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� ��ri%c� <br /> • ' � � .•;c- . <br /> _ ,.�? n•,. <br /> �93- a�e�r4 <br /> TOOB77�IER WCTH R!1 the improvemaits aow or fieteafter e�octed on the property,�nd dl euemenp��p�uienance�. <br /> �rd fl�pue�now ar hene�Rer�part at the property. Ail nepla�xmcA4�nd�ddidons ih�ll alw be covaed by Wl�Sacurity <br /> Imwmen� All of tLe fa�e�oin�i��farod to In thi�Security ln:wment n the"Property." <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS Ihat Borrowu Ia lawfully seisod of the e�tate heneby c�nveyed�nd t�w the ri�ht to�t <br /> �nd convey the ProBerty uid Ihat the E'�u�e�ty is unencum6erad,eacept for encumbrancer of rccord. Bmawer warruui wd <br /> will defend QenerWiy ttia dtla w the Property�ainst dl cldms and demwdR.wbJcet a�ny encwnbnnoeR of�cord. <br /> 17iIS SECURITY 1NSTRUMENT crnnbines unifarm covennnt� far na�ionnl use and non•unifarm cava�ants with <br /> Iimited varfadona by juriadiction w coraUtute A unifonn securi�y inswlr�ent covering rcal property. <br /> UNI�pRM COVENANTS. Borrower uid L.ender covenant and agrce as follows: <br /> l. Pqyaaent ot PrUclpd�nd Lterati Prepoyment wd I.ste Chre�a. Borrower shell promptlY pnY when due�he <br /> princi of and iqtarcat on Iha dcbt evldenced by�ha Note and any prcpnymBnt end late chsugea due under the Note. <br /> ��turde for'l�ee and iaeuranca Subjact w upplic�ble low or to e written walver by Lender.Bonrowor shall pay to <br /> L.ender on,lba day monthly paymants u�e due unda�tha Note,undl thB Note is puid in full.a aum("Fluida")fix:(a)yearly <br /> taaes and.a�sessmant�whiah may otts�in priaity over tbls Security Inslru�mnt as a lien on tbe Pt4perty;(b)ycarly leaschold <br /> paymeme or.ground rents on the Ptqpecry,lf anyc (c) Yearly hazard or PropenY insur�nca pnsmfums: (d) ye�dy flood <br /> insw�artco prcmiumx� if enyc (e)yearly monguge inawance prcmiums. if any; ond(� any auma payeble by Bc►rmwer to <br /> accotdanae wiU� the pmviaions oi parAgcaph 8, in lleu of thepayment of mortgoge inFUrance premiums. 7t�ese <br /> items are celled"E.4crow Itema." Lender mny,at any time,collect aad hold Ra�d.9 in en amount not to exceed the maxlmum <br /> amount a Iender for a federally reluted mongage lopm m�y requirc for Borrower's escrow account uuder Ihe federal Real <br /> Estate SetUement Procediuiea A�ct of 1974 as�unended from time w time. 12 U.S.C.$260t et seq.t"RESPA").unless anotFKr <br /> �_y� law Ihat epplisa to tha PUnda sets s lasser amoun� lf�co,Lender may,ut any time.collect and hdd Wnds in an amount pot to <br /> � .'., ' '��•'�'�. eaceed tbs fasser amount. L.ender may estimate �he amount of Hmds due on the basis of current data and masonabl8 <br /> r .'.'. 7t�� ` .��, C��fhe FLnda�shnll be hald i�n an in itud ne 6aceedeposits are i�nsnured by a�fc'deral agency.instruroentaliry.or entiry <br /> ',=�c�;_•,p��;;r;�.� (including L.endar,if Lender is such an institu�an)cx in any Federal liume Loan Hank. Lender shall epply the Funds to pay <br /> . , ..�.�h���',:, the Fscrow [GSma. Lertdcr muy nqt charge Bo�rower for holding and applying 1he Funds.annnally analyzing the escmw <br /> :S]1"`:i: <br /> � ��`�:i�" "'•� " �'•�'f;�-:�;+� accoun4 or verit�ing We Bscrow Iasmx, unless Lender puys Bamwer intercst on the Funds nnd applicable law permjts <br /> '�"'� �=��'a"�={.'.3:;`;;f � I.ender to mnkc such a cAarge. Howevcr, L,endcr may requir�e Borruwer to pay a one-time charge for an independent real <br /> �..I <br /> . ��yt s�.;,.''_`-�.�;,:;.;K;;'l estnte��P�da orrvtae aFed'a Lend�`es intere t o be�uid,Lender shull not�beicabluired to��Botrower an irntenest or <br /> ....(•. . • - B� epplic rc9 P �9 PaY Y <br /> � • '�"x•:; '���.