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<br /> � tYaat o! l�ad co�pri�ing s �arc oi Lae 8ix t6) in Biock 7lwo (Z) iu "8tai►are llac�
<br /> Bubdivision" b�in� a subdivisioc� o! part o! th� Northtrest Qwrtar oi th� North�aat ,
<br /> Quartss (�1W�1� of Sectio� it+�nty-Niaa (19) in �owa�hiQ Blawn (11) Nortb. 1t��
<br /> liina (9) i�Nat of th� 8f.xth P. N.� wor� particularly desrribsd �s tallaw�s da�iaain�
<br /> at ths 8outh�sc corner o! aaid Lot Six (6); eh�nce Norehnrlq alaag and upon ehe
<br /> W�wt iiae of Aaid Lot Six (6) a diotance o! 90.7 Feet; tbence ruAairig Noreheasterly
<br /> aloag and upon ths arc oP a ci�ale wha�e sadiw ie 11Q.0 Feet (al�o bai� th� Noxeb-
<br /> ve�t�rly lin� o! �aid I.ot Six (6) • diotaecs o! 113.39 8e�t; thsaca &��t�sly alon�
<br /> and upon the Nosthsrly line of •aid Lot �ix (6) s di�C�nce of 2Z.2 �+��t; thanca runaiog �
<br /> 8outherly p�rpeadl�cular to tiu Northorly iin� o! �aid i.ot Six (6)� a diseaac� oE 157.0
<br /> �esti thenc� W��tsriy �Lon� �nd upon th� Sauth�rly lin� o! �aid l.ot Bix (6) a di�eanca
<br /> of 107.77 pe�t to eho plae� of b�ianiaa aad aonta�uiaa 0.31 Aeru, �or� or 1��.
<br /> Sub��ct to pcLos li�aa o! Peud�ntial Io�uraa� Ca�pany o! /INrica.
<br /> � � � � �
<br /> '� �� � ��" A tract oi land coaprisia4 a part ot I.ot Six (6), i� Bioak Two (2). ta "St�rart
<br /> �'" _ .�; "`'� Plaaa Subdivision"� Hall County, N�braak�t� wad a part o! tha North�ut Quarter (NB�)
<br /> ;;,. r ' ., �� �,,.,. , of 8aetioa Twedty-Nina (29), in ToWaahip Blaveo (11) Nosth, i►a�ge Niae (9) W�aC of
<br /> ��� •�•�•�~��' tha 6th P. M., mora particularly deecribed ao followat 8aginaiag wt a point
<br /> ��+'�,`i��;.;,�:,r,�:.:� on tha Southarly line oF eaid i.At Sin (6). s�id poiat beiag 67.23 fest �raot of the
<br /> . - Eoutheaat corner of oaid I.ot Six (6); theace easterly along and upon the sourherly
<br /> . ,.:�,;�,,1;.�:�.�3:�' : ". , �ine of said Lot Six (6) and the saatarly prolnngatioa of this liae� a diatance of
<br /> �:;�: , ,Y�;:.,.�,;;�, .. 97.2 fast; tbance dsflectiog laft 97° U9' aad ruaaing aorthwaetarly� a di�tance
<br /> •,'.;,•��:�' ;,'�•� ,: of 158.2 feet, to the southerly li.nc: of Lot Five (5)� lilock 7t�o (2)� 3tawart Plac�
<br /> '��" � Subdivioiou; thence ruaning We�tarly along ead upoa the Southerly liae of aaid
<br /> �y i;;;� ;;-:c:�
<br /> i,n�',, '7 .i.:-�:�..,i:5 '�-%ji(;± .
<br /> r ' ' '' Lot Five (3�, a diptaace of 7?.4S feet, to a poiat which is 65.26 feet vesterly
<br /> ��{� ::";� �. ��;r:�
<br /> �!•,�„�-�'�'.� yt���.a�°. � � :•�-�� from the Northeask carner of aaid Lot Six (6); Chence running Southerly perpendicular
<br /> .a
<br /> �`��•.t.�. •��Y; � to the North line of said Lot Six (6), a dis�tanoe of 157.0 feet to the place of
<br /> �i�� `�" begiun3Ag and contaiaing 0.315 acrea� more or less.
<br /> a:?�: . '
<br /> '.'�;;;;�.`� � Subject to prior liena oF The Prudential Insurance Caapany of Naerica and Home Federal
<br /> '���`�'' Saviags aud Loaa Asaociation of Gr�nd Island.
<br /> �,,. .
<br /> r�... �
<br /> �Q;�i�,� ;� ir * A �F A
<br /> �l�:'�'. . ::
<br /> .�:;i.;.. .
<br /> �'`',s:•' , � ������' A tXact of land in the Northwest Quarter of tl�� Northoast Quarter (NW�-,,NT�) of �••
<br /> � r�'` ' � Sectio» 7?wenty-Ninc (29), Township Eleven (11) North, ltange Nine (9) WQSt of the .y„,
<br /> •••.�: � � 6th P. rJ., liall County. �ebraska� ano more particulurly describ�d as fallowa: '
<br /> �,,;!',� � Begluning at a poiat Thirty-Tliree (33.0) feei West and Seven Nundred '1'hirty-Nine (739.0)
<br /> �•�'�� ' ° � � feet South of the Northeast Corner of such Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter
<br /> i
<br /> ,��'�` (NW�tNF.h;); thcnce ruaning wnsterly and parallal to the IvorCl� Line of such Northwest
<br /> � s Quarter of the \ortheaxt Quaric:r (NW�,NE�) a distance uf Two llundred Seventy-Five �`��'
<br /> �•,� (275.0) feet; �l►ence Sou�herly and purnllel witn thc Bas� buundary af suah section � '
<br /> .y�,:• •� a distancc of Nine�ee�� (7.9) feet; thcnce westerly and p�rallel with tt►e Forth
<br /> '' ��'� boa�dary of suci� sectio�i a distance of 125 feel'; thence Northcrly and parallel to I
<br /> ' '�~ . ' . _ �i�� Che l•:ast boundury of such sect3on a dis[�nce of 15J feet; tbance lsasierl,y and �
<br /> 'i.,'�� .•r parallel to thc: ::ortG boundury oC such section � distance uf 40U fcet; tiience �
<br /> �•�• � southerly and purallel to the �ast line of such secCion o distance of 133 feet
<br /> '1�. r�: �� to tl�e point of beginning.
<br /> , �
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