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<br /> S. 11�iard or Prnpa'ty Idwrsaoe. Borrowa �h�ll keap t�e lmprovema►ts now e�lafn� or ho�+aR�e�edad oa the
<br /> prop�rtY inwrod a�nninst lass by tirc, hw�rdx inciudad within the tarm"enteadod caveni�e" aud�ny aha�hw�. includinR
<br /> flc�ods or flooding,for which L,�t�dcr roquirn in`urmce.Thi�i�►ur�ncc t1w111+e maint�ined in thc antouMs snd tcx tho parlod�
<br /> �hat l.ender t»quira. The inwrrnce cartier providi�i� the inwranoe sh�ll ba chasen by Bormwer rubJect to l.endar'r rppmv�l
<br /> which c�ll not be unrencoeably wllhheld. lf Bnrrowe�fpflr tn miint�in rnven�te describod abava, I.e�xkr may.at t.ender`i
<br /> optbn,obtain cavetAge lo pratect Lender's dahts in the Pa�petty in acrnrdan¢e with p�ragrnph 7• �
<br /> �. All insurana policies and r�arcwd� shall be wroeP�rble tu Lender�nd �wll include r Rt�ndard mort�s�e clws�. l.encier
<br /> chell have tho�ight ta hald thc p�dicies ond rencws�lc. If I.c�utce requires.Bocrower shall promplly give�o I.e�der all roceipla of
<br /> paid premiums and renewal naticw.in�he evem af bss,Barmwe�slwll Qive pr+ompt no�ica to the inwnu�oe cutier�nd Len�kr•
<br /> Lende�may make prcaf of loss if nat mode promptly by Narrower. �
<br /> Unless Lender au�d Borrower athenvise agroe in writing,insuramx pmceods shwll be appliod ta�+estoration ar rcp�i�oi tha
<br /> proNerty damoged,iE tbe�restoration or n:pafr i�ecanomically feasible And l.ender's secu�lty is not lessened.lf�he rcstorAtion or
<br /> nepair is m►t eco�wmicalLy ieasible or Lender's cecutity would be lessenod.tho insurance procads ahell be Appliod to the wms
<br /> socurod by this 5ecurity Ircjtrwnu►t, whether or not then duc, w11h uny eacess paid to Borrowcr. lf Br►rmwer abandons the
<br /> Property.or doss aw�ctswer witQ�ia 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has of[erod to settle a cloim,thea
<br /> Lender may cdlect �he insu�ac�c�e proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or rcstore �he Prq,xYty ar to pay xunw
<br /> ' ' ceeured by Wis Sacurity lastnunuu.whether or not then due.The 30�day�perio�wi[L begin w!�tfle mtic�e is given.
<br /> ,• . ;`-'` ..,��;";'. Unless l.ender and Bonu�*�er otherwise agtee in writiqg, a�y ��pQl�cation o�pca�� to principal slwll not eatend ar
<br /> , /.°'r;�+, the due due of thr mawblY paYmenic referned to in pu�znipAs 1 r�td 2 or change the amount of�he payments. If
<br /> � ' r u : �iS.t)s.•
<br /> �;1�k,�?���;���:��y u��S��g�����p��rty is acquirod by Lender.Borronrer s nigN to a�ey insurance palicies and praoeods rosulting from
<br />� ',•`�:�•'" r J�.a':_xa..,".. , .
<br /> �� �^ �c Q��..,.. -.,� danwge to the Pr+operry prlor to the acquisition shall pass to l.rr�er tv t!�extent of the sums cocural 6y Q�is Security instrument
<br /> �+M'F�" � �',;,���� immadiately prior to the acquisitian.
<br /> �y�.�+�Io•V
<br /> , 6.Oecupancy,l'reservntbn,M�In/enance and P+»tectioe at the Properlyi Borrower•s l.oan Appikatlon;I�se6oldy.
<br /> � � Bornawer shall aocupy,establish,and use the Property as Bo�ri►v��r's principal residence within sixry days after the eaecution of
<br /> � � '`"`'`" '' "r this Security Instrument ond shall rnntinue to accupy the Propeny as Bomnwer's pr�ncipal residence for at least o�x year after
<br /> • the date of accupancy.unless L.ender oihenvise aRrees in w�iting,which consem shall not 6e unreasonably withheld.or unless
<br /> � _ - _ ' extcnua�ing circumstances eaist which ar+c beyand Borrower's rnntrol. Barrower shall not deslmy, damagc or impair the
<br /> �'. � � � Property, allow the Aroperty �o deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forf'eiturc
<br /> . action or prucxeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in l.ender's good feith judgment could result in farfeiture of the
<br /> � r�,� • .;;.:��,. Propeny or otherwire mate�fally impair the lien creatod by thia Security Instrument or I.ender's security interest. Borrower may
<br /> �`_:,:':�:;: ' cure such a default nnd reinFtute,ux provided in parngraph 18,by causing the actian or proceeding lo be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> ";��:�' .• •, ti—. � . ' that. in Lender's goc►d fAi�h determmetion, precfudes iorfeiture oi ihe 8arruwe�'a inierest in the i'roperty or othcr smuriu!
