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<br /> DL+' D OF TRDBT
<br /> This DEED O! TRUST ie matda ae o� tha lOtb day oP 8�p�ombor,
<br /> 1993 by aud aaong th� T1CLts�or� R11Y![OND J. O�CONNOR arld
<br /> JENNIFER 8. d'CONNOR, Husbsnd �nd Wifef end RAYMOND J. O�CONNOR,
<br /> - CO-TRtTBTEB OF T8� O�CONNOR FIIMILY TRLiST, who�e mailinq eddra��
<br /> � � •` `� for purpoees of this Dead of Truat is 422 S. Ounbarral Road,
<br /> ,�:��,�,,�,;, Grand Island, NE 68801 (berein, MTruator", whether one or more),
<br /> ;a�:-��::�..�.,..:�,�,.�, the Truatee, AREND R. BAACR, Attoxaey at Lnw, whoee mailing
<br /> �=�-�•�����-� address ie P. O. Hox 790, arand Island, NE 68802-0790 (hesain
<br /> �, 3,', w ' nTruatee�), e�nd the Beneficfery, THE OVERLAND NATiONAL BANR OF
<br /> -; ;t :�'�.r�.;A'.; .: GF]IND I3LAND, whose mafling addrese is P. O. Hos[ 1688, Orand
<br />- ���: `" Island, NE 68802-1688 (hereip "Lender").
<br /> 4 J.n� �fs.i�:.�,:r•>..r�..... .
<br /> -�`�' .,r,,�.� s•"���?:;�ik�.:7;.;fr+^y���:
<br /> , ,:•: , ;,; . ,�.�.:;� FOR Vl►LU�BLE CONSIDERATION, including Lende�r's exteaefon of
<br /> � '�''�j''' � � ' " credit identified herein to RllYMOIiD J. o•COiiNOR; JENNIFER S.
<br />� . � �„-a�,,�.. . , ��:,.,
<br /> • ' ' �`•�� � ° - ' O'COFiN013^ RAYMOND J. O'CONNOR, CO-TRU3TEE OF THE O•CONNOR F)1l�lILY '-` �
<br /> ` � ;S��i�;,. �:..:.,,..,� �� •
<br /> .=1�`:
<br /> �.��;I,::;=�:�.� W1.;;s�� Ttt08�i and JENNIFER S. O'CONNOR, CA-TRUSTEE OF THE 0'CONNQR
<br /> ,. .,M
<br /> �.:',J?�,�:; :�i,:�}?;�.�.� v�d.,. -: FAtNILY TROST (herein "Borrower", whether one or more), and the
<br /> "'�' ���'��t' truet harein created, the receipt of which is hereby acknowl- ��
<br /> -�' '�:�',. Z�<�`•, , . ,r.
<br /> ,�; � • ° ed ed, Trustor hereb irrevocable aats transfera conve s and '•��h �
<br /> �'.,j:;�,..:' �. �. • .. 9 Y 9;' . � Y
<br /> ;�;�;;�,}; .j � assia�ia►s to Trustee, IN TRII3T, WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit
<br /> �' � �. and secur�ty of the Lender, under and subject to the terms and ; : � =''
<br /> ,�.��r��.':.. '_ ,:�j�I� �
<br /> . ��,��•f•• � conditione hereinafter set forth, legally d�escribed as follows:
<br /> ,r�t.;,.: , ::='}s.:�
<br /> ';,:.; ,;t�c�
<br /> ' " � Parcel 1: The North 150.0 feet oE the West 49.5 t`'� �'�`?;'' ,
<br /> ' � feet and the N�rth 5.0 feet of the East 59.75 feet all f,���� ' �:���•.
<br /> - - .;�,���. . Q f La+� } �� �g 1 Qg �,pt 2, a 11 i n Lindsay 3ubdivision, 1-.,�:a..��::.,�..__�••'�
<br /> - �-�-:� ,.r
<br /> t ,,j<�..,�,;� an Adc��i+tion to the City of Grand Isla�na1, Hall County, t� ;,, �
<br /> Nebraska, now known as all of 3an Marcc�s Condominiwn �'� - .�
<br /> ' Proper�y Reqime I, more particu�arly deacribed in ,:,�.,�„. , ;;;.
