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<br /> EXHIBIT "A"
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<br /> ��%`���'-4�• - '� ' A trac� o! land aompriaing a part of �he NorthwesC Quarter (NWi/4) ,
<br /> .��"-�'• � ot Section Twen�y (20), Township Twelve (12) Narth, R�nge Nine (9 )
<br /> . :+ Weet, of the 6th P.H. in Nall County, Nebraeka, more partiaularly
<br /> �. �� �-» •n �- deacribed as followe:
<br /> ,�� , . . :
<br /> .. ._.�.� �
<br />� .��; � Beginninq At the southwest corner of s�id NorthweSt Quarter
<br /> , . ' �.; ,.�' � � . (NWl/4) , thence running north along the wes� line of eaid Northwest
<br />- � .;��-�'�, Quarter (NW1/4), on an aseumed bearing of N 00• 00• oOn E, a
<br /> '!��' dietance of Two Thoueand Six tiundred Nine and Eiqhty six Handredth�
<br /> ; .+��`,� �2609.86) feet, ta the northwest oorner of said Northwest Quarter
<br /> � '` ° (NW1/4) t thence runninq S 87• 32� 11„ E, along the north line of
<br /> ' '"'�'�� sa id Northwes� Quarter (NWl/�1), a diatance of One Thousand Six ".4" �
<br /> , : � � !lundred Sixty 8evan and Ninety Three t�undredths (1667.93) feet t
<br /> ' ' � �henae running 8 02' 27� 49" W, a •alistance of Seven Hundred Forty
<br /> a � .. Five (7A5.0) feett thence runninq S 8�l' 37� 15" E, a distanae of
<br /> � �'orty Two (42.0) feetJ thence running 8 02" 06' 28° W, a dis�anae
<br /> , -- � of One Hundred Eighty seven (187.0) feet; thence running 8 87' 53•
<br /> " 32" I:, a distareae of Seventy 3even (77.0) feekt thence running 8
<br /> O1" 54' 27" W, a distance of Three Itundred Eighty On$ (381.0 j feet=
<br /> ---_- - -- then�e �rtsnning N B8• 44' 25" 4�, a distance �f mw� Hundred sixty
<br /> (260.0) feet; thence runn�.ng S O1" 54' 4 2" W, � distance of Three ..•.,.,:
<br /> I�undred Ninety One and Twenty Three liundt�edths (391.23) feet= . �:
<br /> i��.-�`�;�. thenas running S 60' 05' 17." W, a distance oF Six flundred Thtee q.�°w
<br /> (603.0) feet; thence runninq 8 46" 1S' 22" W, a distance of Fou�t ,.��
<br /> ;�,•. . Elundred Three and Ninety lfundredths (A03.90) feett thenae running ,�;
<br /> �� S 16" 42� Oz" W, a distance of Two Hundred Ninety Three and Eight .�
<br /> ftundredths (293.08) £eet; thenae running !t 87' 42� 59" W, a
<br /> ��,,. ''` •� . dlstanae of Two Hundred Eighty Three and Twenty One Hundredths �'�
<br /> � (283. 21) feet, thence running N U2" 14' �0" E, a distance of Four ��
<br /> ''�"'� � � Hundred Ninety l4even and Thr.ee tlundredths (�97.03) feett thence f'
<br /> ' �'.; .. '
<br /> " � '� �•' . � running N 87' 5�1� 03" W, a distance of One tlundred Seventy Six and
<br /> �, Thirty Three Hundredths (i76.33) feets thence running S 02' 12� 17" �'
<br /> '� W, a distance of Four Hundred Ninety Si.x and Forty Six Hundrec�ths
<br /> ,� (496. 46) feett thence runninq N 97' 25' O1" W, a distance of OnB '
<br /> � Flundred Tero and Sfxty Nine E�undredths (107..69) feet, to the point ;
<br /> of beqinning and containing e0.163 acres more or less. �
<br /> � EXCBPTING THEREFROM, the public roed riqht of way as recorded in
<br /> ''`'�' Deed Record 17T., Page 3�13. ,
<br /> � � �� '
<br /> � .
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