pmpeny and Born►wer's ubligalion ta pny Ihe wms secured by
<br /> this Security Ingtrument shall continue unchangod. Upein reins�atement by &�rruwer, this 5ecu�ily In�lrument and the
<br /> obligations securod hereby shall remain fully eifctitivc as if nn accele�ution had cx�curred. However,this dyht to reiacuue xhull
<br /> not apply in thc case of ucccicration undcr parugruph 17.
<br /> 19. SAIe ot Note; Cf�r�e ot l.oan Servieer. The Note nr A pahial interest in �I�e Note Itogethi:r with tbia Sccu�ity
<br /> - Instrument)may be sald one or more times without prior nnticc to Bormwer. A sule muy re�ult in a chunge fn the cntity(known
<br /> -�?;••• : as the"[.oun Servicer")thut callects momhly puyments due un�lcr thc N�ite und this Securlty Instrun�ent.There ulno mny be oRe
<br /> � - or more chnnges of the I.cwn Servlcer unrelatod tn a snlv af the Nate. If'there is u change of the l.oun Servicer, eormwer will be
<br /> ..� ��iz<� /e, given written notice of thr chunge in accordance wilh panigrnph 14 ubove and applirublc law.The nutice will�tate the tuune w�d
<br /> `� t address of the new t.�an Servicer nnd Ihe address to whlah puyments should be maie. The nntire will al�c►cantain any other
<br /> ��'• "• � infornwtion required by opplicable law.
<br /> ~' '�,: ,•':`•r;`-*.;�`�t 20. Hozwrdoux Sul�nces. Borcower tihall ncn r�ure or permit the presence, use, disposul, stornge, or release of any
<br /> � " Huzardous Substances an or in the Propeny_ &►nowe� shull n��t do. nor dlow ony�ne else ta do, unything uffecting the
<br /> . � �}�j''�s. r Property thnl is in violation af any Emironmental I.nH�. 7'he prccecling �wo sentenres xhull nW apply to Ihe presence, use, ar
<br /> � � ''� � storage on �he Property oP smull yuuntities of Hausirdous Subswn�rx�hs�t are genernlly recogniud to Me upprupriate to oormul
<br /> .. .,i." .:.:.�,. .!�: .
<br /> ' ,u°pY��s�� residential uses und to muintenancc of the Prapeny.
<br /> �:��"."-'�� �� Borrower shull rom tl ive L.ender wruten n��tice��i'un inv�yti ation, cluim, demund, lawsuit or other action b an
<br /> ?,4;;s.,�• .g��,. :;,� P P Y 8 Y B Y Y
<br /> <-•i:�t;~.°: �.. govemmental or regulatory ugency or priva�e pany im�oh�ing the Property und any Htv.ardous Substance or Envimnmentul Law
<br /> � � of which Borrower has acwul knowledge. If Borrnwer la�mti,or is noutied by uny govcrnment�l nr rcFulator��uuthorily. thut
<br /> '.,`.��'.=::�o����� �.
<br /> `•��e�'�,�.,;��i:.��f,: any remaval or rnher remediation of aoy Flsvarduu�Substuncc affccting thc Pmperty i.nece+.cnry, Bunt,w�er shall promptly take
<br /> �: ��"`�•=��r;��:�`:..:;;,;(r. all necessary rcmediul actions in accordance with 6nvimnmemol Luw.
<br /> ��' ' ' As ustd in tltis �u.�*aph 20, "Ha���nlm�c Suhctaix�"urc�hotic suhstsmccs dciincd as tozir or hatardou�substances by
<br /> �`r '"" " �'��`"`'�• Environmenlnl law And the followin �uhstances: u+�di�c, ken�+rnc, other tlammable or laxir tmleum roducts, tozic
<br /> � .., :-, ;r.,. R . g P� P
<br /> � , �.4 -, � � pesticides and hcrbicidex,volulilc wlvents, material.ccm�nining u�he+�oti or timnulJehyde,and ruJinartice materials.As used in
<br /> i � �`"`.�".;�'`�;::- � this parrgraph 20, "Em�ironnuntul Luw" n�c:�m fc�derul I:�wy unJ luws ol thc juriulirtion where the Property is located thal
<br /> ,�i :,� ��"•• ' . i;:;�:�. . relate ta health.safety or cnvimnmentul prutatiun.
