, ,a:
<br /> :* • -
<br /> ,� .. ' � �!iu,-=
<br /> , 'r•
<br /> , .4�i1 b
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<br /> 93-so�s
<br /> P�Y��+•whirh aro rcferrod to in Panira 2.or clw�Qe the u�wunt of wch p�yments. My excc�s proceeds ovor an
<br /> �mount�+equirod to pay dl ouwandin��adr�uuder the Nate�nd�bb Socurity lartruiaent�ul!be pdd w the mWy
<br /> kplly endtled thtt�eto.
<br /> li. Fen. Lendcr may colkct fas and chv�a au�horized by 1hc Secrctay.
<br /> 9.Crauadt tar AocdenUo�d'Deb1.
<br /> � (�)Def�ul� i.ender may�eacept 4s 8mitcd by regnlatlona i�suod by tho Socrctary 1n�he c�u+e of paiymau defaults,
<br /> tequiro immedWepaymem in fuQ of dl aums�ecw�cd by this Secud�y In�trument if:
<br /> k< (i)Bonower deP�ulta by fiiling to pay in full any monihly payment requlred by this 5ecurity lnwuma�t pdor
<br /> `�.' to ar on the due d�ta of�he aext man�hlY WY��•or
<br /> (ii)Borrower defaulu by failin�.ior�period of thirty deys,to perf'orm any dher oblig�tjau conloined in Ihis
<br /> Secur�ty InglrumenG
<br /> (b)Ssle Wilbout Cndit Approval. 4ender ehall,if permitted by oppiicoble low and wilh tha prior a{�xoval of tha
<br /> Secrcuuy.roquirc immediate paymant in fu0 of adl�he sumR sccured by thia Sccudty Instrument if:
<br /> (i)All or part of�he Pmperty.ar a beneficial interest in a nvst owning all or part of�he Plvpetty.is�Id ar
<br /> otherwise t�an.gferred(ather ihan by dcvise or descent)by the Bormwer,And
<br /> lii)The PropeAy i�not occupied by�hc purchaser or grantca aa hin or her principal residence,or the purehaser
<br /> or g�nta docw so accupy the Piope�ty but hiR on c�r crcdit has not been appmved in accordancc
<br /> v►ith the requircments of thc Secretary.
<br /> (c)No Waiver. If circumstance�occur tlwt would permil l..ender to reyui�t immediate payment in full,but Lender
<br /> does not require xuchpayments,l.ender does not waive ilx rigba+wiih nesQecti to subsequcnt events.
<br /> (d)Re�nladaas af HUD Secretuy. !n many circumstunces rc�ulations�scued by the Secretary witl limlt Lender's
<br /> ' �igh�s. in the coso af payment dcfaults.to rec4ui� immediate payment in full and forcclose if mN paid This
<br /> f�•• � '�- Securiry Insnument dces not authoriu uccelerauon or for�cloaure rf nat pem�ittad by�egulutfons of 1he Secretary.
<br /> � �����:°%'�=:;,`' (e)Mort�ge Na Ineured. Bortower aBrecs�hat should thie Securit,y Insnvmont p�tha nata secured tha�eby nut
<br /> •t. • , ., .r.:._,. .:°�' 6 �noat
<br /> :� be eligible for insurance under �he Notiona! Housing Act wld�in f�om tt�
<br /> �•:^. ' ' date hercof,Lcnder may,at itr,option aund nwwithstanding anythin�in Paragraph 9,requi�immediuta paymcnt in
<br /> ' � - " full of all sum�g secwed by thie Sec��rity Inswmem. A wriuen statament af any authorized agent of tha Secrctary
<br /> • , • dated subtiequent to S moR s Prvm�he dace M�of,daclining lo inRUir this Securiry
<br /> '� Inswmcnt and the nae secured thereby.shall be deemsd ronclur;ive prouf of suah insligibility. Nutwi��r;wnding
<br /> � � the foregoing.thic op►iom m�y not bc exercised by l.endar wben.lhc unAVUilubility of ineurance is solaly duQ W
<br /> ~ '' l.enderk fs►ilure ro remit a mortgage insurance premium to ths Secretary.
