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.. - . _ . :,yl.,if`Sl� <br /> �•n� <br /> . _ . . . ,�,�. <br /> ,:� ` , <br /> .� � ..�� <br /> � � ��.r ,.:t . .l; <br /> N _.__..,. . ... <br /> : ,,; . 1��1�� <br /> 17.T�aroda�ot the Pm�or�BaaeMW lnta+eK lu Bon+nwa'.if�II or ony'ut of the Property or my Wa�e+t in it <br /> is wld or t�ferrad(ar if Q bene cial(nterest in Bomower i��old or t�n�ierrod�nd Bonower i�not�n�tural panon)wi�Nout <br /> l.ct�ler'� pdor wdtpen consent. I.ender n�sy. u it�opllcu�. roqu iro immedi�ue paymait in fLll of dl wmt �eairod by thi� <br /> Security Insuument.Hawcver,thio aptla►�tWl rat be exa�ci�ed by t.�ndar if eaerclio i�prahiblled by iaderal law n af the dMe <br /> � of thic Sorudty Inetrument. <br /> Ii L�r�der cxercisea�his option.Lender al�11 ivc Bonowcr nafoe of�ooelerWion.Tho noUoe shallprovlde a period oP not <br /> les.v Ihpa 30 d�y� from the cisite thc notia i�del�vered or miiled wlthin which Borrower must pwy all wmi cavrod by thi� <br /> � Sxurily lnstrument. If Borrowe�foils to p�y�hese curtu priar to the expltation of thir period.Lender m�y invoke�ny rcmedie� <br /> permitted by thiR Socurit Instrumetu withaut Porther notice or demand on 8arrower. <br /> 18. Borrower'a t to Relttsttte. IP Bormwer meetn artnim m�ditions, Borrower ahell havc the right to have <br /> enforcement of thia Soru ty instrument dicoontinued At any time pdor to the earlier of: (a)S dpys (or such other periad w► <br /> applicable Iww mny specify for reinctatemenq befare a�lo of tho Praperty pu�auant ta any power of sak wnu�inod in this <br /> Socurity instrumenr or(b►entry of u judgment enforcing this 3ecu�ity Inrtn�ment.Thaso conditions ene that Barmwer:(a)p�ya <br /> I.ender�II sums which thcn wauld be duc under this Socu�ity Ioetn�ment and the Nae as if�ro acceler�tion h�d accurrod;(b) <br /> curcs any defauit of any other covenents or agroemenlx;(c)pays ull expences incumed in enforcing this Seeu�ity lnurument. <br /> including. but not limited to.reasonable attorne�ra' fees;ond(d)takes such uction oa L.ender mey neasanably roquiro to essuro <br /> t6at thc lien of'this Secu�ity lnstnunent. Lender s rights fn the Property and Bormwcr's obligation to pay the eum:sacurod by <br /> this Secudry Instrument ahall rnntinuo unchanged. Upon minstatement by Bornower, tbus Securiry Instrument �nd tho <br /> abligations secured hereby shall remain Pully effective uc if no Accelemtion had occumed. Hav�rever,this rigbt to roinslate rhall <br /> rot�ppiy io the case of u�c��eletatian under pnragraph 17. <br /> 19. SWe of Note: Chwa�e d'I.own StrviCCr. The Nwe or a pArtial intenest in the Nwe (togetl�r wfth lhis Secu�ity <br /> Ins�nunent)may bc soW one or mare times witAaut prior notice to Borrower. A sale may n�sult in A c c�n thc entity(known <br /> «. as the'Loan Servicer")�hat callecls manthly paYmenls due under tha Note nnd thiR Secu�ity Instrument. re also may be one <br /> • r ar mare chunges of the l.oan 5en•ic�r unrelated to a sale ai'the Note.If there is a change of the I.oan Servicer.Borrower will be <br /> �?'�v biveu written natke of thc change in accardence w7th pamgraph 14 Above and ppplic�hle law.77ee notice will sts►e the neme and <br /> � •• ,��>��i;.;.�F'�' � <br /> eddres�of lhe new l.�wo Scrvicer and the uddress to whirh pvyments should be mAde.The iwtice will also oontain any other <br /> infornw�io�required b�•applicablc law. <br /> E.�' � '`'��~ r' 20. Hazardoa� tiubsfnnces. BoROwer shall not cuuse or permit the pnesence, use, disposal, atorage, or release of any <br /> �K� � ••'•.•��', ��:' . Hazurdou� Substancrs on or in the Praperty. Borrower sh�ll 1101 AO, nor ;,1�1ow anyone else to da, unything affecting Ihe <br /> !. T'''�`;"' ;ra� Propehy lhet is in violation of nny Environmental preceding twa semencrs shull nat a ply tu the presence,use,or <br /> . . f, ,.� <br /> " ��,�'.'�'�Ei�;�;�i;;_�*. res deni al uhses and ta ma ntenunce of the Propert�y.A�ous Subttaa►�a lhat are generully re.rgni to be approprlAte ta narntal <br /> •� ,"�:,��:':;1;;�"°ti�'.. 8orrawer shaU promptly give l.ender written noHce of any investigation, clam, demand, lawsuit or uther a�hi�m by any <br /> t. � �`���, governmental or regulatnry agency or p�ivate purty involving the Property and any Hazardaus Substan�:c nr E�vironmental Law <br /> "� 1�:�Y ���1� <br /> � �;.