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<br /> ° 93-'sar�5
<br /> TOCi�'1'HBR WITM sll tON improvort�en� noM o� herwtte� erooted on the pm Y, �nd dl awmenv,
<br /> appurtenmoa�u�firiun��oN or hete�fter�p�M ot the ProPe�tY.All replsoemenv�nd add dor�s�1w11 dso b�oov�nd
<br /> by thb S�aurity�I���� trum�t,All ot th�faro�oln�i�roterrod to in thi�8eaurity In�trument M the"Q'roperty."
<br /> BURROWBA COVBNAIV��S ll�i AMMNK i�I�Mtutly rird of the�te INnby oonwyd�nd Iw ehe�iRht ta
<br /> �nt md amvey th�Piop�rty�nd th�t the Pwpdrty i�unenaumbered�a�apt for onaumbt�n�ae af reaord. At►rr+oMer
<br /> M�nmta and Mill detend Qener�lly the dtle w ehe Propeny apin�t dl ol�im�md dsm�nd�,subJeot to any enoumbranoe�
<br /> ot t+eo�rd.
<br /> THIB SBCURITY IN�'['RUMBPTI'combtna uni�orm ooverunte tor n�tioml use�nd non�uniform coven�nts Mlth
<br /> Nmlted vertstion�by juriedlotion w constitute�unf�erm oscurity instrument wverin�ral property.
<br /> ' UN1pOR(yI CO��$NANT3.Barrower and I.ender covemnt�nd��ae as toliaws:
<br /> ' :'� 1.Paymeat ot Prinaipd�nd Iatere�t;Prep�yment�ad L.�te Ch�r�e�. Aorrower stull promptly psy whan due
<br /> the prinaipl ot�nd intere�t on the debt evidenced by the Noto�nd any prep�yment�nd I�te ch�r�ee due under the Note.
<br /> Z. Fund�ior T�:e��ad In�u��nae. Subjeat to applicable law or w s w�itten w�iver by i�ender�Borrower eh�ll
<br /> w Londer on the day monthly psymente aro due undm the Note,until the Note ie paid in tull.a sum("Funde")ior.
<br /> (�i�yeuly taxae and aseesem�nts ahich m�y stai�priorlty over thio 3ecurity Inetrument as a lien on the Property;(b)
<br /> yp�ly leaeehold p�ymonta or ground rente on tha�roperty,if any; (e) yea�ly hazord or ptoperty ineurancx promiuma;
<br /> '��` (d)yoarly tlood insurance premiume,it any;(e)yarly mort�aQe ineurance premiums,it any;�nd(t)my eums p�y�ble
<br /> ���`±.. � by Borrowor to I.ende�,in�coord�nce with the pro�istons ot p�ragraph 8,in lieu oi tho p�yment ot mort�aRe insuru�ce
<br /> � � premiums.Theee items�t+e.�Etod Eserow Itome. Lender may.at any time,collxt and hold Funds in an smaunt not
<br /> '���s�1�'r���"?:�' to exceed tho m�imum amount a la�dor tor a tederally rolated mort��e Ioan may roquiro tor Horrower'e escroM
<br /> "'� ' �°k � axount under the iederd Real FBtate Settlement Procedurcs Aet ot 1974 as amondod trom time to time, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> . '''�`'0�`"� � Section 2b01 et ssq. ("RESQA"),unlesa�nother I�w that applies to the Funds sots a lewer amount.It eo.Lender m�y,
<br /> vr.. .
<br />,. � - ��i�„ -,y'��; ai any Umo.co!lr.ct and hold F'unds in an amount not to exceed ttie leeser emount.Lender mey eetim�te tha amount ot
<br /> ;� . , ;".,�,;��;���,,,�,,:;;� Fwr�ds due on tha basls ot c�arre�t daU and ra�son�blo estimatea ot exponditures ot fulure Pscraw Items or otherwiso in
<br /> r, � . accardance aith spplicable law. �,:.
<br /> r nr�� ik•i�r;��; -i � • �
<br /> '., ,,,.,"`. �f:r', ,,,�;{,�,�;•.�,',.�:��a The Funds s�All be held ln an institut�cm whoso deposits ere insured by a federal agency,instrumentulity,or entlty ,,,�;•.
<br /> flc�'.
<br /> `'� b;,,FS;';,�y�i fi'�r�,.:i� t (includinR Ixndar,it Lender is euch an imstitution)or in Any FederaJ Home Loan annk.Lender ahall apply the Funds ta ;r;:`:�°
<br /> ��'In�. �' _1��r..�•;; "��';i�•
<br /> ����;.,,;f�.5,-� ;,.,,�:� ,;;, . �*��,,.. pay the L'�sarow lceme.Lender m�y not char�Borrawer for haldin and applying tha Funda. annwlly an�lyz+og the ��h'%,:
<br /> :r � � ,�.!,.,.,,_ ,, y.;�a.,
<br /> . , .r�,::�,, �scroa aocount,ar veritying the Eecrow lume,unless Lender psye rrower i�tere8t on the Funds and appl icable laN �.�:�.
