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i��. <br /> � <br /> � '?1 <br /> } ... �'�..a .. .t�i� <br /> �_ � ' r�, "• __ '.r.�.,,.�. - � -', . .u.���' <br /> � � �_ <br /> � � . � � 193M�io�eoe <br /> - ls.oo..r,�i.R t....� s...�uur. Thi�8ecurity In�trume»t�tull be�averned by ted�sl I�M md tbi l�w ot <br /> ,.� tho Juri�Atalioa in whioh tia Property i�lanted. In the went th�t sny provi�ion or c1�uN ot tbis Seeurity <br /> .y Imtruma�t ar the Note coatliou witb �ppliable bw. �uch contliot *hd! not �tixt other providom ot thi� <br /> �,�, Socurity la�tcumant or tho Note which c�n be �iven ettoct without the oonfliatin�provUion. To this end tha <br /> ' .p��,r,4�.. provi�ions oi thi� 8ea�urity Irutrummt ancl the Note ue declued to ba eaverable. <br /> lf. �orrowK'� Cooy. Borrower �lull be �lvan oae coatomied aopy ot the Note md ot thi� 8eawi�y <br /> � ;;:,,°.:.:.:.; ..:.•, Instrument. <br /> • '"T� .��:. ' 17. Te�da of tr� Prop�ly or��a[fol�l Iwla�l la Borroww. it a11 ar any put at tha I'roperty or u►y <br /> ` .r'I�;�_�,k�'a�,r v� <br /> ` �������'�.?r�ti�,-r���_ inteoat in it is �old or tnuutured (or it �bet�eficid inta+at ia Borrower i�sold or tr�n�ferred�nd Bortawa is <br /> °:�::,r_; • not � natuni pason) without Landa's prior writtan coniant. Land�r msY, �t it+ option� rcqulro immodi�ta <br /> , , „:,,,,,.,,�,r;.';�.�; p�ymont in full of �II �urrn sacured by thi�Saurity Irwtrument. Howava. this option�hall not be exeralied by <br /> � � � • :• Landar it exa�cica i�prohibited by feder�l l�w �s of tho dote of thi4 9eaurity lnslrument. <br />- ;.r`'" .a••: U••�••.�. =" 4. It Lander exeroiks thi4 option. Londer studt Qive Borcowar notioe ot�000lestion. Tho notica�lul i pravide� <br />"��' � -�:w�:�.`.=:�.k-;+►� period of not lesa tlun 30 d�ya trom tho d�ta the notioe is dalivere0 or mailed within whlch �orrower muRt p�y <br />;�, ,� � •�- .�' .'-°: ° � • �••�w�. �Il suaa socured by this Secu�ity lastrumeni. It Bonavrer lails to p�y these oums prior to the expintion of thia <br /> +�n ,;, ' ��� f,,...,,.....�, ... :'�r>: parlod. Lender m�y iavoke�ny ranedies permitted by this Security lastrument without furthar notioe or demmd <br /> it'.:;.::!� �,r,, ,. �, • �.'� <br /> �,•.. '„�.:::�4: .�. �,� . ,, on Borrower. <br />�=�}.'::r:: t,�:�1u;,.::� , . 18. Borrowds RliMt lo RNactat�. It Horrower meetc acrtain co�ditions. Barrower siull havo the�i�ht to <br />;r``� ���'�: ' 'V havic eatoramaat oi this Socu�ity Instrumant d1+�coMinued at�ny tima prior to the arlier ot: (�) S dsys(or such <br /> f� �: . • �'':: ..,,;,�`' otha period a�pplicabla law mwY specify tor ninstatement) before sAle of tho Property purewnt to �ny powa <br /> � � `':;�;;.,':� „ ot ale conlsiaed in this Security Instromant; �r (b)antry ot� judQmcnt cntoroiaQ this 3ocurity imuument. <br /> ' �.' ' "'�'•�' ' � Thoso conditions m tluit Barrower: (�) p�Ys 1.ende�' �11 sums whlch Ihen would be due under thts Socurity <br /> � Inatrument and tha Note a4 jf no aooeleration htd oocun�ed; (b) cures Any detAUlt of any other covea�ats or � <br /> o thic Securit Instrument. includin . but not limlted to. <br /> �graemants; (c) pays �I! expenses Fncumed in ent rcing y Q <br /> ;. � • • crasonAble�ttornays' foea; and (d) twkes such action �a Lender may rcasonnbly nquiro to�ssuro thet the lien ot <br /> y,��, , • ;.;:;,'•;;'�:�.