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<br /> G.AS3I(iNIN�NT OF LEASR.S.Upon l.onder's requat, Borrawe�ahdl �ign to t�a�der dl Icaser oP tho
<br /> pmperty w�d�11 security dep�its made in connation with leasea af tho Pmpeny. Upon the ns.dQnmCnt, I.atdct
<br /> dwll Iwyc the right to modify,extend ar terminate thc existing leascs and u�eKxute new Icases,in Lende�'s sole
<br /> discrcl[an.As used in this par��reph C3,ihe word"lease"sh�ll mean'•wble�ce"iF the Security Insuument is on
<br /> w le�rchold.
<br /> Borrowcr absolutely and unconditionally ussigns and trnnsferts Io I.endar all the rents And revcnues("Rents")oP
<br /> the Pmpetty, rcgardless of ta wham thc Rents uf the PropeAy arc payubk. Borrower au�horius Lender ar
<br /> L.ender's ugenta to rnllect iho Ren�s,�nd agrecs that exh�e��ant of Ihe Property shall pay thB Rents ta Lender or
<br /> Lendar'�agents. Hawever,Harnnwcr shall �.�eive the Rents un�il(i) I.ender hus given Borrower natice of defoul�
<br /> pursuant to pnrngrnph 21 of the Security Ins�rument und(ii)Lender has given notice to the tenunt(s)that the Renta
<br /> Are ta 6e paid to Lcnder ar I.ender'a agent.This assignn�ent of Rentx aonrtitwes an absolute ac+�ignmeM And not
<br /> an assignment foQ addiciawl security only.
<br /> If Lender gives notice oi breach to Bc�rtawer:(i)all Rents received 6y Borrower shall be held by Borrower
<br /> as tnwee fbr the benefil of I�nder anly.io he opplied to�he sucng securacl by�he Security Instrument:(li>l.ender
<br /> sAall be entided to�vllect und receive all of the Rents of the Prop�eAy;(iii►BoROwer ag�ees that exh tenant of the
<br /> Property shall pay�!I Rents due and unpaid to l.ender or l.en�ier s a�ents upon Lender's wnitten demand to the
<br /> tetrant; �iv►unless applirable lAw pravides otlienvi�e, ull Renls �rollectal by l.ernler or L.eixler'� �enta�twll be
<br /> ' upplied first to the cosu oi tal:ing rnntrol of and mnnaging the Propeny mKi collecting�he Rents. including,bui
<br /> „�,, not limi�ed w, s�llm�neyti i'ees, receiver's fees, premiuma on �eceiver's bonds. repair sind muintenance costs.
<br /> _ t. •-.�.,. .. •.
<br /> ;'�� insurance pr+emiums, taxes. assessments and o�her churge�on the f'rnperty, wid then to the sums secured by the
<br /> . ��.: .
<br /> Secu�ity Instrum�c.rr.;(v1 I.ender. I.ender's agentx or any judicielly appoMted rece:iver shall be li�bl��o accounl For
<br /> a� fi ��"�k'� only tho.�e Reroa. uctually received; und Ivil l.ender shull be enti�lec! io have u receiver up��inted ta take
<br /> �� I possessiun of and munage the Property and callect �he Rents and p�fit. derived f�om the Properiy wilhaut any
<br /> ' ' } �,.:'�;: ; • slwwing as ta Ihe inadequacy nf the Property us tiecuriry.
<br /> � � �, � . If'�he Re�t+af'the Property ure ar�t sufficient to c.�ti�rr�O�e cos�s oP �uking runtrul of and �asanAging the
<br /> �.' ' •�.�,.-��': �
<br /> 1,. ��.1�x; ,. .1-,�„ �, propeny an�i�t collectinb[he Rents uny fund�expended b� Le�lzr ri�r such purpaxes�hull be�nr�ae indebtedness
<br /> �',,• ,1:a' �l: (J�:Jr..�Y• . ' ' . .
<br /> �a�.;x.,> of Borrowcr tu J..cnder securcd by the Security Imtrument punuam tn l n�farm Crnenunt 7.
<br /> . .. &nruwer'rrp�c�+u.aixi wa�ants that Sctirroucr ha��:cxcrut�v ari}prior a�sig��;nt oF tli.:�:n��and has
<br /> ' na and will nat pr.rfarm uny ur�that woulJ prevrnt l.endc�frnm exr�rising its rights unJer this parngraph.
<br /> S �, � �. +,i,� . . L.ender. �►r LcnJer's ugent� or •r juviciully uppointrJ rerciver, vl�all not t►c required to enter upon, take
<br /> ' •'(•�`• 'o � '... . �ontrol of or maimuin the Pmpcny txfi�rr or aftcr giving n��tire n� dcfuult to &�rrawer. Howevet, l.ender, or
<br /> �"�'� �. ' l.cnder's ugents t+r a judiciully upp�HnteJ r�wcivcr, may do ui ai um �ime when u Jcl'uult�xcurs. Any ppplicution
<br /> M , e
<br /> . . ! ' af Rent+shull noi cure or waivc Lny Jel'uult ar im•ulidute unv�uher ri�ht i�r remedy ul'I..rnJcr.This as�ignment of
<br /> ` •. � . Rents ui'the Propert�•.h•rll tcrniinatc when all Ihc sum�ticcurcJ by thc S�w urily Imlrunx:nt ure paid in full.
<br /> .., . . ,,, 1. CROtiS-DEMAUI.T PR(lYlti101�i.Burruwrr',Jcl'uuU or breurh unJcr any niNC or ugrcemenl in which
<br /> .�;p.�,�.,,�i��;.,:_;: "_ Lendcr ha+•rn intcreti��hull tk u hr�ach undrr thr Sccurity In.irument und l.en�ler muy invokr uny uf the remedi��
<br /> � ....` - • permitt�til b} t'it S�YUrity in,tromem.
<br /> : �" " ` BY SIGti1NG BEI.UW. &►rmurcr uccept, unJ ugrec+ tu Ihe tern�+ unJ pmvisions contuined in this 1-4
<br /> ;�, .
<br /> , Fumily RiJcr.
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<br /> " ,' .. . SHIR H ADAMS li��rr��w.r SHIRL H. ADAMS� TRUSTEE�cr ,,:�
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<br /> t p __ 11/�/91.
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