<br /> r �
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<br /> 11.M�IiM Y/M�IwN�Mw�NMI�M• �d�bult b�r Znntar in th�porm�nt of or pKfamnnc�of th�t�rn�ad conditbm of
<br /> th�Not�,a ary�«wwals,modffkations ar�xt�nsions thKwf,a tiN pa�rm�nt of ary oti»►tnd�bt�ss acund h�r�b►r or tn t!w pKfamonc�
<br /> of an�r of th�camr�nants ar opr�wntt i�wr�.�fielary nw�r dalon all wms s�cund h�nbp Mnmedlat�l�r dw ad poya�bM and th��ana
<br /> �holl thKwpon buanw dw ad pwabN wifhout pnsmtm�nt,dmiond,Prm�:t or notk�of a�ry kind.ThK�aftK. �fkiary ma�r d�Nw►to
<br /> TnntM o writtm d�eloratlon of d�faM ond d�rna�d ta soN•TrustN slall hav�th�powu of saN of tM P►apKt�r and if l�tkiaY da4d�s th�
<br /> PropKt�is to b�:old it sholl d�posit wiM TrustN this bMd of Trust and th�Nob or not�s and dry oti�dacunints wid�ncinp�rpmditwa
<br /> '�' ac�x�d h�nb�r,ond sfiail ddivK to TnntM a wr(tt�n notk�of d�fault and d�ction to cous�tM Prap�rty to b�sotd,ad Trust�,(n tum,�holl
<br /> _�� pnpan a simitar notk�(n ttw fam nqui��d b�law which sholl b�duly flbd for ncord b�TrustN.
<br /> • (4)Af4�r tM laps�of wch tinN os mo�bo roqukod by!aw folbwinp tho rceordotton of Notke of D�fauk,ond Notice of DefouM and Notke oi
<br /> SaM havinp bwn�ivrn as rpuind b�law.TnntK,whhout dmiord on 7rustor,sholl s�ll tFN PrapKty in on�or ma�poruls and in wch ord�►
<br /> os T�utor mo�r d�t�rmim on th�dat�ad ot tM tim�and plac�desiqnot�d in said Notia of SaN,at publk outtion to tM hipMst bidd�►,th�pur-
<br /> -� � chos�prk�payaW�in cash in lowful mon��of th�Unit�d Sfot�s ot th�tirt�of sole.Th�pKSOn conductinp th�saN ma�r,for an�cas�h�or sh�
<br /> �* ' dNms�xpdi�rN,postpon�fhe soN h'om tinw to tim�w�til it sholl b�compMt�d and,in wery auch cas�,nottc�of postpomnKnt diall b�yian
<br /> b�publk dalaration thKwf by such p�rwn at the time and ptaa last oppoinMd for th�sabr provid�d,if tho sale is postpon�d fa IorpK than
<br /> :, �:;�s,:.,���::'ti one 1 b� ond tl»da d�siynotad in ih�Notica of Sole,notiu th�r�of sholl be given in the sane manner as th�oripinal Notia of Sal�.
<br /> t 1�r r r
<br /> � ,��?, TNS1�e=h011�xeCUi�orld d�GvK to f11�purCllOSe�its I�ed COrlv��i�ip tIM P�Opfrty so s01d,but without any convmant or warronty,�xpras,a
<br /> � �%���� implied. The recitols in th�QNd oi ony motteri or fats sholl b�conclusiv�p►oof of th�truthfulnns th�►�of.Any p�rson,includhp without
<br /> , :.� , . `.,,, chas�at tM sals.
<br /> .. .,.,�, Nmitoiion T►uatee,nw1►P�►
<br /> . n- . �:lif�a•atl�;i��. „�
<br /> � � ,.,:.. ,�., „ , , (bl.N►�TrostN s�lla purwoM to ihe powers herein, Trusteo shall apply the prce�eds of the sol�to poymem of the costs ond��penses of
<br /> �"r! "' '� exerdsinp th�power of sab ond of the saN,includinp,without limitation,the payment of T►ustee's F�es IncuRad,whfch Truttea's Fees sMll rtot
<br />�'(.�:. r • �l};
<br /> �� - ,:j��,a in th�op�rpot��xcNd tho followinp amounts boaed upon th�amount saursd henb�and r�maninp unpoidz S p�runtum on the balo�c�
<br /> x ,.� �•..`-" .. . .