<br /> �� ���;.t��:.,:::�� >r.� 'l�'•�.
<br /> ,;,�,;,,,,:,�.-. ,_K,;. Fermita Lender to m��e such �chuge. Hoaever� l.ender may requiro Borrowor to pay e one-time charga tor an ,.:..
<br /> � '';sf;�z<<,,�� � �� �ndcpendent tea!eatAte tax reporting service used by Lender in connechon with tbis loan,unless applio�bl�law providea
<br /> . �•'' '; ' ,,;��'�.:.. , othqrwise.Unless an��roemcmt ia m�de or a�pliceble laa requires intoreat to be paid,Lendet ai�all not be reqwred to
<br /> 't:; '�� ;;.;:?,�•�'.1 � . ''�'� pwy$orrower�ny lnterest oa earninga on tha Fuads.Borrower end Lender msy agree in writing,howevor,that interest ,.�,y
<br /> n. �•':l''� !.;• I.�y�.i��,',�,';`'(j;!y`+y R?9�.
<br /> � � �� � ��, � � afiall be id on the Funs3s.7.ender ahell va to Borrower.without char .�r�annual eccounun o!t0�e Funds,ehowin
<br /> ., p� ��.,;i�..
<br /> n s B� � g
<br /> .`.� � "";�;_,�°"°;•''• ��d:ts and�btts!o!}et�u�ds end tht+��r�f�+t which each debit to ti►e�nds was madr.T�►e Fun�are pledged as
<br /> . , fy. .
<br /> :,`r';rt�,,.:;,;�i',+,�'s'��'r:� Addidanal sxiu�ity foi��If saans sec�red by this Secur�ay Instrumrnt, ' ��
<br /> ,�:;��. � �:,, 11 t6tie FcairJs held by L�der exaer,l the amounas perrs�titted to ba �e9�1 by applicsble law, Lender ahall account to
<br /> � ' " � Borrower for the excess Funde tn�ccor�3ance with t�e ngudrements ot applicable law.It the amount ot the Funds held
<br /> '� by Lendor at any time is not sut[icient w pRy the F.�cFOw ltema when due.Londer mey so notify Borrower in writing,
<br /> - and,in auch case Horrower shall pey to i.ender the amount necessary to mako up the deficiency.Horroaer ehali make
<br /> : up the deticienay in no more thsn twelve monthly paymonts,at Lender's sole disaretion.
<br /> '`��� Upon payment in full ot all sums secured by thia Socurity lnstrument,Lender ahsll promptly retund to Borrower
<br /> ' any Funds hold by l.ender_ It� under p�n�raph 21. Lender ahsll acquiro or sell the Property, I.ender. prior to tho " `
<br /> � acquieitton or e�lo of the Property, sh�ll �pply any Funda held by Lender at the time ot acquieition or sale as e credit
<br /> ,i. � a�ainst the eume socured by this Secudty lnatrument.
<br /> � 3. Applidtion of P�yments.Unlesa applicable law provides otherwise,al) payments roceived by Lender under
<br /> p�n�raphs 1 and 2 shall be �pplied:tirst,to aoy propeyment chsrges due undar the Note;second,to�mounta payoble �;,�
<br /> � ��� ' 1 � under para�raph 2;rhir�,to in!errot due;tourth,to principal due;and lest,to any late charges duo undor tho Note.
<br /> �� '. r � , 4. C6�r�es; Lioaa. Borrower ehall pay all texes,�sseasments,oharges,tines and impoaitions attributable to the
<br /> . . Proparty wl�ich may�ttain priority ovar thia Security Instrument,and leasohold payments ot ground renta, it�ny. �� ��
<br /> . .....---- _. Borrower shsll pay thoee obligations in the manner providod in peregreph 2,or ii notpeid in that manner, Borrower •
<br /> ' �'�-"`-- shall pay them o�time diroctly w tho person owed payment.Borrower ehall promptly furnish to Lendet all notias of �.
<br /> ' � emounts to be paid under this per�greph.It Borrower makes these paymonts directly.Horrower shdi promptly tumish : �:
<br /> ' to Lendar roceipts evidencing the payments. `'"�'i
<br /> �" .�,,;.,. Borrower shell pramptly discharge any lien ahich hes priority over this Security Inetrument unless Borcower. (e) ;�n;�
<br /> „ '' .' • a�rc,es in writin$w tho payrnent of the obligation secured by tha lien in a manner acceptable to I.ender.(b)wntests in ''�
<br /> ' good hith tho I�en by,or d�tends ageinst entorcement of th6 lien in, legal proccedin�s which in the Lender's opinion
<br /> '' �� operate to provent the entorcement ot the lirn;or(c)secures from the holder ot the lien an agreement satisfactory to "'
<br /> � �° , � ,f '',','.
<br /> � : ir. -� . ���� Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.lt Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject .
<br /> • to s lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,l.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the
<br /> �'i lien. Borrower sheil satisty the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 daya ot the giving of
<br /> ; notia.
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