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<br /> �� ,:.,�'+�*' . 8. Perform�ce bv L�ndar. tTpon th� occurr�nco o! an Ev�nt
<br /> �� of Dofnult horoundar, or if any aat is tak�n or logal proaoedinq
<br /> . ..•�. � ��.=' � aammonaod, wbiah mat�rially a!l�at• L�ndar'• int�r�st in th�
<br /> �L�"°'`�"'` �""� " Pro rt Lendar ma in its own discretion, but without obli.ga-
<br /> �tx>:.:..:';• ,:•.�,��:.,-: Po Y� Y
<br /> � 1 � ,r tion to do so, and without notice to or demend upon Trustor and
<br /> � ��:' ,� �.�:�� ..�, �",:. without re].e�sing Truetor from any obligetion, do aay act whiah
<br /> "- � ' h ; Truetor haa agreed but faila to do and may also do eny other sct
<br /> ,�'.'. , • ,a��,�.�%•s., ..,•�%�t.��,:
<br /> it deetas necessary ta protect the security hereof. Truetor
<br />�,��:;.;;:;,� T' , � ' shall, inu�ediately upon demand theretor by Lender, pay to Lender
<br />�;,::;;, � . all cos�s and expensea inaurred and sums expended by Lendes in
<br /> _ t , connection witth the exerciee by Lender of the loreqoinq righte,
<br />'� '����'� ` togetAer wfth interest there�n at the de��ult rate provided in
<br /> . � �� the liote, which ehall be added to the indebtodnese �aeaured
<br /> �� � � . hereby. Lender ehall not incur any liability becau�o of anytihiAg
<br /> � , � it may do or omft to do herounder.
<br /> � 9. Hazardoue Mat��,@. Trustor ehall keep the Property in
<br /> ��;;��.;;,�; ' compliance with all appl�lcable laws, ordinances and regulations
<br /> „ry;,;�,.��°' . �;���'�',s" , : � relating to industrial hygiene or environmental protection
<br /> ' �`��, �%` �.�;;.:`��;",�,;;;;:�;:,�{';.- .; (collectively referred tc herein as "Envfronmental Le�as").
<br /> '�"��`�'� � � '•t���'�� Truetea� shall kee the Pro rt free from all subatances deemed
<br /> ; ••�;,.y,,�. . ,.. 4,,1 P � Y
<br /> .:,'1'���+ to be hazardous or toxic under any Environmental Laws
<br /> ' .,. ,•, ,c.
<br /> + " � �.;;,�.... (collectively referred to herein as "Hazardou� Materials") .
<br /> !•� Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are
<br /> . ;,,, I
<br /> no Hazardous Materiala on or under the Property. Trustor hereby
<br /> , � �'+ agrees to indemnify aad hold harmleas Lender, its directoss,
<br /> officers, employees and aqents, and any successors to Lender�s
<br /> - --- - � ' interest, from and againe�. any and a31 alaims, 3aaar�as, lc���s
<br /> � and liabilities arising in connection with the preseance, use dis-
<br /> . posal or traneport of any Hazardous MatQrials on, un�l�r, from or
<br /> .;,
<br /> ;; , . ; .,.
<br /> ' �' `� � 10. A�,signment of Rents. Trustor hereby assiqne to Lender �
<br /> '`�' � the rente, issues and profits of the Property, provided that
<br /> ' . .. ..,. .,.: 1.:.
<br /> • � ;.,r.
<br /> '� ���'"��,���`�`�: � Trustor sha31, until the occurrence of an Eve�nt of Default here- �```'
<br /> •�, .��'.; .���:�� ,:�•�:. under, have the riqht to col3ect and retain such rents, issues c ,
<br /> , , ,.
<br /> � ,:���:��,,.��.� � and profits as the y be�come due and payalile. Upon the occurrence �' � �
<br /> �•�,.�,"` ";.,, � of an Event of Default, Lender may, either in pereoa� or by agont, ',
<br /> � ��'� � wit� or without brinqing any action or proceeding, or by a �,
<br /> �1;,.� . � � receiver appointed by a court and without regard to the adequa�y
<br /> , , of i�s security, enCer upon and take possession of thc Propezty, .�
<br /> � or any part thereof, in its own name or in the name of the
<br /> � � , Trustee, and do any acts which it deems necessary or desirable to
<br /> - ...,:;,�,,,,. � ' preserve the value, marketability or rentability of the Property,
<br /> ` �:�,' or any part thereof, or interest therein, increase the income � �
<br /> ' �'};:,.�,� therefrom, or protect the security thereof, and, with or without :
<br /> � '� taking posaession of the Property, sue for, or otherwiae co3lect,
<br /> � '.' the rents, iseues ancl profits thereof, including those past due ,.
<br /> : " � and unpaid, and apply the same, less costs and expenses of opera- . ,
<br /> tion and callection including attorney's fees, upon any indebted-
<br /> � � ness secured hereby, all in such order as Lender may determine. :
<br /> ,, � The entering upon and taking possession of the Property, the col- .
<br /> � ��� tection of such rents, issues and pro�its and the application
<br /> � '� ��; ther�of as aforesaid, shall not cure or waive any default or
<br /> : �"�� notice of de#sult hereunder or invalidate any act done in
<br /> ' ��'� � response to such def sult or pursuant to such notice of default
<br /> t;•.:;� �
<br /> :;;�+ �• , and, notwiths�anding the continuance in possession of the Prop-
<br /> � ; ertg� or the collection, receipt and application of rea�ts, issues
<br /> or �rafits, and Trustee and Lender shall be entiitled to exercise
<br /> '_��� ' � .�s��.� "1�...a C..� L.......i.. ..v L.�s 7 ae.s »n�n nnn»rrnnno nf ATV
<br /> , . �.. . - CVCAx L1yLLb l/lVViMCV LVL asG�c+i�� v� � �. ���+"���� —�
<br /> Eve�t of Default, including withoutrlimitation the right ta exer-
<br /> i cise 1:he power of sale. Further, Lender's rights and remedies
<br /> � i � urnrles thie paragrags� ehall be cumulative with, and in no way a
<br /> i� ; lf�aatation on, Lender's riqhts and remedies under any assignment
<br /> of lease� alnd rents recorded aqainst the Pso�erty. Lender,
<br /> . ; Trustee and the receiver shall be liable ta account only for
<br /> � those rents actually received.
<br /> �
<br /> � , �
<br /> . I
<br /> 3 I
<br />