<br /> � impai�ment oi the liea createJ by this Security las�rument ar Lender's security interest. Borrower shaol alsu be in default if
<br /> � ' -.�'�'�� Borrower,du�iaR�he loan upplicution pmces,,gave materially fulse or inaccurute infornwtion or statements to I.ender(or failad
<br /> � , ta provide l.ender with nny material information► in connec�ion wi�h the I�iun evidenced by the Note, including, but nnt limital
<br /> � lo,reprrsentations cancerning Bonower's�xcupancy oi the P��peqy u.s a principul residence. !f this Secu�ily Instrument is on a
<br /> ' � lesiaehold, Borrower shull comply wi�h ull tNe provigionr, nf the leur�e. lf Bc�nower acquires fee tiUe to the Propeny, tha
<br /> ";; • leacehold und the fce titic shall�ot mcrge unle+s Lendcr ugrees to the mcrgcr in writing.
<br /> }" . 7.Protectian of I.ender'R RiRh�v in lhc Properiy.lt'Borrower fuilz to perfunn Ihe covenants and agreements contained in
<br /> ���, • ., thi�Security In�trument. �►r therc is u le��l pr�xecJing�hat muy significantly uffect l.endcr's rights in the Propeny Isuch as a
<br /> � � ; praceeding in bankrup�cy,pr�bute, lor rondrmnution ��r forfeiture��r tu enfi�rce luwti or regulations). �hen Lender may do and
<br /> i,, ` pay fiir whatever iti occessury tu pnm�t the valu�of'thc Pru�ny aud L.ender'ti right. in the Praperty. l.ender's actions may
<br /> � � include pnying nny sum� +�YUred by a lien which ha� prionty �►ver �hiti Security Inytrument, uppearing in coun, paying
<br /> � rea.xmuble auurncy�'fces und cntcring nn�hc Prciperty to�wke repuin. Although I.endcr n�ay tuke actian under this paragrnph
<br /> 'a..�;� 7.I.endcr d��es n��t havc�o du w�.
<br /> • Any amouatti di�hur+�Kl by Lrnder unJer thi� pnrugruph 7 ,hull F+cromc •rJJiiiunal d�M of Hc�rrower secur�d b}• this `�;
<br /> Securiry Imtn�ment. Unlc.. BurraN•cr and I.cnJ�r•rFrce d�athcr tcm�+ut'pa�m�nt. thc.c amuunt.shall bear intere+t from the
<br /> d:�le of ditibunenknt ot the N�Hc ru�c and �hull (x: puyuMe. �vith interc>�, u�xm nu�irc 1'n►m L.cndrr t�� Bam�wer requestin� ;
<br /> �
<br /> puymrnt. r
<br /> 8. 111or1RaRe Insursmtt. li'lAndcr reyuir�d nH�nga�r in.urunrc a.a runditi��n ui making ihr luan.ecur��l by thii Sccuri�� :;�:
<br /> � In+trument, &►rrowcr.hall pa�• thc premium.r�yuircJ t�� muintain thr mon�a�r in+uruncc in cffert. It', titt any reuum, ti►e
<br /> , moh�age inwr�nce covrrugr r�quircJ hy LenJer lap�e+��r cea+c�lu t+e in.l�f1r1. Rnrrn�cer.halt ry•.• a;�c premium�reyuircd to
<br /> t � � obt•rin raccragc tiub�lanliuUy iyul�•ulCnl l��lhc mutlgaE�utw�:�n�C prc�ii�t:,:� in rt'Icrt.:u a ra,t wh,�u�:ially cyui�•alcrn to the
<br /> ''� caN to Q�►rn�w•cr of Ihe mun�!uEc in,ura�u� previau.l�• m elfcrt. tr��m :�n :ihrmat: nx�rtg�;_e in.ur�r a;,r���•��1 hy (.end�r. If
<br /> � w!+.tuh�iaUy cyuivulcnt numga�r inwr•rnrr cu��cragr i.n��t :ro:�ilahlc. I3��rr����cr,h.�li p.�} ���LenJcr�a:h m.•mh a.wm equal to �
<br /> ; � �e•:wr]Fth af Ihc�•rarl)� m��ngu�r in,urunrc prcrnium tn•on�p�u.!M I��rra���r��hrn�h� m�uranrc rr.rrag: lap�rd�,r cca>cd to ,
<br /> � . r :i �iA1:`a�t. lxrnler���ill arc�pt. uu anJ rclain�h�.:]�dt111�);I...1� J�U�� M�Ch'�111 �Il`U ��I 011t(��;y�C IA�Ui;IIIiC. �.0�� iNKt�'C �
<br /> ii Form 3028 9 9m ,
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