<br /> ;��,,�::�-s �,� • ''':'%•� th�roof:and th�n to ttk ftems set forth in subparogroph(c)hereof in the order therein itated.
<br /> • �:,.
<br /> �'"+'� (t)Aft�r poybg th�it�ms sp�cifiod in subparapraph(b),if the salo is by Trostee,or the proper court ond oth�r costs of farclowro and wle
<br /> Ye';''����' � �r!1,tsi:: ..,a._.'.,t ;r•
<br /> �r �. ' ;.�.`,'..'tti�.':f* • , :'`r�de
<br /> -l.�� ,., •,A, if the wl�is pu►suont to iudicial foreclosure,the praeeds of sale shall b�applied in th�order atoted below to th�poyrtwM of� �"�:;
<br /> .,,', ,i.l '{,;�� r�:[r:o:
<br /> }•.� ,
<br /> �'�'��� � � �`�'2r�t .� �''� �� (l) Cost of ony evidorrce of title procured in connection with such sale aid of any revenue requir�d to be paid�
<br /> .r; ...,; . ' .+;.'..
<br /> 1.;.,.. . . '.:t;� (2) Attorneys feea:
<br /> �, .�,' .
<br /> ���.;• . ° � . (3) All sums then secured herebyt
<br /> . � .�,,,4:, , ' (A) Junfor trust d�eds,mortyap�s,or other lienholdersr and
<br /> T � ..,''� ' (Sl Th�r�n�aind�r,if a�y,to fh�person or persons I�pally entitled ihweto.
<br /> . �.:�a�
<br /> :�t•� � ;•r,.
<br /> ;:.�,,,�.
<br /> :�;;.�, (d► If tlw Beneiiciary of this Deed of Trust is a bank as defined by Nebraska law,any stotement contoined in any other sution of this deed
<br /> -' �'��.�..:..':�; � notwithstnndinp,the eenefkiary sholf not be�roitied to receive a take and debtor sFaA nni ba abiipa9ad to pay ar�iva,ony torafassfan af�udg
<br /> . ' � ;� • •'•�'�'` ment,power of ottornsy to confess judpment,power of ottorney to appeor far a borrower in o judicial praeediop or apreement to poy the costs ��
<br /> � oi coll�ction of the attome�s'fees,unless such acts of collection would not otherwise be prahibited by Nebraska law.Provided,however,thot ���.�:S
<br /> , , - this s�ction does oot opply to the Trostee fee refe►red to in parapraph 6(b).Provided further,that tNs porapraph sholl not apply to this Deed of
<br /> . 'l��.' Trust,if the Beneficiary is not a bank.
<br /> �•�'' 12. Ad�hi�t�M�tr�f�.Trusta,at its expmse,will execute and deliver to the Beneficiary,promptly upon demond,such secu�i-
<br /> �•:
<br /> �., ty instrumans os may be required b�Beneficiary, in fom�ond substance wtisfactory to Beneficiary,coverinq any of the Property conveyed by
<br /> this D�ed of Trust,which secuity instruments sholl be additfond security for Trustor's faithful performance of all of the terms,covenants ond
<br /> �,• conditions of this Oead of Trust,the promissory notas secured hereb�,and any other security instruments executed in connection wlth thls tran- �
<br /> sxtian.Such instruments shall be recorded or filed ot Trustor's expense.
<br /> � � 13. A�p�1��M of S�ea�ta TrnstN. Beneficfary may, from time to time, by a written i�trument executed and acknowledged by j,
<br /> , 8�neficiary,mailed to Trustw and recaded in the county or countfes in whlch the Property is located and by otherwi:e camplyiny with the provi• r
<br /> �� sions of the opplicable laws of the Stote of Nebraska,substitute a successor a successors to tha Trustee nomed herein or acting hereunder. '��
<br /> 14. I�eliaa.Beneficiary,or its apents,representatives or workmen,are authori:ed to enter ot any reasonable time upon or in any port � �.