-•�•°'' eaminge on the Funds. Rarower and I.ender may agree in writ�ng,however,thut interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lendcr <br /> ;:. � <br /> ',��F�R; ���;���•;,•�'�. '. shall give co 8omower.withou►charga,an annual accaunting of the�nds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br /> , .. ^ pwpose for which each debit to the Funds w�s made. The Fbndq are pledged as additlonel secucity for all sums gecured by <br /> ., , tbi�Secur.ty!asls+smt�t. <br /> , ,;,�<,�;; � , ��� If the �unds hetd by I.ender exceed the Amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shull account to <br /> � :��':;:�;�;�• • Bo�rower For the excess Flinds in accardance with ihe requirements of applicAblr iaw. lf the amount of the FLnds held by <br /> • �� � i.ender at any time is not sufficient[o pay �he Escrow Itams when due.Lcndcr muy so notify Borrower in wridng,and,in <br /> �•�5��'�`.4��•••.;. such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amoum necessary to make up the deficiency. Bortower shall make up the <br /> �..aj;'':.':; . ,` � ""� dePciency in no more than twelve monthly paymen�s,at Lender's sole discretion. <br /> '±�q_. ,• „ Y, . Upon pAymenl in full of nll sums securcd by this Securiry InFirument,Lender shnll pramptly refund to Borrower any <br /> ��•,'��;.1, Funds held by L.endar. If,under par�graph 21. Lender shall ucquirc or sell the Property.Lender,prior to the Acquisition or <br /> • ''' �' sale of the Property,shall�upply uny FLnds held by Lender ut the time of acquihition or sale as A credit agAinst the sums <br /> .�-f,,�. , secured by this Sccurity In�trument, <br /> 3. AppUcatton ot I'�ymenfx. Unless upplicablc law providea otherwisc, all payments received by Lender under <br /> '�'�'�, ' puragrnphs 1 and 2 shull be upplied:fr�l,to any prcpaym�:nt churges due undcr the Note;cecond,to umounts puyable under <br /> ` } `�' ; „ pnragraph 2; interest duc;founh,to principal duc;und lust,to uny lute charges due under the Note. <br /> � '��� � • 4. ChA <br /> rges; Lienx. Burcnwcr shall pay all taxex, asxcssmems, charges, fines nnd impocitions utuibutable to the <br /> ; " Propeny which muy ottuin priority ovcr this Securi�y Inrtrument,und Irasehold puyments or ground rcnls,if any. Borrower <br /> { • ' ,• shall pay these obligation,in thc munncr provided in parugraph 2,ar if not paid in that manncr,Barrower xhull pay�hem on - .� <br /> , time directly to thc penon uwcd puyment. Bunower shull promptly furni,h to Lender ull natices af umounts to bc puld under �,;; <br /> ' ; � � this ara ra h. If Borrower mukcs�i�e,a: a mun�+JirecQ .Burruwer.huD ium �I fumi,h w L�nJcr rccei �s evidencin <br /> ,,. ::,. P S P P Y Y P N Y P t� <br /> ':'��. . , the PaYments. <br /> ' . Borrower shull promptly dischurge uny Iwn which ha�priority ovrr this Sccunty Instrument unle�s Borrower:lA)agrees <br /> ' �%`i�� in writing�o the puymen�ot'the ubli�ta�Hm�ecureJ by the lien in u munner acceptuhle to Lender,lb1 conteats in gcwd fnith the <br /> r��;��., ;:;;,:',.::{;e • � lien by,or defends uRuina�enforcement of thc licn in,Icgal pr�xcedings which in the Lendcr ti opini�m operutc to prcvent the <br /> � ���' " '��`;�''• enforcement of the lien;or(cl secures from 1hc holdcr of thc lien an agrcement sa�ivf•rctory to Lender sulwrdinnting the lien ��� <br /> ?+::.�i', ;'C'°, ., � <br /> :�� : to Ihis Securiry Inswment. If Lxndcrdctcrmineti that any part of thc Propcny is suhject to u licn whirh muy atwin priority ?^•t• <br /> ",n;•� . <br /> � i. . ;�.4;�Y , over this Security Instrument,Lender muy givc Borruwcr u no��rc idcntifyin�thc lien. Borrower shall sutist'y the lien or W:e <br /> s;o;�;},;� one or morc uf the ix:tions.r•et fonh uM�vc wi�hin l0 days of 1hc giving of noticr. <br /> �' S. Ns�zard or Property Insurance. Burni�ver tihall kcep�hc improvemcnt�n��w cxistinF or hen�fter erccted on the <br /> � � ' � ° Propetty ins�ured uguin�t loss by tirc,h;u.ards included w•iihin the tcrni"rx�cnded cuvcragc"and any othcr hazArds,inrluding <br /> �"'` t ' tloods or flaxling,fbr whirh L.ender reyuircx inxuruncr. Thi� insurance rhull f►� muimuined in �he amuunts and for the <br /> � � � • <br /> S.-' . <br /> ,� Form 302l1 9I90 (pu8s 2 u/b�xrtl � <br /> � <br /> i': . • <br /> ,�.\1.., : I <br /> i; <br /> ;;y;, � , <br /> . ? .7n— -'--. ---- •� ' � ��1�i�r�`�9�:i:�7�:,a�..-i . . � � <br /> � ,�r <br /> �.�.� __.—.',_.' .. . <br /> -�' �: <br /> � ., 1 .. . <br /> `F-._ ._ . <br /> , � . . <br /> � f` ' <br /> L'.� <br /> . �� „ <br /> r• . i L ' .. i . . <br /> E ` <br /> * f � <br /> � 1 <br /> t <br /> ya . <br />