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<br /> of podpon�nt�h�ll b�plwn by publla d�aln�tlon th�rNif by�uqh p�rwn N th�tlnn�nd pl�a�I�st appolntK�ta th�
<br /> a�; ��I�;Provld�0,If th�wl�I�po�tpon�d for lonper lh�n one(11 d�Y beyond th�d�y d�slpn�t�d In th�notic�of wl�,notic�
<br /> �`��� "`''�� ther�of�hdl b�O�wn In th�am�m�nn�r a�ths orl�ln�l notla�of��la.Tru�tM ahNl�x�aut�and d�llv�r to th�purohaNr
<br /> • ����y=h?� � Its DNd oonwylnp th�Prc�p�rty so sold,but wlthout ony eoven�nt or worr�nty,�xpr�ss or ImplNd.Th�r�alt�l�In tM M�d
<br /> � y�r�:. �.�.. � of�ny mdt���or�ats�hNll b�aonalu�lv�p►oof of th�Iruthfuln���Ihar�of.Any p4non,Inoludlnp BeMllolary,may pur•
<br /> ,:�.......
<br /> ' ,�.. . .• .��.:. Ch�M�t th�a�lo.
<br /> • .; �"-�� '� ' ��i (B) Wh�n T►wtN s�lls punu�nt to ths powero hsnln,the Trustn sh�ll:apply tho poc�ds a1 ��w aAta to payment of the
<br /> ^'�"'` � � costs�nd�xpens��of ex�rcl�inp th�powar of s�ts and of the��I�,InRludlnp th�paym�nt of th�TrwtN'�INt actually
<br /> . t•.. . ..i.!\
<br /> �..:,
<br /> �, i"��`"`"'"' ''� Inau�r�d,whloh Truete�'s f�a�sh�ll not in ths�ppr�p�ts exaeed the fallqwlnp amount ba��d upon th��mouM s�cured
<br /> a:�: ��` J�:�ti���=. �•,-•� �± h�raby�nd r�m�ininp unpaid;6 psrcentum on the Ilnt f1�QOd tha�of,1 peroentun►,on tM balano�th�nof and Ih�n to tM
<br /> Itams In subpuap��ph(C)In thA ordsr there stat�d.
<br />;'�i��.�:� (C) Aftsr p�ylnp ths It�ms speolfled In subp�rapraph(B)If the sda 14 by Truafee� or the proper couA and ofher costs of
<br /> �:.1 ,*;: forealoeure ond sal�If ths sale Is pursuant to Judlolal foreoloaun,the pmoeede of.wl��hall be�ppll�0 In ths ord�r�t�t�d
<br /> •-��.,� � ;. to th�paymenf of:
<br /> ' • ' , �'`�'` ` �� '°'� (q Coat of any evidenae of tltle proaur�d in aonnaatlqn with�uah sela and of my revenue�t�mDS:
<br /> : , .��.
<br /> �' .,, ' ..r; . + �. pl►, All suma the e�cured hersby;
<br /> .�� ? . , (111►.The remslnder,If any.tQ ths pereon lepelly entltled thareto.
<br /> ' � 13.DutNs�nd Qbllptltons of Trust�.(a)The dutl�s and obllgetipne of.Trustes sh�l l be determined aolely by ths exp►ees
<br /> ' ' �� � .. ' prov�alone of thla Deed of Truet,and T►uetee ehell not be Ilabla exaept hx.tba perfor�nsnce of euch dutlet ond oblipatlons as
<br /> are specifloally aet fvrth hereln,and no Implled covenante or obtlpetlqna ehnll�be fmposed upon Trustee;(b)No provislons of
<br /> thls Deed of Trust ehall requlr�T�natee to sxpend or rlek�te own funds,or otherwlea Inaur any fl�anaiAl obll�atlon In the per-
<br /> � formanae of any of Ita dutles hereunder,or In the exqralae of any of Its rl�hts or power,lf It ah�ll have prounda for bdlwinp
<br /> that the repeyment of suoh funde or adequate Indemnity apelnel auoh rlek or Ilebllity la not reaaonably assured to It;(o)
<br /> ' ' Truatee may coneult wlth couneel oi Ita own chpoelnp and the advioe ot euch couneel ehell be full pnd complete euthorl�atlon
<br /> � � and protectlon in the�espect of eny acfipo ii�kan or auffgrad by It haraunder In pood falth and rellence thereoo;(d)Trustee
<br /> • •.•� ehall:nat be Ilable for eny actlon taken by ft In pqod felth end reasonabl�beNeved by It fo be outhorized or within ths disoretlon
<br /> ,�,�• .,�,.� `.,, or riyhte and powers cOnferred upon It by thle Deed ot Trust.