<br /> ' �'� � Master Deeds recorded ae Docuaw�r�t No. 81-0030��,, °
<br /> ;���.
<br /> ,;,{_i. '. ' ��r. ?e ' :`�t,..�:
<br /> ��•l��`, � i'��..,
<br /> : ��• Parael 2s The 3outherly 4ne Hundred Thirty feet
<br /> � ' �� i �� 130' of Lot One 1 Lot Three 3 and Lot Four 4 , �
<br /> •,c;:•:.:, ( ) ( ). ( ) ( ) .
<br /> ��:,, all in Lindsay 3ubdivision, an Addition to the City of � -_����� '
<br /> ' ,�. � t ,:�: t
<br /> �� ;• ', • .'�i�+,,:.�, arand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, .�:,,:,
<br /> . .�., 1 . '!� ,c., . �`'�..,1�
<br /> �a:�' '�' �� , ' together with all buildinqe, improvements, fixtures, streets, �
<br /> ` �"•,;�.;,,,:'�� alleys, paseageways, easeme�ts, riqhte, privileges and app�ua�+te- �,;�.��'.. �
<br /> nances loaated thereon oa� ia� anywise pertair�sng thereto, aad the `:�,�,. ��'
<br /> � ��. ren�ta, issues and ��ofits, reversians and r�mainde�s thereof, and
<br /> °`,�� suc�i poraonal proFerty that ie atta�fied to the improvements so as � • .
<br /> , to constitute a fixture, ir�cluding, but not limited to, heating . • � ,�,',
<br /> and coolina� equipment and together with the homestead or marital •. �
<br /> interests, �.� any, which interests are hereby released and , , , �����;;^,;;
<br /> � waived, all o� w�icQ�, including replacements and additions �;.�;`•,'. .:;:,?�'
<br /> thereto, is 2aereby �ieclared to be a part of the resl estate �'.',,_,,
<br /> . °,, �,;:,.;•. . secured by �he lien of this Deed of Trust and all of the foreqo-
<br /> ��i�.'� . inq beinq xefferred to herein as the �'Property��.
<br /> :;,
<br /> � ,;,...- ,� This Deed of Trust shall secure (a) ttse payment of th�e prin-
<br /> + � cipal �wn and interest evidenced �y a Deed of Trust �7�ote dated
<br /> < < F«:'.:, 3eptember 10, 1993, having a mat�rity date of 8ept�mber 15, 1997,
<br /> � �t��'• � 3n the origanal principal a�aount of Three Hn��dred Seventy-F2ve �
<br /> ,,.;; ::�_
<br /> � � � q,. : Thousand aun¢� No/100 Dollars ,($375,000.00), a�d any and a�.Il �aodi- .
<br /> ; ;�'-:';', fications, e�tensione and re�ewals thereof or thereto and any and .
<br /> � a ' : all future advances and re-advances to Horrawer (or. any of them �
<br /> ' " � `' �''��' if more thaan one) D��reunder puxsueant to one ar more promissory �
<br /> a;�,�t.,�
<br /> -��;,� notes or cxedix agreements �l�erein calleal �"�late'�); (b) the pay-
<br /> '�S_:•�,, � ment of at�n�r sums advancem', by Lender to ��otect the security of
<br /> .�,:�..:.:. a`%� __� tha xete: rc� the oerformapc�ce of all covenants end agreeqtents of
<br /> "��'�r �— � Truetor set forth herein; and (d) all present and future indebt-
<br /> �:.���'" ' ' edness and obligations o� Sorrower (or aay of them ff more than
<br /> t •�,,;:;,, one) to L�tsder whether d�.rect, indirect, absolute or cantingent
<br /> : ���,.:, � an d w he t hgr ar is inq b y n a t e, g u a r a n t y, a v e s d r a f t o r a t h e r w i s e.
<br /> •�• ��� .,. �. The Note, this Deed of Truet and any and a�l ather documents that
<br /> � � ';,�'`�: � secure the Note or otherwise esecuted in cor►a�ectf.oA therewith,
<br /> ? i � � � including without limitatfon guerantees, securit�r agreements and
<br /> '_ ;. , � � aseiqnments of leases and rents, shall be referred to herein as
<br /> � , the "Loan Iaetruments".
<br /> ; .
<br /> i
<br /> ►
<br /> 1 �
<br /> , �
<br />