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<br /> TOOSTHBR Vi►ITH�Il lt�improvemonU nnw or hereafter erocted on the propeny.�nd�ll��- - -,ip'putTenmau��nd
<br /> Axtura� now or hero�Aer � pMrt of the Prq��y. All repl�oomenu �nd �dditionr �iull dw be ooverod by Ibl� Security
<br /> Ia�Hw�ent. All of�he fixagain�i�rcterr�ed w lq,thlF Sacurily Innnimenl a the"Property.•
<br /> IlOAROWER COVBNAN'1'�3 tMt Aorrur►rer dr�Ipwibily�ei�ed of Ihe eslMo i�by convoyed+uid Iw�tha�ijht w�r�N�nd
<br /> oonvoy the Property snd th�t thn Property ir,utronaumhered.aacept for encumbr�of ro¢ord. Borrowar w�rnnU�nd wlll
<br /> defend�cnerally ihe tiNe�o�ha Pn�y nguin�t�11 ci�imK u�d demand.. wbJoct ta nny encumbranccs of roa�rd.
<br /> TH16 38CURITY IN97'RUMBNT�oomhfnp9 unifnrm.r�ivcnantr for nadanal ucc and n4n-uniForm cavonwnu wlth liatlwd
<br /> vaiabne by Juri+�dic�ian t�conttituta o uniform rocut3ty insan�m�mt caverin�rr,�l property.
<br /> UlV1F()RM COVPNANT9.&►rmwer and Lendar rnvqnpqt plKl egrec s.g fi►IIowK:
<br /> 1. P�yina�t of Princip�l �nd lote�+at: Pttpp�alaet� and Lptp ChAr'Qa. Barrower ghall promptlY pxY whon duo 1l�e
<br /> principnl oP and interext on tha debt ovidanaod by tho Nota and an�!propp�yment And late chargex duB under 1ho Nwe.
<br /> 2. Eu�for Taxw and Inrurinae. Suhjact ta appliaabla law�ar to a writtan walvcr by Lender. Borrower shall pwy to
<br /> Lertder on thc day manthly pwymonte A�due undcr tha Nnta,until�tha Ncue ia paid in Fuil,a eum("FundR')for:(a)yearly taaa
<br /> wid�xxre�sments which may pttain prlarlry ovor thie 3ecurlty In�trumemt es a lien on the Praperty;(b)yearly leasehold paymet�tu
<br /> or gmund ront4 on�he PmpoKy,if uny;(c)yearly ha�.and or propen,�r•inwurance premiums;(d)yearly flood iacurance prcmlums,
<br /> if any; (e►yearly mongage insuranae premiums. if any;und(t?any sum�ppyuble by Bormwer to I.ender.in acourdance with
<br /> the pravisions af parog�aph S. in IiBU of tha paymant of mc►rtgega incutance premiums.These item.g are called "Escrow Items."
<br /> I.erxler may, at qny time, rnllect und h�id Funds in an amc►unt nat 1�.eaceal the muximum wrwunt a lender for a federally
<br /> rclatad moRgage loan may require for Borrower's escmw aca�unt undar the federal Rcal Estate Settlement Procedurcs Act af
<br /> 1974 os amendod Prom time ta tima. 12 U.S.C. Sectian 260!er seq.("RESPA"),unless anothe�law that appliea to the Funds
<br /> ; ."'": �s setg o lesser amaunt. If so. I.endar may.at any time, collnct and h►ild Funds in an amount not to exc«d the lesser amount.
<br /> Lender may esQrn�e the aimwnt of funda duo an thn basis of wrnmt,data and ra�sonabfe estinwtea of expcnditures of Fi�atre
<br /> ��� Escmw Items or otherwise in accondanae with applicabla law.
<br /> � t.. • -.�:�:_:..:. The Fu�ds shall be hald in an insti�ulian whose depnsita ara insared by a fedarrl ogency, instrumentality, ar entity
<br /> ;� -: .. .a,�� � (includiag I.e�der,if Lender is such an insti�wion)ar in uny Falarnl H��ma Lonn Bunk. l.ender shall apply thc Funds to pay tho
<br /> �ra,ti:
<br /> • '�''�}����Y •r•:�' Bscrow Items.L.ender may not charga Bmm�wer far halding and upplyine tha Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or
<br /> � �, .�..�•'.�':�,:.•� :
<br /> � � ;�,,_,,�,,u.,�;,',�,;,��Y s verifying the Escmw Items,unlass Lendar pays Bom�wer imesreet on thn Funds und applicable 1aw permita L.ender to make such
<br /> • � a charge.However, Lender may require Borcower ta pay a nna•tim�cbp�e for an independent reu!ratate wx reporting service
<br /> ���,;;;.,':;'�`. -'" .� used by I.er�der in connection with thiR Inan. unless Applicahln luw provide5 athenvise. Unlec. an agreement is made or
<br /> �= applicable law requirex interest tu be paid, l.endor shull not bu requi�+ed lu puy Borrower any interest or eamings on the Fundg.
<br /> ,.. ,, ,, .:�,�.�:r
<br /> ''� °.::`:;;�;:`•,��`''• Bormwer and l.ender n�ay ugrcc in wd�ing, however, that inlurest shall�bc paid on�he Funds. Lender shall give lo Borrower,
<br /> . +,rt'. �;. . ;:_.>:`.