<br /> ••�i:�•> •�, 14.Addltlond S�eurlt�r Inslruir+�M�.Trueto►,at Ite expenee,wtll�exqcute and detluerto the Trustee,promptly upon demand,
<br /> • ,•:.;: .. • ', �'
<br /> suah eecurity Inatrumenta es may be requlred by Truetee,i�1 torrn and subetence eatlefaotory to Trustee,coverinp any of the
<br /> , • � Prope�ty conveyed by thie Deea of Trust,whlah secudty IoatrumenW shall be�ddltlonal security for Truator's fAlthful perfor• , ..:�
<br /> ; q,t.,,:
<br /> ____ mpnce of all of the t�erma,wvenents and aondlNona of.thls D@�d�of Trusk ths Lo,�„Apre�raont,eny promiasory�otea secured �Mrr,;:-,�;�,,.
<br /> hereby and any other eecurity lnstrumente exacuted In�conrl'�CtIOM Witfi���tr'�maction.8uch inal�ur�eet$shail b8 recar�&t! -'�,;;���-
<br /> or fllad,ond re�recorded and retfled,et Trustur's expense.
<br /> ib.MlsaNl�n�ous. ,. . ..
<br /> (A) In tho event any one or more of the proviafons contalned in the Deed ot Trust,orthe Loan Apreement or eny promissory � =�:^- u
<br /> �. , note,or any other eecurNy Inetrument yiven in connectlon witA thls transactlon,ehall for any reason to be held to be I�•
<br /> . valid, Illepal or unenforceabla In eny reapect, such I�vplidity, illeyality or unenforceablUty shall, at 1he oDtlon of
<br /> . � � , ' Beneficiary.not aNect any other provlslon of thla Deed of T�uat,that this Deed ot Truat ahall be cOnstrued as if suCh In- � • • -�•
<br /> � ;r'..
<br /> ' velld,Illepal or uneniorceable provision had never been contained he►eln or thereln. ,
<br /> (B) Thla Deed of Trust shall be conatrued accordiny to the laws of the Stete of Nebraska.
<br /> ��; (C) The Deed of Truat ahall Insure to a�d bind the helra, lepateea, devisees,administrators. executors,succeasors and � .
<br /> ,
<br /> • assiyns of the pa►tles hereto.
<br /> (D) Truetor shall pay all taxes levled upon this Deed of Trust or the debt aecured hereby,topether wlth any other taxes or �
<br /> - assessments which may be levled agefnst the Truatee or Beneficlary or the leyal holder of the Loan Ap�eement on e�• A
<br /> i count of the Indebtedness evidenced thereby.
<br /> j (E) Whenever used Aeraln,the sin�ular number shall Include the plural,the plural,the sinyular,the uae of any�ender shall be
<br /> � applicable to all gendera,and the term••Beneticiary"ahafl f nclude any payee of the IndeDtedness hereby 3ecured or any
<br /> , tranefer thereof,whether by operatlon of law or otherwf8e. .
