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RC <br /> t�: <br /> -. ' ,��' <br /> ,�� . - , i <br /> . � <br /> � . _.-..�.�rr��r� <br /> r �„ 10'78i0 <br /> 9. <br /> TOOBI'H6R W1171 dl lhe improvemenu now ar hererft�r erocted on the propmty,�nd dl wement�,apputten�nca, <br /> and ilstuea iww cx t�+afl�er�p�et of U�e p�nperty, All repl�oemenu�nd�dditlom�hdl�w be coverod by Ihl�8�cudty <br /> Inatrumenl. All oP�ho faeaoln�i�rofexrcd w in thi.Socurity In�lrumant a�he"Praperty." <br /> BORROWBR COVBNANTS that BoROwor i�I�wlLlly�ciKd aP tho atwte hercby conveyal wid hw iho�i�ht�o�{nnt <br /> •nd convay thc Property and�h�t Ihc Property ia unoncumberod,exccpt iw cncumbnuuror of'rccard. Burrowor w�nu�u�d <br /> �u der�a a��mly U�e UQe to tho Pmpany aa�lna dl slQim�and demwnd�.rubjxt to any ancumbrancoa of rocord. <br /> .� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMF.IVT combines uniForm covenante for nntlanol u�e end nan•uniform covotwntr wi�h <br /> limilod v�uioUon�by juri�dlcUon to wn�tlwte a uniform�ecudty Inetrument coverM�real p�operty. <br /> UNIFORM COVRNAIV7'3. Borrowcr a�d Lcndcr covenant nrtd agrcc ax follows: <br /> 1. Payraent ot Prindp�l oad intereati Pe�pw�nnent u�d Lpk Clwrgeo Borrower ehall promptly pay whcn due Ihe <br /> prfncfp�1 of and intereat on the debt evidenced by�he Note and any propayment and Iate chorgca due unde:r the Note. <br /> 2. Ftiad�tor 7kxa aad I�urAnca Subject to eppUceble law or ta a writlen waiver by Lender.Borrower shall pay w <br /> Lender on the day montldy paymenta ure due under�he Note, until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Punda")for.(a)yearly <br /> taxes and asseasmenu whkh mey atteln prfority over thls Secu riry Instrument aR a lie�on U�B Property;(b)YcazlY Icasehold <br /> p�yments or ground reats on the Property. if any; (c) yculy h3zard or property insurance premiume; (d) yeady fload <br /> iasurance prcmiums, if nny; (e) yearly mongage insurance premiums, if any; and(t1 any sums payable by Barower to <br /> Lendor,in accordance w1�h the pravisions of pamgmph 8,in lieu of the payment ot mortgage insurance pemiums. These <br /> items aro calied"Escrow kems." ixader may,at any time,collect and hold E�nds in aa amau�t nat ta eaceed the ma�cimum <br /> • • �, amount a lender for a federally mlated mortgage loan may�equire for Borrower's escrow account urtder the federal Resil <br /> ,�,� . , :,'<;'���. , . � <br /> ,,;_,.,..„ ;: �• Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended irorn�i�tee to time.12 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.( [tESPA").wdess w�other <br /> � � ���..��;�s:;�:"F,,{��'l: law that appHes to thc Fwids sets a lesser amaunt. If so,Lende•r may,at any time,callect and hold Funds i�a�amount not to <br />- j�..,.�, l�p; <br /> yt+;f,:.t•'�r.�,���4i�� exceed the lesser amouiu. Lender mey estlmate the arnuunt of FLnda dc� an the besis of current ,�a7a end reasonabl8 <br /> � �.0 ...<`,�,�v, rL�Af' estimates af expenditures af future Fscrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable low. <br /> �. � ,.,-�,.,;.A;���i��<<' , , Thc FLnda shall be held in an inatitution whose deposit�are lnsured by a fedeml agency, instrumcntefity.or entity <br /> • � �:�,:f��:;�5,[:,�:�. (including I.ender.�f l.ender ls such an institudon)or In nny Federul Home l.aun Hank. Lender shall apply ihe Funda to pay <br /> :'; � " • '';��'+ti;��x,;'�'.�;t: the E�craw items. [.ender may not charge Borrower for holdin� and applying the FLnds,annually analyzing the escrow ., <br /> '�°�''�''�'''�:4t�'r;'•'"�� account, or verifying the Escrow Uems, unless Lender puys 8arrnwer interest on the Funds and applicable law permits <br /> <<���j��,:�,;:,,� `••.:3 'r Lender to make s�ach a charge. However,l.ender may require Borrowcr to pny u one•time charge for an independent real <br /> � ; ,i_ ' • :k estate tax rcparting service used by Lendcr in cannection wi�h tfiis lonn,unles�applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an <br /> `:l,' .. <br /> �" • agreement is madc or npplicable law requires interest to be paid,Lendcr shnll not be required to pay Honower any interest or <br /> � , . ' , earnings on the Funds. Borrowec�nd I.ender mey agrce ia writing,however,thAt interest shull6e paid an the FLnds. �.ender <br /> ' , ' :'� • shall give to Borrower. wlthnut charge,an annunl uccounting of the hlmds,showi�g credits�md deblts to the punds und the <br /> �' ` .