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<br /> _ 1-4 FAMILY RIDER -
<br /> Assignment of Rents 0020020062
<br /> TF115 I-0 FAMILY RIDER iF inade thi� 8TH dAy p� SEPTE�iiIBFR 93•
<br /> and is incorporatad into and shall 6e deemed to amend and supplsment the Mohguge. ueca of Tni.t or S�curity
<br /> Deed (the "Security Inatrument") uf the seme date given by the undcrsigm;d lthe "F3�►rn►wer") ta .r•ecure
<br /> Borrower'c Noto to
<br /> Th• EquitablR Building and L.oan Assaciation ot a�and Island.
<br /> N�braska� A F4dora�l 8avings Bank Ithe�•l.ender")
<br /> of tha sama date and covering tha Pmperty doccribcd in tha Security M�Irument and locatad at:
<br /> 706 � 708 CHUR4H RQ, QRANO ISLAND� N��IRA8KA 88801-7164
<br /> �Pmperly Addrcssl
<br /> • "�;�" 1-4 FAM14Y CUVENANTS.In uddition[o the covenanls und agrc�o�nla made in the Security Instrument,
<br /> ' Bortower and L.endcr furiher cavenam and ugrre ar follows:
<br /> o he
<br /> �>'�� .A?i7t•�?�_ '•�y� .,`.�x A. ADDITIONAL PROPERTY SUB�I�'iC'f TO THE S�CURiTY INSTRUMENT. In addition t t
<br /> � ' es`: r.,yf�4:�� Prop��ty described in the Securily�ln,trumen�.:��e folluwing items arc added lo the Propeny description,and shall
<br /> , ��w...w.,.
<br /> ��,, ulr,o con�tiwte the Property caverc�+i by t1e Security lnasrum�'nt:building materiuls,applipnces ond goods of every
<br /> -�' f<� ..'..�. ;. „�.;, natunc whatsoever �row or hereoftcr locat��►i in, on. �x uaed, or int4ndcJ w bc ur�.�! in.connection with tha
<br /> �,...,. �m
<br /> ,.�. ^;"����`�C�4�,���i p n , includin , but nat limited to, thu� for the u �es of s� I in ur diMriButin heatin . cuolin ,
<br /> . i4��,,`•'1;, ,::-�,.:: ., � Y R P �' upP`J 8 8 B B
<br /> . , :ti;�;�t'%�,`iY,s.`+;,,;��,.; electr�city, gus. water, ai�und light, fire pr�venti�n and eztinRuixhing apparews, securl�y and uccess control
<br /> � • , ';.,�,,;;�t?f�� apparaws, plumbing, bAth tub�:, w�ter henters, wutcr clnr•ets, sinkK, range�, stoves, refrigeraton, dishw�.tihen, ;�
<br /> � 'k.'.;.-.r.
<br /> ��, . .z,,. � �,�„ ��. dispc�sals, washers, dryers,uWmingti. storni windows, st�►rm acx�rs, screens, blinds, shal�s.cunuim and cunain.
<br /> �'•�`",i:;;��'. rods,attached mirmn.cabinete,panalling and attach�floor coverin�ts now or herwfier attached t�the Property.
<br /> .�. `•:.,.,. ..:.,.c . a!! of whirh. is�clud{ng rcplac�emcnts snd :uislIt�nns thereto. shall t+e �Iccm�xf t� Me and remuin a ppn uf Ihe
<br /> � -- , Properly covered by the Securi�y Inr�rument, Alb of the foregoinE togethcr with �hc Pmperty detirribed in the #.,:
<br /> . "'"'� Secu�ity lnstrument I�r the IeatiehoW estuta iG thu 5ecurhy In�trument is an u leasehaldl are referned to in this 1-4
<br /> � �4;.'. .,':., -.• +r.`. Femily Rider und the Security Inrtrumem as thu"Pmprrty."
<br /> �"• ���: � �• • ::.:; B. USE OF PROPERTY= C(DMPI.IANCE WITH LA1ti. &�Rnwcr xhall nnt k�.k, ugree ta or make A
<br /> �... :.• ,;, , .
<br /> '��;:�:•'"�'•' ' �.";i'� change in the use of the Pmprrly or it�ioning clu>�ificuti�m,un�e�� LcnJer hac ugreed in writinF tn the changa.
<br /> ; ;i:.;,
<br /> ' ' � • ��•,:`. Burrower shall camply wi�h ull lawx, �irdinunce�, regulu�ionx und requiremeath af any �overnmental body
<br /> � ,��:;.::..
<br /> .��:4� apPlicnble to the Pr��peny.
<br /> . •.�,s:c.
<br /> •�� ; C.SUBORDINATE I.IEN3. Frccpt a�prrntitt�Yl Ny 1'edcrol law, &►rrower shall not ullow uny licn inferior
<br /> �,, s;;,•r'.�<•• - .- ..�,�,�"°� to t11�Securily Instrument tu lk prrferted ngain�t thr Property witlx�ut I.endcr'�prinr wriucn pemiissam.
<br /> . � �� D.RENT LOS.S INSURANCE. &►rruwcr�hidl maintuin insurrnre uguimt rent loss in addi�ion to the aher
<br /> . �• �� , ' , hazarJ�for which iasurance i�reyuired by Unit��mi Covenant 5.
<br /> .�:.�;"�;� � E.•'BORROWER'S RICHT TO RM:1NtiTAT�"DEI.�TF:D.Unit��rni C��venunt 18 i+Jelet��J.
<br /> �: , . ., r., F. BORROVI'�R'ti O('('UPANCY. Unles. l.endcr and &�rn�wrr athcnvi+c ugrc�r in writing, the 6rst �
<br /> ;y`. sentcnce in Uniform Cu�•enunt b ronccming Rortawer'. �utiupanry uf thr PruExny i� delctcJ. All remuininF
<br /> -„ .,` - - rnvenurns unJ agn•rmenia aet tonh in[Jniii�rm Covcnum b�I�u+1 r�muin in ci'fect.
<br /> •�` . MULTISTATE 1 •4 FAMILY RIDEN•F�nni�MNlFnddb Mso WtHam Insbwn�nt Fortn 3170 3J83 �S„?i�
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