� thls Se.vrity I�strumant, I.ender'c ri�hts in the Property and Borrower's obligatlon to pay tha sunw socured by <br /> �: � � thia Sa,�urity lnatrument shall continue unchan�ed. [D�o.n reinstatement by Borrower. this Sxurity Instrumont <br /> `'�` ' � �nd the obligatlons sECUrcd hereby shwll remain fully el�ectiva as if no xceleratfon had oocurred. Howeva. thic <br /> � ri�ht to roinslAte s'hall aot apply in the c�se of eaaleration under paregraph 17. <br /> ' 19. S�I� of No1e; Cb�nQe of Loan Scrvlcer. The Note or a partlal interest in the Nota (toacther wilh this <br /> . � Socurity instrument) may bc sold ana or mon times without prior notioe to Borrower. A sAle may nsult ia a <br /> change in the entity (known as the" Serv9ar") that collxts monthly payments due under tha Note md tbis <br /> •• 3ecurlty Instrumeni. Thera also may 6e ane or more changes ot the I.osn Serviar unrelated to a ssle of the Note. <br /> - ,r-=_.—�= if th�.�ia o change of iha La�n Scrviar, Borrowu wi!! be given ersitttn notf�of ths chsrsge in acsorslanee with <br /> 7.�, ' parAgroph 14�bava �nd�pplicable l�w. The notioa will state thc name and address oi the new Lonn Servioer ond <br /> � the address to whiah payments �hould be m�de. Tha notia wtll also contwin any other intornwtian requlred by , <br /> �Ppllcable law. <br /> . 2'0. E4zvdons Snbctanees. Borrowcr shwil not cause or permit the prescnca, use, disposal. stom4e. or rclease ;., <br /> ot any Hazardous 5ubst� on or in the Property. aarrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do, <br /> ",' , anythin4 aftecting the Property that is in vialation of any Environmental The preoedin� two sentenoes <br /> shall not apply to the prosenoa. use, or storage on the Property of small quentities ot Hazardous Substanac that <br /> � �� '•���' aro�enerally recognized to be approprfata to nornial resldent�al uses end to maintenana of the Property. <br /> f• �'� .. Borrower stiall promptly give I.ender written natia oi any investigation, claim. demand, lawsuit or other � <br /> �'-� '�`��.�;�'��.: �ction by any governmental or reguletory agency or private party involvinQ the Property and any Hazardous � <br /> ��' .,: Substpnoe or Environmental law ot which Borrower has actual knawledge. It Barrower leazns, or is notified by ; <br /> any governmcntal or regulatory authority. thet any removal or other rcmediation of any Hazardous Substana <br /> , ` etixting the Property is necessary. Borrower st�all promptly talce all necessary rcmedial ectfans in aocordanoe with <br /> ,;,:,; , Environmentellaw. <br /> '' F�s used in this paregraph 20, "Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxle or hazardous <br /> ' �' subsianas by Environmental and the following substanas: gasoline, kerosene, othcr flammable or toxic t <br /> petroleum products, toxic pesticides end herbicides. volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or <br /> formaldchyde, and radioxtive materials. As used in this paragraph ?0, "Environmental Law" means fedenl laws <br /> and laws oi the jurisdictian where the Property is loca�ed that relat� ta hcalth. sa[ety or envirannxntal <br /> �, . .� .