�;'�";.��, `� ' purpose far which each debit�o the Funds wAC made. The f�nds are pledged as additionAl secudty far ali sums secured by <br /> __� this Security Instrumept. <br /> ' . . lf the FLnds hefd by l,coder excred t�e umoun4c permitled to be hetd by upplicable law. Lender shall account to <br /> �; .' ,• . ' � Bormwer for the excess Funds in uccordunce with the mquirernenta of opplicable law. lf the amount ai the Punds held by <br /> ' ' . Lendcr at any time is not�ufficient to puy thc Escrow Items when duc,Lender may w notify Borrower in writing,and,in <br /> . �. xuch cuse Borrower sfiall pay to Lender�he nmcwnt necesxary to muke up the deticiency. Borrower shall make up the <br /> . . " , deticiency in no more than[welve monthly puyments,ut Lender's sole di,cretiun. <br /> " Upon payment in full of�11 sums.ecured by this Secu�ity Instnrment.Lcndcr�hull prompdy refund to Borcower uny <br /> t, �� Fbnds held by Lender. If,undcr porngrnpli 21,LenJer shall ucquire or,ell thc Propcny.Lcndcr,priar ta �he ucquisition or <br /> 4� xalc of the Property, shall npply any Fund.r• hcld hy l.cndcr ut the�imc of urquinitinn or wle a�u crcdit aguinct tha sumx <br /> jyf ° secumd by thix Sccurity Intitrument. <br /> •�j�._: 3. Appllcntlop of Poymenls. Unk.� upplicuMc luw pr�►vidc.r oihcrwik, oll puyment. n:reivcJ hy I..endcr undcr <br /> parographs I und 2.hall l�r applied:iint,w uny prcpuymcm chxge�duc unJcr�hc N�xe:xconJ,to umoum�puyuUle under <br /> ° paragruph 2;�hird,to intcre+t duc;fi�unh,tu prinripul duc; unJ Imt,ta uny lutc ch�ugc+duc under�hc Notc. <br /> �'�: " 4. Chwrges; Llens. Burn�wcr shull puy ull �aac,,axti��+mcnt., rhurgc,, finc+ �nJ iro{xi�i�ian, Wtribuwblc to the ��yr <br /> � i'% � . Propeny whirh muy altain priority over thiy Securny Instrun�cni,anJ IcuxchalJ payments or y,[round rem+, if uny. Bormwer <br /> ;� :; ' shull pny these oi►ligations in the manncr pruviJed in parugroph?,i►r if n�►t puid in thut munncr,Bnrruw•cr�hall puy them on <br /> � time directly to�he per,on owed puyment. tiarmwcr shall proni�tly t'urni+h to Lendcr all noiicc,uf umuunt�to hc puid uncicr • <br /> ��`� :'�� <br /> ..�„ , , this purugraph. If Bomawer muke�thcse puyments Jirertly.l3curower.hnll promp�ly Ibrnich to l.rnJer rc�ripts evidencin@ <br /> . , >� , the pnymems. <br /> :��' Borruwe�chull prempQy disrharge ony lien��hirh ha.pri.�rity o�r�Ihi.Srruriry In.trument unle..Burrc�wer:lu)ugree� <br /> �. ' _ � ��� in wriiing to thr paymcnl of thc ohliga�inn tircureJ hy ihe lic�i n a mannrr urrrptabl�tu Lcndcr:�b)rontc+ts in g�wJ fnith thc <br /> .,��,�.,, : � .�;� licn hy,or defcnd+oguinu enforrement af thc licn in, Icgal pnxcrding�whirh in�hr Lcodrr;opinion opemtc to prc«nt t!r <br /> r..,, „��;'�:'•�:'..t' entorrement of thc licn;or(r)serures irom the h��ldcr of thc I icn an ugreemcn�+ati,facu�q�o Lcndrr.ulxmiinutiR�tPoe�aea <br /> :�; ���" �','•,�;;''�� to this Security lnsvumenl. lf l.end�r Jetenninc,�ha�any part nt'tM Pr�ipeny i..uhjut tv a licn Nhah rnay uu�in paiair} <br /> i�'`' ` � � overthisSecurit lnstrumenl,Lenderma ��cRorruwcr aM�titt ideMif in thelicn. B.�rruw�r,ha37,au+f theli�n�xc�dc�r �, <br /> � F t ? !�����'�.�i �.�;:;�.• one or morc of�hr uctions�ct forth nho�•c W i�hin lU Juys c�f ihc gi�•ing of nuti�. � �6 <br /> ��°. ;i�� .�,� ,�: :; 5. Hwz�rd ar Property'Jnsurance. Borruwrr�hall keep Ih�improvemcnt.n�,W cxi.t�r.�on c�reaftcr ererr,�nn d��r � <br /> ' ' ' �� Prc� n insured a ain�t los,by firc,h:uutd.inrluJcd w•ithin thc tcrm"�xlrnJrJ r�nrra�y"ar.d an•o�hcr ha�ard::.«ec[ud+n� � <br /> ! ��•�,,,�.��..; F� 5' 8 <br /> � r,'.� ; � fl�wds or tlaodln�. tor whirh Lendrr requireti inwr•rnce. Thi>insuranee yhall Ix maamain�d ica 1:u arczountw arod fur d�: � <br /> : ��. <br /> �i� � <br /> ; •, t�3Wti !P!! �pur,-2�,I�n��Xe�i <br /> � : ,. � <br /> •.r " �`71:�r " ` . <br /> � .' t <br /> _ � .. . '__ __. __'.__ _ . . . t'• .......... - ' . , <br /> - :�_ . .. . ..� ; ... , . <br /> ,' �_�-_---'c' 'v ..-- . . , , . . ' .. <br /> 111, `� „ .. .. ,1.. � . .`. . ,,}' , . _ ; ', . . ,,, 1 , ,\. ' ._. <br /> ,� i ,� ` �,� • � :,�I � ..�1, . � _ , ..r • � <br /> � � ,;. _,, , , ` _, , t <br /> I . , . <br /> '�� .� , j�:' , <br /> ill'.f ' <br /> � � , � .� . . <br /> f <br /> , , � <br /> • v ' � , <br />