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<br /> 93p �o�ses
<br /> TOOE'17iER WITH all the improvcmentn now or herewlter erocted an tho propcRy.und nll asement�,eppwunances,
<br /> aad flxtures now or het+eatter a p�rt af the proprnty. All r+apl�cementei rncl�ddiqon��hall�lno bo coverod by thi�Security
<br /> In�ument. All af�he fonQoin�i�nefemed to In Ihl�Security In�uun�enl iu the«Property.»
<br /> BORROWER COVENAN'i'3 thet Borrowm h Irwtully rai�od oP tho e�u�te hcrcby canvoycd and hae tho r��h�to�ront
<br /> and convey theP�ty�nd thot 1fw Pmporty ir unencumheral.oacopt tur oncumbrwrce�of record, Borrower wannnta And
<br /> will defend Qenerally the t1Ue lo!he Praperty w�winw pU clalm��ta1 J�mwtKlo,kubJat to any encumMances of iecord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY iNSTRUM�NT cnmbine� unifarm cuvenNnl� Gx nationel use ond non•uniform covenant� wlth
<br /> limited vuiadona by judsdicUan w can�tituto o unifi►rm�au�lty In.uument c�wering rcal property.
<br /> � ' UNIFORM COVBNAIVT3. earowcr and Lcndcr covcnant ond eprce w followa:
<br /> ' '� l. PMymeat ot Principd�ad leterati Prop�ynNnt�ad I.d��:lu�r�. Bartower shall prompdy pay when duo the
<br /> •"�. pdncipaI of and interest on the debt cvidcnced by tlw Nole wnd uny�x�c�wymcnt pnd Iwtc cha�gee dua under tho Note.
<br /> Z. bbnds tor 7tiuta�ad Inwr�t�ce. 5ubje�:�tu A licublr luw�r U�u wrillen woiver by l.ender.Barrower shall pay to
<br /> Lender on tho day maalhly poymcnle arc duo undcr the�i�tc,umll�Fw N�No i«pwid in full,a Rum("Fla�ds")for.(a)yearly
<br /> �;,'' �' ' taxes and assessmemt which may attain prfarily ovcr Ihl�Sccurily Inelrument u�o Ifon an the Pioparty;(b)yearly leasehold
<br /> � paymcnts or gmund rontF an thc Prapeny. iP Any: (cl YrWly hwurJ ��r prupchy fnAUra�e prcmjum.g: (d) yearly fload
<br /> . �.;�:�,:,��.`�'.�; insurancc premlums. if any� (o)yearly mort�ugc inxu�nco premfu�nx,If wny; wkl (f1 any xuma pnyable by Barrower to
<br /> ��� Lender.in acoatdance wlth�IFM pmvisianx aP pat�g�h N, in liau uf Ihv�uymenl i�f maAQaQe insurance premiums. These
<br /> +:�•� items sue callod"8�cmw Items. Lender ma .at un lima.cnll�tcl und Itold F�und+in un unMUnt not to oxceed the maximum
<br /> . ��"� � amount a lendar far a i'adernlly ml�ted mongage loYun muy requae for Bixn►werr crcn�w Account under th� federal Real
<br /> ...F:� `.��'�::• �'"""` �'•'' Estate Settlement Procedures Ac�af�1974 ac urtiended f'rom Uma lu lime,12 U.S.C,�2M11 rr.sey.l"RESPA"),unlass enothar
<br /> '".'..,. ;� ." ` .t , •�". :, ' law thut applies to tho Fund:sets a lasser amount. If xc�,l.endor may.u�uny Nme,collcc�uiul hold Funda in an nmount not to
<br />�._,�,%',:-�;�^F, ` �� ��""' " ��"�}��''±""; exceed tl►e lesser amount. Lender ms► estimato lhe amoum of FundK duo on iho buKix af cumeM dala and reasonable
<br /> . : .. .t�••..�.. Y
<br /> �;;,,�,;, �;�' , �:;+::'.'?,;::.• esdmAtes af expenditures af future 8�cmw It�ms or othenvise in accordance with ap�+licubie luw.
<br /> ;;'�:;'% r�'^:...' ,��;:;;�.•'�. The Funds Rhall be hold in ao lnstiluli�m wMoac dcpusitx utr innureJ by u fe�krul ugenry.fnswmentaliry.ar e�dry
<br /> !��� �����' ' " ' (including Lender,if Lender is such an inscitullan)or in any Federul Home le►on Bunk. l.cndcr xhall appiy tha Funds to pay
<br /> �', ��•••,, ..
<br /> �„ • >� the Cscrow I�ams. Lender muy nat chargo eaaower iur hnlding und upplying iho Funds,onnuully unalyzing the escrow
<br /> •�� account,ur verifying tho Escrow I�em�. unlos� Lender payK Borrower inlorext un Iho Furulw und applioa6le law permiGs
<br /> t� Lender lo make such a chargv. How�ver,I.ondcr muy myulro Dorruwer t�►puy u imu•�imc churgc for un independent real
<br /> < eslato tax�+eportiug servlce used by Lender in connectian wilh Ihia loun,unlutix uppliruhlc luw pruvldcc otharwise. Unlerc an
<br /> ��' • agreement is mnde or applicablo law rcyuirox intcrest to b�poW,Lendor shull n��t Iw requircJ lo puy B��rcower any interest or
<br /> �' eamings on the Funds�. Bomnwer und l.ender may ugnx In wri�ing.In�wevcr,�hu�Imam�t xhull ik puid un ths Funds. l.ender
<br /> „ sholl give to Borrower,withaut churgu,un unnual uccaunting of'1hc Funds,Khnwing credil�unJ J�hi�s to thu Funds and thc
<br /> ,.., purpase for which each debit to tho Funds wus mude. The MUndx ure pleJged ux wldi�iunul�curi�y for ull sum:�secured by
<br /> �' ' this Security Insuument.