<br /> � 18.Sucasssor Trusta.Beneficlery mey from tlme to time substitue a auccossor or successars to any Truetee named hereln . •
<br /> , or actlnp hereunder to execute thls Truet Deed.Upon such appolntment and wfthout convenyance to the succesaor Trustee,
<br /> ; the latte►ahall be veated wlth ell title,powers and dutles co�fersed upon eny Trustee hereln named or actiny hereunder.Each
<br /> . I such eppolntment and subatitutlon shall be made by wrltten Instrument by Beneflclary,contal�inp reference to this Deed of
<br /> � Trust and its place o1 record,which when recorded In the off�e of the Replster of Oeeda of the county or counties In which
<br /> � aeld property Is sltuated,shall be conclusive proof ot proper eppolntment of the successor Trustee.The foreyoln�power of
<br /> ; substitutlon and the procedure therefor shall not be exclusive of the power and procedure provided for by law for the aubstltu• ,
<br /> tlon of e Tru�tee or Trustees fn the place of the Trustee or Trustees named hereln. �
<br /> � 17.Fo�arancs py B�nNlel�ry or TrustN No1�W�Iv�r.A torbearance by 8enef iclary or Trustee In exerclsiny any rlyht or
<br /> � � i remedy hereunder,or othe►wlee afforded by applicable law shall not be a walver oi or preclude the exercise of any rlght or
<br /> � remedy hereunder.Llkewlee,the waiver by Beneficlary or Trustee of any default of Trustor under t�l�Deed of Trust ahall not be
<br /> . deemed to be a walver of any other or simtlar defaults subsequently occurrinq.
<br /> • 18.Trusta Nof R�I��s�d.Extenslon of the time for payment or modi}fcetlon or amortlzation of the aums secured by the
<br /> � . Deed of Truat p�anted by Beneflciary to any s�ucceasor In Interest of 7rustor aholl not operate to release,In any manner,the
<br /> Ileblllty of the oriylnal Truetor and Trustor's successor In Intereat.Beneflclery shall not be required b commence proceedings
<br /> apalnst auch eucceseor or refuee to extend tfine for pzyment or othervnlse modify omortlzetlon of the eums secured by the
<br /> � . Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the arlyinol Trustor and Truator's successors In Interest.
<br /> � 19.Optton to Fonclos�.Upon the occurrence ot any default hereunde�.Beneflciary ahal!have the option to toreclose this
<br /> � • ���.a.�"i'�o��07:::L�C�.:°..'..':C'.��.'.�.....1...n.�nen���n��a1�rntirfv.
<br /> I i/rtfu V�iiiioi ii�ii�e�i�i�i�oi j+iv:.vv�. 7 r����
<br /> ;} 20.Tnutor'�Rlphb,Abwnt DN�ult.Untll any default In the payment of Indebtedneas horeby secured,or untll the breach ol
<br /> 5 any covenant her�ln conta{ned,the Trustor.Its aucceasors and eael�na,ahall poaseae and en�oy the property and recelve the
<br /> , '� renta and proflta therefrom.Upon payment of all aums eecured by thla Deed of Trusl, Beneflclary shall requeat Trustee to
<br /> � reconvey the propeny and ahall aurrender thls Deed of Trust a�d all notea pnd Loan Ayreements evldenclnp Indebtednesa
<br /> s secured by lhe Deed of Trus!to Truatee.Truetee ahall reconvey the property wlthout worra�ty and wlthout charpe to the per•
<br /> � � aona lepoly entltled thereto.The(3rantee In any reconveyance may be deacrlbed As"the pereon or peraona entltled thereto".
<br /> and the ra�;lt�ls thereln o1 any metters or facts ehall be conCluslve proof of the trut�fulnesa thereof.8uch pereon or peroons
<br /> � ahell pay all coats of recordlnp,If any.
<br /> J 21.TnnH�r of tM Prop�rty;Auumpllon.If all or any part of the Property or an Intereat thereln le aold or translerred wlthout
<br /> BeneHclary's prlor wrltten coneent,except as otherwlae provlded by law,Beneflclary may,at Baneflclary's optlon,declare all
<br /> ' the sume secured by thls Deed ot Truat fo be Immedlately due and payable.Benaficlary ahall heve walved auch optfon to ac•
<br /> . celarate�f, prior to the sale or transfer,Beneflclary and the person to whom the Prope►ty Is to be aold or tranaferred reach
<br /> � Ni�0�5�TrpOi �
<br /> � '
<br />