<br /> �' � " •• � .• 10. Reiast�temen� aorrower has a nght to 6e reinxwtad iC l.xnde�ha.s r�quired immediata payment in,fLll becauee
<br /> , of Bcxrower's foilun: to pay an umount due under thc•Notc or thix Secu�aty lnspvment, Thiti �ight applfus even after
<br /> ',��.- , foreclosure proceedings nre instiwted. 7b reinsw�c ihe Securl�y In�:tniment.Eurrowar shalU tandar in a lump sum all
<br /> -'�•- at►xw�n�a��d►ed to firing Bnrrower�s account curtent inrludinR,l4 the extent they ara ol►IigationN of Botrower under this
<br /> ,��,':.�; , Securiry Instrument,foreclosure costs and reaxonable and customury a[torney.'faex nnd expenrx:s properly associc►ted witli
<br /> ,:•.� �, the forecla�ure proceeding. Upon r+einstntement by 9orrawer,thiH SecuRry Inatrument nnd tha obligntions that it secures
<br /> � • ';� shall remain in effect as if Lender hud not reyuired immcdiate puyment in full. Huwevcr,L.endar iy not required to�em�it
<br /> �; .,.;"� ' � ,��"� neinstatement ii: (i) Lender hos accepted remstaiement afler�he commencement of fomclosuns proceedings withm two
<br /> '�"' ��':: ` '�`�,�-'��' • ,> years immediately preceding the commencemcnt of a cuirent Foreclosurc pnuecding, (ii) rBinxlu�emen� wdl prcclude �' '
<br /> ��''��; ���� �� foreclosure on diifcrent groundx in the future,or liiil reins�ut�ment will udversely affect thc priurity af�he lien crcated by
<br /> ` '}. � " this Security Insuvment.
<br /> �„ •. . 11. Borrower Not Released: �orbearancc bc Lrnder Nnt a Waiver. Eatension of the time of payment or
<br /> '�. modification of amortizution of thc sums,ecumd by thi�Sccuriry lnsirumeN�rantud by Lender to any cuccessor m interest
<br /> of Borrower shall nat operate lo relcatic Ihe liabilily of the originul Bortower or Bomawrr:sucreswr in inlarast. Lender
<br /> 3�% � shall nc�t ba reyuired to commence prcxeeding�, aguin,t nny ,ucccstior in inture+t or refuu to extend time for payment or
<br /> '�'' othenvise modify umortizntion uf the wm+secumd by thi� Securily In�+trument by rrvwn of any demand made by the ,
<br /> . •' ° " � rr ariginal Borrawer or Borrower ti.urce�uirs in in�ere,t. Any forbearunce By Lender in exerrising uny right or remedy shull
<br /> ,' ' ��: not be a wuivcr uf or preclude�he excrcixc of any riFhi ur remedy. •.
<br /> ' � • 12. Successurs and As.ci�ns Bound;Joinl and tieccral l.iabiliq�:Co-SiRners. Thc c���enunts and ugrecments of ! `
<br /> . �f' Ihis Security Instrumcnt shall bind und henetit�hc.urceti.on unJ a.�ign,uf 1_rndrr and B��rrow�r,�ubject tu ihe provi�iom '•
<br /> ' of Parugraph 9.b. Bonower+covenunt, and a�r�emcnt, ,hull Ix joim unJ xrvcral. Any Burrowrr aho co-�ignti this ''•
<br /> � ;;�,�: . �ecunty Instrum�nt bw dae�not exrcute the N��te: la) iy ro-.i�ning�h��Secunt} In.vument only to mortgage.�rant s+nd •;•
<br /> ,,. convey thnt Bonowcr z intereri in thr Pm�x:ny undcr thc temi,ol'thi>Srrurity In.trum�m:1 h1 i,nn�per.onully obhgated to
<br /> , , ' n pay the sums recureJ by ihi.Serurity In+�rumcn�:and Icl�gr�r�thal Lender unJ:my o�hrr Horrower muy agree to extend.
<br /> ' ., .�F' modify,fixbcur ur make any uuumm�xiuti�m+w•ith rcgani�o the��rm+uf'ihi.Secunt�� Imtrumem ix the Note a•ithout Ihat
<br /> } , Borrower�con�cnl.