<br /> of tM Praperty fa the purpose of inspectinp the same and for the purpose of performiny any of the acts it is outhroi:ed to perform under the
<br /> ��
<br /> t�rms of the Deed of Trust. �
<br /> ' 15. O�fIM to Ior�elaw.Upon the acurrence of any default hereunder, Be�eficiary shall hove the option to faetlose this Deed of Trust in �
<br /> ' tiw manner provided by low(or the foreclosure of mortgages on reol propeny. �;•,
<br /> ' 16, fonr.o,wc.��tM.net.�r Not.w.t....Any ferebearance bq Beneficiay in exercising any riqht or remedy hereunder,or otherwise �
<br /> •� offorded by opplicoble law,shall not be a waiver of or pretlude the exercise of any such ripht or remedy.likewise,the woiver by Benefitiary of
<br /> . �: .
<br /> on�d�fault of T�ustor under this Oeed of Trust sholl not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or similor defaults subsequently occurring. ��
<br /> �, ''"�. 17. T�uta Not R�Mea�d.Extension of the time for poyment or modificotion or amortization of the sums secured by tbis Deed of Trust '
<br /> �a
<br /> � � . �`''; yranted by Benefic'wry to any successor in interest of Trustor sholl not operote to releose,in any manner,the liobility of the ariginal Trustor ond
<br /> � � Trusta's successar in interest, Beneficiary shall not be required to commence praeedings against sucfi successor or refuse to extend time for
<br /> ` k' poyment ar otherwise modif�amorti:otion of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reoson of ony demand made by the aiyind Trustor and
<br /> S �' t ' Trustor's successa in interest. �
<br /> i �� 18. MM1kkry'i PowKt.Without affecting the liability of the Trustor or any other person liable for the payment of ony obligotion herein .
<br /> • m�ntloeed,and without affecting the lien ar charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then a the�etofore releosed as
<br /> ' s�turity fo►the full amount of oll unpaid obligotions,Beneficiary may,irom time to time and without notice.(i�release any person so liable,(ii 1
<br /> : axtaid tiw motwlty or alter any ot fhe terms of any such obligotions, (iii)grant other indulgences, (iv)releose or reconvey,or cause to be
<br /> • � : ►Ql�osed ar reconvayed at any time ot Benefitiary's options any parcel,portion or all of the Property. (v)toke or releose any other or additional
<br /> � slcurity tar ornr obligotion he►ein mentioned,or(vi�moke tompositions or other orrangements with debtas in relafion thereto.
<br /> 19, i�lrn Ai�Mn�.Upon request of Trustor,Trustee ot Trustee's option,prior to�econve�ance of the Property to Trusta, may moke
<br /> futun advant�s to Trusta. Suth future advances, with interest thereon, sholl be secured by this Trust Deed when evidenced by promissory
<br /> �e__.�� :�� �a L��L.. .:.1�.1 N...�..�....�:...�.MII�M........i n....�nwl i��h�.n n/iunn'oe nnf irvhYline uM�'IS tld-
<br /> . —' ----"—_� . Iwnin oiWey nwn SYw�wrioS wo oa�.'v7w.rv. .q. p.�.....a..................... ............ ..'�'��r....�'�•• �'�'___'_""" " �- -- . -
<br /> , �� vonc�d to protect the secwitq,excaed an a9preyate principol amount of S .
<br /> � 20. ��w�c�w TwtlN.Upon writt4n request of 8eneficia►y stotinp thot oll sums setured hereby hove been paid,ond upon swrender
<br /> � of this OKd of Trost ond the Not�to Trustee for concellotion and retention ond upon payment by Trostor of ?rustee's fees.Trustee shall
<br /> �i .' j raconvey to Trustor,or tFw person a persons legally entitled thereto,without worranty,any portion of tho Propert�then held hereunder.The
<br /> � ', r�citals in such reconveyance of an�motters or focts shall be conclusive praof oI the truthfulness thereof.The yrontee in an�reconveyonce may
<br /> • b�dacrib�d as"tlw p�rson or pe�sons I�yoll�ontitled thereto".
<br /> �� �
<br /> �,
<br /> .+
<br /> .► " �
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br />