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<br /> IJ� THIS TRUBT O�EF���Id�fhk��i�Of y 1a 93 �bY md�mOnp �i°tii• �. �c��ol�y
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<br /> yy�ryw���r /7 Via Trivell� Grdnd T����a �p �AAA4
<br /> ��-� (h�Nn•,Tn�oa�7�and Mw M M NS,whoa m�tlrp�ddrn�M P.O.Box 487,Woad Riwr�N�bre�k�88883�(h�raM"Tructe�.��u�d"BonMk�ry'�).
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<br /> FOR VAIUAiIE CGN5109tAT10N,intkidkip th�Ind�bt�dn�ss ind�ntifi�d hrr�in and th�trust h�r�in a�at�d,ih�r�ipt of whid�i�h�nb►
<br /> .M�. , oeknowbdp�d,Trusta imvocobly qrants,tron�i�n,eonvnrs,and assipns to TnistN, IN TQUST,WITH POWER OF SALE.for th�b�fit�ond
<br /> ; - � • ry"�;""' �curity of B�+Nfktary,und�r ond wbNet to tM t�rms ab conditions of this Owd of Tru:t,tA�r�ol proparty deKrilNd m bNows=
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<br /> � ,�,,;„ �_;� • Lot 3even (7). Block One (1), Continental Gardene, Grand Ielaad,
<br /> ,�,, �� Haii County, Nebraelca.
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<br /> ' TOGETHER WITH,oll rants,proflts,royaitles.incoma and other benefits derivad from the raol prqpertyi dl leases or subteases covering the �}�,..:�.
<br /> � real p►operty a any portion thenof,naw w her�after eMistinp or entered into,and oll ripht, tit�e ond inf�rest of Trustor thereunder;all in- 'Y+��'��S
<br /> r;��t,i y,,.,�
<br /> t�rests,astate or other cloims,botb in law and In equily,which Trustor now hos or moy hueofier xquin in the real propertyj all eosements. :��ti,��,,,.,,
<br /> riphts-of-woy,tenementa,herQditament6 and appurtenances thereof and thentoj all oil and yos riQhts and profits,water rights and woter ; "
<br /> stackr oll rfyht,title ond interast of Trustor,now owned or hereoker acquired,in und to ony land lyinp wffhin the right•of•way of any street or �
<br /> hiyhwoy ad�oini►p the r�al property.any and all buildinps, fixtures, improvem�nts,and appurtenances naw or hereoRar erected thereon or .-�.i:
<br /> ' bdonpinp ther�to, (henin referr�d to ac"Improvemero"or"Improrements"1;aad any and aN awardc made for the takinp by eminent domain , . ��;
<br /> � ar by any p►aNdinp or purchace in lieu therqof,of the whote or any part of the rQal prop�rty. '. • :�`��
<br /> ' All of the for�poinp�state,property a�d interost hereby comQyed to Trusta henin toll�ttivaly refaned to os the"�roperty". ,;�;:,-
<br /> �;;• THIS DEED OF TRUST SHAII SECUeE, _ _ ;;
<br /> � (a)TI»poymern of indebtedness evidenc�d by T►ustor's note of even dat�her�with in the princ_pol sum of r
<br /> , Borty thousr►nd and no/100 -- -- Doltors (5 40.00�Q__ 1. ,,
<br /> topether with interast ot the rate or rotes provided therein,(herein,topether with any and oll renewols,modificotio�s,and extensio�s thereof. ; ,
<br /> ` nferc�d to os the"Note"1 both printipal and inferest on 1he Not�beirq poyoble in accordonce with the terms ser ionh rharein,reterence to ,
<br /> ! ' which is herQb�made,the f� I poyment of p►incipol and interest,if not sooner poid and if no renewols,modifieotions or ext�nalons are made, i • '
<br /> . d�a� �ypb�an� ��-2007 and any renewals or extensions thereof ______.. � „
<br /> (b)The performance of each apreem�nt and covenant of Trustor herein cantoined;and
<br /> (c)The poyment of onp sum or sums of money with interest thereon whicb moy be hereaher poid o�advonced under the terms of this Deed of ; �
<br /> Trust.