� prote�tion. ' <br /> • ���: NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenanl and agree as follows: <br /> - �� ' 2l. Aaeleqtion; Itcmcdics. Leadcr shdl Qive noticr to Borrower prior to aeecicration tollowln� Bonowcr's <br /> • breacb ot �ny cove�mf or aQreeaient in this Security lnslrument (�u1 not prior to aeeeleraiion noder p�nQnp6 <br /> 17 unlere appliab0e Isw proridcs olhcrwise). The notlee sh�ll spselQy: 1�) t4e dc(ault; (b) the �etion reqalred lo <br /> ' eure t6� def�ull; (e) �d�te. not Iess th�n 30 d�ys irom tbe date t�he notiee Is �Iven to Bonowcr. by whlch �he <br /> , � det�ult mast be eorcd; and (d� tbal fsllnn to cure the Qclaull on or betoro the date spa{tled In Ihe nollea may <br /> resnit la�coelcntlon oi the su�sceured by this Seeurlly 7nslrnrnent �nd s�le ot the Properly. T6e notioe shdl <br /> , '. � turlher Intorm Borrower oi Ihe riahl lo rei�.ata�e�tter srcelen�lon an�1 �he rieht �o brinQ a eourt actlon to �ert <br /> the non-exislena ot a detaull or any otMe� �letense of Borrower �o acceletalion and sale. If tbe detault Is not <br /> � "'' enred on ot �ro� �ae date 9pecif�ed In rMe noltcc, Lcndcr d I�s o�,�ion rr�ay req�ire immcdiale payment In tull <br /> �•.,:;,;i •,.• of�II snm�sanred by �his 5acWr��y Instrument wlthoW turthar da�mand snd aaa�p involce t6e power ot ale md <br /> u�y otMer rca�edies perml�led �+y appl{able I�w. Lcndcr shall be enti�led Io co11a� �11 expcnses ineurrcd In <br /> � �:i. -�,..� pn�soinQ the remediec provlded In this paraQriph 21� includinQ, bao nol Hmiled lo. racowble attorneys' (ees <br /> . ' . and eoste ot NNs evidence. <br /> If IAe power of ale Is invo�ed� Tr�slee shdl reeord � nolice of det�ult In ach eo�n1} iw whieh aay parl of <br /> , • 1 tht Properly lo loated �nd ah�ll mail eoples ot sueb nolice In IMe m�nner pnscribed by �ppllable law lo <br /> Y � � Borrower �nd lo Ihe ol�er persons prooerlbcd by �ppllable I�w. After the IIrt� ►eqnired by appllable I�w� <br /> -- r Tnslw tYdl Rtre pablle notite oI sNe to t6e persons�nd In the m�nner preserlbed by�ppliablc I�w. Tru:la. <br /> � witM��l dem�nd on Borrowcr, sAdl sell Ih� Property st public �uetion l0 16e hiQhesl bl�der at 1he Iime �nd <br /> • ( ' plaa and �nder the Icm►s dcslQnalcd la the noltce ot s�ls in one or moro puals s� i� �ny ordcr Tr�sla <br /> • �• delermtnea. Traalee msy poslpoa� sale ot dl or sny p�rccl ot the Properly by prblie a����wemmnt �t 11� time <br /> ; �� aw/�laoe of any pn�loasly sebcduled s�le. Lender or ils deslance may pdnl�a�e t�e Paoperty�t �ny s�le. <br /> � ' a Upon reoelpt of paymcnl of tbe prlee bid� Tr�stee shall deliver to Ilu�arcl�ccr Trnsfee's dccd eon�eylnQ <br /> � � �he Property. TYe reeltalc In the Trnslee's deed sAall be prina taeie evide�ee e/�we Irath of the statemcnl� m�de <br /> � 1�ereln. Trocta rMall �pply tbe proeceds ot t4e ssle In /Ae tolloa�inQ order: (�) to all cosls and expensca of <br /> i exerelsla� tse power ot ale. and the wie, InclydlnQ Iha p�ymcnt ot Ihe Trnstcc's tces actu�lly Incaeed� aol lo <br /> �xreM !i ot /Me prinelpd rnoonl ot Ihe note �t Ihe Ilme ot the daiar�llon ot def�ult� and raso�ubte <br /> dtorneys(eeo aa permitled by I�w; (b) lo all sn�secnred by Ihis&carily I�strnment; �nd (c)any excesr to Ike <br /> ;. • i person or penoas IeQdly entllled to It. <br /> ' i FUMC 2019 (3/91) Page 4 ot S � <br /> � 1 <br /> I <br />