<br /> : 13. Notices. Any nolice lo Burruu•cr pn�vidcd lur m thi.tirrurily In+lrunnnt.hull F+r given by delivering il or by
<br /> � muiling it by fint cla,.muil unle+. applicable luw reyuire+ ux ut'anodier methal. Thr nutire �hull bc directrd to the
<br /> , " •" Ropeny Addre+.or uny other adJRa, Bnrrou•�r Jc.ignatr,hy nourc �u Lcnder. Am no�icr ta Lrndrr,hull be given by
<br /> ;, i�. � finl cla�s mnil tn l.enJrr; aiklre„ ,wt�d herrin�►r any :iJJrc,� Lrndcr dc.iEnate.hy nu�irr to Borrowee Any n��tire
<br /> . Pmvided for in Ihi�:Security In.trument.hall h�: Je�meJ w hoec Ixrn�iv�n a�Hurt�»�:r��r I.ender when given a�pr�wided ;
<br /> �' m this par.�graph. ,:' '
<br /> 14. (iovernin�I.aw;tie�erabilih. Thi. Scrurit� In,irumcnt.hull t+r e:r�.crncd h� FYderal lau• and th� law ut thc
<br /> i y juriufictian in whirh Ihe Pro�xnv i. IacateJ. In thr c�•cnl Ihiu any pru�i,um ur rl:iu.c of thi�Security Instrum�rnt ix the ,
<br /> ' . ;; Note ronflict. wi�h applirublr lau. .urh r�►ntlir�,hall nn�al'tec���dier pr�,�i.wm��f thu S�►urit� In,ttvmcnt or the Nnt�
<br /> ' � , which ran be Fivcn cfl'ect w•ilhout thr run0�rling provi�iim. lii d�i.rnd�he pru�i.ian.��f thi.S.rurity 1n.Irument unJ Ihe
<br /> , � Nde urc dcclanJ lo Ix.rverahl�. �
<br /> IS. Barruwcr'sCup�t B��rn�wrr.hall tx gi�cnunc.uutum�eJrup�ufth�.tic�unq�In.trum:nt.
<br /> ' ' '' 16. AssiRnmeot of Renls. Burrowcr wucmJ�tiunull�.►..i�:n�and Ir�mtrn tu LenJrr all the rcnt,and rr��.:nm��of the
<br /> �' 1'n►pi:ny. Botrower aulhorin.LrnJ�r�tt LcnJ�r;a�:�m•.�u cullrrt thr rcm,anJ rr�rnur.�nJ henb�Jin�:��rarh ten•rm uf
<br /> . � the f'�opertp to puy�hr rent.to Lrnder ur Lrndcr;a��nt.. Ho��r�rr. priur �o l_rnJrr:ni�ticr tu B�+rroHer of Burn�wrr:
<br /> brc�h ot'uny covenunt or aNnement m thr Sc�uni� In.in,mrm.Burmwrr.huU rallert unJ nrci�e all nnt.anJ rcvcnur.of
<br /> .� � the Property u��ru�trc for�hc hrnclit ol LcnJ�r anJ Barn►��cr. 1'hi.a..ignmrm i�f rcntti ran��itutc.rn aFnolut�a.�i�tnnkm
<br /> _ • and nd un n�.ignment ti►r aJJiliunul.rrun�y ix�ly.
<br /> ��..� !f Lender iivcs noticr of bmarh to Burn�wrr. �al all r�nl.nrei�rJ hy Rutruw�r.hull t+c held hy Bnrrowcr a,tru�lcc
<br /> - • •- �----- -- fur benef�uf LenJer�►nly,lu lu applirJ to Ihe tium,..wu�J hy thc Scruril� In,trumrnC ibl L.nJcr �hall f+�enlidrd 1��
<br /> � rullecl und R��eivc ull uf Ihc nnl.ot'Ih.Pmperly:autJ 1 t►eu►•h�enunt uf the F'raFxrty.hull p•ry ull rent,Jur und unpuid tu
<br /> l.enderor l.endcr�a�ent��n LcnJer:wria�n JrmanJ lu thc trnun�.
<br /> + �• &�ntiwcr hu.nvt rzcruicd uny prior a�.i�;nmem uf Ihr rcnl�:mJ hu+ noi and will aot �N��xm any acl thut would
<br /> • , �� prcvent l.rndcr fn►m rKCrei.in�itti right.undrr thi.Par:��:ruph I6.
<br /> , = Lendcr.hnll not Ix RywRd�a rntrr upm,t:rl�c��mtml uf or maimain thr 1'n��rt� t+rti�n or aft�r givm�;nM�cr ol
<br /> � , hmxh lo Bum�w•er. Nuwcvcr. Lcndcr�►r a judiciully �p���mcd ncr���cr may da.0 at an� umr Ihrrn i.a bre�ch. An�
<br /> upplicalion of�n1��hull eot curr ur wane uny Jet'aull��r�nvaliJu�r an}ulhrr nEhi ur nmrd�ul Lender. Thi.a..i�:nmrm
<br /> ` � of vcnl�uf'tlk Pn�n�•.h�ll Icm�inutr wh�n thc�kM kwunJ h�th�ti�tiur��� In��rumrn�i.paiJ m t�ull.
<br /> i �
<br /> 1
<br /> �� � ' ���r�/.t���r.�
<br /> ♦
<br /> 7
<br />