<br /> • (d)The payment of an��futwe advances necessarp to protect the security or any future advance made at the option of the panies;ond ; �'
<br /> (e)The performance of an obliqotion of any other person named in this Trust Deed to a beneficiary. '
<br /> 1.��t of htneipl Md k�t�n�t.Trustor shall promptly poy when due the principol of and interest on the indebtedness evidenced by the
<br /> Note,arwl all other cha►ges and faes as provided in the Note,ond the principol of and interest on any Future Advonces secured by this Deed of
<br /> lrust.
<br /> i , �� 2,wwn�1Y d Ti11�.Trustor is lowFully seized and possessad of good ond indefeosible title and estate to the Property hereby conveyed and
<br /> t hos the right to g�ant ond conrey the Property;the Property is free ond clear of oll liens and en:umbrunces except liens now of recad;and
<br /> ;� • ' T►ustor will warrant aM defend the title to the Propert�against all claims and demands.
<br /> - 3,Ml�i�t�we�Mw1 CopippMa wi1M Lar�.Trustor sholl keep the Prope►ty in Qood tondition and repnir and sholl not commit waste or permit
<br /> ' ' impoirnnem or deteriorofion of the Property and shall camply with the provisions of ony leose if this Deed of lrust is on o leasehold.No imp�ave•
<br /> . ment now or hereaiter arected upon the Property shall bo oNered,removed w demolished without the p►ar v�rtitten consent of Beneticiary.
<br /> � Trustor sholl tomply with aM laws,ordinonces,r�gulutions,eovawnts,conditions ond rQStrictions aff�cting the Property ond not commit,suffer,
<br /> ' or p�rmit any act to be done in or upon the Property in violotion of any low,ordinonce,regubtion,covenont, condition or restriction.Trustor
<br /> � shoH tomplete or nstore p►omptly ord in pood workmanlik�monne►any impov�ment on the Propert�which may be denwqed or destroy�d ond
<br /> �� poy,wlNn du�,ull tbims fa lobor performed and moteriols furnishad therefore ard for on�olterotions thereof.
<br /> + ��� 4. Miwwa.Trusta,at its expense,will maintoin with insuras approved by Bmeficiary,insurance with respect to the Imp►ovements and
<br /> �� p�rsoral propaty.constitu�iny the Propert�,agoinst loss by fire,lightnirg,tanodo,ond other perils and hotards covered by stondad extended
<br /> � �; • cowrap��ndorsemmt,in an omount aqual to ot leost one hund�ed percent of the full replacement value thertof and inswance ogains►such
<br /> �• othv hoiards ond in such amounts as is custwno►ily carried Ey owners ond operotas of sinwlo►properties or as Ben�ficiory mo�require for its
<br /> � i� p►oUction.Trusfa will compl�with such other requrcemenfs os BerM}icinry ma�from tim�fo time rpuest fw tha protaction by inswance of the
<br /> I int�r�sts of th�r�sp�tfiyt parties.All insurant�polities moiMain�d pursuont to this DNd o(Trust Sholl nane Trustor and Ben�ficiwy os in•
<br /> I � sunds,os tMir respettiv�interests moy oppeor,ond prorid�thot there sholl be no cantellotion a modification without oo less thon 1 S daqs
<br /> pior written notificotion to B�n�ficiay. M the ev�nt ony polity hKw�der is not ren�wed on a befa� 1 S da�s prior to its expirotion dote.
<br /> � , BNNficiory moy praur�suth insurunt�in acordonte with tM provisions ot parap►aph 7 hereof.Trustor sholl deliver to BerKficiwy the oriyinol
<br /> t • polki�s of insurarc�md r�wols th�►eof a m�mo copies of such policits ond r�newols ther�of.Foilure to fwnish such insuronc�by Trustor.a
<br /> �� � ; „
<br /> • ' r�wals os rpuir�d M►�ud�r sholl,ot tM option of 8�r�ficiay,constitute o d�fault.
<br /> .
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