<br /> �..,__,. ` If�he Funds held by Lender cxcral the u►miunls prrmiuoJ tu he hold hy upplicuhle luw, l.endrr +hull accounl �o
<br /> , Bo►rower for the exccs4 Funds in u�tiordumc wi�M thc myuircmem�oP upplicuhie luw. If�hr umuum nP Ihc Fund�hald by
<br /> :, . , , Lender nt any time is not sufficient tu puy thc Escrow Ucm�whcn duc,l.on�kr muy w�nmil'y Nunowcr in writfng.and,in
<br /> �;; ,! ' such cuse Bom�wer xhull pay ta Lender�he umount n��c.wry w muke up Ihe dvtiriency, H��rtuwer +►hull muke �p Iha
<br /> deflciency in no mare thun twelve manthly puymentx.ut I.cn�kr:+ulc diurcdon.
<br /> , Upon puyment in full of all nums s,ecured by Ihis Secudly Imlrumem,Lr�Kkr +huU prumplly relbnd�o Burrower any
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,undcr purugn►ph 21,LenJcr�hull uryuirr ur kll Ihe IRn{xr�y. I.rndcr,pror tn thc ucyuir�itiun or
<br /> •� sale af the Properly, sbull npply uny FundK hcld hy l.cnd�r ut Ihc�ink of ucyuihi�i�m ur.ul��u.u credit u�tuin���ho xums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> M� 3. AppBcation ot Ppymenta UnMs, applicublc luw pruviJe. �nhcrwiK, idl puymrnl� rer�ivrd by l.cndur under r.�;:
<br /> •�� puragrnphs 1 and 2�hull he upplicxi:firr.t.u�any prepuymen�chur�sr�duc uixlrr ihu N�Hr; Kcrn�d,���um��unl�puyuble utNler
<br /> �� paragraph 2;third,tu intcrc.t duc:founh,ti�principal duc;und lu.l,lu uny lulc rhargr+dnr undrr Uir Nu�r.
<br /> � ,: 4. Charges: Liens. Burn�w�r .hall pay all tuxc,. a"c.�mrn�., rhar��,, Im��. und un�w�,uiun. uurihulublc tu tha •
<br /> Property which muy uttuin priuriry u�•cr thi.Sc�urily In+lrunKnl.uiKl Iruuhuld pnynu�nl.ur�r�nmd��u1..if uny. BuROwer
<br /> i shnll pay these obligadon.in�he munnrr pro�ideJ in puru�;ruph 2.ur if nut pui�l hi Uw�munnrr.NuRUwrr�h�dl p•ry thum on
<br /> i . timc direcUy l01hc pcnon iiwcd puymcnt. Hurn�w�er.h�dl rrumptly Yurni,h w I.rndcr�dl nuurr.ul�inwunl.lu iu puiJ unJcr
<br /> ' ' � . this purugruph. If Borrowcr makc.�he.c p•rymcnh direc�ly.HURllwrr.hidl pr�mip�ly lunntih�o Lendcr rrr�lpt.evi�kncing I
<br /> ,
<br /> � thc puyment+, i
<br /> Bormwcr shall promplly Ji�chargc an}•licn whirh ha. priun�y a�•�r thi.tirrunry lo.awm�ro wdr,+Nura�wrr:�ul ugrec. �
<br /> in writing to thc paymcnt uf thr i�blig�tiun�ecurrJ by th.lirn in a munnrr arcrpU�M��tu I.�•ndcr:�M amlr�l�in�t�wKi i'ui�h thu �, •
<br /> lien by.or defcnds ugainst cnfurcemrnt uf�hc licn in. Irgal pnxrrJing.�sh�rh�n�hr I endcr',up�mun u�k�ranr tu prr�cnt the i ;
<br /> cnforcement of the licn:i►r Ir1�crures frum the hc�ldrr uf�hc lirn un uErcrmrn� ,ati�fsir�nn w Lvnd.r.ulM�rdm�din��hr licn �
<br /> to�his 5ecurily Ins�rument. If LrnJer dr�cnniix:�ihat uny pun uf Ihc I'ru�xny i.u�h�rr� iu u hrn wh�rh may uuuin priun�y
<br /> � over this Security Inxtrument.l.endcr may tiivr Numiw•cr u nu�irr idrn�ifyin�:tl►a lirn. Hnm�wrr tilwll,uu.l}•�hc hrn i�r�uke ;
<br /> ; , , ,' one or mc►rc of�hc uctions sct tiinh uh�n�c within I1)Juy�ul'thc gi�•inti ul'nutir�.
<br /> 5. Hezard or PropeMy Inxurunce. Harn�wer�iwll kcep 1hr impruvrmcnl.nuu .ti.unf ur li��r.�,d�cr�•�.�r�r�l un ihr ;
<br /> �� Property insured aguinst losx hy t'ire,haiurd.incluJrJ wiihin ihc Irnn"etileiiJ«I c�n•craEa•.,uud uu� uth�� h:vwd..inrludm�[
<br /> ' �. floods or flooding, for which I.endcr rcyuirc, in�uruncc. Thi. in.ur+mre ,lu�ll h�� mniiq�nnc�l in thr;unuunl� w�d lur�hr
<br /> � r • ,
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