<br /> �� �,�'� .., ,�r „ without charge, an nnnunl accounting af�ha Fund�, shawing credUe and Jabits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> ` i'���.�'•`�"• dtbi:to ihe Faral:w�.;rriude.Thc Funds are pledged as:r�iciona!>�ucFty li�r a!!sums securcd by this Security Inst�vsnent.
<br /> ' .'�'�°'�^ If Ihe Funds held by l.ender exceed th�pmnunts p�:rmittall�►he hc:W hy upplicuble law.Lender shull acrnunt to Borrower
<br /> ` ' ;�.�� far the excess Funds in accord�nce with the requirem�nt�of ApplicAblu I+nv- If the amaunt of the Funds held by L.ender at any
<br /> i . timc is nw suificicnt to pay Ihe Escrow Items when due,i.xndur muy x�niuif�i Burrnwcr in writiog,and, in such rase Borrower
<br /> � shnll pciy to I.ender the umcx►nt necec.ary tu malce up the dofieioncy. &�mi�ver shell make up the defieieney in no mor+e than
<br /> :..;�,;;,�'. twcivc monthly paymems,at Lendar'�solo dixrolinn.
<br /> ' '••'� Upon payment in fuU ��f u!I .rum� s�uRd by thf. Sc:rurity Imuvmrm, l.ender shall prnmpUy refund to Banower any
<br /> �,.::��.,.:'_ .
<br /> ,:'�; y�,� • Funds held by L.endcr. If, under parupr�ph 21, lAndcr shull acyuinr ar.ell�thc Pr��pen��.Ixnder,prior�o thc ucquisition or sale
<br /> ��. • ��', ;:�, �. of the Property. shall apply uny Fundti held by lAnder ut tho time of acyuisitian or sule as a credit againsl the sumc secured by
<br /> ��, .,. ; . . this Security In�trument.
<br /> .'��• �. 3. Appltcption of P�yments.unio.�up�i��vni�i,�ti��prm�iJ�.��tlicrv�•i,e.all paymcros rci:eived hy l.c�xlcr und�r parrgraphs +;�
<br /> ` ' `��"' � I nnd 2 shrll 6e u lied: first, to any re u mcm chur�c.Juu undcr ih4 N�i�r, kcond, ta anwunt+ u ublc under ura ra h 2; ° �
<br /> . PP P P 9 b P Y P R P .„�ix
<br /> '� � � • third,tu interest due;founh.to prinripul duc:und la.t,tu uny latc churgc+due under Ihe N�itc.
<br /> � • 4. Charges: l.icns. Borr�iwer.htil! pay at1 tsixc+, ��k..mrnte�. rhargc,, finc,•rnd im���iti�ins uttributuhlc to Ihc Property
<br /> , .
<br /> . which may nunin prioriiy over�hir. Security In.�rument, and lurvhnld paymenl>ar ground reniti, if uny. &►rruwer �hull pay
<br /> ,. °. , tM�tie�►t+lignti�nc in U�r mannrr prm�idrd in�an�t�r�ph 2.ur if nnt puid in th»I m:mn��r. Aorrmver.hall pay them on�ime dirertl5�
<br /> ' ' ' ' to thc prnon owc�i p:�ynxnl. Horcowcr.hull pnnnpth� 1'urni�h tu I.c��kr all nrnirr�af amount,to he paid unJcr thi�purrgraph. ,
<br /> .. Ii Borruwrr nwkes thc�c puymenl�dirert ly.F3�irr„w•cr.hall pr�mipUy lurni�h la I.ender rereipt.cviJenring Ihu�+uyment.r. '
<br /> � �,''.; ' .,, " Borrowcr xhall prompdy diM:hurFr um� lirn N�hirh hu�prioriw o��cr thi.Scru;il�• ln.lrunxnl unli.�&�rrou�cr:lal ugr��,in �.
<br /> . writing to U�e p;�yment af Ihe ahligu�i�,n.erurcd hp tUc li�n in u mumirr acrepiaMc lo L�ndrr:Ibl cantc��.r in gixxl faith the lien
<br /> , '� by. or defrnds ug�inst enfi�rccment uf thr lien in. Ie�ul pr�,r�edin�. H•hirh in ihe LAndrr'. apinion ���xrate tu pre��rnl the �' '�
<br /> 1��" � , enforcenxnt of thc lien:or�ri .e:un�fr��m thr hnWrr uf thr liun mi a�re►mcni +ali�farl��n lu l.cndcr�utxmiinutin�t thc licn t�, ,�
<br /> i%:r this Serurity In�trumem. U l.rmi�r detrrniina Ihat am� pi�n nf d�r Prnprrlr i.whj.rl t��a lien ahi�h min� anain priuri�� u�•er 1� :..•,�
<br /> �' thi�Securit� Instrument. Lrnder mu}��ivc Bnrc�,��rr a nu�ir�id��niil��mg th� licn. B�,rruwrr.hall .au�f� the hcn ur takr�ror�ir � , � '
<br /> j�;' Y,i more of the uciion�.et timh above wilhin 10 J;iyr ul Ihc g�vm�!�d nuurc. � ' '.
<br /> � .� � ,� Form 3028 9/90 i,'� �
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