<br /> . q� '�''•"''.'• � NO[V-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Born►w•cr uixl l.cf!drr furthcr cuvrnum and ugrer a�tiiU��ws:
<br /> •�:;�....•;•.
<br /> • ?`." . ,:• 21. Acceleratton;Remedles.I.ender shall give nuti�e to Ilnrru��rr priu�w ac�rleratian fi►Ilowing Borrow•er's breach
<br /> :<•+i4`��:;` '�• oi' an covenunt or a reement in thk Securil b�sirument Ibut nnt rinr to arcelernNon under rw rn 17 unless
<br /> • ' ' �t`;!�+'�. � ' applkable low provides othenvise). The nntice+hpll hp�ii'y: la)thc defuult; Ib) lhc action requlred to Ureplhe default;
<br /> •,f>`r''.• (c) a date.nM les.4 than 30 du�s f'ram the d�te thu notice ix�;i�•cu to Ik�rrnNer. by which the default mu.gl be cured;�nd
<br /> �'' ',��5:`';: (d) that Pallure to cure Ihe dePault nn or befi�re Ihe date speclfied in Ihe notice may re,;ult in accelerntion of the sums
<br /> � ��`��•� secured by lhiA Security In5lrument end sale oP th�� Pn►pcM�•. The notice shall further inform Borruwe�of'thc riRht to �
<br /> ��,�� '�,;t���' reinstate after pccelerntton•and thc riRht to brink u rnuh action lu u�.��t the non-existcncc of u deiault or any other �'"�
<br /> . defense of Borrower to ucerlrrs�tion and nule. If Ihe dePuult f� m�t cured on or bePore the dute specified in the notice�
<br /> >� �°� • �•' • I.ender.at Its optinn. may rcquire immedlr�tc pwym�ml in fuU of all sums s�rured N� this tiecuril� Instrument without
<br /> !� ' furthcr demand and m�y invokc thc pm��cr of tiulc und am other rrmedics pern�ittcd My upplicaMr Ivw. Lender�►hull bc
<br /> � �� • 'y'• � entltled to rnllect all ex nuw incurred In u�uin�tlu remrdies ��vided in this ru ru �1.includi but nnt Ifmitcd
<br /> , ' .1"ti.;.;; p� P p�' P� R uPh- °1i• _
<br /> ;.�,,_,..
<br /> to.reasanable Attorney�'firs und costti ot tit Ie e��iden��r.
<br /> " •c•..y.;:�. If Ihe poKer oi'wle l+ im•nked, 7'ruct��r shAll record u aotire of dciuult in eaci�iti+unt� in ��hich am• purt ui thr
<br /> ' Propert�• is locuted and shall mail copi�w nP,uch nntic� in the manner prekrllKd M applicable I�w•tu BotT�we�and tu
<br /> � the other personti pcescrilxrl b� upplirahle I����. APlur Ihe tlmc rcquinYl b��upplirs�ble lu�c,Trurlec shull�i�•e publir n�Nice
<br /> _ y- � of salc lo thc penons�nd In thc munncr pr�xrib�+d h� uppliceblc lu��.Tro�tcc. ��itfiout dcmund on Borrow•er�shull sell
<br /> � ,.,;;�,,;,. „ the{'mperq�at puWic auction lu the hiuh�t bldder at thc li�m und place and unde�Ihe Ierms d��siRnuted in the notice oP '
<br /> � �' sale in one or more purcels and in am• ord�r 7'tv+�t��r drterminiw.7'ruMa�c ma� puvtpone�ulc nf ull ar am• purcel of the
<br /> � � .�.�� �i�i��`�n Prupertv b,v pubUc anru�unr�menl al thc timi•und pluce nl'un} prc�iourl� xh��dul��d xale. Lender or its desiRnee may
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