`!k'�;:;.±NS�•' ;° .pw of wbich BoRaw�r has uctual knowledgc. If Borrower learns,or is notified by any govcrnmental or ngulalory authority.that <br /> . r.4 , ;,•�r:�;:�•?, <br /> •. ,,l;;,,,,y,�r,�,•:;�- eny removal or other remediatian of any Hazardous Subs�ance atfecting the Pmpeny is necessury,8orrower shWl promptly take <br /> ,�'�n�-';;.;,;;�.,L:`� all necessary remddial actions in uccardunce with Environmemul Lnw. � � <br /> • ___ f.•�o-...Fhi�1f la;,,:<:. �•u�i in thi�p�iragraph�0, ",ta�r�aus �ubstanccs arc ihosc�,ubsiaMCS dctitsrt.�.c t�xic or izazardaus sabst3nces b� <br /> . ��- .r,, � Environmentul Luw iu+d 1he fallowing suh�tanrea; guudine, kerosenc, other tlummabl� or Inxir �trntrum praducts. toxir <br /> t • �•�- � :s �� pesticides and herbicide:i,volatile rolventz, material�rontuining u�hestus o�farnialdehyde,and radinuctive mate�lids.As used in <br /> .•;;��.., .. . <br /> • . this puragrnph 20, "Environmental�" roiean. iederal IAw+ nnd luwn of the,juriulictian ��fiere the Propttty is Ic�cated thut • <br /> ' ' relate t��hwith,sufety ar cnvironmemal prot�rdon. <br /> . .. 1�1�N-UNIFORM COVENAN3'S.&�rr�����er und l..enclrr fimhcr covenunt urnl ugrcc��fnflowy: <br /> , ��:_ �!. Acceleralbn:Remedlev. Q.endr��liu10 Rive notice tn Borrow•er p�lor 1a acce��ra�ion Pollowing Borroti�•eu�'s�brwrch <br /> .��..� �:y.. ;,: y oP any covenant ar agnrment la !fi!� �curJt3 lnstrument lhul not prior to acceleration under par�g�ph 17 unless <br /> �;., . .'� �� app8cable low provides ntherwf4rl. Thc nolicc ��all speciPy: la)Ihe defuult; lb)the action required to cure the deiault; <br /> � � (c)a dwte.not less tban i0 deys ilrom ihe da�tc 1hc�ottcc is�ivcn to IMrrower. by whkh the default mast be cured;and <br /> � ' � (d) that fallure to rure the defau1t on or bePore th.^datc rpeciiicd in the nntice may result in arccirration of t6e sums � <br /> . ' Recured by this Security I�strumenl and sule of the 1'ropert�•. The nMice tihall iunher Miorm Borrower of'thc riRht to ,�� <br /> "�f: ' '' �� reinstWe after acceleradon and the riaht to brinR a couH action to atisert the non-existence uf a default or any other <br /> � " 'deien�e of Bonnw•er to accelerution und wle. IF the dePseult is m�t rur��d on or before the date specitied in tlie notice. <br /> i , l.endiM, al its option. mu�� requirc immediate puymcnt in full ��f all tiums xerurcd bc this ticrurity lastrument w•ithout <br /> fu�ihcr demand and mup im•okc the powcr uf wle and an} olhcr rcmcdie+permiu��d N�•applicuble law•. I.ender shall be <br /> � enNtled to cullect all expen+es incurrcd M punuinR the remedie.r•pruvided in this puru�ruph 21.Mcludinu.but nnt limited +����. <br /> ` to.reuson9ble attorncys'fe��und c�nts of tilic evidencc. • <br /> �;. It�tJ�e poeer of wle is b���uked, Trutitce shull nrord a mNicc oP defuult i�� cach rounh• in Nhich any ps�rt of the ':�. <br /> •• Propcn�� is lorated and+hull muil cnpi�w ot xuch notic�in thc munncr pn�scrll►ed lec applirv�lc la��• to &►rrow�cr and to <br /> .4 , the�tfcer per.wns prawrrfbed b�•applicuhie IAt�, After the timc r�r�uir�Yl by�upplicabl�1a��.Trust�r shall�h•e publ(r nutice _ <br /> ot!�u9r lo the pencons and in thc manncr prrsrrlixd h� upplicuMc lu��.Tru�t�r. ��•ilim+ut dcmund on Born�Ner. shull.r•cll <br /> the Properlc at public auctioN to ihc hi�hest bidder at the lime and pluce and unde�thc term�desiQnated in the nntice oi �.: <br /> • �oe in mie or morn parcrls and in an� ordcr Trust�r dctcrmin�r. 'fruxt�r ma� pe,ip�mc wk uf ull or am• pun�cl oi'the X� <br /> � Pr��rt} by public annuuncem�m at the lime und place of am� prc�ioutil� xh���la�eil zafe. Lender or it� d�wi�n�ti mv�• <br /> � • '.:-�� ' . parchace the Pruperd�al am•wle. <br /> ,�! .. ,� <br /> ��; f <br /> 1 � ! � " Fam 3928 9�90 4F <br /> �i � - . Vaw'Sn�6 { <br /> 1 <br /> . � . <br /> i <br /> � , � <br /> a , ' <br /> � } � . -� -.-- --- - � -�� � .. . '_ . . . . ..,,y.F. . . . . <br /> '� ' - � ',1 �. � � . <br /> �1 � '1r---__"--__-�-_-r.—- - � - . . .. <br /> �. . i <br /> _ ` <br /> , • , . <br /> ��. . � . <br /> �I � 1 . ., <br /> 1 L , . <br /> �f ' • , <br /> Ik� ' . • - . � ' � ' , <br /> ' � <br /> ., , <br />